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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2011 in all areas

  1. Am very sorry to hear that. I know it must have been be very hard news to accept, and since you are here on the forums I presume you need a listening ear. We're here to support you, I'm sure BW is more than just juicy news and stories but also a source of peer support. I don't think you have no future, life can and should go on even if you are positive with HIV. Perhaps a rethinking of your dreams and future would be good.. in the face of such situation maybe you need a break to rethink what you think is important in your live. Don't give up, that's more important. You never know how things might turn out at the end of the day, and to end it all now would be to devoid yourself of that potential. Dreams and future is from within you, and we trust that you can do it. If you ever need professional help and someone to talk to, I suggest you may contact Action for Aids - 6254 0212. Also you should check out this site if you have not - http://www.afa.org.sg/clubgenesis/ . "Club Genesis (CG) is a peer-facilitated HIV support group for Positive MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) under the auspices of Action for Aids. CG caters to aspects of counselling, care and support to Positive MSM. " Talking to people with similar situation as you will help you unlock some of the answers you are looking for. But what is required forthmost, is for you to not give up on life. Live strong.
    1 point
  2. LOL!! That got me rolling on the floor in laughter
    1 point
  3. You need a big piece of newspaper and tear a small hole (enough to insert your cock in). You can jo as many times as you wish and the cum won't kanna your pubic hair.
    1 point
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