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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2011 in all areas

  1. I am not fully out of the closet (collegues & most family members) but quite a few of my friends know I am gay. I chose who I want to be out to because not everybody can accept homosexuality in their midst. I guess it makes them uncomfortable in different ways. I fully understand that. My sister knows because I came out to her. When I was younger, I was afraid of being found out (like everybody else). As I grew older and more rebellious, I developed that 'heck care' attitude and shoved my sexuality in people's faces. But now as a more mature adult, I find that I don't have to tell anyone as it is none of their business anyway (unless they wanna bed me!) what my sexual preference is. Many young guys have asked me the same question you asked and this is what I tell them: "Come out of the closet as and when you want to, whenever you are ready to. No one should make you feel that you MUST be out in order to be happy. No one is allowed to force you out of your comfort zone in this particular situation. Be who you want to be first and be happy about it. Your happiness and self-worth is your priority and no one elses. When you achieve that, come out of the closet when you're comfortable with the situation and to the person(s) you are comfortable disclosing it to. Come out with dignity, not with resentment " Hope that helps. But do step out every once and a while, cos it's really nice out here, rather than in there.
    1 point
  2. Please do not call ppl sick. What makes you think that you are any more 'normal' than anyone of us when you yourself like to dress like a women? Pls respect others fetish just as you would want people to respect your fetish. If you misbehave in BW forum here by being rude and disrespectful I may be forced to remove you from the forum. Take heed my warning.
    1 point
  3. 1. I will start screaming like a girl and run to the bathroom and take a good shower 2. Scream and throw a hissy fit telling the btm that he should be ashamed of himself for not knowing the basics of gay sex. Douche before you get fxxked. 3. Obviously there will be no continuation ever. Having said the above. Shit happens. That's life.
    1 point
  4. What is sooo difficult on how to act on this kind of situation? R u mentally challenged?
    1 point
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