I used to have such struggles back then of being christian and being gay. When I became a christian, my bf was totally against it. "Christianity is totally against us, idiot" I still remember his remark vividly. Then, I started to ponder whether I've made a right decision. One day, I decided to confess to one of the leaders in my church and the response that I received was to 'fast' from homosexual stuff. Ugh. Being a so-called 'good' boy, I obeyed. Having to think about how to change into a straight every night was seriously torturing. It was until I get to know someone from FCC (a leader, i think) and he enlightened me with his views. And finally I could come to a term with my own sexuality. Really thank God for him! I still decided to stay in my church though at the end of the day since I already had a few close brothers and sisters who could accept my sexual orientation. I do believe that Christianity is not a religion but it's a personal relationship with God. It's all about faith, man! Though I do not obey whatever things being preached blindly, I'm 'growing' more each day. Just a little pieces of my story