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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2010 in all areas

  1. lohwpr

    Nightly Ranting

    Aiyo, u r giving yrself too much credit. if U r what u said "gay written all over me ; My voice disclosed my identity, my action speaks volume", then u r one of those who behave more 'girly' than a typical female. Have u even consider the alternative, they stare at you because u look and act like a FREAK! ""Was at NTUC queuing up to pay for my item when the opposition cashier decided to open up her counter and called out to me: "Miss, you can pay here!!" *Sigh* "" There is nothing to *sigh*. U probably, dress like one, walk like one, talk like one and u sigh when people call u "Miss"?
    1 point
  2. Guest

    Changi Business Park (Cbp)

    Gosh...There are still ppl who dont seem to understand that this CBP is a big scam.... So many ppl went there and wrote that there are not a single soul there yet there are still those who wanna waste their time there. The chances one bump into a gay who's looking for sex in CBP is same as in your residential neighbourhood area. That is only when you are lucky. Most of the time, u will find that u will be the only one there. Not even those who claim they are coming tonight.
    -1 points
  3. Guest

    Nightly Ranting

    My tiring journey has finally brought me to a huge river. There is no way I can cross over to the opposite side of the river without any log or bridge to help me. The last time I was here, there was a long bridge but I missed it because of father owl sudden ailment and I have to rush home to tender to him. Now that I am here again, the bridge is gone!!!! The worse thing is, there is drought coming my way and certain part of the forest is already burning like crazy. Soon it will get me toasted alive if I can't think of any solution fast. I am at a lost. Probably, I am not fated to reach the fantasy mountain successfuly and this angry river lived many hungry piranha. Already see them jumping along the rivers. Wish there is a floating log to bring me away from the burning land. Under desperate measure, I hope to meet a kind crocodile to give me a ride, if there is any such species on earth. Was at NTUC queuing up to pay for my item when the opposition cashier decided to open up her counter and called out to me: "Miss, you can pay here!!" *Sigh*
    -1 points
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