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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2011 in all areas

  1. may be u r not the 2nd, but the 3rd or 4th, or even 5th or 6th?
    1 point
  2. Chef Gordon Ramsay did say once that a person should never become attached to their food. If I told a person who kept rabbits as pets that I ate them, they'll be disgusted. If I told a person who kept cows as pets that I ate them, they'll be disgusted. If I told a person who kept chickens as pets that I ate them, they'll be disgusted. If I told a person who kept dogs as pets that I at them, they'll be disgusted. So, you see. There is nothing wrong with eating dog meat. Can it not be cooked? Can it not be eaten? The only thing that is keeping us from eating our pets is the affection we have for them. Similarly, we don't eat human flesh because we have affection or some emotional response to every person who crosses paths in our lives. So to those people who say eating dog meat is wrong, learn to sort your emotional response from factual response. Dog meat can be eaten. Fullstop.
    1 point
  3. As for me, i do the other way round. i rather forgo the money and get the debt collection agency to do this.I choose to lose the friendship and refuse to learn a expensive lesson. There is another option. Make a police report. Get the Debt collection agency. Call him to let know - No more friendship.
    1 point
  4. Guest

    Help! I Am The Third Party

    He can have first wife, second wife. You can have first husband, second husband too. Go find one and balance up the equation.
    0 points
  5. I understand you all are disgusted by the act of dog-eating. But remember, disgust is an emotional response to us dog-eaters. If you want to argue from the perspective of emotions and subjectivity, go on. Understand that a lot of bigots in this world also use this stance of subjectivity. Even worse when there is no facts to boost. I will only entertain posts with facts. But as long as you feel 'disgusted', really there's no use hammering the rest of us. :hat:
    -1 points
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