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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2011 in all areas

  1. amkies

    English Chat

    Not trying to bitch but just some comments on your posting. 1. It's pretty obvious that you used the conjunction "unless" the wrong way. 2. Your posting is also very incoherent. Can't really make head or tail on what you are trying to say. I think being coherent in what you are trying to say is more important than getting the grammar right so as to get your message across.
    1 point
  2. Beauty starts from within. Most of the time, what u consume is more effective than what u apply.
    1 point
  3. SomeGuyInSg

    English Chat

    Hey all, i wanna ask if u'll mind that someone who chats u up have bad english. Would u point it out, or would u just keep quiet and avoid chatting with the person in the future? Personally i'll mind bad english and avoid chatting with the person, so now i'm curious if it's just me or if others do the same. I use short forms n msn lingo too, but someone ppl does it really extremely. A random example is a guy whom i've chatted with who doesnt use question marks (or basically all punctuations). So he would say "had dinner" and i'd have to ask if that was a question. Accompanied by many other grammar problems everywhere, i got tired talking to him. So my question is, Bad Grammar = Turn Off?
    -1 points
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