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  1. Looking to help mature married men 40s to 50s unload, 23 smooth chinese 170 60 here. Pm me! 🙂
    4 points
  2. Date: Early/Mid Jan 2025, Weekday Time: 12am-1am est. Location: Sengkang Riverside Park I was sitting down under the shelter near the highway after my jog. You came over to take a look at me and walked off. I pulled my pants down a bit and the second time you came back, you sat down opposite of me and gave me a ‘signalling’ glance. You then moved to sit beside me and we started kissing passionately and stroking each other before making our way to the pathway under the highway bridge. We played for a little bit before getting naked and I fucked you in doggy position. There was a passerby so we had to stop and in the end, we just jerked off and you came in my mouth. We then walked back together and had a small talk before parting ways. Wanted to exchange contact with you but I was too shy to ask. I will never forget the smile you gave me before we completely parted ways. You’re a Chinese guy in mid-30s I believe, with a toned physique. You mentioned that you only go there once in a blue moon and that night, you were there for a jog. If you are that guy, let’s reconnect. I’d love to engage in a meaningful banter with you once again
    4 points
  3. Met a guy as we kept moving around to find the right place to cruise privately. Found one spot and let him suck me off at the hidden corner, followed by fucking his ass after. Felt like we were doing outdoor porn. So shiok!
    4 points
  4. 揭秘:男同性恋者的孤独之痛 原创 风潮WindTide 风潮WindTide 2024年11月04日 09:43 随着社会不断进步,大家对同性恋的认知也越来越深刻。同性恋早就不是什么“病态”了。不过,科学研究表明,和异性恋相比,男同性恋的确在一些行为和心理健康方面会面临更多挑战。比如,他们更容易出现躯体化症状(身体感觉不舒服但查不出原因那种)、强迫症、对人际关系过于敏感,以及更容易感到焦虑、敌对,甚至对社会适应力差。总之,男同性恋者的整体生存状况并不理想,身体和心理健康水平都偏低,还常常会遭遇一些负面生活事件的打击,比如社会支持少,自杀率也较高。 社会经验少的同性恋往往更加孤独,敌意多,觉得自己与周围环境格格不入。孤独感到底是什么呢?简单说,就是当你渴望拥有一群伙伴,但现实却只有自己一个时产生的那种失落感。这种情绪会让人的身心健康都受到负面影响,甚至增加患病风险,严重时还会和人格障碍、抑郁症、自杀等联系在一起。 而依恋是什么?可以这么理解:当你还是个婴儿时,你跟父母或主要照顾者之间形成的情感纽带,就是依恋。心理学家发现,依恋类型和孤独感是有关系的。那些有“安全依恋”的人,孤独感会少很多。而“非安全依恋”的人则更容易感到孤独,比如依恋焦虑型的人总是害怕被抛弃,依恋回避型的人则对亲密关系感到不适。 自尊呢?这其实是你对自己价值的总体看法。自尊高的人通常对自己满意,自然也不容易感到孤独。自尊低的人则容易产生孤独感,因为他们在社交中缺乏自信,常常觉得别人不喜欢自己,交朋友也不够积极。 那男同性恋者的情况如何?根据一项研究,≥16岁(16岁以下性取向还不稳定),自认同性恋的男生中,有固定恋爱对象的只占了202人中的56人,其余的还在“独行侠”阶段。还有意思的是,在这些人里,有些打算和异性结婚,但大部分人(121人)表示不会结婚,剩下10人则已经结过婚或离过婚。关于出柜(公开性取向),有63人已经勇敢地迈出了这一步。而同性恋中的性角色也分为三类:主动型(61人)、被动型(84人)和两可型(57人)。这就像打游戏,有人喜欢当领队,有人喜欢跟随,还有人能灵活切换。 在孤独感方面,男同性恋者的孤独感普遍较高,这可能和他们常常遭遇歧视和偏见有关。被社会排斥的感觉自然会增加他们的孤独感。对于这些孤独感背后的原因,研究表明,少数群体承受的压力(比如歧视事件和被拒绝的预期)能够很好地预测男同性恋者的孤独感。而且,由于社会上对同性恋的接受程度依旧不高,即使表面上有些人表现得很中立或支持,但内心深处可能仍然存有偏见。这也让男同性恋者容易感到自卑,尤其是那些表现出女性化倾向的同性恋者,因不符合传统“男性形象”,更容易感到孤独。 有趣的是,不同恋爱状态、性角色和婚姻意愿的男同性恋者在孤独感上也有差异。比如,那些没有固定恋爱对象的男同性恋者孤独感要比有对象的更高;被动型角色的孤独感也比主动型角色的高,可能因为他们的某些特质让他们更容易感到孤立。而那些打算和异性结婚的男同性恋者孤独感也较高,因为他们可能觉得与异性结婚意味着同性恋情不会有未来。 自尊和依恋对孤独感的影响也很大。研究显示,男同性恋者的自尊与依恋对孤独感的解释力达44%,而男异性恋者仅为13%。男同性恋者自尊心低的原因是他们难以被社会接纳,导致对自己不够自信。他们更不愿意社交,感觉到的排斥感也更强烈。此外,男同性恋者的依恋焦虑较高,他们更需要情感上的支持,但在亲密关系中却难以展现真实的自己,这也加剧了他们的孤独感。而那些依恋回避较高的男同性恋者则倾向于隐藏自己的性取向,但这种自我压抑只会增加孤独感。 心理学家建议,社会应当更加包容男同性恋者,帮助他们减少孤独感,提升自尊。而心理健康工作者也需要更加重视男同性恋者的依恋风格和自尊,帮助他们更好地应对社会中的压力。 ================================================== Translation into English by Doubao AI Revealed: The pain of loneliness among gay men 风潮WindTide 2024年11月04日 09:43 With the continuous progress of society, people's understanding of homosexuality has become deeper and deeper. Homosexuality is no longer considered a "pathological condition." However, scientific research shows that compared with heterosexuals, gay men do face more challenges in terms of certain behaviors and mental health. For example, they are more likely to experience somatization symptoms (feeling physically uncomfortable without any identifiable cause), obsessive-compulsive disorder, be overly sensitive in interpersonal relationships, and are more prone to feelings of anxiety, hostility, and even have poor social adaptability. In general, the overall living conditions of gay men are not ideal. Their physical and mental health levels are relatively low, and they often encounter the impact of negative life events. For instance, they receive less social support and have a relatively high suicide rate. Gay men with less social experience tend to be more lonely and hostile, and feel that they don't fit in with their surroundings. What exactly is loneliness? Simply put, it is the sense of loss that occurs when you long for a group of companions but are actually alone. This emotion can have a negative impact on a person's physical and mental health, and even increase the risk of illness. In severe cases, it is associated with personality disorders, depression, suicide, and other issues. What about attachment? It can be understood in this way: When you were a baby, the emotional bond you formed with your parents or primary caregivers was attachment. Psychologists have found that there is a relationship between attachment styles and loneliness. People with "secure attachment" feel much less lonely. On the other hand, those with "insecure attachment" are more likely to feel lonely. For example, people with attachment anxiety are always afraid of being abandoned, and those with attachment avoidance feel uncomfortable in intimate relationships. What about self-esteem? In fact, it is your overall perception of your own value. People with high self-esteem are usually satisfied with themselves and naturally less likely to feel lonely. People with low self-esteem are prone to loneliness because they lack confidence in social interactions, often feel that others don't like them, and are less proactive in making friends. So, what about the situation of gay men? According to a study, among boys aged 16 and above (sexual orientation is not stable before the age of 16) who identify as gay, only 56 out of 202 people have a steady romantic partner, and the rest are still "single." Interestingly, among these people, some plan to marry the opposite sex, but the majority (121 people) say they will not get married, and the remaining 10 people have already been married or divorced. Regarding coming out (disclosing one's sexual orientation), 63 people have bravely taken this step. In the gay community, sexual roles are also divided into three categories: active (61 people), passive (84 people), and versatile (57 people). It's like in a game, some people like to be the leader, some like to follow, and some can switch flexibly. In terms of loneliness, gay men generally have a high level of loneliness, which may be related to the discrimination and prejudice they often face. The feeling of being socially excluded naturally increases their loneliness. Regarding the reasons behind this loneliness, research shows that the stress experienced by minority groups (such as discriminatory incidents and the anticipation of being rejected) can well predict the loneliness of gay men. Moreover, due to the still low level of social acceptance of homosexuality, even if some people appear neutral or supportive on the surface, they may still have deep - seated prejudices. This also makes gay men prone to feelings of inferiority, especially those with a feminine tendency. Since they do not conform to the traditional "masculine image," they are more likely to feel lonely. Interestingly, gay men with different relationship statuses, sexual roles, and marriage intentions also show differences in loneliness. For example, gay men without a steady romantic partner have a higher level of loneliness than those with one; those with a passive sexual role also have a higher level of loneliness than those with an active role, perhaps because certain of their traits make them more likely to feel isolated. And those gay men who plan to marry the opposite sex also have a relatively high level of loneliness because they may feel that marrying the opposite sex means that their same - sex relationship has no future. Self-esteem and attachment also have a great impact on loneliness. Research shows that self-esteem and attachment can explain 44% of the loneliness in gay men, while in heterosexual men, this figure is only 13%. The reason why gay men have low self-esteem is that it is difficult for them to be accepted by society, which leads to a lack of confidence in themselves. They are less willing to socialize and feel a stronger sense of rejection. In addition, gay men have higher levels of attachment anxiety. They need more emotional support but find it difficult to show their true selves in intimate relationships, which also exacerbates their loneliness. Gay men with high levels of attachment avoidance tend to hide their sexual orientation, but this self - repression only increases their loneliness. Psychologists suggest that society should be more inclusive of gay men to help them reduce loneliness and enhance their self - esteem. Mental health workers also need to pay more attention to the attachment styles and self - esteem of gay men to help them better cope with the pressures in society.
    2 points
  5. Around 11pm-1am. Depends on your luck, the crowd is on and off but it’s been quite happening lately. Mostly only cruisers around so it’s pretty safe. Come join us tonight
    2 points
  6. Come over... Give you a good back massage.... The rest is....... 😂😂😂💦💦💦
    2 points
  7. anyone going to eco tonight?? might be there later 😜
    1 point
  8. Sunday night was happening. Group fun at the urinal. 😈😈😈😈
    1 point
  9. @sum1outhere_03 resending this message, please read through all our House Rules (here), especially point 6b in this case. Therefore, please edit your post to include any price packages/pricing of massages and also include the area (Bishan/Changi, etc) for incall in the title. Thank you! <<otherwise your thread would be removed>>
    1 point
  10. Everyday is happening since you can exhibit alone there as well😜
    1 point
  11. Kvin92

    Sengkang Riverside Park

    Ok see u there
    1 point
  12. It was a good first experience. I was impressed with the facilties. Apparently there was no small towel on that day. It was crowded and cruisy. Crowd was mostly Chinese, with 1 malay and 1 indian guy when i was there. I'll def go back soon.
    1 point
  13. Engaged Eric recently for a massage session. He is skillful and will constantly check in if the pressure is fine. Kudos to him!
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. ET was very professional and knowledgable. The massage location was clean and cosy. He managed to solve my tight foreskin issue within a session. Will definitely be back for more sessions!
    1 point
  16. If I can't get large toys to be delivered to bolehland, I made my own. Haha. Bought some silicone mix from shopee and found a right container with right shape and size and walla. I made a 8.5cm diameter toy for practice. and I am glad that after much training, I graduated to 8.5cm. Next is to make a 9cm toy. 🙂
    1 point
  17. I believe "side" means side fun, without anal penetration. And CD is cross-dressing
    1 point
  18. Hi! Local (MtF) transgender here. Also in somewhat the same boat, as I started off self dosing 1.5 years ago and am now currently having my blood monitored by endocrinologist at public hospital. Generally for MtF hormone therapy (hrt), most things are reversible once you go off meds for awhile. Exception being breast growth which you need surgery to undo. Bear in mind that taking estrogen and anti androgens will change you both emotionally and mentally as well (sometimes not for the better) From your last paragraph it sounds like you have conflict between what you see yourself mentally and how you currently look. Which more or less was the reason I started transitioning. Pre-transition I was basically your avg stereotypical sg bro-man-dude but these days I pass as a tomboy in public (without speaking of course). And it more or less alleviate the dysphoria that I felt growing up as a man. So... don't lose hope because you can change more than you expect. Remember, whether or not you want to continue walking down this path is your own decision. Only you can tell whether this is really who you are / who you want to be. My personal experience is, there are a lot of difficulty navigating society as a transgender/transsexual person. You can lose family, friends, job opportunities, partners because it is hard for non TG/TS people to really understand why you would do this. Please, please consider all the factors first. Anyway, to talk about the technical side of things: Physical changes are resulted more from having low T than high E Estrogel monotherapy is possible but dosage is a bit iffy because everyone is different For estrogel recommend start with 1 stick daily and yes applying to balls works the best There isn't much risk to dosing on the high side for estrogen Anti androgens are a different matter entirely and each have their own risks spironolactone (not very effective, makes you pee a lot) cyproterone acetate (risk of high prolactin which leads to meningioma) bicalutamide (miniscule chance of liver failure) You HAVE to keep taking estrogen for as long as you live If you want a listening ear or someone to help you eyeball your dosage feel free to DM me. In the long term I would still strongly recommend that you go through either the public route (polyclinic > psych > endo) or at the bare minimum get your bloods tested at private clinic to: make sure that everything stays in healthy range esp for liver function check that you are on the right dosage get consistent supply of (safe) meds
    1 point
  19. https://www.instagram.com/p/DFrE3i4y-gg/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
    1 point
  20. Hope u manage to have some fun... I feeling unwell if not would go over to take a look
    1 point
  21. i like the idea of anonymous fun. keep myself blindfolded in a public toilet cubicle and tell everyone here where i am. then when someone knocks the door correctly, i open the cubicle door and let them in. let them do whatever they want to me.
    1 point
  22. Soooooo lazy to work nowwwww
    1 point
  23. Why?

    starting to use estrogen

    Thinking feminism in your head is one thing, but using medicine to attain it is another, and it has its own set of negative effects that can hit you unexpectedly as you age. As you become older, you could have other problems that are not related to your sexual desires. Just so you know, sexual enjoyment and priorities vary throughout your life time. I thought that a lot of people who had already fulfilled your wishes now, had wished they didn't do anything in the first place and hope to resume their regular lives and pursue other interests. You can still have lots of sex with people who adore your current physiques tattoos and look, without compromising your sexual preferences. adore your body and embrace what was given to you at birth. I'm afraid your standing in the LGBT community may suffer once you start taking medication and transform into someone you're not, or apparently look creepier and became an object of resistance by the gay community and caused you to regret for the rest of your life.
    1 point
  24. https://www.instagram.com/p/DEmqP3sTQh0/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
    1 point
  25. 27 172 67 fit chn here, hosting weds night at cck. Seeking similar fit guy, Pm me with tele and pic
    1 point
  26. Part 5 Once the lights went out, Baxton took a final leak and emerged from the bathroom, still wearing his boxers. A sliver of moonlight seeped through the drawn curtains, just enough to highlight his impressive physique. His rugby training had turned his arms into thick, muscular ropes, veins snaking through them like rivers of strength. Baxton looked like he could easily lift Yuuji with just one arm, and that thought was certainly on his mind. Although he wasn’t the team captain, his physique could easily rival Everett’s muscular frame. Yuuji’s eyes lingered on Baxton’s broad, commanding chest as he made his way over to his sleeping bag. The two firm pectorals were smooth and polished, glowing bronze from their sun-soaked training sessions. Yuuji noticed a single bead of sweat trickling down the ridge between them and vanishing into the valley of his sternum. While Baxton wasn’t as ripped as Yuuji, the defined contours of his abdominal muscles still spoke volumes about his core strength. Yuuji scrutinized the upper half of Baxton’s body with such intensity that it made Baxton feel a bit self-conscious. He refrained from letting his gaze drift lower, knowing that such liberties could easily lead him to cross boundaries he had been careful to avoid for years. However, Yuuji’s dick was responding to the visual stimulation more honestly than Yuuji would have afforded himself. The tenting in his loose boxers was undeniably apparent, even though he was oblivious to this development. “Are you zoning out or just admiring my body?” The direct question hit Yuuji, making him realize his wandering gaze had been caught. “I… I’m… sorry. I didn’t mean to stare; I was just lost in thought.” Yuuji’s nervous stuttering completely undermined his excuse. “Hahaha… I’m just messing with you. I’ve been pushing myself in training for the upcoming rugby season, hitting the gym more often and stepping up the intensity. I can bench 200 pounds now! What do you think of my chest?” Baxton then proceeded to flex his chest and arms in different poses, entirely at ease like a seasoned bodybuilder. Yuuji could see Baxton’s pride in his impressive physique, and rightfully so. “Impressive.” Yuuji tried to keep his praise in check, afraid it might reveal his deeper attractions. “Come on. Impressive? I worked hard for these muscles. They’re not just for show… they’re solid as a rock. Go ahead, touch them.” Baxton’s confidence was teetering on the edge of narcissism, a side of him that Yuuji hadn’t noticed at first. He plopped down at the edge of the bed and yanked Yuuji up by his wrist with an assertive tug. Yuuji’s reserved demeanor had been railroaded by Baxton’s shamelessness. Baxton took Yuuji’s hand and placed it on his bulging biceps, flexing dramatically. Yuuji gave a cursory squeeze to those muscles before sliding his hand up to Baxton’s delts, offering a gentle massage before pulling back. “You’ve got to show me how to level up at the gym.” “The secret is really in lifting heavy weights. Don’t waste your effort on easy, high-rep sets…” Baxton resumed, taking Yuuji’s hand and placing it on his chest to continue explaining. “These muscles right here? I hit them with 3 sets of 3 reps each. But I make sure they feel the burn…” Baxton’s voice faded into the background as Yuuji focused entirely on the hunk before him. He knew he was enjoying this moment a bit too much, but he had never been so tactile with another guy, especially not someone as built as Baxton. He traced his fingers over the muscle fibers that spanned across Baxton’s chest, marking the contours of each half. His index finger slowly glided down the smooth ridge at the center and inched its way along the right underside toward that beautiful, soft nipple he longed to plant his lips on. His throbbing tool was begging for satisfaction, but Yuuji was fully enthralled by the gorgeous specimen in front of him. He pressed his entire palm against Baxton’s chest, enjoying the sensation with gentle tugs and squeezes. What had become of the disciplined and self-controlled person he had always prided himself on being? Yuuji wondered. Baxton was so indulged in his own soliloquy that Yuuji felt a certain freedom to take it further. Yuuji’s palm slid calmly over Baxton’s right areola with the touch of his fingers trailing off on the nipple itself. Baxton gradually went silent. He knew his ramblings were falling on deaf ears as Yuuji secured his chest as his personal playground. Yuuji didn’t stop. He couldn’t. Like a moth drawn to the light, Yuuji used both his hands and repeated the same motion on Baxton’s chest with such intentionality to arouse him. This time, his thumbs pressed in a little on Baxton’s nipples as his palms trailed off. Baxton gasped and let out a hint of a moan. Yuuji realized he had gone too far for too long and pulled back immediately. “You have a very nice chest yourself, bro. Mind if I touch it?” Baxton’s urges had been triggered. He wanted to be respectful to his guest, but his own passions were kindled within his boxers. “Hmm… sure,” Yuuji instinctively knew he had just given consent to have sexual relations with another guy. He also knew that all logic, reason, and propriety would have gone out of the window if Baxton manhandled his chest with his big, calloused hands. Everything within him pulled on the emergency brakes, and a yawn came out of his mouth. “I’m getting sleepy. I have a morning class. Can we talk tomorrow instead?” Yuuji lay down on his pillow. He suddenly became very aware that his erect dick was tenting in his boxers, almost protruding out of them from the gaping hole. Yet, he couldn’t risk paying more attention to it by covering it up with his hands. Baxton sat there for a moment, perturbed by the abrupt end to their night. “Alright. Goodnight bro. Good talk. Have a good rest.” Baxton flopped onto his bed, casually kicked off his boxers, and made a clean toss into the laundry basket, all in one fluid motion. He had sent a bold final signal. An indication of attraction. An expression of intention. The sensual touching of his ripped admirer has launched massive 7-incher into a fully erection. Should Yuuji turn sideways to peer down at him from his bed, he would have been entrapped by Baxton’s delicious bait. Yuuji froze while his dick throbbed like it was climaxing. Yet, he fought hard to remain still until he could hear Baxton’s light snoring. It wasn’t long before he drifted into a night filled with sensual dreams about his kind benefactor.
    1 point
  27. Part 4 “Hey, thanks for folding all my laundry! Sorry about the mess again. Let’s put on the new bedsheet together—I’ll take this side.” As they pulled off the old bedsheet, Baxton’s iPad slipped out from under the blanket and thudded onto the floor. Yuuji quickly picked it up, feeling a bit guilty, and turned it on to check its condition. “It should be fine, no worries,” Baxton said, rushing over from his side of the bed to grab it. Yuuji glanced at the screen and couldn’t help but break into a huge grin before handing it back to Baxton. It turned out to be one of his Japanese video clips from a rather questionable website, featuring a handsome guy in swimming trunks alongside a masked girl. Baxton’s face turned beet red as he fumbled to turn it off, at a complete loss for how to respond to the embarrassing discovery. “It’s my turn to take a shower,” Yuuji said politely, gently pulling Baxton out of his embarrassment. Yuuji was taken aback by the luxurious Aesop toiletries used by the rugged hunk. He found himself captivated by the Germanium-scented shower gel as he applied it to his tired muscles. It was well past his usual bedtime, and a warm, soothing shower was exactly what he needed to help his weary body wind down and recover. “Hey, Baxton, could you grab my shampoo from the front pouch of my bag?” he asked, knowing that Baxton used a menthol shampoo that was a bit too intense for his scalp. Without warning, Baxton burst into the shower quicker than anticipated, shampoo in hand. Yuuji quickly turned his back to Baxton in surprise. The stunning bathroom, the delightful fragrances, and all the sensual elements Yuuji had experienced over the past two days had become overwhelming for the young man to handle. Baxton caught a glimpse of his beautiful Japanese uncut dick before he managed to hide it. His cute five-incher had been growing in eagerness to be touched. If he wasn’t mistaken, Yuuji was cleanly shaved with absolutely no trace of any stubbles. “Oh…You can leave it on the floor. Thanks, bro.” Baxton lingered on helplessly at the sight of this artistic sculpture of a stud. While Yuuji didn’t have the broadest shoulders, his well-defined deltoids made his frame wider, especially as they tapered to a slim waist. Yuuji’s muscles undulated beneath his skin as he reached back to scrub his back. The curve of his spine was highlighted by the tautness of his skin, leading Baxton’s gaze down to Yuuji’s bubble butt. Baxton couldn’t help but think about how powerful those two beautiful buns were, especially after witnessing Yuuji’s flutter kicks in the pool. “Baxton…” Yuuji’s voice broke through Baxton’s daydream, instantly snapping him back to reality. He quickly left the shower room, hoping to hide the noticeable bulge in his towel from all the ogling he had been doing. Yuuji emerged from the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist, looking incredibly appealing and smelling delightful. Baxton had already changed into his boxer shorts and was sprawled out on his sleeping bag, which served as a thin mattress. “Baxton, thanks for letting me crash here tonight. I really hope I can get back to my room tomorrow.” “Hey, it’s not right for you to sleep on a bench. Let me see what I can do to sort things out with Everett in the morning.” “Thanks so much. I really owe you one. But I have another favor to ask… I didn’t expect to be here tonight, so I didn’t pack anything, and I really don’t want to return to my room for it. Would it be okay if I slept in my jeans on your bed?” Yuuji asked shyly. “There’s no way you’ll get a good night’s sleep in those jeans. Even with the fan on high, it’ll be super uncomfortable. Do you have a clean pair of underwear with you? If not, I can lend you my boxers,” came the reply. “Hmmm… alright, I’ll wear yours. I promise I’ll wash them before giving them back,” Yuuji said, embarrassed to ask for help. He was naturally very independent. Turning away from Baxton’s direct gaze, Yuuji slipped into a pair of his white boxers, which were a size too big. He had to hold onto the worn waistband to keep them up. The cotton had thinned to the point of being almost sheer, and the buttons had long since disappeared, leaving a breezy gap for ventilation. “Sorry about the old boxers! But trust me, they’re way more comfortable than my rugby shorts or those skinny jeans. I usually sleep naked, but when I have guests or a roommate, I make an effort to wear something at least.” “No, really, I appreciate your hospitality. You do not need to put on something just because I’m here. You can sleep naked if you want. I already feel bad for the inconvenience I’ve caused you.” Baxton burst out laughing at how overly polite Yuuji was being, which was something he had heard about Japanese culture but was now witnessing firsthand. Yuuji looked a bit puzzled by Baxton’s sudden laughter. “Sorry, man. You can drop the formalities with me. Just relax. We’re not in Japan, so be yourself around me. Fine, I’ll take off my boxers after we turn off the lights, alright? It’s almost two-thirty. Do you have class in the morning?” Yuuji nodded with a slight delight and then flopped onto Baxton’s bed. Baxton’s easygoing attitude seemed to help Yuuji unwind; he could see the tension in Yuuji’s shoulders start to melt away.
    1 point
  28. What made me start working out: 1. Sports required routine workout in younger, schooling days (more of been forced to). 2. Vanity reasons after starting to work, want to maintain what was previously earned from sports (not regular at gyms due to many other priorities) 3. Teases, rejections start to sprout as I grew in age and waist circumference (became more regular at gym, found a cheaper and closer to home one) More importantly, what made me continue working out regularly: 1. Results (fulfilling to look at myself in the mirror) 2. Vanity (shiok to receive compliments) 3. Fitness (comparing myself to other friends of same age group or even younger ones) 4. Strength and health (more aware and concern as I age) Ultimately, working out does not limit to solely gymming but other exercises to keep the body mobile and functional. Continuous learning and improvements, seeing results of own research and trials also help keep me pushing forward.
    1 point
  29. amkboi

    Changi Business Park (Cbp)

    Going cbp around 1-2am tho driving
    1 point
  30. Hi All. I am seeking out discreet and meaningful companionship and brotherhood with like-minded bi gentlemen. Straight guys r welcome. If you're interested in exploring a connection based on mutual respect, trust, and open communication, let's get to know each other. Please reach out (PM Me) if you're seeking a similar experience.
    1 point
  31. I engaged Eric about 2 weeks back for a massage with him. First of all, he’s a really friendly and chill guy, and really accommodating to his clients. He will make you feel assured and safe. When I met up with him, he was really warm and welcoming, and during the session itself, he used a good amount of pressure, and will check with you to ensure that everything is to your liking and comfort. I felt very relaxed and was able to feel rejuvenated and much lighter after the session. I would highly recommend him if you are looking for a masseur that is chill, meticulous and patient. I had quite a few questions to ask him because I like to be very clear cut with things, and he helped to break down his rates and answer my queries in a timely manner too Overall, Eric provided a really good massage, and the experience as a whole is worth going for. Thank you very much Eric! Feel free to contact him and find out more!
    1 point
  32. StockBottom

    Ten men Club (TMC)

    We should have this in SG too, will make my life so much easier
    1 point
  33. Chub with big cock, thick ass and super big and sensitive nipples. Looking to sext and exchange pics, can be quite kinky and interested in new things Tele: @tamata09
    1 point
  34. I love seeing someone suck n swallow my cum .. Tele@ kennylbp
    1 point
  35. HC-B

    Changi Business Park (Cbp)

    Having that needy, strong and urgent desperation again to strip down to only my skimpy thong and exhibit and cruise and hook up and get down on my knees or even bend over for tops with thicc and long and hard cocks at CBP! 🥵🤤
    1 point
  36. Trust. I am also not muscle athletic build, but I went to maxwell onsen and managed to get lucky with quite a few people. Be confident, take any form of rejection with stride and then just enjoy.
    1 point
  37. egal

    slim/skinny people

    https://t.me/+PAz9Sc4mS081NGE1 a chat grp for Slim by Slim share stas and picture of slim bod will be required upon entry, lol
    1 point
  38. SoreEyes89 Any guy keen to get suck? Suck, cum and go.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. 1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Available near Tengah for bi or married guys looking for long edging blowjob in yr car- late evening. Pm me if you drive .
    1 point
  44. KSL San Onsen I went to KSL San Onsen last night because I found out that there was a police raid on Otot2. It was also during the festival of lights and I thought to be safe to go to KSL San Onsen instead of going to any of the PLU bath house. I'm sure there must be police operasi as the KL roads are full of police. I drove all the way from Kuala Lumpur to Klang, which took about 40-45 minutes, depending on traffic conditions. Last night I arrived at KSL San Onsen around 9pm and to my surprise the onsen were packed with people. I think there were at least 25-30 people of mixed race that came through last night and I could see the majority were PLU. It was nice to get soaked and look around, most of the patronage weren't wearing disposable underwear, my eyes were busy last night seeing many different shape and sizes. 😂😂😂 After entering the onsen, I was attracted by the first Chinese young man. Not that chubby, but he is cute, handsome and has sharp eyes, especially his beard makes him more attractive to me. I sat next to him and we looked at each other and ended up going to the bathroom and we had a great time. I was blow hard, kissed, hugged, jerking and it was marvelous. To this day, I still can’t forget his sharp eyes, cute expression and handsome face. After the first load, I took a shower and headed back to the onsen. Again, saw another young Chinese guy who kept looking at me, he looked good too. So a second round of loading again in the bathroom. Kissing, cuddling, blowjobs, handjobs and everything else you can imagine happens in the bathroom. This is the second load. I looked at the time and saw that it was already 10:30 pm. The customers were getting ready to leave, so I decided to leave too. It was worth every penny I paid yesterday. Thanks to the two cutesy I met last night, you were both amazing and I can’t forget the time we spent together last night. Will I return to San Onsen again? The answer is “Yes” and definitely “Will”.
    1 point
  45. The feeling is so good when you hear her scream out load when the two guys take turn fucking her cunt hard.
    1 point
  46. Married bi-curious here, 34 chi KL area. Looking for people with similar fetish to wank to my gf sex vid, i can help u to HJ if click PM me your telegram
    1 point
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