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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2011 in all areas

  1. Zoe fans like Starsshine always urge audiences not to be too critical of her, its not her fault, beyond her control etc. You mean choosing a role suitable for herself, choosing a role suitable for her own age, learning to pronounce her own role name properly are all not her fault and beyond her control? Anyway, there’s nothing spectaculous about her achievements. What she had achieved were achieved by Xiang Yun and Chen Liping before her, and Fann Wong etc after her. What non-fan audiences do not like are undeserving hype and fake glorious titles bestowed upon Zoe by the local media, designed to artificially pump up her declining popularity.
    1 point
  2. Guest

    The Tantric Crowd

    Having your period today, buahkeluak?
    1 point
  3. imchaser

    Acronymns Of Today

    This is mis-translation from gay ah beng and ah lian that do not know abt the pig latin code... haha. I mean come on, what kind of respected queens will use some random chinese slang to label themselves... .
    1 point
  4. Jetstream

    Acronymns Of Today

    It's pig latin as far as I remember. Any word in the english can be converted to pig latin; this is how it works:- 1. shift the first letter of any word to the end - eg boy --> oyb 2. next, add "ay" at the end. "boy" becomes "oybay"; "boy-friend" becomes "oybay-riendfay". And if you want to talk about your boyfriend in public - eg. my boyfriend is cute, you would say: my oybayriendfay is utecay. Straight pple don't understand pig-latin, hence it's used among gay pple when the subject is not intended for straight consumption.
    1 point
  5. Men are all men...whether they are married or divorce. Why select such pple?
    1 point
  6. want to try married man , haha... im 27yo/ 172/65 / flex.
    -1 points
  7. buahkeluak

    The Tantric Crowd

    "Those who go out to bars must represent a minority of gay people." Really ? Based on what statistical data are you putting forth that factoid ? Your extensive experience with the heterosexual masses ? And this little gem: " ... the most interesting gay people are straight people. Haha.. less hangups, genuinely affectionate, sexy without being bothered about the way they look, and some I know have 6-packs and they don't even go to the gym, and they hate wearing tight Ts. If you are lucky to have a bromance with a straight guy, the sex can be amazing too. Haha. Up to the 1970s gay people were so interesting because they were so unconventional. Now gay people, as in those who go to the clubs, all have the same ideals, same way of thinking. Its a very monotonous rainbow. Straight people now have less hangups, are happy to have gay friends, and are getting free from conventional ways of living, and they are full of surprises!" Do you actually believe any of that ? 'Cause I don't. Like every other gay person out there, I grew up surrounded by straight folk, and I'm certainly not buying those implausible-sounding stereotypes for one second. You accuse your fellow gay men of being "monotonous, "predictable" and "conventional", but you seem at the same time all too happy to claim that "Straight people now have less hangups, are happy to have gay friends, and are getting free from conventional ways of living, and they are full of surprises", as if the ENTIRE heterosexual population of this country can be reduced to that simplistic four-way formula. You disdain the gay crowd's purported predictability, but your rush to predict what makes for heterosexual superiority strikes me as being a symptom of that very disease. Yes, sometimes gay men can be vulnerable to cliche-conformity - if only because we're a minority - but you've managed to do the same for the straight crowd: erode them into little more than trite, anecdotal banalities. And highly contentious ones at that. If straight people pigeonholing the gay community as a homogeneous mass - all of us sharing the same values, same interests, same lifestyles - is a pernicious stereotype, then gay people doing the same for the straight community isn't much better, a head-scratching exercise in illogical pointlessness. Finally, when you remark that "the more interesting question is what are the interesting facets of Life.. surely there must be more interesting things than "gay life" for gay people?", it's a fair criticism. However, I asked a fairly specific question about local gay life, and unless your grand, transcendental statement is accompanied by a concrete response to the query at hand, it just sounds like what it is: more abstract fluff. It's sort of like me asking how best to bring down the number of smoking-related deaths, and you replying that all of humanity should avoid tobacco. Certainly true, but so obvious and so profitless a rejoinder as to sound lamentably inane. I don't mean to be snippy, but your response strikes me as being full of personal issues which you're parlaying into some kind of pseudo-empirical generalization on contemporary gay and straight attitudes. If you'll like to contribute to the discussion, by all means go for it. But DO leave your hangups at the door.
    -1 points
  8. buahkeluak

    The Tantric Crowd

    I have to say, I'm surprised. Or perhaps I shouldn't be. So much spurious superiority going around, and so little intelligence or self-awareness. But then, hey, being judgey has always been a gay stock-in-trade I s'pose. So you don't like doing the same things other gay men do. Is it necessary to climb up on your high horse ? Which, I'd like to point out, is really more of a slow-witted pony. So "clubbing hopping homogeneous looking gay boys" are "stereotypical to say the least" ? So why are you adopting the same moralistic, holier-than-thou tone as so many other posters on this thread ? Wow, there's originality of thought for ya: "Gee whiz, I'm gonna start hatin' on everyone who doesn't like the things I do, just like all the other haters out there!" Lol ! And by the way, your little checklist of "dinners, karaoke, movies, the likes" doesn't sound much better than gay clubbing. It sounds EXACTLY like what so many other gay AND straight folk out there do, give or take a couple of tweaks. (Seriously, karaoke? You see like every second gay person I know, AND their second cousins twice removed. Not stereotypical or "homogeneous" at all, no.) If you'd said you, oh I don't know, enjoyed nuclear physics or devoted your spare time to lepers in third world countries, then yeah, I'd have replied that clubbing does sound frivolous. But all you seemed interested in doing was handing out unwarranted judgments like so much sour-tasting candy, based on what ? the fact that you enjoy eating and going to the movies and "the likes". <raises eyebrow> If you and your denigratory ilk - by whom I mean posters like Gay Spectrum and MisterPotter - want to present a point of view, do so without the judgments. Otherwise you just come across as so many ... simpletons with too many complexes and too few grey cells.
    -1 points
  9. buahkeluak

    The Tantric Crowd

    Was getting smashed at Tantric last night in my tightest tee, and not for the first time the thought arose: how representative is that crowd of the local LGBT community in general ? In other words, it it fair to judge from the sorts you see there what the gay scene here and its participants are like ? It was basically a. lots of local eye candy in their Friday night finest, b. white men and their entourages (including quite a few with pretty bizarre-sounding pseudo accents, ick), c. fag hags and d. the occasional transgender and/or cross-dressing individual. I guess my question is, that's not really an illustrative cross-section issit ? I'm sure many here aren't as enthralled by gay nightlife and its allurements as the throngs that flock to venues like Tantric and Tabs on weekends - myself included <lol> - so what are some of the other dimensions of gay life in Singapore ?
    -1 points
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