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  1. imchaser

    Do You fxxk Around?

    No offence, but im not even old but at least i know enough to know whats happening in the real world and not in Disneyland, and not judge ppl by it whether its up against your moral believe or not. And at least i dont keep comparing gay relationship with straight relationship by using my parents as example like u and some poster above. Remember the thread abt why married men cheat ? Its the same case here by keep pushing your moral values here to our gay faces. Want it or not, open relationship is something thats is going on in this world, more if in a gay relationship. Hell, i think gay r the one that coined the term "open relationship". Thats why even Facebook have the Open Relationship option as their status. Why all u guys keep condemning open relationship as if its cheating, i dunno. Open relationship and Cheating in a relationship is different issue. Dont get confused. Many gay couples negotiate open relationships. They negotiate ground rules and open their relationships as a way to build trust and longevity in their partnerships. I think it's quite natural for men to want to continue to have an active sex life and be sexually attracted to other men. U don't own your lover, and you don't own his body. I think it's weird to ask someone you love to give up that part of their life. Im not saying that im an open relationship guy, but i know myself enough to realize that it's common for couples to get in a rut after they've been together for years and sex can grow predictable and unexciting. All of u guys seems just want to think of oh prince charming happily ever after till death do us part kind of ideal life.
    1 point
  2. Guest

    Do You fxxk Around?

    I agreed. I cant stand ppl who are not faithful to his partner. If you still wants to fool around, not get into relationship. Im a conservative guy and will never agree to any so called open relationship. If other ppl want to be open, let them be but i will expect my love ones to be faithful to me. Sigh...where to find such faithful ppl?
    1 point
  3. totally agree with this. I really hate and disagree the notion of "open relationships" because... well look at our parents and other couples. Surely they don't fxxk around after they're married, right? I mean of course there are mistresses and all that stuff, but the way "open relationship" concept goes on in this community, it's like it's a right & nothing wrong or immoral at all, which disturbs me.
    1 point
  4. I want to heartily recommend this most informative, wittily reviewed, and complete blog on Bangkok gay life especially on the gay massage/ gogo bar scene to all here. http://shamelessmack.wordpress.com/category/1-cities/gay-bangkok/
    1 point
  5. 1. BW Posting guideline with explanation is PIN up at http://www.blowingwind.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=67 . 2. The moderators have recently met to discuss our posting guidelines that were in place since June 2005. We are unanimous in our support of the Posting Guidelines and will moderate strictly where such topics are concerned. (ie No politics, religion, race issues. No Libelous post. Strict respect of individual privacy) 3. There were several posts recently where some guest posted libelous comments. Some even went to post personal private details about other members. We view such transgression very NEGATIVELY. We will Moderate and delete any such posts when brought to our attention. 4. Enjoy the forum, but do use it wisely and observe our POSTING Guildelines. Cheers Hendry Tan On behalf of the Moderator
    0 points
  6. Guest

    Do You fxxk Around?

    Cannot take it then sit down lor.. :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
    -1 points
  7. i am sorry guys but who are we to judge? seriously, who are we? i know of couples whose relationships are no longer sexual anymore and this is their way of maintaining it! and i think some couples are fxxking around but maintain that they are in a "closed" relationship!?!? anyway, a relationship is not all about sex. of cos it is sex that makes it a relationship, nonetheless, everyone defines their own sexuality, and even when it comes to relationship! let us not judge those who are in open relationship! what may not work for you, may actually work for others! P/S: from all the long term relationship couples i know, ALL either end up option 1: play together OR option 2: go open! so seriously...
    -1 points
  8. xanava

    How Not To Look Gay

    ok can i borrow your mother's chee bai chwee? thanks
    -1 points
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