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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/2011 in all areas

  1. Guest

    Aiyyah! I'm 25 But Looks Like 35

    Duration calculation results From and including: Monday, 30 March 1992 To, but not including : Monday, 9 February 2009 It is 6160 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date Or 16 years, 10 months, 10 days excluding the end date.
    1 point
  2. Guest

    Dig And Smell

    the eggs go down your stomach and you have ring worms too. congrats ! and the next person who rims you got it too and they spread on ~~~~~
    1 point
  3. Guest

    Stoned Sex ....

    I believe stoned sex means they smoked marijuana as he mentioned "nice spliff". Dangerous !! Hope you dun feel sorry and regret in months to come.
    1 point
  4. briax

    Jealousy Help Please :(

    If you want a hopelessly blunt answer, then my answer to you is "Once you go through these a few times, you will realise how you want to do this game thing. You continue to play the game and feel numb being the dumper or dumpee or you find someone stable to settle down and stop playing game." But winterboy has stated it clearly, you did not define the relationship with him. He could be seeing you as a friend with benefit, or fxxk buddy or a very long and extended one night stand when you are feeling so connected to him. Be also very clear if you are in love with him, or you are just infatuated with him. In any case, I hope your sex with him is safe and protected, it is very tempting for bottoms to do it raw with a guy who he fancied a lot. I have been through that stage before, thinking that the person is my boyfriend and to have sex with him, especially bareback is showing my love towards him.
    1 point
  5. is it just me or are you bitches also tired of poor-me-so-attractive-get-unwanted-attention-all-the-time stories? Stop being so insecure that you have to keep telling yourselves you are damn hot, bitches! Haven't you bitches heard that it is those that has the least who spends the most time talking about it?
    0 points
  6. I would have joined in and applauded along with them. Who does she think she is, Michelle Obama ?
    -1 points
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