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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2011 in all areas

  1. Just wondering: if we go for man-to-man massage, will the therapist pass on STDs via their hands to our organs (i.e. handjob) if the therapist massaged some customers with STDs before massaging us, even after he has washed his hands before massaging us?
    1 point
  2. same here. after this thread, im even fearful of that kind of place.
    1 point
  3. I have always had the thought if I should go to saunas but thankfully until now, I have yet to step into one
    1 point
  4. Guest

    How To Make Him Love You Again?

    Now there there, *sayang* Its painful that a relationship of 6 years comes to an end. But hope you have slowly reflected upon your own error if any. After all it takes two hand to clap, or even if it was a slap, it needs one face and one palm. Experienced it a few times now, even if it was a short one compared to yours. But the fault normally is found on both parties. One thing I learnt was that, if I tried my best to patch things, but it still falls apart, then let it go. Its better to let it go than cling on to a sinking ship. Don't be the captain of "titanic" unless you are in your 90s. You are still young even if you are near 50s. There are many other Ajs out there.. Good or bad ones.. Slowly pick yourself up along with the help of friends, slowly but surely you will be able to walk again, and soon build your courage to run again! Believe in yourself that you can do it! Believe that you are not alone! Believing will help you in a long long way. If you think you have lose everything, then you definitely will. Don't be afraid to love again, as being afraid would only mean that you cant commit 100% into the relationship. Any relationship(love) without commitment is bound to fail(IMO). JIA YOU! FIGHTING! =D All the best in your recovery=D
    1 point
  5. seriously dudes, if you are all so ham chee, then dun have sex lor... jus wank off to pxxn!!! confirm safe!!! even a bf dun guarantee you dun get all those funny diseases pls... if you wanna fxxk, you will have to accept the risks involved...
    -2 points
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