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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2011 in all areas

  1. Go fxxx his gf. Dnt forget to leave the door open. U wil fil happy. Den pass his gf to me. Den evrybody happy. End of story.
    1 point
  2. I think most of the folks here already said what you should know. I guess my input will be: a. Dun get into a relationship with a girl (or a guy) hoping it will 'fix' a problem. It will cause more unnecessary stress for yourself and you may end up more unhappy with yourself b. While I hope more people can be more comfortable with coming out, everyone has a different family and situation to deal with. Come out when it is safe for you emotionally. It is really pointless to come out to anyone if you are still unsure. And if at the same time you faced rejection from your loved ones, it will just make your journey harder. Remember coming out is not just to others, it is also to yourself.
    1 point
  3. If you would rephrase your question - is ist possible to live in a life with a fear about myself - I think you would see a much clearer picture where you are actually heading and leading your life. Just take some time to look at this question/line and ask yourself quietly. You either live in a life, accepting yourself living life freely and fully as much as you can. Or you live in fear, always hiding in a facade, always living in someone else's shadow, but never your own light, where it navigate you want you really want and who you really are. Your parents, a girl you want fitting your expectations, and your fears. And you wanna form a very balance equation from these three elements. But these elements are alive and it is variable. You cannot control others to fit your scheme just because you live in a fear. The more you control, the more your fear will grow, then the lesser you have the power over yourself. And the more mess you would create for your life eventually. Think about it. Good luck dude.
    1 point
  4. Just don't tell till you are more sure. Anyway when you are more sure about who you are, things will come naturally. When i was twenties, i worry about such things. Worrying about what others will think if i am gay and such. Now at thirties, this kind of issue is no longer that important to me. Life is just too short to be tied down over such things. I also have friends in their thirties who have not told their parents. Even my partner who has been together with me for several years are still not out to his parents. Just doesn't seem that important after awhile.
    1 point
  5. I still don't understand how could one accept gifts from a stranger who appears out of the blue, whom you hardly even know his real intent, and then perform sexual acts on him. when he is not even your type you are interested in. The way you present your case, it sounded there is a transaction going on somewhere, and revealing a bit of material greed coming from you. Don't and haven't you realized using gifts over someone is a form of emotional manipulation? There is no such things as a free and easy meal in this world, except gifts from real friends who buy you things because you really need it, not you want it. For there is a saying, you buy things what you need and not what you want. Need comes first, wants comes later. This is not too late to distangle yourself from this situation. You should return to him all gifts unused or unpacked, and pay him back what you have used and unpacked. In this way, he cannot say you are materialistic, or you will be labelled with derogatory terms. As such, he can no longer can have a hold over you in the future. Period.
    1 point
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