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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2011 in all areas

  1. Guest

    What Annoys Me?

    ◎愚者想要改变別人,智者只想改变自己。 ◎不要怪罪於別人,亦不要自责於自己。 ◎诚心接纳人,尽心去做事。 ◎一切痛苦的根源,是源於对自己的无知。 ◎別人看到的是外表,自己看到的是內心。
    1 point
  2. Guest

    What Annoys Me?

    I bought a packet of red beads, those with a hole where you can poke a needle through. It cost me a dollar. Among the red beads, I noticed not all are hard red. Some look like dark orange. Among the 100 beads, I spend more than 2 hours mannually extracting the hard red from the dark orange ones. However, upon closer look at the Hard red which I have separated, I noticed, some have minor red spots on the beads. So I started to sort them out again. Now I have left with only 30 true red beads. But I am not happy again, I find some of the holes are bigger than the other...so I continue with my strenous job of taking them out one by one, measruing their hole individually...and eventually left with only 10 beads with the perfect colour and right holes for my expensive project. While kneaking half way thru my project, I noticed I was 20 short of beads...so I look thru the loose beads that failed my Quality control and realised they will not alter my project a bit if I re-employ them. In live, it is sometime good to be color blind and stop being calculative, because your grievances will not alter this world as it is. Nothing is made perfect.
    1 point
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