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Boxers / Underwear / Shorts BULGEs (NO RAW COCK pls...)
nipslikesugar and 40 others reacted to Jace27 for a topic
41 points -
40 points
Tried working out nude last week on a weekday afternoon. Quite hesitant at first since it was visibly day time (and yes there's the unnerving security camera), but told myself it's just like an onsen. Surprisingly there were a few people gymming at that time, though only one other was nude. As expected, it was difficult to stay hard while working out. Had to rub it out in between sets just to look impressive in the mirror, and maybe for that added testosterone. When I was done with the workout, a few people came over to touch me. Ended up getting edged on the bench (someone even turned up with lube). Didn't want to finish there, but I was pinned down (albeit willingly) and shot all over the floor. As a responsible gym user, I did clean up after myself. It was quite exhilarating to be exhibiting in broad daylight and to get to admire myself in my full glory in the mirror.37 points
33 points
Boxers / Underwear / Shorts BULGEs (NO RAW COCK pls...)
nipslikesugar and 28 others reacted to slimgam for a topic
29 points -
28 points
Thought of sharing my own experience, though it wasn't so much of 'missed connection' but more of a 'reversed missed connection' (i.e., I was "found" without posting in the Missed Connection thread). Before I begin, those who knew me here would know I do not use the Chat Function in this forum, and it was always written in my profile, as well as in the 'signature' of every of my posts. For those who always use the Chat Function, you would also know that there would be a pop-up text line (for about 2-3 seconds) showing part of the new chat message, provided you were also online at the same time. [this had some relevance to the events that followed...] Here goes... quite a while back, I saw a new, attractive fit guy in the gym (never seen him before) and I kind of mentioned (mostly complimentary words) him here somewhere, but not in the Missed Connection thread - as he didn't seem like a guy who would be here in this forum. This fit guy (let's call him "hunter" hereon, haha) noticed it and realised he was the one I mentioned, he then started to "hunt me down" with that bit of photo in my profile picture - which was quite 'impossible' eh, haha. The 'hunting' process took quite a few months (or more) since we did not always see each other that often... Finally, one fine day, our lockers were closed by and I happened to mention him again. This was when he pieced 'the missing linking' together and I was "found", haha. The next day, while browsing this forum at work, suddenly the chat pop-up a short text line on top "Thanks for all your kind words...", before it disappeared 2-3 seconds later. Obviously I was in total shocked as this would only mean he was "hunter", since I didn't talk about anyone else, and that whole day I was flustered with anxiety - was it really him? When I finally had some free time, I PMed him to verify the details - and indeed it was "hunter". It was amazing how things turned out without much expectations. We did meet eventually and we still communicate through PM quite regularly. We talked about everything and anything - though mostly involving health and fitness, but there were also other topics such as travel, hobbies, work, etc. Looking back, it was really fate that brought us together, since there were quite a few possible twists and we would be missed: (1) if I had not mentioned him, he would not have noticed it and all the above would not have happened; (2) if our lockers were never closed by, there would not be any chance for "hunter" to 'find' me; (3) if I was not online to see that pop-up text, I would not even read his messages and we would miss each other. I think this friendship that evolved along the way without expectations was one of the best thing in my life, such connections are hard to come by (even better than some of the people I met from here in the past) and I hope there are more of such connections - be it for me or the rest of you here looking for that missed connection. Cheers and Happy CNY! 🍊🍊27 points
Keybox Sauna @ Upp Circular Rd (No Ads or Bitch fight)
dean_unknown and 26 others reacted to doncoin for a topic
I went to KB for the first time last week, and it was 2 nights in a row. I wasn't planning the second night, but was persuaded to go and it was walking distance from where I am staying. I want to share some of my personal experiences there, and some thoughts. Both nights I arrived around 7ish. Friday night's theme was underwear and so i just wore a jock and wandered around. At first I thought the place only had the shower area, and the spa section. I sat in the jacuzzi for a while just people watching mostly. The guys are pretty cute for the most parts, and some made an effort with their choice of underwear on parade. Some just couldn't be bothered and you can tell. There was one guy in relatively loose boxers. It would be something if he had a big dick behind, but, there was not much of a visual impact. I was getting somewhat bored and was planning to leave when I went to my locker and realised that there was a door that i hadn't noticed before. So I just went in and it was the infamous dark maze section. To be honest, I wish the owners would invest in floor lighting. I must have stepped on several people's toes, and banged into walls a few times. i wandered aimlessly, being groped every so often and made it to a dark corner where there seems to be a crowd congregating. I could hear heavy breathing, and decided to venture further into the mass of bodies. It wasn't long before I had one guy on each nip sucking away like they are starving. Somehow, someone, got on his knees, pulled my jockstrap down and started blowing me. It felt amazing, I was getting worked on all sections. It got too hot for me at some point and I excused myself and made my way out to the water cooler. My eyes locked with this other cute guy and I followed him into the maze. I was able to follow him up to some point, when the space got too dark and i could not tell which way he turned and lost him. Soon, I was making out with several other guys, and at some point, I felt like a cow, with each guy sucking on my nips. Could be the same guys from earlier for all I know. I couldn't tell as it was too dark. Eventually, I found another guy who serviced my cock, and I admit, the sound of him gagging and choking as I forced my dick down his throat was a big turn on. He mumbled something like "too big" and all of a sudden, it felt like every one who was within hearing distance, descended upon me. I lost count of the number of mouths who wanted my dick, but at some point when i wanted to fuck, no one seems interested. I followed 2 guys into one of the rooms, and we started playing together, but when it came to fucking, it's not for the lack of trying, but they were too tight. One yelped in pain that I was alarmed that I might have hurt him. In the end, as I had a work call with the US at 9pm, I decided to leave. Before I go, I went to the showers to rinse off, and next to me was this incredibly cute guy with the perkiest ass I've seen all night. We made eye contact and I moved to stand next to him, he did not protest when i soaped his ass, and seems to enjoy the attention from the guys waiting in line, as I played with his ass. However, I had to run, and so I told him to follow me to my locker, where we exchanged numbers. Overall, here's what I think of the place: Guys are generally in-shape, good looking, and young (mid 20s- 40s maybe). Most guys don't seem to kiss, or if they do, it is more like a chaste peck on the lips. There was one guy who thankfully I cannot see his face, but I can smell his breathe. He was one of the guys that worked my nips, but I could smell what he ate for dinner. Not sexy. KB provides mouthwash. Everyone should at least take a gargle, especially if you are coming straight after a meal. The dark maze area is fun, and the darkness certainly removed the barrier to prejudice since you cannot really see the guy's face. Under normal lighting, people may be more picky and the darkness equalizes the playfield. I noticed a group of relatively tall and muscular guys loitering by the wall near the exit/entrance to the locker area. it seems to me for most of the 1.5 hours i was there, they were like part of the fixture. They almost never seem to move from that spot. I don't know what their thought process is, but posing like a wall flower is not my idea of fun in a sauna. I didn't observe that much actual fucking going on. Most guys are more into making out. Sure I can hear moans coming from some of the rooms, but there is none of that rhythmic slapping sounds. There was this upstairs area where I saw 3, maybe 4 guys lying on the big bed together. All of them face down, ass up. I supposed they were napping, but upon slapping the butt and fingering two of them, (their asses were pre-lubed), they were just waiting to be fucked. The staircase up and down are precarious! Definitely need more lights to see clearly. I will share my 2nd night on another time.27 points -
Boxers / Underwear / Shorts BULGEs (NO RAW COCK pls...)
nipslikesugar and 24 others reacted to tkkt86 for a topic
25 points -
Anyone can post their hot nipples pic?
Nightshade and 23 others reacted to Jace27 for a topic
24 points -
So this is the follow up to my earlier post. Thankfully the guy with the amazing ass messaged me the following day, Saturday, and we arranged to meet up by my hotel. He got my room and we proceeded to have fun. I always thought I have a pretty average tool in terms of length, but I am thick. Anyway when it came to actual anal penetration, we did a few rounds, and after a while, he admitted that he wasn't comfortable and suggested that we go to KB instead and maybe I can find some one who will fit better. So we got dressed and walked over. After removing our clothes at the locker area, we proceeded to the shower area, and pretty soon we lost sight of each other. Saturday was skin night. and I am glad most guys are comfortable enough to bare it all without feeling the need to cover their privates with their hands. I wore a cock ring for the night as I felt I wanted an accessory on and entered the dark maze area. As usual, the tall muscular guys were placed near the entrance, and everyone just walked past them. Perhaps everyone knows something about these guys that I don't, anyway, I recognized one or two faces from the night before. While underwear night was fun, skin night seems to be on another level. Guys were rubbing up against me as i walked past them, my dick was grabbed, and before long, I was walking around the maze with an erection. I found a group of guys who were more than happy to service me, and I didn't realised how sore my nips were from last night until fresh mouths startled sucking and playing with them. They were super sensitive and tender. In some dark corner, I made out with a guy and played with his ass, and he was pre-lubed, lucky me. So after sometime choking and gagging him, I pushed him against the wall and slide into his boy pussy. He definitely was ready, I slide smoothly into his wet hole with not a single whimper from him but a moan that I knew meant he is begging to be fucked. He was perfect with the right amount of tightness that is not like squeezing the oxygen from the blood in my dick. I fucked him hard in that dark corner and our moans attracted a crowd. I could feel hands touching me all over, and some guy pinched my hyper-sore and sensitive nips which increased the pleasure for me. It got too hot and sweaty for me so I withdrew and let someone else have a turn. I made my way to the water cooler, still with an erection which got the attention of a few guys and groped. I decided to take a break and went to the steam room to explore the scene. There wasn't much happening in there, and it was too hot and steamy anyway, so I ended up showering and relaxing in the jacuzzi. I saw my hot ass guy and we chatted a bit, he said he was in the maze and could tell that I was having fun and got motivated. So i followed him back into the darkness where we started playing with each other a bit as a continuation from the afternoon. He guided me around before we found an empty room. He pumped some lube from the dispenser and we got into position. This time, he rode me like a champion. The uncomfortableness he experienced vanished. After we both cummed, I asked what happened. He had poppers from a friend, and I was the 2nd guy he got fucked by at KB that evening. The first guy he had stretched him enough to make it comfortable for him. Lesson: Sometimes you just need someone else to pave the way to ensure a smooth path.24 points
Anyone interested in bro bating? eg. jerking off together while watching porn, drooling, being verbal about the porn and your junk? I realised there’s little to no bators in sg and i really wanna find a buddy (or few) where I can jerk off with. Not necessarily gooning, but maybe gooning without the poppers haha. Just with our legs spread, hairy dongs and pits out. Anyone?23 points
Boxers / Underwear / Shorts BULGEs (NO RAW COCK pls...)
Nightshade and 22 others reacted to stickyricelove for a topic
23 points -
Encounters with taxi drivers is really rare unless arrange beforehand, I would say its almost impossible. Over the wet weekend, I was at a friend place for steamboat and left after midnight in a grab. Similar to @Steve5380, I prefer to sit in front as it makes chatting easier and to curb my occasional car sickness. As the encounter is quite fresh in my mind, I try to make it as detail as possible. (Up to individual to believe in my encounter) We are chatting from the weather... politics... religion and suddenly homosexuality. (Its quite enjoyable to talk to taxi drivers as they can really converse). Things starts to warm up abit then we hit the topic on homosexuality. Driver: Many religion is not forgiving on that Me: Now people are more open minded, dun really care of other people judgement. At this point, he start asking me questions about you know what.... and start to get abit touchy. Driver: Where you buy your pants from? Material quite smooth and looks comfortable. Me: From uniqlo His hands start to feel from my thigh to my inner thigh and briefly brush against my ball. Driver: wah, you never wear anything inside, can feel your jewels and can see smth moving. Me: Ya lo, I like to hang loose on weekends, let my jewels feel free and easy. I do admit I enjoy his touch and his hands did not really leave my groin after that. I think both of us knows whats going to happen later. For the remaining journey, his hands are already in my pants and when nearing my destination my pants are at my ankle. (its kinda exciting) He ask if I want to continue (of course la, need to ask one meh!). He then drove to a quiet road near the lorong halus wetland, once parked, wasted no time and start sucking. Due to the long foreplay along the journey plus how his tongue twirl around my cock, I cum after a short while in his mouth. Driver: So horny huh...cum so fast and so much. Me: All your fault.. Driver: Now still "early", still can cum or not Me: Of course Having say that, both of us climb into the back seat and recline both the front seats to make space. Strip each other naked. Pushing his head down, he starts to suck again. Driver: Breed me please? Me: No condom.. Driver: in the compartment and lube... After putting on protection and lubing his ass, I started pounding. As both of us not big size, I can pound him with ease at the back with a few positions. Both of us moan freely in his car since no one around... Me: Cumming... cumming... Driver: Inside me.. cum deep inside me... raw.... At the point of no return of such good sex, hard to think rational. Instantly I pull out, took out the condom and plunge inside him again, a couple of pound and cum deep inside. Me: Ahhhh.. Ahhhh... Driver: *panting* I cum as well... The both of us slump back onto the seats panting when he suddenly fondle my cock and start sucking again slowly making me hard after awhile. This time no more anal, he sat on me rubbing his cock against mine til we both cum again. I was totally spend after 3 shots, after dressing up we chat in his car for awhile more before sending me home. Not going to write about his background story in detail but in summary taxi/grab industry for almost 15 years, cruise a couple of times at CBP and fort road. We exchange contact to meet again. Perhaps will pen another encounter here with him if things happen....21 points
21 points
I am sure many people have known someone from somewhere like regulars in a coffee shop greeting one another silently after some time going to the same place. I have bump into one recently when I am a regular at a sporting goods shop, it's always the usual crowd and there is this one guy that I just notice after some time and we started just smiling at one another nodding to greet one another, then a bit of casual chat like what am I here for today, and he's just looking around picking some accessories, and this was like over 8 years ago I was stopping by a coffee shop along south bridge road late one night and notice a jogger running past into a street and he looks very familiar but just let it go and not try and remember who, but about 20 minutes later he run back towards the coffee shop and he was looking at me running past, then double back then told me I look familiar, and I said the same, then our memory came back when I ask about his hobby that we use to bump into one another and didn't actually talked and that we seem to be friend, but are not friend.. He sat down when I offer to buy him a 100+ and we chatted about our hobby and that we both have aged and is no longer as active.. After a short chat, he ask if I would like to continue our chat at his place, which is just across the street as although it's late at night, it's still stuffy and he is sweating from the run and since I have nothing to do, I accepted his invitation, and we both walked to his place, and we started chatting about relationship which I found out he was never married and never in any serious relationship, and I ask why because he is a decent looking guy.. and the place he is living in seems to suggest he is doing well, and he shrug it off telling me.. Hard to explain lah, then ask me about how's married life after 50's. I told him.. getting less exciting, as I am active while my wife is never interested in any outdoor activities and I hinted by saying.. Let's just say, it's not because of age, but it just less exciting and less frequent if you know what I mean, and he laughed and told me he know what I mean, and in between chat he was subtlely physical, like he will squeeze by arm telling me I am still in good shape (My own opinion is the oppersite).. At his place, he brought out some of the sporting goods blings he bought overseas and told me he will go for a quick change.. His place is a studio apartment and his bedroom is those loft style type and he has a small bar counter and took a seat there to wait for him.. he came out shirtless, wearing a clean dry running shorts, it was those short one with curved slit at the side, we chill by the counter and he offered me some liquor which I declined because I am driving and took a sprite from the fridge, and we chatted about "Those things we do back in the days" laughed about silly things we think we want to achieve but never manage to, and during our conversation, his hand is either squeezing my arm of my thigh and then later he just rested his hand on my thigh and sometime stroking when he laugh, and I notice he actually had an eraction and have been shifting himself to hide it, it's not obvious because he will shift and cross his leg but is noticeable when he uncross his leg and he kept them closed. I will be lying if I say I didn't felt turn on seeing him in just his shorts and after knowing his cock is now hard, and it turn me on even more considering there is really nothing much he can do if I don't react and there is also the fear that I could have sense the wrong signal, as things can go very wrong if anyone of us made the wrong move.. He of course won't straight out suggest or ask if I want to fuck him, and me would risk getting a punch in the face if I reach out and touch his eracted cock.. So, what I did is touch him back a little, my hand got closer to his thigh, then did what he did, I stroke it and eventually rested on his thigh, and he clasped his leg in crossed position likely to hide his eraction, then I move my hand closer to his bud cheek and stroking his thigh more sensually and started to lossen his leg uncross them and this time, he seem to want me to notice his erection and we still continued to chat and the physical touches are still subtle and he is binching on drinks, like pour a bit, down it, pour another one, down it in very short interval. I excuse myself to use the bathroom and my mind have conflicting thoughts.. What's going to happen if he straight out grab my crotch?, and what if he don't, thinking I am a pure straight guy? and I finished peeing, then washed my cock (Just in case), and happen to just wet my jeans a little below the knee.. and when I went back to the bar, I just place my hands on his thigh and this time, without any thoughts slip inside and stroke his cock and quickly retract and rested my hand on his thigh then I guess he got the signal and he reached for my waist stroking it, then move up to my chest, then he uses both hands to stroke my body then push my shirt up to remove it, then he suggest I should remove my jeans since it's wet and I can dry it with a hair dryer (obvious excuse), and he help me remove my belt, unzip and remove my jeans leaving my underwear, and he really went to retrive his hair dryer, and I notice his cock has gone soft, no more eraction, and I thought. OK. That's it.. call it a day after drying that small little wet spot.. but while I was drying, sitting there with just my underwear and he pour another drink and there I saw his shorts started forming but this time he didn't hide it and walked away went up to his bedroom and when he came back down, stand behind me and grab me from behind, kissing my neck, ears, rubbing his face on my cheek, then reached down to stroke my cock until I got an eraction, and he shifted to the front and started kissing me and we frenched kiss for good few minutes with him stroking my cock from outside my underwear, and I reach and grabbed his cock giving him slow hand job and and softly pinching the tip of his cock, and he pulled my hand guided me up to his bedroom.. By his bed, he grab me tightly from behind kissing my back, then pushed my underwear down, and I climbed up his bed and position myself on four and he kissed my back, rolled his tongue down my ass line licking my ass then down licking my balls and slip under between my legs to reach for my cock and suck it, and he shifted himself so we are in a 69 position with his head hanging down the edge of the bed, and I climbed down and he let me mouth fuck him in 69 position and in between he was slurping sucking on my balls when I position myself and moving my hips to let me lick my balls and he did that for a few minutes and he pushed my head down and ask me to suck his cock and I complied, and while we're sucking one another, he pulled my hip hard to make me go deeper into his throat and I got worried at first because he was choking and I notice his face is wet with his own saliver, but he assured me he is ok and ask me to pump harder which turn me on a lot which made me suck his cock more sensually, and he came with loads of cum and I know that was really a long orgasm as his cum just kept flowing which I now estimate enough to overfill an espresso cup, then he reached his drawer took out a condom, filled it up with lot's of lubricant, slip it on for me, then ask me to pump the lubs into him, and I climbed up on top of him, his leg spread wide open and I started pumping him and he pulled my face down kissing me taking in any remaining sperm he have left on my face.. We parted ways after thanking one another for the wonderful and exotic experience, and apologized for messing up his bed but he assured me it's worth it, and we did laughed at ourself when we taked about the initial experience, where we both hesitated but ended up having sex, but we both agreed, it wouldn't have been exciting if either one of us have actually straight out initiated it, and I fully agree with him, because I told him, if he have asked if I want to go to his apartment to have sex, I will straight out reject him, and he told me he will do the same..21 points
Anyone can post their hot nipples pic?
CCH1985 and 20 others reacted to elecslayer_ for a topic
21 points -
Boxers / Underwear / Shorts BULGEs (NO RAW COCK pls...)
nipslikesugar and 19 others reacted to eaglecreek for a topic
20 points -
20 points
Share Best Cruising/Public Experience.
SociNerd and 19 others reacted to KenzoKenzo for a topic
BJ’ed a masseur. Went to Jb recently. Decided to go for a massage at KSL. Was instructed to go into the massage room first. At this point i wasn’t sure who my masseur was. Fortunately I had informed the receptionist that I would prefer someone who is of my size. As i was lying down, i was greeted by the masseur. We chatted and soon he told me to turn over. Thats the first time i saw his face. He was charming. As he was massaging my inner thigh, his finger brushes my dick. I was wearing underwear but due to his subtle touch, My dick became uncontrollable. it gets harder and harder each time.At one point, It became very obvious as my dick head came out of my underwear. From normal conversation, it became slightly erotic. He said something like, Oh you seem to enjoy my massage, i can see ur precum dripping. I giggled and I told him that I usually have a lot of that especially when i’m horny. He said that’s cool and told me his doesn’t have a lot of precum. He then run his finger on my precum and gently caress my dick head slowly moving his finger in small circular motion while playing with my precum. I was feeling so excited and told him not to continue otherwise it’s going to be a mess since i have not JO for awhile. He stopped. After the leg massage is complete, He then move to my chest. He cover my eyes with towel. As he was rubbing my chest, he run his finger on my nipple. Again, my dick was throbbing as my nipple is quite sensitive. he pinch my nipple gently as he was rubbing my chest. I gave a little moan. As i was enjoying the rubbing, He place my head on the right side. I heard the sound of him unzipping. While holding my head, he guide my mouth to his dick. I gave it a kiss and slowly let his dick slide into my mouth. We both moan softly. He slide my dick out and grab it hard. Slowly moving his hand up and down my dick while his dick is in my mouth. As i’m unable to control the feeling any longer, I came and shot. He cover my cum with his fingers as i was shooting wildly. He then whispered im gonna cum… i move my head away while he shots his cum on my chest. it was hot. He wiped our cum dry and call it the end. Cant wait for another session when i visit JB.20 points -
Boxers / Underwear / Shorts BULGEs (NO RAW COCK pls...)
Samaelll123 and 18 others reacted to Nor4guy for a topic
19 points -
19 points
Please contribute to the List of Fun Park Showers South Sentosa East Bedok Reservoir Park Changi Beach Park Pasir Ris Park East Coast Park Punggol Waterway Park West West Coast Park North Khatib Park - showers for dragon boaters - public toilet is in a U shape, very nice for bukkake - under MRT tracks very dark and clean Sembawang Park - showers are located outside of the toilet, not suitable for a proper shower Seletar "The Oval" - 10/10 recommend - NParks Toilet & Shower - proper shower but they're cubicles https://maps.app.goo.gl/17itJgwE8hDD81KL8 Central Lower Seletar Reservoir - Not Applicable - Bishan Park - Showers are individual rooms - Unisex Shower - not within male segregation - shower is facing the field, if flashing an empty park is your kink. Windsor Park - 9/10 Recommend, unfortunately no shower - NParks Toilet - Wide cubicles, tiled ledge to plug your dildo - ample space for bukkake/ slave training - external compounds very dark Macritchie Reservoir Park - you'll be able to exhibit to an audience in the daytime. - uneventful by 4am - strongly recommend mosquito repellent19 points
19 points
19 points
Boxers / Underwear / Shorts BULGEs (NO RAW COCK pls...)
sgtwinkbottom_ and 18 others reacted to fitnessboy for a topic
19 points -
Boxers / Underwear / Shorts BULGEs (NO RAW COCK pls...)
Chukie Guido and 18 others reacted to Victor88 for a topic
19 points -
Missed Connections For Gay Singapore (No Doxxing Allowed)
anxiousfriedtofu and 17 others reacted to T Gunner for a topic
A Perfect Gentlemen Venue: KB Date: 25 Dec Time: Around 4pm Probably one of the fastest visit and with one shot one kill.. Stepped into dark maze and we met, had some cuddling at the dark maze and few times you fend off others when they try to interrupt by touching me. Appreciated that protectiveness. We then moved into a room and were impressed when you even know which room is not that cold. And in the room, you asked me “am I ok” at least 10 times just to make sure I’m comfortable. We kissed almost the entire cuddling session and before I leave, we met at the locker area and touches each other hand. And “wow” you are good looking. Best part is you look like the guy I admired at Safra with that almost perfect face feature and physique. A memorable Christmas indeed. 🫠🎄18 points -
Boxers / Underwear / Shorts BULGEs (NO RAW COCK pls...)
farook and 17 others reacted to Qoo789qoo789 for a topic
18 points -
18 points
Part 6 A thank-you note rested atop the neatly folded boxers, the only trace of Yuuji’s presence from the night before at Baxton’s. Even after a late night, Yuuji was already up and off to the gym at the crack of dawn. The sight of the naked rugby hunk sleeping beside him had tempted him to linger a bit longer than usual. Baxton’s iron buns with his rugby shorts tan lines and a back view of his gigantic balls ensured that Yuuji’s morning wood remained upright in his jeans. It’s been a few days since Yuuji had the opportunity to release and it’s almost driving him nuts. He refused to lower himself to the point of taking care of business in a cramped, unsanitary campus restroom with someone taking a dump in the other cubicle. However, after all the visual distractions he’s faced over the last couple of days, he could feel his usual self-control beginning to slip. “Thank you for your kind hospitality. Please don’t trouble yourself with Everett, I’ll return back to my room tonight. When you are free, please allow me to treat you a meal to return the favor. – Yuuji” Baxton was both amused and touched by how formal Yuuji had reverted to when he read the note. He wanted to respond, but then he realized they hadn’t exchanged any contact information. What a disciplined kid, Baxton thought as he stepped into the shower. In fact, thoughts of his new friend lingered throughout the day. Whether he was powering through classes, devouring his meals, or training with the guys late into the night, Yuuji’s face would pop into his mind unexpectedly. It didn’t bother him at all. In fact, he welcomed the pleasant distraction with open arms. Baxton’s schedule was packed back to back, beginning with his core mod classes and ending with an extended night team training. As he gathered up his rugby equipment and locked up the storeroom for the night, Baxton decided to take a detour while the rest of the team headed back to the dorm. He had a suspicious feeling someone was in need of rescuing. “Hey swimmer.” The scene felt almost like déjà vu as Yuuji looked up from his daze, embarrassment washing over him at the realization that his lie had been found out. He was bracing himself to spend another night on the benches. “Come on. Let’s go. I’ll grab some clean clothes from your room.” Yuuji remained silent, offering no resistance to Baxton’s kindness. He felt unworthy of such generosity, yet he had to admit that last night had been the best sleep he’d had since arriving in Singapore. As he trailed slightly behind Baxton on the way back, he could no longer hold back his tears. The overwhelming sense of helplessness was a feeling Yuuji had never experienced before. Forced into a situation of dependence that he despised more than anything, he struggled with his emotions. While Baxton could hear the soft sobs behind him, he refrained from attempting to comfort Yuuji, not wanting to embarrass him further. Though Baxton's restraint might have come across as indifference, Yuuji appreciated the space to process his feelings while still holding onto a sense of dignity. “I’ll grab some fresh clothes for you from your room. Why don’t you head straight to mine? The code is 9023.” Yuuji felt a childlike relief at Baxton’s firm and commanding tone, which was oddly comforting—as if someone was looking out for him. The conversations between the two weary boys at the start of the night were brief yet polite exchanges. After showering, Yuuji automatically slipped into a pair of boxers from Baxton’s wardrobe, even though Baxton had grabbed his Yukata shorts for him. A big smile spread across Baxton’s face when he saw how adorable Yuuji looked lying on his bed in his boxers. As he turned off the lights, he let the towel around his waist drop and walked over to Yuuji. “Goodnight, bro. You’ll be crashing with me for the next two weeks while we figure out your living situation.” Once again, Baxton left no room for Yuuji to argue. Besides, Yuuji was too mesmerized by Baxton’s sculpted physique to find the words. He couldn't help but notice how Baxton’s muscles were still bulging from his intense rugby training earlier. His eyes followed the contours of his obliques and the veins along his pelvic lines that eventually led right to his well-trimmed pubes. But his heart skipped a beat when he observed Baxton’s huge swinging jewels as he walked toward him. It was almost surreal. The length and girth of his shaft persuaded Yuuji that he’s looking at a semi-erect dick. Baxton’s foreskin shielded half of his mushroom head leaving a pinkish tip peeking out at him. Yuuji wondered how much torture this nudist hunk is going to put him through for the next two weeks. With no outlet for release, Yuuji had been getting erections in the most random times and places. He even thought about how he needed to wake up before Baxton every morning so as to calm his morning erections to avoid any embarrassing situation. “Still admiring my body, huh?” Baxton said, flexing his muscles confidently as he caught Yuuji holding his gaze longer than usual. “Since we’re still awake, would you mind if I learned a bit more about my temporary roommate?” It seemed Baxton was eager for a deeper connection beyond just physical attraction to the Japanese stud. “Sure… to be honest, I haven’t had a decent conversation since I got here. My classmates formed cliques during the school orientations I missed. You’re really my first friend,” Yuuji admitted, feeling a sense of comfort he hadn’t felt in a long time. “Tell me about your home in Japan. You mentioned something about Fukuoka earlier.” “Well, you remembered right! I grew up in Fukuoka but later moved to Tokyo to study architecture and urban design at the University of Tokyo. About Fukuoka…” Yuuji noticed Baxton kneeling by his bedside, intent on listening. “Oh, I’m so sorry! Please feel free to move closer. You can lie beside me if you want.” “Are you sure? I can just lay on my sleeping bag,” Baxton replied, a hint of hesitation in his voice. “Your mattress is almost as wide as a double. It should fit us both just fine. But if you’d rather, I can sleep on the floor for these two weeks.” Without needing another invitation, Baxton eagerly moved his pillow onto the bed and lay down next to his new roommate. While Yuuji was right about the bed’s size, Baxton’s larger frame made for a snug fit for the two athletes, though neither of them minded. As Yuuji talked about the rolling flower fields of Nokonoshima, the sparkling waters of Momochi Beach, and the network of waterways that wound through his hometown, his enthusiasm grew. He described the sights, the sounds, the smells… and the delectable tastes of Hakata ramen and other local delicacies. Fukuoka was more than just a place for Yuuji. It was a tapestry of experiences from his childhood. Sharing these memories with Baxton stirred feelings of home and fond memories of family. With Baxton’s curious questions, Yuuji found himself opening up, talking for over an hour. It was as if the shy, soft-spoken boy had transformed, expressing himself with newfound joy. Even though Baxton eventually drifted off to sleep, Yuuji took no offense. He was simply grateful to have found a new friend—someone he felt he could trust in this foreign land. Yuuji gazed warmly at Baxton as his breathing turned into soft snores. He could have admired the view for hours if it weren’t for his own drowsiness. Turning cautiously toward Baxton, Yuuji wrapped an arm around his waist, planted a gentle kiss on the edge of his shoulder, and whispered, “Thank you.”17 points
Hello everyone, thanks @IkuTube for the announcement. Have been a member here for a long time and BW has always been my 'getaway' place from work stress, etc. From reading real/fictitious stories/experiences of members in a blog to the current forum format, we've come a long way. Not forgetting when SgBoy/Trevvy died out, quite some members there flocked over and making it more regional. So, I thought why not volunteer to help out in moderating this forum during my spare time. Being new, I would of course need the guidance of the more experienced moderators. Having said that, I probably would be stepping on some people's toes here to get the job done. I know it is likely going to be a thankless & tireless work moving forward, but let's all work together for a better community we are in yeah. Personally, my believe is such that we should all be able to coexist together, with all our differences. Like one moderator said to me, which I truly agree, that BW existed for our benefits so that we could all connect/mingle/interact with one another, let's not take it for granted that this is our entitlement, and misused it yeah. Everyone's support is definitely appreciated, cheers! P/S: do avoid asking me my member profile, so that I could help without giving anyone prejudice/preferential treatment yeah. Thank you. 🙏17 points
More of a pre-arranged fun in the public... Happened a number of yrs ago before I settled down with wife and kid... I was in my mid 30s and he was mid 20s. We hooked up through G app which was very rare for me. He picked me up from my place and drove around the area just chatting normally to get to know each other and I liked the vibe. It was like just 2 straight dudes talking and at times he will just hit my lap gently like how a straight bro will do to another but yet in a very subtle bro bait way... we eventually ended at Macritchie Reservoir at around 3am and the entire place was very empty and quite. We ventured all the way in to the little pavilion close to the canoe shed area, chatting like 2 straight friends along the way... when we reached the pavilion we sat down and he started to get a bit more touchy which got me very aroused as he was really my type of dude, a bit boyish looking and yet with a deep manly voice and carried himself well in the way he conversed and had a slightly more meaty gym build... we started huggjng and rubbing our groin area together and before we knew it we were removing our tops and continue bear hugging and even kissing which was the 1st and last time I tried with a guy as it was never my thing but he was just so my type of dude... it was getting so intense that we started taking our dicks out and rubbed them together, 2 manly dudes moaning with great pleasure as we indulged ourselves in the male bonding... we then proceeded to the open shower area and stripped down to hug, kiss, rub cocks and jerked each other until we were so high and couldn't hold it anymore and shot our manly loads together... that was the hottest male bonding I ever had and I think will ever have in my life...17 points
Part 7 Yuuji and Baxton juggled schedules that far exceeded the typical college student’s. Yuuji was an architecture major with a demanding workout regimen, while Baxton, an Arts student, was eyeing a chance to represent Singapore in rugby at the SEA Games. Every moment of their day was dedicated to their relentless pursuit of excellence in their respective fields. They worked tirelessly, driven by a youthful ambition that surged within them as if they had something to prove to the world. Amid their hectic schedules, they somehow managed to swim or run together every day for the past month. Yuuji typically used his hour-long workouts as a break from human interaction, yet he found himself wanting Baxton to join him during those introverted moments. The intensity and pace of their training left little room for catching their breath, let alone chatting. However, the sweetness of their growing friendship shone through in the spontaneous laughter that erupted after they collapsed at the end of each 400-meter sprint. Their hearts warmed as they locked eyes during every synchronized stroke in the pool, feeling an unspoken connection despite the few words exchanged. Yuuji’s subtle smiles whenever they met or crossed paths invigorated Baxton like nothing else could. So many emotions have been transacted between them with so few words exchanged. Yuuji’s subtle smiles whenever they crossed paths reenergized Baxton in a way that no can of Redbull ever could. What both of them looked forward to most, even if they didn’t realize it, was the end of the day when they could retreat to their dorm room… to each other. Baxton’s playful banter and contagious laughter never failed to lift Yuuji’s spirits, providing a welcomed escape from the day’s stresses. Yuuji eagerly soaked in Baxton’s rugby stories and gossip, intrigued by what he found fascinating about a sport he had never been into. Perhaps it was the tales themselves, or the punchlines, or it was simply Baxton. The childlike enthusiasm of this charming jock trying to explain rugby rules was utterly captivating. Each time Baxton spoke, Yuuji felt his emotions stirred like water drawn from a deep well in his heart. Yuuji would wait until Baxton fell asleep before quietly moving down to his sleeping bag to give him a gentle hug. There were countless moments when Yuuji wrestled with the idea of compromising his values, but he was unwilling to take that risk. He didn’t want to overstep Baxton’s boundaries and jeopardize their friendship, especially since Baxton had always treated him with such kindness and respect. What made things even more complicated was that Yuuji had no clear sense of Baxton’s sexual orientation or whether he felt any attraction toward him. Yet, the month that passed felt like pure bliss for Yuuji—he hadn’t experienced this kind of happiness in a long time. Although he knew the two-week deadline had long passed, Baxton hadn’t updated anything about his living situation. If Yuuji were being honest, he didn’t want to leave Baxton’s place at all, and the thought of moving back in with Everett was far from appealing. Yuuji’s friendship with Baxton had a remarkable effect, gradually melting away his icy demeanor and enabling him to open up to other Singaporeans, leading to new friendships. After the first two weeks, Baxton noticed that Yuuji began dining with residents from different dormitory floors. Although Baxton wished he could keep Yuuji all to himself, he felt genuinely happy to see Yuuji blending in well with the social scene of college life. There was a slight tinge of jealousy when he observed Yuuji laughing and chatting with his new friends outside of his circle, but Baxton couldn’t abandon his rugby mates to join them. His rugby team was more burly and boisterous, while Yuuji’s friends carried a more athletic and aesthetically pleasing presence, preferring quieter interactions. Although both groups were envied by their non-athletic peers, they remained as distinct as oil and water, rarely mixing. “Hey, you’re finally back! Come on over and join me. I just started the second episode.” Baxton shifted, making room on the bed for Yuuji to join him for another episode of Singles Inferno. “You started without me?” Yuuji replied, feigning surprise. “Of course not… well… I just couldn’t stand that cliffhanger from last night.” “Let me take a quick shower first. I just finished an intense workout with my friends.” Yuuji pulled off his T-shirt, revealing the results of his hard work. He noticed Baxton’s gaze instantly shift from the laptop screen to his sculpted physique as if he were a powered-up Dragonball Saiyan warrior. It seemed the tables had turned, with Baxton now openly admiring his roommate. Usually, Yuuji would only remove his clothes in the bathroom. He cast off his inhibition tonight, secretly hoping to give his admirer an authentic inferno experience. “Today, my friends mentioned an expedition to Everest Base Camp in Nepal during the upcoming break, and I’m considering joining them. What do you think?” Instead of rushing into the shower, Yuuji took his time to stretch every sculpted muscle in his upper body, his impressive chest expanding with a deep pectoral stretch that held Baxton’s gaze. “Looks like you’re really getting along with the other residents, huh?” Baxton couldn’t help but keep his jealousy in check, but Yuuji sensed it quietly lingering beneath the surface. “Yeah, I’ve usually been more of a loner, but since meeting you, I’ve pushed myself to step outside my comfort zone. I’ve connected with a couple of people from this group, and they’ve made me feel right at home. I really appreciate you always looking out for me.” Yuuji’s words were filled with genuine gratitude, yet they did little to lighten Baxton’s envy. However, Yuuji’s next move served as a distraction, pulling Baxton from his conflicted thoughts. Yuuji casually undid his front button of his jeans, and with his thumbs tucked under the waistband, he pulled them off in front of Baxton, revealing a pure white underwear that snugly hugged his form. Afterward, Yuuji bent down to pick up his tee from the floor, turned around with playful intent, and tossed it into the laundry basket. Baxton swallowed hard as he realized Yuuji’s underwear was actually a Y-back thong that left little to the imagination, fully showcasing Yuuji’s bubble butt in a way that made it impossible for Baxton to look away. “So… what do you think?” Yuuji tried to sound relaxed. “I… I… I think… I don’t see many guys pulling off this style. But you definitely make it work, especially with… you know, your butt.” Baxton stumbled over his words, aiming to compliment Yuuji without coming across as gay. “I was talking about the Everest Base Camp trip!” Yuuji interrupted Baxton’s captivated gaze with his clarification. “Well… my parents always aimed to revive a traditional Japanese lifestyle—focusing on purification habits, specific diets, and even having us wear fundoshi outside of ritual days. So instead of that old loincloth, I decided to wear y-back thongs when I came to Singapore.” Yuuji tried to mask his self-consciousness by explaining his outfit choice. “No, really, you don’t have to explain yourself to me. You look fantastic in it.” Baxton felt his cheeks heat up as the words tumbled out. “Is it comfortable? Don’t you feel like something’s stuck in there?” Baxton couldn’t shake off what he was seeing. Yuuji stepped right in front of him, positioning himself with his back to Baxton, who was now sitting near the edge of the bed. “See this string here?” Yuuji said as he traced his finger along the Y-back strings, gently pulling the central string away from his butt cheeks. Baxton instinctively reached out and held it between his fingers. “As long as you choose one that isn’t too tight, it should be fine. Plus, this material is really soft,” Yuuji explained. Baxton’s fingers moved freely along the string, tracing a path from the top down to the bottom. His index finger glided smoothly until it gently brushed against Yuuji’s perineum. The gentle brush of Baxton’s finger sent a subtle jolt of electricity coursing through him. Yuuji did his utmost to suppress any reaction. “… this part here, does the string rub against it or cause any abrasion?” Yuuji could sense that Baxton’s questions were just a pretext to get closer, and he was more than willing to play along. “Not if you keep it clean-shaven like I do.” That was Yuuji’s cue for Baxton to take his fondling a little further. Baxton eagerly accepted the challenge as he ran his fingers around Yuuji’s boy hole. “It’s really smooth... I can imagine that shaving those areas might be quite tricky. You did an excellent job with it. Especially this part around the butt hole and… the part under it.” As Baxton gave himself a free-and-easy tour, he had no idea Yuuji’s throbbing dick was already oozing precum all over the front pouch. The sexual tension was beyond belief. Other than Yuuji’s nipples, his boy hole, his perineum, and his inner thighs were his arousal trigger spots, and Baxton was having a field day with them. After two weeks of not masturbating, Yuuji was primed for an explosive finish. Every worry that once held him back was no longer in sight. His dick was crying out for Baxton to take it to the point of no return. “You should hop in the shower. We can squeeze in an episode before calling it a night.” Baxton, having exhausted all his excuses to keep on touching Yuuji, finally had to let his roommate go. “Hey, can you tell me more about this trip? When exactly is it happening? Who’s organizing it? And how much is it going to cost?” Baxton casually followed Yuuji into the bathroom and kept the conversation going while he sat on the toilet seat. As Yuuji took off his white thong, his hard dick sprang to life, having been released from the confines of the thong pouch. Thank goodness he was still able to hide it from Baxton’s view. “Reuben is the main organizer of the trek. Apparently, he’s done it a few times and is directly coordinating with a tour agency in Nepal. We will fly off the first week of their summer break. The group is quite diverse, mostly from the usual crowd from our dinner gatherings, but they all live in this dormitory…” Yuuji took the time to share all the program details as he lathered himself with shampoo and shower gel. Baxton felt his jealousy simmering as Yuuji spoke about the friends he felt such an instant connection with. Three weeks in the mountains could spell a watering down of his own friendship with Yuuji, and he worried that Yuuji might end up moving in with someone else afterward. “Can I come along?” The words escaped Baxton’s lips before he had a chance to think it through. “Really?! You want to join us? That’s awesome! Yes, there are still spots available, and I’ll be glad for you to come!” Yuuji turned toward Baxton with such exuberance that he totally forgot about his soapy dick that was pointing straight at Baxton’s face. “I can talk to Reuben about it. I’m sure it won’t be a problem. Do you have the funds for this? If not, I’d be happy to help you out.” Yuuji’s enthusiasm helped Baxton realize that his fears were misplaced. It became clear to him just how much Yuuji valued their friendship. Yuuji’s hard dick bounced around, waving like a victory flagpole as he jumped for joy when Baxton agreed to go. Baxton almost never seen Yuuji so elated. That night, after the show had wrapped up and Baxton had settled into his usual light snoring, Yuuji quietly climbed down onto Baxton’s sleeping bag. With care, he lifted Baxton’s strong arm and nestled himself into a spooning position, feeling the warmth of Baxton’s body envelop him from behind. Within moments, Yuuji felt Baxton’s powerful arm pulling him in closer, wrapping him in a tight embrace. Yuuji felt the warmth of Baxton’s naked body press against his bare back. He had never been this physically close to another guy before. His heart beat with incredible nervous energy while he savored every second of it. Baxton’s large, comforting hand glided along his torso, over Yuuji’s chiseled abs, before coming to a rest on his chest. Yuuji wasn’t sure if Baxton had stirred, but his seven-inch tool pressed against Yuuji’s butt was definitely awakened. Everything Yuuji was doing with Baxton felt completely out of character. Without a doubt, Yuuji was slowly but surely starting to fall for his kind benefactor. Before dawn broke, Yuuji released himself from Baxton’s embrace and shifted up onto his own bed. Yuuji was smitten, but also careful. He was in a foreign land after all.16 points
Penang ( Malaysia ) - Massage / Sauna (Compiled) [No prostitution allowed]
Alibaba86 and 15 others reacted to imm_georgie for a topic
SS Reflexology Abu Sities Back to SS Reflexology Abu Sities for a massage today and I decided to try a different masseur instead of my regular one. So, I went with a Thai masseur recommended by many members or review in the Telegram GFKL group. As usual, the masseur picked me up from the counter to wash my feet with a foot scrub, which was fantastic. We had some conversation while washing our feet and found him to be very friendly and spoke very good English. After washing my feet, I was escorted to the treatment room and I was delighted that I had a private room located beside the stairs with no curtain partition in between. This room is absolutely private and comfortable. The massage started with dry massage followed by oil application and the pressure was good. Massuer was very friendly and had a brief conversation. He constantly checks pressure and comfort levels. As for technique, I personally find it a bit boring since the massage strokes are pretty much the same, but the pressure and accuracy to points on the body compensate as a whole. As for the sensual part, his teasing skills were so good that I couldn't control and behave. The running hands over the ass crack, caressing the holes, the balls and towards my tools was driving me crazy. I was horny like crazy and completely lost in myself, I had no idea he was doing so much more than my normal regular masseur. He sat on my ass and gave me a long stroke as I could feel him fully embracing and hugging me, his hands caressing my nipples. This feeling is so crazy! Well then I couldn't control myself and my hands started exploring his tool and doing him a favor with a good blowjob. He was enjoying it and I could hear his soft moans. My tongue played with the head of his tool, driving him completely crazy. Then the massage went to the front, he massaged me so sensually, I didn't expect him to go further. He blew me up! Yes, he gave me a blowjob! I was like...ahhhh, he was stroking my tool and it made me cum. Long shots and heavy flowing loads until his tissue wasn't enough to wipe off. I could see how pleased he was with myself. I am also very satisfied. The massage continued, the massage pressure was still good and he was still teasing me which made me want a second round. He kissed me while massaging my neck and shoulders, kissing my cheeks and forehead carefully. Then he sat me up and held me from behind, caressing my nipples with his hands and rolling his lips and beard over my neck and ears. I'm crazy at that moment and I could felt like having sex with a boyfriend. If it wasn't a massage center, I think we both would have had completely satisfying sex. The massage was over, I think he forgot to wipe all the massage oil off me, and then he did some body stretches. He ended the massage and asked for my contact details in exchange. He bid me farewell professionally. I had a wonderful session and felt completely rejuvenated. Massage Skills : 7/10 Pressure : 10/10 Sensual : 10/10 HJ/BJ/HE : 10/1016 points -
Share pictures of your hairy body [Compiled]
pocoloco and 15 others reacted to anxiousfriedtofu for a topic
16 points -
Boxers / Underwear / Shorts BULGEs (NO RAW COCK pls...)
Dondondon1986 and 15 others reacted to LanceDC for a topic
16 points -
nudist in singapore
tumblingandtromboning and 15 others reacted to slimgam for a topic
while always nude at home, whenever I invite someone over for fun. I will open the door in nude and welcome them. You can see their excitement seeing someone nude greeting them16 points -
It was close to mall closing time.. Was walking to the toilet and when about to leave, we met. You are the fit Malay guy and I see you a few times prior to this day. I know you trying to cruise me before but I have never reciprocate as I find it risky in a public place with people walk in and out. But today I feel the timing is right and I slowed down to wait for you to come out from toilet.. I walked to another toilet near the far end of the mall and you followed. I then went into a cubicle and stayed for awhile. Deciding whether what is my next move… I came out and there you are, standing at the basin and you already removed your shirt. As I washed my hand and peek through the mirror, you are stroking your dick and looking back at me. I then walked to the exit but took up the courage and walked back and stoke your dick. You are wearing a mask but I can tell you are good looking, with that typical manly Malay vibe with neat and short hairstyle. Your chest is firm and that 6 packs are solid hard. I just decided to take the risk and walked back to one of the empty cubicle, you followed and locked the door. Good thing is you carried a duffle bag and some sport accessories and placed it to block the gap at the door, you then unzipped and signaled me to pinch your nipple with one hand and other stroking your dick… I unzipped too and we touched each other slowly and by now we are both solid hard. I turned around and you start dry hump me from behind and with one hand caressing my chest and other stroking my dick. We played for good 5 mins and suddenly my fear creeped in as I afraid Security or someone may appeared suddenly. I whispered that I have to leave and you get the hint. You put on your shirt and asked me to wait for a while before exiting the cubicle. After I exited the toilet, I saw you going down the escalator and I walked the other direction… this short encounter though nothing much happened but is good enough for me. Is a case of risk of being caught vs the desire to play with someone my type.. and in the end the desire won.15 points