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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2011 in all areas

  1. kiddo dont fool nor flatter yourself that your post has "threatened" anyone nor sent any message to anyone. however one thing that you have successfully done was to reveal and expose the immaturity and shallow "island" mentality that seem to have emerged from the depths of these reclaimed seas. however i am most certain this is but a minority voice of this small island. kiddo, on the other hand , you need to do some more living and research supported with comparative studies and expose yourself wider to this complex and unforgiving world beyond a hotpot.... hope you have learned the errors of your ways.
    1 point
  2. Similarly, we don't eat human flesh because we have affection or some emotional response to every person who crosses paths in our lives. I emotionally react to my parents. I emotionally react to my wife, my boyfriend and my in-laws. I also emotionally react to every stranger I have contact with or may potentially do. Hate and love are emotions. As long as you can feel either sad or happy, angry or cool about something, that is an emotional response. When you see a steak, do you have an emotional response to it? No, you do not. However, you do have an emotional response to the taste of beef or the memory of it tasting good. But by then, you have placed it in your mouth. So again, my argument holds valid. It is a potential to be food as long as you are not attached to it in an emotional way, like herds of cows and sheeps, flocks of chickens and schools of fishes You are emotionally attached to your pets, so that is why currently, you all see eating dog meat as something 'out of this world'. Please re-read Gordone Ramsay's quote again. So again and again and again, please get your emotions and facts right. Dog meat can be eaten. Full Stop. :hat:
    -1 points
  3. I understand your anger. On some days, I wanna just kick a PRC in the ass, hoping it is strong enough to fly them back to China. They come here and don't integrate, at least most of them don't. They think if they stubborn enough, we change for them. F&%$la, they can go eat vajajay and shit. Middle kingdom mentality. So sien with them...
    -1 points
  4. Guest

    Who Carrys The Condom

    Very simple rule, u don't bring condom, he shoot inside u. U want or not? of course the btm lugi. Lugi one lan lan go get the condom. Even the counter staff also know that. Who says no rule really blind one.
    -1 points
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