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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/31/2011 in all areas

  1. Thk u The Visitor, Gachi, Oral b n brisnx for the encouragement n really must say there's many 1st for me coming to the event. Had it not for BW my last 6 yrs would be dead, it is thru posting n reaching out at BW that i met total strangers who cares enough to extend a helping caring hands to allow me to hold n stand up again. Let me tell u what the i told impossible but amazing things that has happen when i seek help n assistance during when i became disable n wants to start anew. When i post for someone to help me repair damaged flush n water heater in my toilet a total guest email me call me up n visit me. he saw the problem n next day he came n change a new flush, 2 new water heater(master n kitchen toilet),re position my living rm sockets/plugs etc n the unimaginable he installed for me 6pcs of hand bars so i cab grip to balance myself. when i ask him for the bills n ask can pay by installment?, he hug n tell me just give him a small token of any amount i can afford n when i put $200 in a red packet he took out the money n say he will accept $2 instead. i hugged him n had a gd cry n he pats me n say promised him to live well. we are such gd friends now n even when he came for massage he insist to pay n i also tell me i will accept $2 frm him. we both very happy with each other. 6 mths ago his bf of 35yrs died of cancer n he was so down but every time he see me n say think of me he felt there's no reason why he cant live better than me when he is still a able person. Alan i salute u. yes be positive n always tell yrself irregardless how bad out situation maybe it will definitely ends soonest if we make it end. There is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel. it may be a small tiny light but as u put in effort n push n insist u will reach the light it becomes bigger n brighter when u inch closer. I was very suicidal, who would not if u are near death 4 times in my 54yrs n every time b4 i go into operation rm docs make me sign a letter saying that i know i would not come out alive n should blame nobody. On the 4th time i resigned to the fact that last 3 times they say only 25% survivor but yet i came out alive i tell myself what the heck but this last time out i definitely want to change my whole life thru. And miracles do happen. 1st i loose 13kg ,put back little but its muscle mass 2nd my looks, i cant believe all my 54yrs old friends thinks that something either gone wrong or someone do something to my looks. i look so much younger than my age n for the 1st time many n i am not boasting, they say wow u look..hm hm. well ok i like myself too and being smaller size than b4 i can wear many clothes i didnt even dare to wear. that nite i wear all white n 1st time i feel whats happening ?i am the only 1 all white. oh my gosh that's a feat to me. i dare to be different. lastly my voices also change n i cant believe i like my own singing n that nite i didn't feel as if its a competition, more like a chance to allow me to showcase what other passion i have n sing out my inner feeling for a lost ones n that's my language of love. Brainx forget to add singing as 1 language of expression of ones love as well....sori for writing such long post. thks for reading n many many happy days ahead for all u out there. lastly, to the moderators i wish to rewrite post my life story frm when i was 13 when i 1st saw my cousin's didi and into my army days when i met my bf then into my 20, 30, 40s n now 50. 400 words too short for me to cramp in 54yrs of gay life story. can help me extend the 400 words allow? ================= Hann, I've edited your post a little so that it is readable. Remember what I told you in your earlier post? Yes, paragraph it. You can always post in a few post. Stay positive. Gachi
    2 points
  2. seriously, people like this makes me wanna reconsider allowing guest posting.
    2 points
  3. During the party, there was a few cuties and an extremely shy pinoy guy. Hehe...kissed a cute little cub on the cheek even. Must be the alcohol.
    1 point
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