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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/01/2011 in all areas

  1. Guest

    Do You Like To See Guys Zaogeng "走光"

    Once I went to suntan at the swimming pool,as it was in the afternoon, not so many ppl around, I find a quiet corner to rest as well as suntanning,I doze off after a while,when I wake up as I sense somebody was lying quite near me,I open my eye, and saw this guy lying next to me, was smiling at me,and stare at my trunk, then I realised while dozing off, I have a hard on and my mushroom head exposed out of the trunk, luckily this is at the corner nobody will pass by, only this guy saw it, since nobody around, I let my mushroom have a tan, as well as fulfilled his lust.
    1 point
  2. Thk u The Visitor, Gachi, Oral b n brisnx for the encouragement n really must say there's many 1st for me coming to the event. Had it not for BW my last 6 yrs would be dead, it is thru posting n reaching out at BW that i met total strangers who cares enough to extend a helping caring hands to allow me to hold n stand up again. Let me tell u what the i told impossible but amazing things that has happen when i seek help n assistance during when i became disable n wants to start anew. When i post for someone to help me repair damaged flush n water heater in my toilet a total guest email me call me up n visit me. he saw the problem n next day he came n change a new flush, 2 new water heater(master n kitchen toilet),re position my living rm sockets/plugs etc n the unimaginable he installed for me 6pcs of hand bars so i cab grip to balance myself. when i ask him for the bills n ask can pay by installment?, he hug n tell me just give him a small token of any amount i can afford n when i put $200 in a red packet he took out the money n say he will accept $2 instead. i hugged him n had a gd cry n he pats me n say promised him to live well. we are such gd friends now n even when he came for massage he insist to pay n i also tell me i will accept $2 frm him. we both very happy with each other. 6 mths ago his bf of 35yrs died of cancer n he was so down but every time he see me n say think of me he felt there's no reason why he cant live better than me when he is still a able person. Alan i salute u. yes be positive n always tell yrself irregardless how bad out situation maybe it will definitely ends soonest if we make it end. There is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel. it may be a small tiny light but as u put in effort n push n insist u will reach the light it becomes bigger n brighter when u inch closer. I was very suicidal, who would not if u are near death 4 times in my 54yrs n every time b4 i go into operation rm docs make me sign a letter saying that i know i would not come out alive n should blame nobody. On the 4th time i resigned to the fact that last 3 times they say only 25% survivor but yet i came out alive i tell myself what the heck but this last time out i definitely want to change my whole life thru. And miracles do happen. 1st i loose 13kg ,put back little but its muscle mass 2nd my looks, i cant believe all my 54yrs old friends thinks that something either gone wrong or someone do something to my looks. i look so much younger than my age n for the 1st time many n i am not boasting, they say wow u look..hm hm. well ok i like myself too and being smaller size than b4 i can wear many clothes i didnt even dare to wear. that nite i wear all white n 1st time i feel whats happening ?i am the only 1 all white. oh my gosh that's a feat to me. i dare to be different. lastly my voices also change n i cant believe i like my own singing n that nite i didn't feel as if its a competition, more like a chance to allow me to showcase what other passion i have n sing out my inner feeling for a lost ones n that's my language of love. Brainx forget to add singing as 1 language of expression of ones love as well....sori for writing such long post. thks for reading n many many happy days ahead for all u out there. lastly, to the moderators i wish to rewrite post my life story frm when i was 13 when i 1st saw my cousin's didi and into my army days when i met my bf then into my 20, 30, 40s n now 50. 400 words too short for me to cramp in 54yrs of gay life story. can help me extend the 400 words allow? ================= Hann, I've edited your post a little so that it is readable. Remember what I told you in your earlier post? Yes, paragraph it. You can always post in a few post. Stay positive. Gachi
    1 point
  3. crazygolfer

    Be Happy :)

    Joke: The Old Witness An old man was a witness in a burglary case. The defence lawyer asked Sam, “Did you see my client commit this burglary?” “Yes” said Sam, “I saw him plainly take the goods” The lawyer asks Sam again, “Sam, this happened at night. Are you sure you saw my client commit this crime?” “Yes” says Sam, “I saw him do it” Then the lawyer asks Sam, “Sam, listen, you are 80 years old and your eye sight is probably bad. Just how far can you see at night?” Sam says, “I can see the moon, how far is that?”
    1 point
  4. Most important thing is to have realistic expectations. All relationships eventually lose the initial fiery passion. It's that groovy, warm we've-been-through-ups-and-downs-as-a-couple feeling that matters in the end. Sounds cliched, but don't find the perfect guy to love. Just get someone reasonably decent and take a lifetime to learn how to love him, warts and all. In the long run, it's the companionship we all need. Few people want to grow old alone. And yes, look in the right place. Guys who want serious lifelong relationships don't hang around toilets, sleazy saunas or seedy bars. Try looking for a life partner in "natural" settings ... school, workplace, Church, sports group etc. More and more people are finding it meaningless to hide their sexuality as being gay becomes a non-issue to most people nowadays. It's ok to express your "brotherly love" and see how the other party responds. I'm in a 12-year relationship going strong. All the above were what worked for me and him.
    1 point
  5. HLmilk

    Nsfs Gather:)

    any current divers here? ORD lo.
    -1 points
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