Lighten up ? If you’re attempting to trivialize the situation just enough so as to make it seem as if my response was an overreaction, don’t bother. You don't get to be snide and then laugh it off. Imagine someone going "Oh goodness all Chinese are money-grubbing loansharks really" and then telling them to "lighten up" when the people in question take offence. Get real. You want to make damning public conjectures then you should at least have the courage or the integrity of your convictions, or at least your assumptions. You can be gay, but you don't have to be a wimp. Your bitchy schtick may have worked elsewhere for a cheap snigger or two, but I think I'm going to call you on it here: 1. Sure I'm being judgmental. A provoked defence though, pales in comparison to an attack. Yes, that's what your silly gibberish amounts to in my book: offensiveness (in both senses of the word). Even in your second post the unthinking judgments are there. AGAIN, if you’ll like to contribute to the discussion, feel absolutely free to do so. If you’re going to use the opportunity to denigrate people with whom you differ in opinion and lifestyle choices with some flippant barbs, I suggest you take it elsewhere. 2. Trying to hide behind the "I'm only responding to your question" pretense is just disingenuous. You were couching your initial reply behind some pretty passive-aggressive derisiveness, and from the tone of it having a good time doing it too. I'm not really complaining though, more like giving it back to you right up your polyp-encrusted alley. If you want to take potshots, why not try being upfront about it ? Also, a bitter old nyonya ? So I guess this must be a habit with you - just make assumptions from whatever is at at hand. Not that it really matters, but I don't have a drop of Peranakan blood. A nick's a nick, not an existential statement.