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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/12/2024 in Posts

  1. I think my biggest fantasy would be playing with plumbers, delivery man, carpenters, waiters, doctors at clinics, teachers, or people's husbands. 😂😂😂
    3 points
  2. any good sucker
    2 points
  3. i always forget i am freeballing and realises my accidental exposure only when i am doing situps or crunches at fitness corner
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. any sucker want suck my load tonight ?
    2 points
  6. Fagnini97

    Skinny Interest

    Anyone has an interest in skinny dudes? I am a bottom 26,168,56. Looking for guys that are into skinny guys and would wanna make me even skinnier.
    1 point
  7. Explore it yourself there are square 1 and 2…. 😙
    1 point
  8. Novena Square is a good place for afternoon tea and cruising … normally aground 5pm plus
    1 point
  9. so hairy sexy
    1 point
  10. Nice luck. I been a few times. Solo dick playing
    1 point
  11. What is "innocent"? Call me judgmental, but someone who has to post something like above as a Guest doesn't seem innocent at all. What about your own post history? Whom do you want to convince here? Happy searching for your "innocent" one!
    1 point
  12. Hi, I'm 35/177/83 stocky Top Chinese. Looking for long term relation who shares common interests like enjoying food, travel around, go café just to sit down enjoy the aircon and to go swimming or even hiking. Straight acting. Willing to accompany each other. anyone can just message me
    1 point
  13. There’s a very, very handsome cruiser at the civic center. He is Chinese, young, tall, fair and muscled with looks of a university student. He was wearing singlet some more while cruising and those muscled arms were just nicely emphasized. Everyone was drooling over him. 😍
    1 point
  14. Hello All, Allow me to introduce myself hor. I am 36chn, 163cm,57kg,local, gymfit, top, fair and fair normal-avg look, straight acting. I like to gym a lot, travel, jog, eat, movies and laze around with my close ones. I am looking for a long-term BF do text me if you are align with what I am looking for. 😊 1- I am looking for straight acting, non-chub (just a preference), likes to gym and travel or similar hobbies. 2- Someone younger than me wld be nice but similar age group is ok too. 3- boyish sporty guy if possible but it depends mostly on chemistry. Thanks much for reading.😊
    1 point
  15. Hi I will be visiting Penang from May 23 to 27 staying in GeorgeTown. I will try to visit U2 which I understand is over at Butterworth. I will then be in KL for two days before going to Korea. Hit me up if you want to chat. I am American Chinese from San Francisco.
    1 point
  16. MalayBi

    Malaysia Bi Play Mates

    married 41 yo Malay looking for side married buddy who is into mutual JO and nipple play prefer long session of lite non penetrative fun inbox me if youre looking for the same and married too!
    1 point
  17. Anyone traveling to KL and staying at a hotel with a sauna? Would love to go as a guest and hang out naked. PM me - 33yo Chinese 180cm 75kg gym fit
    1 point
  18. 26 172 67 fit chn seeking fun in JE.
    1 point
  19. ToughGuy


    1 point
  20. Er.. I felt you are conveniently being used by the str8 as a Tenga cup.
    1 point
  21. 男男國片《我在這裡等你》5大看點!范少勳×劉俊謙雙帥合體、前導海報照藏BL端倪? 妞新聞 追蹤 Source:aballoonslanding @Instagram 難道所有的相遇都是命中注定嗎?今年繼《青春18x2通往有你的旅程》、《莎莉》釋電影預告後,近期將迎來由台港雙帥「范少勳、劉俊謙」主演的《我在這裡等你》,昨(15日)卡司名單曝光後讓影迷們激動說「雙帥互飆顏值、兄弟臉夢幻連動」,本篇爆米花小姐將精選國片《我在這裡等你》5大看點,妞妞們快繼續看下去! 國片《我在這裡等你》看點1. 劇情介紹Source:aballoonslanding @Instagram 「你相不相信,每一次的相遇,都是命中注定?」國片《我在這裡等你》故事描述著香港作家天宇(劉俊謙 飾)在台北街頭偶遇混混阿翔(范少勳 飾),兩人共譜一段「相互奔赴,想見到彼此」的情感,或許是天壤之別的身份背景,讓主角們在相處過程發現意外的轉折及緣分,爆米花小姐非常期待兩位在片中的化學反應啊! 國片《我在這裡等你》看點2. 製片團隊Source:angelihanteng @Instagram 鑲金的製片團隊!國片《我在這裡等你》由曾拿下金鐘獎迷你劇集電視電影編劇獎的導演「鄧依涵」執導,從《玫瑰色的裙》、《第一次遇見花香的那刻》戲劇作品,能看出鄧依涵導演擅長將溫暖敘事的風格圍繞在性別議題,這次也以「自我探索」作為故事主軸,期望能透過說故事的視角,讓觀眾感受不同族群的內心世界。 國片《我在這裡等你》看點3. 范少勳Source:aballoonslanding @InstagramSource:aballoonslanding @Instagram 過去曾以BL網路劇HIStory2《越界》打開知名度的范少勳,隔年也以《下半場》獲得第56屆金馬獎最佳新演員獎,這次在《我在這裡等你》飾演台北街頭混混「阿翔」,日前他也幽默表示「可能我們長很像,所以有機會碰到」,讓影迷們期待這對「偽」雙胞胎的火花。(范少勳戲劇推薦) 國片《我在這裡等你》看點4. 劉俊謙Source:aballoonslanding @InstagramSource:aballoonslanding @Instagram 被封為「香港影帝級男神」及「港版坂口健太郎」的劉俊謙,過去曾以《幻愛》拿下香港電影評論學會最佳男演員獎,近年參演台灣戲劇《小曉》、《此時此刻》圈粉觀眾,這回在《我在這裡等你》飾演一名香港作家,劉俊謙日前透露:「我們第一次見面,我就蠻喜歡他,少勳很樂觀,跟他聊天會被笑容吸引,能合作覺得很讚。」(劉俊謙5部必看戲劇推薦) 國片《我在這裡等你》看點5. 前導海報照Source:aballoonslanding @Instagram 昨(15)日官方社群最新釋出前導海報照片,由知名設計師「方序中」設計,這次電影海報以多層次的筆觸,描繪綻開夜空的朵朵煙花燦爛卻短暫的特質,暗示著雙帥「范少勳、劉俊謙」之間的相遇與邂逅,即便惆悵卻也美好過,在夜空下方的海灣,兩位男主角一前一後的身影,看似平行交錯,卻為彼此留下身旁的空位。 國片《我在這裡等你》預計將於2024年上半年上映,妞妞們屆時一定要進戲院支持!
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. My biggest fantasy is to be gangfucked at sauna
    1 point
  24. Bought black and white versions of a couple of new sexy underwear to try. (1) (2) (3) (4) Which one is nice ah?
    1 point
  25. Those st 42 near canal/expressway. Chinese garden from snow city entrance.... Jurong lake garden is good during weekdays afternoon or lunch haha n night also... Jurong west stadium lunch time or wee hrs...opening? New flats? Jurong Central Park? Tennis court area Hah or (towards expressway if u cycle...or jog) or once a viral place clock tower... NTU must be very very discreet plz. Pandan also not bad. Reservoir. N quite a number of cute guys. So nerdy cutie n lean....and the park within the HDBs flats....don't underestimate pandan/teban...cute guys regardsless of race....their faces cute...
    1 point
  26. Big square chest and big firm butt.
    1 point
  27. Anybody seek edging?Will tie u to bed , spread-eagle and edge u slowly with blindfold(ur choice) Edge only,no sex . Pm me I host at cck condo P/s: the display pic is my regular edgee , not me Telegram : bigboss2046
    1 point
  28. 1. Not interested but insist in pursuing. 2. Stalk that person until follow u to the secret hidden fun place. 3. Have many rounds of fun but still doesnt know when to stop and keeps stealing other ppl’s fun.
    1 point
  29. so early? toilet cleaning lady still washing toilet la...😂
    1 point
  30. mature b

    Fuck Practice Buddy?

    Good looking, mature bottom available for you (top) to practice! Just cum and go, but must use condom.
    1 point
  31. Kye

    Mutual Masturbation

    any guys wanna meet tonight after 6pm at West Side or after 8pm for any other places... can host in my car
    1 point
  32. Reddotsss

    GSPA - anyone

    nice fun in the steam room at 2am
    1 point
  33. But I kind of don't love the fact that the dorms there are mixed. No male only dorms.
    1 point
  34. It's been wonderful receiving so much DMs from so many peers here! Thank you all sincerely, i had no idea i will get so much attention! I will only be available to meet in JB with prior arrangements! I'll be travelling from SG. KL and Pinang peers, please do keep your responses coming. I do see opportunities to travel to u in time to come! Have a sexy day gentlemen!
    1 point
  35. Gonna have both tops and btms that wanna breed and be bred. Initially, the fucker gonna be thinking he is the conqueror by invading and attacking the hole, but he aint realize that he is being used of by the hole. When the btm said harder, the top fucked harder. When the btm said faster, the top fucked faster. When the btm said dun you cum yet, the top gonna obeyed and tried to hold back. But ultimately, the once arrogant, proud, upright cock gonna be attacking till he couldnt take it anymore and surrendered in the hole, puking in the process, became soft and slipped out in defeat and embarrassment. The conqueror is now a prisoner.
    1 point
  36. Thanks so much for your kind review and I will keep improving and upgrade my skill. See you again sometimes.
    1 point
  37. Went for my first session with Jason. His place is artistically decorated and organised. Was greeted by his friendly welcome. Massage room appears to be in the master bedroom and again adorned with a few art paintings and other artefacts. He told me during the pandemic, he has attended various massage courses, even flying to Bali to pick up Balinese, Javanese and Hawaiian massage skills. Seems passionate about his craft. Skills wise, I would rate him to be 7/10 not because of lack of skills but probably short of experience. Strokes were alright but jerky at times. I would also have liked stronger pressure but I guess it boils down to preference. Overall, like his different strokes and the soft, soothing Balinese music he played. Can give him a try. Has a good looking face too🙂
    1 point
  38. My wife told me a mid age uncle talk dirty to her when their boss was away. I immediately get turn on n masturbate in toilet imaging the uncle tear off my wife cloth in office n fuck her. Wow I cum a lot imagine of that when I jerk.
    1 point
  39. I ever top a bodybuilder.Basically their cock average only compare to normal guys or i can say that normal guys cock is bigger.It look like a squid so cute but if u rim them they will moan and best when you top them they will used the anal muscle to squeeze ur cock it feel like suction.But be prepared they not so flexible and they can only do few basic position.But is turn on to fuck them in g string thong or jockstrap while u sniff his worn undies.Top them with the undies on.Very shiok and prepare towel they sweaty like aircon drip.Happy hunting.
    1 point
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