Singapore is home to many cultures. Since independence, Singaporeans have lived and worked harmoniously with people from all walks of life. We are indeed proud to be in a nation that values and celebrates diversity.
Openness, understanding and tolerance are important tenets of our society. In Singapore, however, very little is known about a segment of Singaporeans – the LGBTs (lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered individuals). Out of fear and ignorance, prejudice forms.
Many negative things have said about the LGBT community; that they are abnormal, anti-family, perverse, demented, diseased… the list goes on.
Safe to say, the LGBT community in Singapore has been subject to a multitude hate speech and bigotry.
Pink Dot recognises that many Singaporeans are conservative. However, we also recognize the dangers that prejudice and bigotry can have on our social fabric. We are mindful that in some countries, hate crimes towards the sexual minorities have spurred outcries and social unrest.