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      BlowingWind Bulletin Board Without An Attitude. A forum for the mature Singapore GAY man.

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  • Recent Threads

  • Our picks

    • Chapter 1 - Mint
      I feel despondent as I take heavy steps towards the company line. Having just finished my POP a couple of days ago, it feels surreal to be back here. I see a few other guys who have already arrived. I quicken my pace and join them. I see Sgt. Lee, one of the specialists in-charge of Platoon 4, exit the company office. He adjusts his Duty Sergeant arm band as he walks towards us. 
      "Okay, I know that you all don't want to come back here, especially after your POP. Unfortunately, all of you screw up somewhere during your BMT and got caught by your Sgt. and now must serve this confinement. But at least just one night. So just suck it up, don't give me any trouble and you can go home happily tomorrow and enjoy the remainder of your weekend. Can?"
      We reply with a resounding "Yes, Sgt!" He ticks off our names. Besides myself from Platoon 2, there are a couple of guys from Platoon 1 and another one from Platoon 4. Sgt. Lee looks up and looks a little confused.
      "Eh, how come there's one guy missing."
      Just then, we see a guy running towards us. 
      "Sorry, Sgt. I got delayed at the gantry. Not my fault."
      Sgt. Lee isn't impressed with his answer.
      "You forever with your excuses, Kelvin. Go join the rest."
      Kelvin is from Platoon 3 and is known to be quite notorious. A bit of a troublesome character, there isn't really anyone who didn't know him in the company. He had been yelled at several times by Seargents and Officers alike. He must also be the one who must have gotten punished the most during our BMT. He cuts quite an intimidating presence especially with his muscular built and...
      • 140 replies
    • Was with a few old friends and was chatting about places we've been and missed.  A few names which pops up and some at the tip of my tongue but failed to recall.
      LGBT Bars
      Pebble Bar at former Forum. very rowdy crowds. not much impression.
      Inner Circle at Tg Pagar.  A place where I ventured alone and later found that it was a place I belong. Had many great and happy times. Always remember the New Year Eve celebrations. Lots of fond memories and met many friends there.
      Vincent's Lounge, Far East Plaza. Hardy been there but it's a place where the Ang Mo and the MB hangs out.
      Xpose - South Bridge Road - Remembered that there were many singing competitions held there and the owner Alan.
      MOX bar - Tg Pagar Rd - remembered this place as it's mostly white. don't hang out there much.
      DYMK - Neil Road, been there a few times for gathering or someone's birthday
      Locker Room - Neil Road. been there only a few times
      Disco / Clubs
      The Hangar - Opposite Bayshore park but the colonial building demolished to make way for condos.  Remember it as a a building up a slope. Sunday is where there will be drag queen shows. Rather happening but due to the location. don't go there much.
      Marmota / Shadows. Kallang Leisure Mall.  Disco dancing only on Sunday
      Niche. Far East Plaza level 5. First official gay disco club in Sg. Owner Bernard who later close Niche and open Inner Circle Karaoke. was one of the most happening gay disco bar of it's time.
      Rascal - Disco at (can't remember the hotel). Only on Sunday
      Studebaker / Venom at Orchard Pacific Plaza (building next to Holiday Inn)
      Why Not? Tras Street The famous twins who owns the dance club and the Babylon KTV
      Taboo at Neil Road which recently closed.
      ...and the rest and in between all forgotten.
      What are the bars and the discos that you remember and the memories you had?
    • Hi just wanna rant. 
      So i like my best straight friend. He knows it too and despite of that, we are still friends. I got a boyfriend now, who is really great, and he got a girlfriend too. But at times, i still fraternize about him and we still talked and...
      • 81 replies
    • 1.  We just did our BlowingWind Annual Forum Version upgrade.
      Our Forum Software Provider just released this as a Major Upgrade.
      A brighter UI with more saturation & contrast and simpler overall color scheme Improved typography
      Better, more consistent, spacing around and between elements, especially on mobile Better logical grouping of sections of each page
      Reducing underutilized links/buttons...
      • 50 replies
    • 1. what are you watching now?
      2. what is it about?
      3. why do you like it?
      4. anything else you would recommend?
      • 675 replies
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