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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2011 in all areas

  1. I was from GESS (83-86) at the old compound along Anson Road. My first bf was my classmate during my Sec One days, puppy love I would say. When we went for our respective 2nd Lang classes, we would both find excuses to meet in the toilet cubicle for some fun! During swimming lesson, we would go to Yan Kit swimming pool, and find ourselves a quiet corner to explore each other's tools! He's married now with 2 kids, and we are still on amicable terms. Looking back, GESS did "nurture" quite many of us!
    1 point
  2. worldangel

    Be Happy :)

    Joke: What is called? A boy walks up to his dad and ask him "Dad what is that thing between a girls legs that has hair on it?" His dad said, "Well son that is called a vagina." His son thought about that for a minute and then ask, "OK then, what is that little thing that looks like a really small penis in a woman's vagina?" "Well they call that a clitoris son," said the father. "OK dad, just one more question... What is that really smooth piece of skin that is below a woman's vagina?" The boy’s dad thinks about this for a minute and says, "Well son, I don't know the medical term for it but I just call it a chin rest."
    1 point
  3. You guys think thats bad? Wait till you hear this real incident. Last year around July, my HK collegue was complaining to me what the PRC did to the crabs they sold to the Hkgers, beacuse it was reported in the HK papers. Apparently to bluff up the crabs to make them look more big and fleshy, what they did was to inject some kind of chemicals into the crusteans. Then the HKers ate those crabs... What happened next was the chemical was absorbed into the human system, causing an adverse reaction. The chemicals actually degenerated the muscle tissues and cells, causing the muscles to waste away quite quickly, which was like a sudden sacropenia/dystrophy. The effect was irreversible and most of the victims ended up wheelchair-ridden. Just a few days ago eating in a foodcourt with some friends, never had I ever flared my temper in public. But to this fxxking stupid PRC girl, she deserve it from me 100%. I ordered Ice Kachang, she gave me Cheng Teng, and asked me to pay up. I refused to because I said I never ordered any Cheng teng. And she insisted it was my mistake but I must take what was given to me and pay up I showed her their differences by pointing the pictures above the stall. Rising her voice a little, she insisted she never made any mistake. The mistake was mine, so pay up. Suddenly I just flared up rising my voice at her In Chinese, this is what I said... " Ni Ta Ma de Chow Chee Bye !! Are you fxxking tired of living? What my mistake? Youare so fxxking blind stupid and rude ! You might as well go work at Geylang and open your legs for all the Men ! Some one should just give you a tight slap and send you back where you should belong !" At this point, she was so shocked and was near to tears. Then some manager came over and I explained to her what happened. Not only she got a scolding from the manager, I got a free Ice Kachang as a compensation. Haha !
    1 point
  4. Golf Jokes: Scoring the Golf Games Perhaps you are aware of the scoring system in Golf. 2 over Par -- Double Bogey 1 over Par -- Bogey Even Par -- Par 1 under Par -- Birdie 2 under Par -- Eagle If you get a hole-in-one, it's called an "Ace." What is the score for 6 under? Payne Stewart.
    1 point
  5. Guest

    All About Condoms & Lubes (Compiled)

    -1 points
  6. Guest

    All About Condoms & Lubes (Compiled)

    -1 points
  7. Bi have an easier time of letting gay ppl know. We r more understanding. But it's a bit tough to open up to the wife. They get jealous lah. Being bi is safe choice. Both the straight and gay are more tolerant. i m gay but i know i have chosen a rocky path ahead. no regrets though.
    -1 points
  8. Me har? Hmm no problem....just say he v poor thing loh. That CB girl good lah, learn a lesson. I bet she rolling on bed, giggling & fondling herself to sleep every night....with tears of joy steaming down her cheeks
    -1 points
  9. According to papers she already not virgin & had multiple sex intercourse. Aiya, she go to dance club already must be careful, still never control her liquor, wear mini skirt and danced initimately with a stranger, she also has to be blamed. Serves her right. The man so poor thing
    -1 points
  10. 1. Please concentrate on the topic at hand. 2. Do respect privacy. This is a public forum. Do NOT get PERSONAL in your attacks. Cheers ! Hendry Tan Admin cum Moderator
    -1 points
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