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Male HQ

Open Club  ·  103 members

SG Dudes Club

About This Club

This a socialising club for guys in Singapore to have some decent gatherings, activities, KTV or travelling. Do join us if you would like to know some nice friends to hangout together through the various activities. Do pm me and provide me your line ID and we will chat from there! Cheers! Please note that there will be no announcement of events here as all events will be shared and announced in Line chatgroup. Do join us in the line chatgroup. Cheers!
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Hi, just joined the club, is there a line group for this club too? Please add me into it, thanks. Line Id : a20231711
  3. For those who are more Open minded and adventurous to make some friends, you might want to join the following line group;- http://line.me/ti/g/crj9R0zTpY
  4. Next coming event is on Monday, 27th January 2020 for a CNY BBQ. PM me if keen to join that evening event. Cheers!
  5. Yes there is a gathering every month... we just had a bbq this month. Next month event is fully booked for the pizza party. You may want to join February valentine party. PM me to join the line group for future events. Cheers.
  6. Hi I am new here is there any recent meet up in the new future?
  7. oh I will not be available by that time I will be on vacation in Philippines already
  8. Thank you guys for attending the potluck session! Fun indeed, The next event will be a pre Xmas BBQ and Steamboat dinner on 15th December, Sunday. PM me for details if you are keen to join the fun! Cheers!
  9. There will be potluck gathering this coming Sunday, 17th November from 5pm to 9pm. Location at Sengkang. Do feel free to pm me if you plan to join us! Cheers!
  10. Anyone here into Decent socialising with some other guys thru makan, movies, ktv etc? Do feel free to pm me to join the group. Cheers.

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