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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2025 in all areas

  1. Yay conducted my first personal training session today! 2025 is a year of growth for me! With even more funds now, I have more ways to contribute back to the community!
    3 points
  2. DMassage

    Alone can be beautiful.

    Alone can be beautiful.
    2 points
  3. Anyone wanna jerk on my gf and wife pic? Or have any more exciting ideas?
    2 points
  4. would love to stroke to someone’s GF or wife and be nasty about it hehe… TTDI,DP or BU area is best! don’t be shy i don’t bite
    2 points
  5. 3 month just passed since I registered to a gym membership and PT. As I see so many guys with good bod and handsome face, started to wonder what made them start working out? For me, I was fat and ugly with very low self-esteem to approach and meet anyone, but I wanted to fuck. So I came to the conclusion that I have to change myself to love myself more. It felt unfair to ask someone to like me when I don't like myself haha...
    1 point
  6. Jace2006xx

    Car Fun (Compiled)

    Any van or lorry drivers tonight?
    1 point
  7. Spring cleaning is so therapeutic.. decluttering the useless stuff, materially and emotionally
    1 point
  8. was at the level1 shower earlier; someone was showering in the last cubicle. didnt seem to be cruisy…
    1 point
  9. Hi there " Welcome on board to the Blowing Wind forum"♥♥♥"
    1 point
  10. put in hot coffee to make kopi C replacing evaporate milk
    1 point
  11. StockBottom

    Ten men Club (TMC)

    To TMC, Please install a curtain between the gym and the sofa/tv area! Best regards.
    1 point
  12. 27 172 67 fit chn here any fit guys for fun?
    1 point
  13. I love to sun tan wearing thong or g-string or my super low rise swimming trunk like edge or Aqux. Usually I tan on weekdays at palawan beach sentosa or katong swimming pool. I simply love the tan line it looked real hot on my bubble firm butt.
    1 point
  14. Mr A - Thank you very much for today! The massage was lovely Mr C - Time is truly a precious commodity, especially in the hands of Bobby, whose meticulous skill as a masseuse and profound ability for conversation will have the time tick by far too quickly. Highly recommend! A shame I’m not local or I’d book appointments all the time.
    1 point
  15. Circumsized is preferred. Cleaner and better for the individual And very sure that Circumsized cock is best in my opinion. simply love them 😜
    1 point
  16. My cum always sweet if I take pineapple juice 😋 💦🍍 they always swallow my cum 😜
    1 point
  17. My god I haven't been back to this forum in ages 😛 I'll be diving in Dauin Philippines April 14-23, muck diving, can't wait. Would be fun if someone from here was there too?
    1 point
  18. I wanna suck please
    1 point
  19. Thank you. Meaningful connection starts this way. 💟🙂
    1 point
  20. Can’t wait for my new place! Hope it brings luck 😊
    1 point
  21. Hiii..new to this forum..Versatile Indian Chub here from Bukit Panjang …19/176/95…Hit me up pls
    1 point
  22. Thong tanline is hot.
    1 point
  23. anyone here now? am running around just moved house lately. is this place cruisy?
    1 point
  24. If is damn fking hot when share her to other guys, when see her open her legs wide exposing and displaying her cheebye to welcome all the guys.
    1 point
  25. Bishan park toilet later, anyone?
    1 point
  26. southwest ada? clementi, buona vista hingga ke vivo
    1 point
  27. Another main difference between a top getting his nipples worshipped by the btm vs the other way round is the position. When I want my nipples served, I would be seated upright in a commanding position. Usually one hand behind the btm’s head to guide him to where and how hard I want to be served, alternating between my nipples, armpit, down my treasure trail and to my raging cock. occasionally grabbing his hair and pushing his head. The other hand could be behind my head so that I’m both relaxed and in command of the btm, while also offering the btm to worship my pit if he’s enticed by my male scent. So nipple licking is a natural part of my display of male dominance and the btms worshipping of my body in return. Whereas if I’m the one licking his nips, the btm will be laying flat on bed, with my body straddling over his and both my hands pinning his down firmly. He’d have no choice but to submit to me devouring his pink nipples and writhe in pleasure under my grip. And the real reason why he’s lying flat on bed, is so that I could easily flip his legs up and move on to eating his ass out. Licking the btms nipples in this case, is part of the prep work to tease out his submissiveness and transform him into an owned wailing btm whore.
    1 point
  28. Hi Mike I hope the gay beach is being spared by the flames. While the loss was immense, the resilience of the community and the hope for renewal are equally powerful. Drive safely over there, Mike. I’m going to miss your massage after you leave. I will make more appointments soon. C ya
    1 point
  29. To the exhibitionist in the hot tub and steam room today (late morning), you have a great looking shaved dick and balls.
    1 point
  30. Good Morning, Guys - ''The ugliest thing that I have seen is a human being without compassion.''
    1 point
  31. babybro

    Naked KTV

    @Beerguy Haha you are full of ideas😁 Should we say shove the BIG COCK down his gaping mouth and make him sing Do Re Mi… This way will let the readers read already feel more shiok haha...
    1 point
  32. Instead of picking small things to argue about, please reaslise the world is much bigger. why not use the energy to reverse climate change, make the world a kinder place, eradicate world poverty? And please mean what you say. paying lip service only goes that far nowadays.
    1 point
  33. TallAmerican

    Fitness First

    I went to FF Paragon recently and noticed that lots of men pace up and down in that little passage between the showers and the sauna/steamroom. Guys will also stand along the hallway with towels wrapped around their waists and just wait. Is this an effective strategy for hooking up? I’m actually curious to know! If a guy is going to spend 30 minutes hanging around outside of gym showers at FF, maybe they should just go to a bathhouse?
    1 point
  34. 33 chn bi attached seeking chat and fun. https://t.me/rcycycycy tele me
    1 point
  35. Hug/kiss/cuddling.. Anyone keen to meet?? No place here…
    1 point
  36. Engaged him for a body massage and wasn’t disappointed at all. He knows how to work the knots. Definitely worth a try ans easy on the eyes too. will engage again
    1 point
  37. I got to suck lots of them by standing nearby while they're peeing. The beer makes them more likely to think with the smaller head. Quite a few times, one of the drinking buddies will come looking for the guy I'm sucking and see what's happening. If the friend is not interested, he usually won't say anything and just quietly walk back. Some will get horny and pretend to also pee, and start masturbating, but won't let me suck them. Some will wait for the friend to cum, then come back quietly after the friend returns to the group, and see if I'm willing to suck them also. Had a few times where the friend would actually approach and join in. Happens quite rarely, but sometimes I've gotten to suck the entire group in one night.
    1 point
  38. for me the whole reason I started working out was basically just to fit into tight and fashionable clothes. But ever since I got slim and, idk, kinda fit, I’ve also started taking care of my style, looks, and personality, and yeah… people have been treating me sooo much better, kinder, nicer and also respect, compliments are flying left and right, and people are just way nicer to me compared to when I was overweight and, ill be real, kinda ugly. so yeah i think taking care of your health do have soo much benefits 😂, no cons cause i still eat burgers and im just fine 🙈
    1 point
  39. Hi there " Welcome on board to the Blowing Wind forum"♥♥♥"
    1 point
  40. Haha, this is so true. I think those so call Fetish are just something enhance the look which should already be there first. It wouldn't make some ugly guys become sexy.
    1 point
  41. just a little update... Last month on Nov 2nd, it was my first time passing the 7.5cm diameter threshold. I have been practicing with the 7.5cm toys (I have 2 plugs, 1 strawberry shape and 1 egg shape) 2-3 times a week. Some times it's easy and some times need a little bit of effort to slide them in depending on my mood. I realized that if I set a schedule that I "must" do it that night, it's harder. So I just go with the flow, only do it when I feel like it. Tonight... 30+ days after 7.5cm mark, I felt particularly relaxed. So I also tried the 3-tier plug with 7cm, 8cm, and 9cm diameters. Not hoping for anything... and surprisingly, when I closed my eyes and relax my body... the 8cm part just went in without pain. The sensation was even more intense. This time, my thighs shiver, I can feel the prostate being stimulated, and I almost moan out of control. It's another new experience. I thought it will take a longer time before I can reach 8cm. Now I need to start looking for a 8.5cm toy. 🙂
    1 point
  42. Just a short follow-up on my anal training... The sensation/feeling of the 7.5cm plug is much much more intense than the 7cm. I would say it's another level of pleasure compared to those 7cm or smaller plugs. The feeling is not just at the sphincter muscle, the sensation runs beyond and goes deeper, feel full. I feel like can't wait to push it out but at the same time I want to keep it in. I never sweat after training but with the 7.5cm achievement, my body keep sweating for a while even after shower. It's like I just had a gym workout. It feels good. 🙂
    1 point
  43. I am also a married bi. 43 and 2cm and 2kg above your requirements ha ha ha.
    1 point
  44. bi married with kid, love to chat with other, pls pm me
    1 point
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