Estee's ANR have being in the market for a long time so, it must be effective in what it promises to deliever, otherwise its status won't have survived for so long in the mist of the very fierce competition of the cosmetic world. Where else for Lancome Genifique's range so far, althought relatively very new in the market, it has already welcomed many good compliments from many of my friends who had tried. Some of them said they are at their third bottle since it was launched 1 year ago. Yet individual skin reacts effectively to different patented chemistry in each label, so you can't say which is better, putting aside their pricing consideration. Serums are applied morning and night. But when you purchase one, do consider how dry your skin is able to "drink" in the serum ,without leaving you that sticky residual feeling on your skin and the humidity of our tropical climate. If they are that rich, then I suggest your apply them at night before you sleep. Personally I tried both brands before. I find ANR very good but apply it at night. However it does leaves that sticky feeling in the day, that it may not blend well with other moisterizer you later apply. With our humid climate, you may end up attracting more dirt and dust on your face. The rule of the thumb is, always allow 1 half minutes for one item to settle on to your face before you apply the next. Genifique is more whitish water base, not so "gluey" so its easier on the face. It smells nice as well. The results can be seen about 7 days later. The skin is tighter pores are much finer. I dont have lines on my face so i can't tell you at this point whether if it is effective against lines or wrinkles on the face. However, presently in the market, Prevage reigns as the top most effective anti aging serum in the market. I can vouch for that because I have tried before. But it is extremely pricey. Cost about $300 for a 50ml bottle. Let me share you a tip. No serum can effectively work if there are toxic in between the cellular structure. These radicals simply interferes with what the serums are supposed to task. Before you apply , try Christian Dior's Capture Totale One essential. It rids toxics and radicals, to path the serums to work effectively. At the celluar level, increase your vitamin C intake as high as 1000 - 3000 mg daily. At the celluar level you may want to intake Coenyzeme Q10. Its an antioxidant for normal heart functions, reduced cholestrol related issues , and surprisingly, anti aging As you age, the skin cells loses its rapid momentum to produce and divide itself at the mitochondrialevel, thus you have sagging skin. Q10 activitates cells activities at the cellular level, and thus boosting energy as well. Sportmens and athletics uses this to boost their cardiovascular performance. They come in 15 30 50 75 100 150 200 300mg. However if you want to give it a shot,I would advise you to consult medical professionals if you have a medical conditions or is taking any prescribed drugs currently. Skin care routine is just a way of preventive measurement and maintaince, thus there is nothing wrong if you want to start early. You don't have to wait for any signs of lines to appear before you decide to act upon it. Its like, if you have being taking your garlic pills, antioxidants regularly and daily, you won't even be bothered by the bug flu, while the rest are affected by it. Then again, if there are are cheaper brands that can work effectively, why not give them a shot ?