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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2011 in all areas

  1. If no tourists, she will have to sell her wares at Roppongi.
    1 point
  2. 1. Both daughters are from her wife's previous marriage??? 2. Kevin is 21 -- is uncle's son. He has more cousins aged between 11 - 23. He is now 37. Either all his other uncles are late married or his father is early. 3. He mentioned "He follows my uncle, ie, he had a 6.5" cut cock. " So, he saw or makaned his uncle's too ??? Have such Uncle like him with evil motives 真衰!
    1 point
  3. Guest

    Aiyyah! I'm 25 But Looks Like 35

    LOL, you remind me of Fann Wong. "我是你的高中老师!!"
    1 point
  4. Talk is cheap, sorry is meaningless if they continue to do things the same way. Bottled water is $1.80 on their menu, I remembered because I was made to order that when I asked for plain water. $3.90 hot water is not on the menu, it was a ridiculous price conjured by the restaurant manager to force her to back off. It's on the service staff's onus to go the extra mile and win some hearts, or be inflexible and drive customers away. "We do not have warm water on my menu, but we can warm up a $1.80 bottled water just for you." How difficult is it to fulfil this special request by pouring it into a cup and microwave it? It's not like she asked for freshly squeezed breast milk or horse cum. I fully support her actions. Here we have a truly outspoken actress who have spoke out against the very common unacceptable bad service in most Singapore eateries, hit them where it hurts, kicks more punch than an useless whine in STOMP. How can you even sympathise with all these haughty restaurants who charge 10% extra for atrocious service thinking that customers owe them a living? Unless you have a stake? Are we so used to bad service that we actually find such nonsense acceptable? Though I've written off this franchise as one of the place that I would never visit again after my first, I'm tempted to drop by to see if there are improvements. But I seriously doubt so. My first visit was plain unpleasant, so to speak, likewise, you can find many similar reviews in hungrygowhere. PS. Aren't you curious to know the meaning behind the clapping? I am.
    1 point
  5. If u dont wish to serve your customers (well), your competitor will be most willing to.
    1 point
  6. I understand all of you peoples views, we have our clear views and angles to the situation. When we (my sis and I) young, we use to peep at our parents having sex often, and often seeing my mum sucking my dad in the kitchen. And thats how all things started. As for now, my sis still needs the feel of the big O when we do it, she gets it from no one else, with condom of course. Emotionally she is very normal with her life, I am gay, so with my sis, its different. She is very helpful, after my week in camp, the release is a big relief. I am sure we not the only ones, just that such thing are very taboo and extremely closet. And to add, my parents are almost 50 years old, they are still at it very often.
    1 point
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