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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/07/2025 in Status Updates

  1. Enjoying the morning sun at Safra Tamp now
    5 points
  2. Was doing my office work while watching Transformers One… the convo caught my attention… He (Sentinal Prime) removed your “cock” before you came online… We were born with transformation “cock” but he took them from us What defines a Transformer is not the “cock” but the spark.. blah blah… Have to rewind the scene and turn on the subtitle…. Oh is Cogs not cock….such word do trigger a reaction involuntarily… 🤨
    4 points
  3. One of the better hookups. 😇
    4 points
  4. I realised that I spent 1.5 hours in a Zoom call in just my shirt, jock, and socks.
    4 points
  5. Fuck this pent-up sexual energy 😪. Need a dark, handsome, tall top to make out with and have him suck my nipples till kingdom come.
    3 points
  6. Fitted white shirt that’s a little bit sheer and particularly snug at the chest. No pocket so there’s good visibility on both nipples. Damn. Gonna be so distracted at work today.
    2 points
  7. Help others succeed in life. You will succeed in yours too.
    1 point
  8. Hi there " Welcome on board to the Blowing Wind forum"♥♥♥"
    1 point
  9. DMassage

    Easy love is not real.

    Easy love is not real.
    1 point
  10. In speech, tell the truth and keep your word.
    1 point
  11. not sure why but was feelin a little uncomfortable when i was hit on by 2 different guys at the gay bar. might just be an energy thing....they weren't very classy let's just leave it at that
    1 point
  12. Stay happy and blessed. We are all very fortunate. Appreciate life always.
    1 point
  13. Good Morning, Guys - ''Even if we disagree, we can still be kind to each other.''
    1 point
  14. btm2539

    happy sunday all!

    happy sunday all!
    1 point
  15. If you tell the truth, you do not need to remember what you said.
    1 point
  16. Try not to fix someone else's life when yours is crumbling around your feet.
    1 point
  17. Good Morning, Guys - ''You can give them another chance or you can forgive, let go and give yourself a better chance.''
    1 point
  18. From X's Grok 3 , obviously just for the fun of it......🤭 What You Seek in a Partner Intellectual Spark: Thanks to Sagittarius, you’re drawn to someone who can keep up with your ideas and challenge you mentally. A good debate or deep conversation is foreplay for you. Reliability: Capricorn demands a partner who’s dependable and mature. Flashy flings might catch your eye, but you’ll only stick around if they’ve got substance. Shared Goals: You want a relationship that’s going somewhere—someone who’ll build with you, whether it’s a home, a family, or just a life of mutual respect. Strengths in Love You’re a rare combo of fun and steady. You can keep things exciting (Sagittarius) while providing a solid foundation (Capricorn). Your cusp nature makes you adaptable—you can roll with the highs and lows of love without losing sight of what matters. You’re inspiring. Partners often admire your drive and the way you balance dreaming big with making it happen. Challenges in Love Freedom vs. Commitment: The Sagittarius in you might clash with Capricorn’s need for security. You could struggle with wanting independence while also craving a deep bond, leaving partners confused about where they stand. Emotional Walls: Capricorn’s cautious side might make you slow to open up. You could come off as reserved or even cold until you fully trust someone. High Standards: You don’t settle, which is great, but it might mean you’re picky or quick to walk away if someone doesn’t meet your vision.
    1 point
  19. DMassage

    You are different, so be it.

    You are different, so be it.
    1 point
  20. 在细雨绵绵的下午,我们坐在一间咖啡店。在人群中,我的目光只看见你一个。 你穿着黑色无袖衬衫,肌肤如玉,显出你的粗壮的手臂和明显的鲨鱼线。你往后带着白色棒球帽, 看起来拥有帅气带点可爱。 你的长挑身材,鹅蛋脸儿,剑眉星目,顾盼神飞的眼神,吸引着我让我悄悄的偷看了你无数次。 不知是否我的错觉,但我总觉得你有注意到我。希望缘分让我们有一天可以重逢,联系做个朋友。
    1 point
  21. You can't change someone's attitude. But you can change your perception towards them.
    1 point
  22. I'm in a massive, massive, massive debt. Book debts. I have probably over 100 books that I've yet to read finish. I intended to read them and donate them away before 2030.
    1 point
  23. When he cums on your face and shoots into your eye and you end up looking like you have conjunctivitis.
    1 point
  24. It's always flattering when someone compliments your youthful appearance, intentional or not. Met a 9-year-old boy going table to table at a random PJ cafe asking people if they were interested in purchasing his cookies. He reached my table and asked the same thing, offered a cookie sample before I could decline as I had spend the past month recovering from a cough, and still am. Plump, cute little boy with rosy cheeks: "Hi, I'm selling homemade cookies. Would you like to try some? They're really good." Me: "Thank you for the offer, but I just recovered from a cough." Boy: "Oh, thank you so much. I wish you a good health." His response left me slightly befuddled. I watched him move onto the subsequent tables, delighting his potential customers with his manners and innocent precociousness. A couple bought a jar from him, and I thought, you know what, I may not be able to enjoy these cookies, but my family members could. A few aunties manning their respective eateries call him over and buy a tub of cookies each. As he circled back to a neighboring table, I seized the opportunity to grab his attention. He noticed me, and walks over. Me: "How much for a tub of cookies?" Boy: "20 for one. 60 for three. I thought you just recovered from a cough." Me: "I did, I'm buying for my family. I'll take three." Boy reaches to his bagpack for three tubs of cookies. Me: "Are your parents with you?" Boy: "Yeah, dad's with me." Me: "How old are you?" Boy: "Take a guess!" Me: "10?" Boy: "Nope!" Me: "8?" Boy: "No." Me: "7?" Boy: "No!" Giving up, I listed the rest of the numbers up till 12. He playfully snarked at me, "No! You forgot 9!" Me: "Ah! Are you selling cookies as an after-school pastime?" Boy: "Uh, it's a little more complicated than that. I have a 4-day study week. What about you? How old are you?" Me: "I'll give you 2 guesses." Boy: "20?" Me: "Wow! Thank you, but I'm much older than that." Boy: "26?" Me: "I'm 32, but thank you for the compliment." Boy: "Huh!? You don't look 32." Me: "Hahahaha, here you go kid. 70 for 3 tubs of cookies. You-" Boy interjects mid-sentence, "It's 60, why are you giving me 70?" Me: "You can keep the change, and buy yourself a drink or a meal, or save it." A push-and-pull ensued where he tried to shove the RM10 balance into my hands, my bag, underneath the bowl of noodles I had for lunch, catching the attention of the Chinese aunties witnessing the mini clownfest. Boy: "I don't need the 10, I can make my own money!" Impressed, I relented and accepted the RM10. Me: "One last question, did you bake these cookies?" Boy: "No, I have someone doing it for me. I just sell them." Me: "You're doing good, kid. Be good, okay?" Boy thanks me and bows before going off. This boy is going places, I thought to myself. Later that evening, at a random shopping mall, got cruised by a guy. Guy approached me, introduced himself, and asked if he could have my number. Me: "How old are you?" Guy: "I'm 22." Me: "Gosh, you're really young." Guy: "You?" Me: "Wanna take a guess?" Guy: "Same age?" Me: "Nah, I'm 32." Guy: "Really? Wow. You Chinese?" Me: "Yeah." Though nothing happened, we parted ways with each other's number in hand. Never heard from him since last night. Just today, a bunch of gaming friends asked to see my face. Did a face reveal, group instantly goes, "Oh my god, you look like a 20s 20-something." Perhaps it's the result of asking to guess my age, but I am grateful for my genes. If only people paused to scrutinize the growing strands of gray hair however, they might realize my gray hair gives away my actual age. But I'll enjoy the compliments while I still can. Past self, thank you for drilling years of strict skincare regimen into me.
    1 point
  25. Some more photos from my shoot .... will make it annual to record my progress.
    1 point
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