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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2011 in all areas

  1. Sidney

    Leave Your Hate Behind

    Hi everyone, I don't usually post in the main forum. I prefer to post in the Members' Lounge. And people have said what I'm about to say before, and I think I've said it, too. Forgive me if this is repetitive. Feel free to skip past it. I was reading a few threads Pumping An Used Ass What Kind Of Dicks Do You Guys Like? I Hate Myself To Only Have A 4 Inches Cock Sniffing Men's Underwear... Sniffing A Man's Crotch and I noticed that there's a lot of hate and unpleasantness on Blowing Wind. I know the moderators try their hardest to keep the peace, but there are a lot of people here, and some of them seem to have nothing better to do than to put other people down. The fact is that everyone has their own struggles. I've had conversations here where I freely admit that I like cock, that I like sucking cock, and where I've discussed my experiences with BDSM, and even talked about what kind of guys I like, or shared my thoughts about relationships and so on. I'm not ashamed to talk about things I've done, and I'm not ashamed to say what I like, but it took me a long time to get to this place. Not everyone is so lucky. Different people have different reasons for coming to Blowing Wind. Some people come here because it's a chance to talk to other people about their hangups, or issues, or fetishes. Everyone wants to feel normal. It's not anyone's job to make people feel good about themselves. But honestly, if this is a community (and I like to think it is) then people should be honest, but kind, and refrain from putting other people down. Again, the moderators are good examples of this. And there are many people on BW who share their opinions in a way that is not offensive. I don't necessarily agree with their opinions all the time, but they express them in a way that does not diminish the people that they are talking to. Let's be honest. When it comes to sexual behaviour, it's too easy to stigmatise ourselves. "Yuck, we're perverted, it's all unnatural, eee, so dirty." I used to feel that way, too - no surprise - especially after engaging in an orgy, or some S&M scene. But I like to think that I've grown past that point. These days, I avoid doing things that make me feel less, or degraded. Unless it's on purpose, or part of the scene - and even then, that involves having partners who are aware of what's going on, and that I can trust. Long story - you can message me if you want to talk more about this sort of thing. It's even easier to call other people names. "Slut, prostitute, weird, pervert, sicko, no shame." But shame is the problem, isn't it? Let's not make this a place where we make one another ashamed. It's not your place, or my place, or anyone's place to dictate the behaviour of other people, within certain limits. Obviously, I'm not saying we should encourage illegal activities, or activities that hurt others, or even unsafe sexual practices. But aside from those exceptions, there is space for everyone to have their own preferences. If their preference is not your own, then maybe the best thing to do is to say nothing, or leave the subject alone. I've been fortunate to have lived in Australia for a few years, and it was good to see a very open, mature gay scene. There were forums and groups for people with different inclinations, whether you're into rubber, or toys, or bondage, or fetish play, whether you like bears, or twinks, or everything in between. During the Pride Festival, it was particularly good to see large mixed groups of people celebrating one another, because we're all worth something as human beings, and it doesn't matter who you love, or how you love. I myself think that our community is riddled with discrimination, and that we hide it by calling it "preference". I think that we don't value people as people, only as potential partners, and we can be shallow and superficial and (I'm guilty of this, too) think only with our cocks. It's too easy to make fun of people who have different tastes, or who look different from us, and it's too difficult to remember that they are people just like us. I'm not really sure what I'm asking for. I'm definitely not telling people *not* to share their opinions. It would be great if people weren't ashamed of their own desires, for a start, and didn't feel the need to be unkind to people who have different ones. So someone likes smelling guys' crotches - so what? Maybe if we all exercised a little empathy, and chose our words carefully, then conversations here could be more friendly, and more useful, especially for younger guys who are trying to work out for themselves what they believe, or how the world should be. We all have hangups. Please leave your hate behind.
    1 point
  2. Hey u know what? See that small green positive button on the right side of this post? WHy not give me a positive by clicking on it if u like what i post in this thread? Im trying to see if u guys like me or not. Please vote for me. Thank you and have a nice day bitches.
    1 point
  3. Guest

    Leave Your Hate Behind

    Personally, I think people don't like to hear negativity. But we can't ask them to put a hold on their hate at the doorstep. As long as it doesn't become coercion or full-fledged trolling arguments, I think we can just continue on. We can't just expect this world to be a fairytale. There are bound to be haters. But it is how we handle the situation rather than abstain completely for the sake of 'avoidance'. And yes, it let's our beloved moderators have some purpose to their job.
    0 points
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