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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/2011 in all areas

  1. Dunno if anyone else feels the same way but I find this topic a little uncomfortable, even if it's a fantasy. Imprisonment is a serious matter. OK back to topic.
    1 point
  2. I don't fear getting older. gym? not affordable one for me. hobby? reading magazines; that's my hobby. Read widely? oredy started. The fourth thing? just started, sort of. Relationship - family to friends? i am now way social and as for family i just live alone. the evil things - would suit much to me because rarely make interactions with other people unless it is work related and some important matters. That is. How boring i felt about myself. i quite agree with these. some style looks smart on other people doesn't mean it would look smart on us.
    1 point
  3. I said the results are not out yet. I am not wrong to ask you in private as a form of courtesy to remove it. And I also mentioned on my post that the results are not out. So would appreciate to keep comments to yourself since you are not even a judge. So you are in no position to tell anyone whether they are in or not when the decision making lies upon me. And why do you want to tell people more about the twins. Do learn to respect the privacy of others.
    0 points
  4. No comments. it's all misunderstanding. never had the intention.
    -1 points
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