Hi there,
I have always wanted to start my own fitness studio (aka gym) that focus on functional, movement and/or Rehab Training with health/lifestyle coaching. The key focus group will be those in their 40s and abv as it is in this period of their life that they will start to think about getting healthy like when they were in their 20s or 30s. OR they be experiencing some pains in their body that needs some help with.
It will be a studio/gym that don't have all the bulky machines. Means lesser investment needed. It should look something like this studio in Australia - https://www.instagram.com/p/BrLlNo4h-Uw/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=13zmqnibf9v3b maybe with a few more punching bags for me to teach Muay Thai / Boxing.
Space required will be about +/-1500 sqft with shower facilities preferably in a mall or heavy foot fall area.
Some USPs of the Gym
- 3 main focus PT, Small Group Classes and Epigenetic Health/LifeStyle Coaching
- Sports Massage Therapy available
- Daily walk in to use the gym (with limited spots)
- Grp class can be in membership package (with limited classes or unlimited or just walk in)
- Grp class attend the class and get a lunch/dinner meal included after class?
- Space for other trainers to rent to use to train their clients or use our massage bed for Sports Therapists to rent too.
- Need only about 3-4 Coaches to manage and oversee the ops of the studio.
Anyone interested, please feel free to get in touch with me.