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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/01/2011 in all areas

  1. When demon-san tells you to go to sleep, you fxxkING GO TO SLEEP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3leC_hdbyg&feature=related
    1 point
  2. Remind her she's a woman.
    1 point
  3. Theres one time a female colleague fell into a longkang and the first words of concern that came out from my mouth was "oh no u gonna ruin the dress!"
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Guest

    Opinion Of Sharing Of Finances

    Hey Dude, I am the older guy in my r/s too. In life there is UPs and DOWNs and this is where the real test of love comes in. I think you have to sacrifice for him if you really love him. When I was jobless, my bf and I only does simple stuff swimming, walk in the park, eat hawker, watch FREE TV. He rejected most of the friends invites giving all sorts of excuses just to save money for me. For 6 months it was only 2 of us [yes, I got burn out and only start looking for a job after a 6 months break but I continue to provide for my mom/dad and pay my house so he understands I don't have the extra cash] Even after getting a job it took me another 6 months to return to be the man I use to be because previously I only eat 2 meals a day and loses a lot of muscle mass so I wasn't looking really fantastic. That year my bf was very supportive even though I can see he is worry abt me. My point is this is a real test of love. You can help him indirectly, like moving in with him so that it justify you helping him offset some of bills. He has to accommodate your "stuff" in return so that you don't feel short-changed. You will have to sacrifice too by doing activities which is "FREE" and eating cheaper food or maybe even cook! If your friends are real, they will understand your situation. I don't know what kind of MAN your bf is, you will have to be the judge if he is worth it or not. For me, I am that kind of MAN which remember kindness because of that year my loves sacrifice and patience makes me strive to be a better man so now I earn double of him and I bring him to nice places and treat him once in a while. He stays with me now and i only ask him to pay $250 as a token of rental. I hope both of you will survive this test of love - cheers!
    1 point
  6. I think your b/f is happy for you to continue to carry him. He needs to understand that it was only a temporary thing,whilst he gets back on his feet! He's probably a little tired and lacking confidence and motivation? As you said, you have already discussed this twice. Explain that as from( you choose the date) you need to get your own finances back under control and you can no longer assist in helping him financially. It's called 'tough love'. He needs a good swift kick up the pants, so he can, again- stand on his own 2 feet. You have given him an inch and he has taken a yard! It's all about 'give and take' in any relationship. Not take take and take all the time! I hope it all works out and you both live happily ever after! :thumb:
    1 point
  7. Actually, Iam still supporting my parents at this ripe old age of mine. If you stay at his place for about 5-6 nights a week, I guess it is logical to go on a co-sharing of the utilities. As for luxuries, you can indulge him once in a while subject to your own finances.
    1 point
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