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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2024 in all areas

  1. I think my biggest fantasy would be playing with plumbers, delivery man, carpenters, waiters, doctors at clinics, teachers, or people's husbands. 😂😂😂
    3 points
  2. any good sucker
    2 points
  3. i always forget i am freeballing and realises my accidental exposure only when i am doing situps or crunches at fitness corner
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. any sucker want suck my load tonight ?
    2 points
  6. funky beaver

    Gay Erotica..

    I have been trying to polish my writing skill, and what better way than to practise here. Here is a gay porn erotica story of Tom, Nick, and Bev ... Bev was exhausted, but satistied. He just dumped a load of cum onto his torso from self-pleasuring. The amount of cum was not a lot due to daily masturbation. But the ejaculation was hard because of the nipples caressing he done to himself. Earlier, he just went cycling for 10 km. The energy gathered from the intense sport has increased his libido as well, hence the masturbation. Lying there all sweaty and cummy, he felt lazy to wash up for the night. So, he just procrastinate there while groping his own chest. Ping! A messaged arrived on his phone. It was from an acquaintance he hung out a few times. It was Tom. Bev barely knew Tom, but after hanging out a few times, he felt comfortable with him and wanted to get to know him more. "Hi", messaged Tom. "Hi, what's up", replied Bev "I know this is last minute, but I am with my boyfriend." "Yeah?" "Do you want to come and watch us, you know, have fun?" Bev suddenly awaken from his state of weariness. He knew Tom has a boyfriend, Nick. And he knew both Tom and Nick have kinks for three plays. What surprised him was, he was asked to watch them have their bed activity. "I just dumped a load of cum though, I am not sure I would enjoy watching now 😅" "Is okay, just come and watch, you told me previously, life is short to not waste such opportunity to experience new things, right?" Indeed Bev shared to Tom that he is open to experience new things and life is too short to give up on such opportunity. But he barely knew Tom, and he did not even meet Nick before. Bev braven up and replied, "What time?" "That's more like it, see you at 9pm, my place" ... Bev arrived at the downstairs of Tom's place. Mix thoughts were flowing through his head. Afterall, Bev never engaged in three person play, what more get to watch one. But Tom said to just watch, right? It should be okay to JUST watch. In fact, the feeling of unease made Bev put on his chastity cage and left the keys at home. This is the way he can ease himself from all the thoughts that was going through his head while preparing for the meet. Ding dong. The door opened, and there stood Tom, a bearish looking guy, a person that is full of confidence and energy. Tom invited Bev inside and said, "Nick is still in the showers, you can just sit down and cool down first". After chatting for a bit, Nick came out from the shower, wrapped his lower body in a towel, while his upper body still wet with water droplets. Bev can't help to notice how shy Nick was, with his twink body paired with a good definition of chest. Both of them are really suitable for each other, one big and one small, Bev thought. "Come Bev, let's go into the room", said Tom while striping naked. Tom entered, followed by Nick while he was still drying up with his towels. When Bev went into the room, Nick was already sitting on top on Tom's thick thighs while Tom was laying on the bed. "Bev, you can sit beside the bed, come nearer to have a better view" whispered Nick while he was stroking Tom's penis. It was a slow movement, stroking up and down, making Tom aroused. Suddenly Tom demanded, "You know you have to stripe naked to watch, take off your cloths." While Bev was still shy from watching Nick pleasing Tom, he took off his t-shirt and shorts, leaving on his "bird" cage. "Good, good, this will help Nick get aroused more", said Tom. "Too bad you have to cage yourself, or else it would be so much better for us to watch you having an erection". Nick proceeded to lick Tom's nipple while caressing the other side with his palm. This made Tom gave out soft moaning sound. Not too long for both of them to get a hard on. They proceeded to kiss each other tenderly. Sharing their saliva to show their affection for each other. Then, they switched position, Nick laid on the bed while Tom sat on top of Nick's thigh. His hands were slowly moving along Nick's limbs, running the tips of his fingers softly along the skin. That was enough to make Nick aroused and moan. Tom then fiddled with the nipples and said, "Nick has sensitive nipples, if you'd like, you can help to play with it". Bev sitting there, still being shy, was getting ignited. He can fell some liquid was flowing through his urethra. He was pretty sure that was pre-cum flowing, despite already cummed once just now. However, he was adamant to only watch and not participate in the action. Tom and Nick by now were hyped up and ready for the penetration phase. Tom whispered to Nick, "You ready for my dick?". Nick nodded with anticipation. Tom wet his finger with lubrication and slowly insert it into Nick's hole. It sent shivers down Nick's spine. Slowly twisting and turning his finger inside, Tom made sure to give Nick enough stretch before inserting his girthy dick into him. Bev thought that was very caring of Tom as a top, to care for his boyfriend. "I am okay now, you can insert it", Nick said. Without hesitation, Tom carefully penetrate into Nick's asshole, and gave it a little wiggle. Before starting the pounding action, Tom once again fiddled with Nick's nipples. With the nipples caressing and Tom's dick parked in his hole, Nick's nipples were hard and perky with his dick in hard on state. As Bev watched Tom pounding on Nick in the missionary position, he reached down to the tip of his cage and draw some pre-cum onto his finger. He then used the liquid as lube to rub on his own nipples. Nick who caught Bev pleasuring his own nipples, reached out "Bev, come nearer, let me feel your chest". "Yes Bev, come and help me arouse Nick even more, he likes it", Tom reciprocated. Unable to contain his horniness anymore, lo and behold, Bev unleashed. He reached out his chest for the hands of Nick, while pinching on Nick's nipples. While Tom was still pounding on Nick, Bev lowered his body and reached out his tongue towards Nick's nipple to lick. Tom guided Bev into a kneeling position in front of him, with Bev's thighs apart and above of Nick's torso. This 3-P position allows for three pairs on hands moving between each other, caressing and enjoying the skin of each other. While Nick still laying down being pounded by Tom, he reached out both hands to grope Bev's chest, and while Tom still serving Nick with his penis, he brushed his fingers against the back muscles of Bev. This sent Bev into a hyper sensitive state and moaned out loud. From time to time, Bev would lowered his torso to let Nick lick his nipples. Three of these wild souls were enjoying the erotic sensation, Tom said, "Nice, nice, this is so kinky". At a turn of event, Nick said, "Tom, let's have Bev lay down on the bed". Bev felt a sense of exhilaration and immediately complied and laid on the bed. The feeling of being served by the couple made him excited yet nervous at the same time. Without much delay, Tom and Nick started to grope on Bev. From the feet, to the thighs, and up the torso. Bev who was sensitive to touches was trembling hard and leaking a lot of pre-cum through his chastity cage. Tom then wet his finger with the pre-cum and gave Bev a prostate massage. At the same time, Nick was busy groping and licking on Bev's chest and nipples. Bev in his aroused state, reached out his hands anywhere and everywhere to touch, to caress, and to grab on tight. With this intense state of being caressed and his prostate massaged, he can't help but to moan aloud. Being satisfied with the moment, Tom finally stroked his penis in order to ejaculate. To aid him, Nick sucked on one of his nipple while Bev fiddled with another. Tom sprayed his juice onto Bev's thigh and Nick went to the toilet to finish off. Too bad, Bev was locked up, else he would be able to ejaculate too. ... Hope you enjoyed reading
    1 point
  7. Hongkong - South China Morning Post How gay ‘conversion therapy’ survivors in Hong Kong were given mentally traumatic ‘treatment’, but learned to embrace their sexual orientation The Post speaks to two gay men who underwent ‘conversion therapy’ – resulting in PTSD for one – that aimed to turn them straight The United Nations called for a global ban on conversion therapy in 2020, but the practice is not yet banned in Hong Kong Ashlyn Chak Published: 6:15pm, 7 Mar, 2024 In the 1990s, Hong Kong-based lawyer Tan Loke-khoon was, in his words, a “staunch Christian”. He served his religious community, giving sermons and leading bible study sessions. But he was also repressing his homosexuality. He felt there was something wrong with him, and that he could not be accepted by the church. When he sought help from his pastors, they told him he would go to hell if he did not “get cured”. Desperate for change, Tan flew to Asheville, in the US state of North Carolina, to have “conversion therapy” from the now-defunct Christian organisation Exodus International, whose mission was to “help” gay Christians become straight. Conversion therapy uses sustained efforts to discourage or change behaviours related to one’s sexual orientation or gender identity. The programme required him to repent by confessing his desires and experiences in great detail. For 10 days, Tan prayed, fasted – and cried from morning till night. “It was mentally very traumatic and physically very exhausting. There was a lot of aggressive shouting and it felt like I was being scolded. It was already decided that ‘you did something wrong, so you better tell me the details’. “It was like that throughout the entire period – it’s not physical, but psychologically you feel smaller and smaller and smaller.” Most people he met there went willingly, but some were pressured by their families, who would otherwise disown them. Many participants were on the brink of committing suicide, Tan recalls, as they thought they did not deserve to live unless they were “cured”. Alvin Cheung Hui-fung has a similar story. He first realised he experienced same-sex attraction when he was in primary school in Hong Kong. He fell in love with a boy in secondary school, but his conservative Christian upbringing and internalised homophobia led him to deny it. At age 21, he came out to a Christian “close friend” who encouraged him to seek out conversion therapy, which he did in 2005. “God can help you,” the friend assured him. Cheung discovered the New Creation Association, a conservative Christian group in Hong Kong founded by Kelvin Chung Kam-fai, who received training from Exodus Global Alliance, which was formed out of Exodus International in 2004. Exodus International dissolved in 2013 after its then president renounced conversion therapy and apologised to those who had taken part in its programmes. Exodus Global Alliance, however, is still active and promotes “a transformed life through the power of Jesus Christ” for those “affected by homosexuality”, according to its website. He said, ‘Homosexual individuals only use each other for sexual purposes, and their needs are like a black hole that’s never satisfied’ Alvin Cheung on what psychiatrist Dr Hong Kwai-wah told him Hong Kong’s New Creation Association provides LGBTQ “counselling” services, and Cheung had weekly individual sessions with a so-called “ex-gay” counsellor. “We discussed how to suppress my sexual arousal, how to control my emotions regarding the men I was attracted to, and explored the causes of homosexuality … [I was told] it should not be part of God’s creation but rather [was] a result of human sin,” Cheung says. Cheung felt “very lonely” at the time. “Christians at church would not accept my homosexuality, while friends who accepted gays could not understand why I had to change my sexual orientation.” The counsellor referred Cheung to a support group, which was set on “restoring masculinity as God created it and developing ‘healthy’ same-sex relationships”. “It felt like brainwashing,” he says. “The more I suppressed my needs, the more I yearned to attach to men and the more guilty and forbidden I felt about being close to them. “This led to more compulsive psychological abuse on myself under the intervention of friends, counsellors, pastors and ‘professionals’ in the group meetings.” Eight months later, he found himself “mentally collapsed” and was referred to Dr Hong Kwai-wah, a licensed and practising psychiatrist in Hong Kong who is also a founding member and chairman of the New Creation Association. Cheung was diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorders, prescribed medication, and charged thousands in medical fees. Hong told him that true love does not exist for gays. “He said, ‘Homosexual individuals only use each other for sexual purposes, and their needs are like a black hole that’s never satisfied,’” Cheung says. Cheung was led to believe that “being a good Christian meant following Jesus, bearing the cross and sacrificing my own feelings” and if he worked hard to suppress his intimate desires, he “could become normal and heterosexual again”. Over the course of a year under Hong’s supervision, Cheung became more stressed and torn. He left conversion therapy, which he says had “planted seeds of self-rejection” and “self-blame” in his mind. Cheung has since been diagnosed with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but has learned to embrace his sexual orientation. It is a terrible form of abuse disguised as a treatment. It attempts to treat a ‘problem’ that simply does not exist Hong Kong-based psychologist Dr Michael Eason on ‘conversion therapy’ The Post reached out to New Creation Association for comment but did not receive a response. Hong’s clinic acknowledged that the doctor practises “LGBT counselling” but declined to connect the Post with the doctor for further comments. When Tan returned to Hong Kong from the US after 10 days in the conversion therapy camp, he did not feel any differently towards his sexuality. He did, however, feel more shame, guilt and self-hatred. “In conversion therapy, they don’t teach you to love yourself; they teach you to hate yourself,” he says. “I felt as if something bad would happen to me if I didn’t change, because God was so unhappy with me. That’s the nature of conversion therapy, which is brainwashing.” He chose to remain in his heterosexual marriage and went on to have three children with his then wife. In his early 40s, Tan fell in love with a man, Peter Leong, who would become his husband. “It made me realise I had a chance to be honest. Life is so short. I didn’t want to continue living a lie to my family.” He also found another source of religious inspiration: the late reverend Yap Kim-hao, the first Asian archbishop of the Methodist Church in Singapore and Malaysia. He was known for setting up LGBTQ-friendly Christian churches and advocating for LGBTQ rights in Singapore. “Reverend Yap, who was also my pastor, told me, ‘God made you special. God gives us gifts and has given you the capacity to love differently. You should embrace it.’ And suddenly, it’s like magic. What he said made me realise that I was going to stop fighting myself and start loving myself. “When I started loving myself, everything changed. I was no longer angry and suddenly had the capacity to help others.” A few years later, he divorced his wife, and came out to his law firm, where he is a senior partner. He has since been leading LGBTQ initiatives across the region for the firm. “The feeling of coming out was so amazing. It’s like you carry this heavy bag and suddenly it disappears and you’re free. I felt that physical release, like all that guilt that I had went away.” He waited until his children were a little older before coming out to them, and married Leong in December 2022 in Vancouver, Canada. He told his family, but his parents could not understand and his religious older sister chose not to attend the wedding. His children did, though, and spoke at the dinner, while his ex-wife sent a wedding present. Cheung has been a social worker for 15 years, and has also worked as a lecturer and fieldwork supervisor for social-work students. He integrates LGBTQ-affirmative counselling into sessions with clients in an aim to empower them by promoting self-acceptance, resilience and self-confidence. “I discovered that I function better when I help and love others,” he says. He uses what he has learned to support other vulnerable people who may be affected by counsellors who attempt “conversion therapy” using different terminology but the same methods. Historically, these methods even extended to brain surgery, electric shock and nausea-inducing drugs. In 2020, the United Nations called for a global ban on conversion therapy, which the World Psychiatric Association has also discredited. However, the practice is not yet banned in Hong Kong. Psychologist Dr Michael Eason specialises in LGBTQ affirmative therapy in Hong Kong. He has seen the harmful effects of conversion therapy, which he says is “an unethical and discredited form of ‘therapy’ that leaves devastating psychological impacts”. “It attempts to change a person’s core identity and sexual orientation. Far from being therapeutic, such attempts have been proven to cause increased anxiety, depression, self-harm and suicidality,” he adds. Dr Michael Eason is a psychologist who specialises in LGBTQ affirmative therapy, and is the co-founder and clinical director of Lifespan Counselling in Hong Kong. He has never met a person who benefited from the practice. Instead, he finds the survivors often carry “intense feelings of internalised shame and self-hatred” and “require many years of trauma-informed counselling to restore their well-being”. “It is a terrible form of abuse disguised as a treatment,” he says. “It attempts to treat a ‘problem’ that simply does not exist.” Kindly click HERE for full article and various hyperlinks to other content in relation to the topic.
    1 point
  8. New to cruising, any tips or advice 🤭✋️ will be there at 7pm later
    1 point
  9. shaving alone causes me to have a lot of ingrown hairs, but i only used to shave my thighs cos they were insanely hairy. I used to do it like once a month? now i'm using a home IPL device (still need to shave) but i only need to shave+IPL once every 2-3 months. the hair still grows back, but I can deal with it a lot finer than usual.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. The male sauna is working fine. For guys who may not be aware, you have to press the button to turn on the sauna. The power switch is located at the left side (when seated inside the sauna facing the doors). When turned on, it is preset to turn off after approx 15 mins. Press to switch on the sauna again if desired. Enjoy!
    1 point
  13. Hi I will be visiting Penang from May 23 to 27 staying in GeorgeTown. I will try to visit U2 which I understand is over at Butterworth. I will then be in KL for two days before going to Korea. Hit me up if you want to chat. I am American Chinese from San Francisco.
    1 point
  14. Around 9pm tonight 10 Mar I sat next to you in the steam room and brushed my leg against yours. After a while, I went to shower and you came by and saw me and I think you gave me a smile. You are the fair petite sized guy. Message me if you are here.
    1 point
  15. Anyone traveling to KL and staying at a hotel with a sauna? Would love to go as a guest and hang out naked. PM me - 33yo Chinese 180cm 75kg gym fit
    1 point
  16. ToughGuy


    1 point
  17. 男男國片《我在這裡等你》5大看點!范少勳×劉俊謙雙帥合體、前導海報照藏BL端倪? 妞新聞 追蹤 Source:aballoonslanding @Instagram 難道所有的相遇都是命中注定嗎?今年繼《青春18x2通往有你的旅程》、《莎莉》釋電影預告後,近期將迎來由台港雙帥「范少勳、劉俊謙」主演的《我在這裡等你》,昨(15日)卡司名單曝光後讓影迷們激動說「雙帥互飆顏值、兄弟臉夢幻連動」,本篇爆米花小姐將精選國片《我在這裡等你》5大看點,妞妞們快繼續看下去! 國片《我在這裡等你》看點1. 劇情介紹Source:aballoonslanding @Instagram 「你相不相信,每一次的相遇,都是命中注定?」國片《我在這裡等你》故事描述著香港作家天宇(劉俊謙 飾)在台北街頭偶遇混混阿翔(范少勳 飾),兩人共譜一段「相互奔赴,想見到彼此」的情感,或許是天壤之別的身份背景,讓主角們在相處過程發現意外的轉折及緣分,爆米花小姐非常期待兩位在片中的化學反應啊! 國片《我在這裡等你》看點2. 製片團隊Source:angelihanteng @Instagram 鑲金的製片團隊!國片《我在這裡等你》由曾拿下金鐘獎迷你劇集電視電影編劇獎的導演「鄧依涵」執導,從《玫瑰色的裙》、《第一次遇見花香的那刻》戲劇作品,能看出鄧依涵導演擅長將溫暖敘事的風格圍繞在性別議題,這次也以「自我探索」作為故事主軸,期望能透過說故事的視角,讓觀眾感受不同族群的內心世界。 國片《我在這裡等你》看點3. 范少勳Source:aballoonslanding @InstagramSource:aballoonslanding @Instagram 過去曾以BL網路劇HIStory2《越界》打開知名度的范少勳,隔年也以《下半場》獲得第56屆金馬獎最佳新演員獎,這次在《我在這裡等你》飾演台北街頭混混「阿翔」,日前他也幽默表示「可能我們長很像,所以有機會碰到」,讓影迷們期待這對「偽」雙胞胎的火花。(范少勳戲劇推薦) 國片《我在這裡等你》看點4. 劉俊謙Source:aballoonslanding @InstagramSource:aballoonslanding @Instagram 被封為「香港影帝級男神」及「港版坂口健太郎」的劉俊謙,過去曾以《幻愛》拿下香港電影評論學會最佳男演員獎,近年參演台灣戲劇《小曉》、《此時此刻》圈粉觀眾,這回在《我在這裡等你》飾演一名香港作家,劉俊謙日前透露:「我們第一次見面,我就蠻喜歡他,少勳很樂觀,跟他聊天會被笑容吸引,能合作覺得很讚。」(劉俊謙5部必看戲劇推薦) 國片《我在這裡等你》看點5. 前導海報照Source:aballoonslanding @Instagram 昨(15)日官方社群最新釋出前導海報照片,由知名設計師「方序中」設計,這次電影海報以多層次的筆觸,描繪綻開夜空的朵朵煙花燦爛卻短暫的特質,暗示著雙帥「范少勳、劉俊謙」之間的相遇與邂逅,即便惆悵卻也美好過,在夜空下方的海灣,兩位男主角一前一後的身影,看似平行交錯,卻為彼此留下身旁的空位。 國片《我在這裡等你》預計將於2024年上半年上映,妞妞們屆時一定要進戲院支持!
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Some cruisers blatantly reject and hate other cruisers who are not pleasing enough to them. These rude cruisers always have high standards for guys that they want to play with. Sadly, most of these arrogant cruisers are also old, skinny, obese, bald and generally ugly themselves. Probably they have no mirrors at home. 😂
    1 point
  20. Some people enjoy cruising in the toilets and feel sorry for being photographed. What if you were photographed hanging out in the bathroom? I think we should understand and respect our own community because we know they are cruisers just out to have fun. And, we knew we were gay. Sadly, their photo has been revealed on social media and I don't think a single gay person would want to publish this photo on social media. Disclaimers: I am just sharing my thoughts, no offence!
    1 point
  21. Bought black and white versions of a couple of new sexy underwear to try. (1) (2) (3) (4) Which one is nice ah?
    1 point
  22. I am chinese tall guy, stocky, married, discreet, top 46yo/183/95kg. Pleasant & straight-looking, closet. *My Preference; - Mature/Daddy/Uncle looking type only - 55yo to very old - NOT into muscle/fit/tattoo - Flex/Btm/Top are welcome - NSA, regular fun only Old man/men pls add me at wechat cocky2017 TQ, Cheers!
    1 point
  23. That place is already a ghost town. Nobody goes there anymore. Better go Tampines Eco Park.
    1 point
  24. Date: 28/2/2024 Time: 9ish AM Location: 51 Cuppage Road Our eyes met outside Cuppage road building. You were in light green long sleeves and dark blue berms (sending a kid to the international school there). You followed me to the bus stop opposite Somerset mrt, and you probably intentionally took bus 111 with me towards Buona Vista. You then sat beside me on the bus, and dropped hints on me. Sorry i did not reciprocate as I was trying to take a short rest after my work exams. You alighted halfway through the bus journey (and i regretted not alighting with you to get a good chat with you). In the afternoon I returned to Far East for a haircut. Afterward i spotted you again while i was on my bus journey back home. I pressed the alighting bell immediately, but the nearest bus stop was at Concorde Hotel. As I walked back to find you, you were nowhere to be seen. I tried my luck walking back to Cuppage (as it is probably school ending time) but my luck ran out and did not meet you even though i waited an hour there. I was in black tshirt, khaki pants and a khaki sling bag. Private message me I would like to know you in person
    1 point
  25. Just had a massage at a popular joint along beach road with one of their massuer for the first time. All I can say is, if you like the feeling of being spread butter like you're a slice of bread with zero strength, you will like this massuer. Definitely definitely first and last time for me ☠️
    1 point
  26. I actually prefer privacy but open concept is how you get all the fun things happening and also you know that your penis is not that small actually
    1 point
  27. Anybody seek edging?Will tie u to bed , spread-eagle and edge u slowly with blindfold(ur choice) Edge only,no sex . Pm me I host at cck condo P/s: the display pic is my regular edgee , not me Telegram : bigboss2046
    1 point
  28. so early? toilet cleaning lady still washing toilet la...😂
    1 point
  29. mature b

    Fuck Practice Buddy?

    Good looking, mature bottom available for you (top) to practice! Just cum and go, but must use condom.
    1 point
  30. Finding a naked exhibitionist sub to humiliate him naked or topless in different place Think of making u do this -Grab topless or in thongs/g string/naked home (no clothes allowed) -topless or naked in karaoke or movie -get topless eating in coffee shop/hawker centre -walk naked or in sexy attire in park or strolling -walk to Sentosa from walkboard way in boxer shorts or thongs and buy or eat topless Whenever I feel safe and ask u to strip, u just do what I ask u. I will let u wear the minimum clothing as possibles. “No dress code” allows unless permission given. Whenever u are alone, u have to be topless whether is outside or at home. U have to show me when I ask for it or any task I give to u
    1 point
  31. egal

    Netflix recommendations

    hidetoshi is in riding the unicorn too. kawaii desu, lol
    1 point
  32. wishinwell

    Bishan Junction 8

    anyone there later? 25c 180 60 seekinh similar
    1 point
  33. But I kind of don't love the fact that the dorms there are mixed. No male only dorms.
    1 point
  34. My darkest fantasy is to be cuckolded by my wife because I can't satisfy her sexually. Every night bringing a different guy home and make me watch. After a few weeks, she bought for me a chastity cage and forced me to wear it because my cock is so small that I can satisfy her. She forced me to lick cum from her pussy and swallowed it. She tells me to be pussy free since my cock is small. She would constantly humiliate my cock and says that it's useless. After a few weeks, her boyfriend had an idea for me to suck his cock while my wife watches. She's so into it. She commands me on how to suck her boyfriend's cock. Her boyfriend is my school bully in primary school. My bully fucking my wife with my face right under her pussy. My wife loves it. Letting my bully fucked her pussy. One day as I was ill, she gave me some pills. All along I thought it's for fever and flu but she told me it's estrogens treatment pills. I was shocked. She forced me to take the pills. She had this idea of feminizing me and turn me into a woman. Everyday my bully and his friends would come over and tie me up to a chair, feed me the estrogens pills and put on sissy hypnosis for me to watch. Headphones to a blast. Day by day I started liking cocks. My wife would pegged me every night to train my asshole. She would plugged it when it's of no use. She would make me wear her clothes and walk around the house and even asks me to throw rubbish which is outside of my house. Neighbours could see that I was transforming slowly. I would sit on a dildo when watching my sissy hypnosis regime. Disgusted had slowly changed to delicious. Now, my bully likes me to suck his cock before he goes fucking my wife. My wife was jealous so as punishment she brought home 6 Bangladeshis and command me to service them good. All 6 are from the nearby construction site. I can taste the saltiness of their cocks which apparently I don't mind now. Because I had learn to love cock as it is. They fucked me, spit roasted me and used me good. One of the workers took out his phone and recorded me sucking and fucking the others. My wife asks for payment from them for recording. Then she had this idea of selling me to the workers. For $70, they get to fucked and get their cocks sucked. My wife kept the money and bought new clothes for me, make up, lingerie and do some plastic surgery for my breasts. Finally the day has come that I have become a woman. No pussy, just my small clit locked in a pink cage and my asshole has become my pussy for Alpha men's. That was the day that my wife was proud of me. I was turn on for making my wife happy and earned her money that I told her she could bring anyone to come over and use me. To my surprise she brought over my nephews, her nephews and their friends to come and taste this Sissy Nora. But before that, my wife asked me to suck their cocks until it was hard and she asked them to fuck her slutty pussy in front of me. They were shocked but I wasn't, I immediately kneel down and unzip the eldest and suck his cock. 19 year old cock which is strong and hard. They took turns to use me after which when they are done, they called me Auntie Sissy Nora. I was happy to oblige. Thus my journey to being feminized and work as a sex worker for foreign domestic workers. The Bangladeshis,Chinaman, Myanmar,Thailand and Vietnam. I was proud. Sissy Nora.
    1 point
  35. Fortunately managed to book Jason last minute. A friendly and pleasant mature guy. The place is around 6-7 mins walk from MRT. Though the setup can be considered quite small(in bedroom) but it was clean and tidy. The massage flow was quite smooth. The strength is medium. I can feel there are a few combinations of techniques he applied on me. A bit of balinese, lomilomi and sport massage. I believe he adjusted based on client’s needs. Overall, it’s very good session.
    1 point
  36. Thanks so much for your kind review and I will keep improving and upgrade my skill. See you again sometimes.
    1 point
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