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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2011 in all areas

  1. lelakisg

    I Need Sex , Hehheh

    i need sex but very sad its very hard to get a guy , even go to spa also cannot get,
    1 point
  2. Mommy: "Happylak boy boy, turn str8. Get a woman and not a man to marry. Its good for you !" Why are you still here? :whistle:
    1 point
  3. wah loads of double standards here. i dont think it's fair to assume that family members who convert their loved ones nearing the end of their lives are doing so out of their own interests. perhaps they really do believe it'll work. just like how you would hate mommy for forcing you to eat vegetable when you're young. just like how you would hate mommy for forcing you to stay at home and revise for your exams. just like how you would hate mommy for forcing you to listen to her and do this instead of that. why did she force you? because she loves, she cares and that's exactly her ways of demonstrating it to protect you. "it's all for your own good", they would say. but the "own good" is in their perspective. does it mean that mommy is being self-centered and not really caring then?
    -1 points
  4. True confession: I tried to bake brownies once- it was supposedly a foolproof way to do so when you buy a ready-mix from the supermarket and just follow instructions. Right? Right? Wrong! I created a mini nuclear meltdown in the kitchen and created a science experiment. TRIED to cook and created a mutant gloopy mess instead. Never again.
    -1 points
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