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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/2011 in all areas

  1. Luckily I am not an English-language teacher...
    1 point
  2. You may want to consider the Nikon D7000 or Sony A55 if budget is not an issue. Alternatively, you may want to opt for full-frame DSLR instead of APS-C. Give yourself more time to decide as it is costly to switch from 1 brand to another for DSLR due to the lenses. Hope the following sites will help to make a good decision: http://www.clubsnap.com/forums/index.php http://www.dpreview.com/
    1 point
  3. There are only 2 brands, I believe you should try if u want to go pro in future: Canon or Nikon, up to you. Regarding which camera to buy will also depend on your budget, and what you want to shoot. Just my quick suggestion :Canon 7D or Nikon D300S, for serious amateurs or semi-pro. You will also need to invest in lenses and other accessories in the future for your hobbies. Nikon lenses are generally more expensive than Canon lenses.
    1 point
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