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  1. 5 Signs You Have Fallen In Lust Take a look at the following 5 signs that can save you from definite disappointment and probable heartbreak when you fall into the impermanent rush of lust: 1. “I don’t care who you are, where you’re from, what you did - as long as you love me” The last time you heard something like this it was probably flying out the microphones of the Backstreet Boys in the 90’s. Just like their careers, this mentality will shoot you up into the skies for a temporary rush and evaporate quicker than your goals to achieve those Backstreet Boys six-pack abs. If you do love someone - you DO care about everything! This includes who they are as an individual. How do you know you love someone if you don’t care to learn anything about who they truly are? 2. “I want you now!” Ok, so maybe you haven’t quite grasped the concept of: “He’s just not that into you.” Your response: "Who cares! Let’s live for the moment." Or, “She has a boyfriend?” To which you say, "Puh-leez! Those are small obstacles that can easily change." STOP! This mentality is a definite red flag. When you don’t care about the benefits or consequences that your actions will have on your new infatuation - you do not love this person. Selfishness is an important sign that your new romance is just a transitory fling. 3. Obsession with physical attributes Thoughts constantly flood your mind about your lover’s eyes, lips, bra-size, and “oh, my” that smile! It is a good thing that you are physically attracted to your mate; it is a bad thing that that’s all you are attracted to. If you can’t think of anything else you like about your partner besides the way he or she fits into those jeans, then it is time to reassess the purpose of that relationship. Looks will change, people! True love, on the other hand, has the endless potential to grow. 4. Moving at the Speed of Light! This concept is fantastic when applied to technology; but for your relationship, it's a sure recipe for disaster. Love is patient. Lust is a passionate or overmastering desire. Hmm. “Overmastering” sounds like a typical word used to describe addictions. What happens when you can’t feed your addiction? You inadvertently want and need more, and it does not matter where it comes from. Is this the type of relationship you want? If you can’t take things slow by allowing sentiments to marinate, you will be hit with a dose of reality - which will have strong withdrawal affects on your addiction. 5. “You and me baby ain’t nothing but mammals, so let’s do it like they do in the Discovery Channel” This song always makes me giggle - but in reality, this is not a funny situation. When I looked up the definition of lust, every website, dictionary, and erotic book stated the same thing: "Lust is an intense sexual desire or appetite, uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or craving, consumed by intense unbridled sexual aspiration." Yeah - all that sex and no substance. Sex can be great, but it is just one of the many elements that compose a relationship. You can’t just have sex and eliminate the conversation, ambitions, goals, romance, trust, and commitment. This mechanism will leave you with sex alone - that will eventually lose the “S” and just become an EX multiplied to the many ex’s you will have when you fall for lust. Overall, lusting for someone can seem like a fun and innocent time - but in reality it is cruel, deceiving, and self-seeking. In the end, both parties will be saved from much heartache, confusion and wasted time if you learn to recognize the signs of lust and learn to seek the actions of love. Love is healing, kind, ever-lasting and free for all of us. Go in love and peace will follow. Angela Medrano is a freelance writer, BounceBack.com member and regular contributor residing in New Jersey. If you need advice or would like to read more of her articles, contact her at: medranonangela@yahoo.com. Source: http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/sex/5-signs-you-have-fallen-in-lust-2409779 ======================================================= I think this applies to guys too. Especially those seeking a LTR.
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