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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2011 in all areas

  1. Good things must be shared. So here are some of my fave
    1 point
  2. Guest

    English Chat

    I am English born in England, grew up in England went to school in England and my grammar is rubbish, I am going out with a Singapore guy whos English is also not that great we might not understand each other all the time and some times have to explain what we are saying but we do know its fun with each over and we laugh with each other when we get things mixed up when talking, but I sort of understand what you are saying as the times when its worse is when we text each other, so most times we just give up and phone each over, as deep down I guess we know what each and other is trying to say
    1 point
  3. Guest

    English Chat

    Some people are just not well educated or have difficulty in learning. If someone has bad English take time with them, you never know that person might be the love of your life and cos your acting like a snob you could loose them, English is not everyones first language and for some people even if it is they still have problems, Don't be so quick to judge someone on your own standard
    1 point
  4. Guest

    Asia Chubby Men / Bear ( Not Office Safe)

    Wondering if 173 cm in height/93kg can be consider stocky/Baby Chub or what shud be classified in?
    1 point
  5. Guest

    English Chat

    How come you can pick on people's grammer, and others cannot pick on yours? If you don't want others to regard your posting as cheap thrill, then don't behave like one...... :P
    0 points
  6. Guest

    Pearl Center Stairway Still Happening?

    The stairways is on the left of the shopping centre (3rd Floor) where all the toilets are on the left of each floor. I was there too, dun see him sleepin there, probably be back today. Haha. I like his china pyjamas pants, so cool.
    -1 points
  7. Guest

    Pearl Center Stairway Still Happening?

    You are a sickening Molester !! The chinaman just want to find a quiet to sleep after night shift and you go touch him ?! You're no better than the people who go around to molest the Homeless. People like you have shamed other gays.
    -1 points
  8. Guest

    English Chat

    hmmmmm.... ".....but someone ppl does it really extremely."... ermmm... bleep bleep... grammer murder has occurred... and the perpetrator is none other than someguyinsg... hahaha... joke of the day look in the mirror 1st, boy
    -1 points
  9. Guest

    English Chat

    -1 points
  10. Guest

    Pearl Center Stairway Still Happening?

    Yes they are all ahpeks, cause they got nothing to do, you can see many of them in China town. I think the police should arrest these dirty old men, what do they think these china men are, prostitutes?
    -1 points
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