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  1. Part 1 The unusually long monsoon rains that battered the region did little to dissuade Yuuji from tenaciously attacking his laps at the pool or the track whenever there was a respite in the weather. With a sharp dive, he shattered the glassy surface surface of the Olympic-sized swimming pool, sending ripples cascading outward. The tranquil atmosphere after the rain was gleefully interrupted by the rhythmic splashes of Yuuji’s measured pulls and kicks, executed with near-perfect timing. His swimming strokes could easily put any observer into a state of zen. His speed was brisk yet unhurried, laborious yet fluid, intense yet remarkably coordinated—like a finely tuned machine. Yuuji didn’t swim for applause or attention; he was indifferent to others sharing the pool with him. This quiet introvert was accustomed to training solo in his private lap pool back home in Japan. Having transferred to the top university in Singapore for his course, he found himself sharing everything - the pool, the dorm room, even the showers. This drastic change didn’t sit well with him, but his resilient nature meant you’d never hear a hint of complaint from him. Nevertheless, Yuuji is a lone wolf and will always be. Yuuji’s steady momentum was suddenly disrupted by a massive splash as if someone had cannonballed himself into the lane beside him. He quickly refocused and executed a tight flip-turn as he approached the wall. Meanwhile, Baxton hastily pulled down his goggles to catch up with his sole competitor. His loosely fitted Aussiebum nylon trunks nearly slipped off in the rush. Nonetheless, it was amazing how someone with such a muscular build could glide through the water with such finesse and speed. In contrast to Yuuji’s technique, Baxton’s strokes were bold and a bit arrogant. His natural competitiveness drove him to close the gap on anyone he saw as a challenger. Baxton was still feeling the aches from a rugby game the previous day and had intended to take it easy with some recovery laps. The sight of Yuuji’s impressive swimming reignited his competitive spirit. Stroke after stroke, Baxton inched closer and closer to his self-proclaimed rival. Every fiber of his muscles screamed in protest, but his pride wouldn’t let him slow down or give up. He had been drilled to push through, not back down. The duo swam through the waters in near-perfect synchronicity, even as the rain threatened to mar their stellar performance. Yuuji, focused on his pursuit of excellence, and Baxton, intent on besting his rival, remained oblivious to the heavy downpour that had returned with a vengeance. Yuuji had five more laps to go. Baxton was determined to touch every wall just a heartbeat faster than Yuuji, just in case this was Yuuji’s last lap. Despite his fatigue, Baxton couldn’t help but steal glances at his competitor’s striking physique. Yuuji, with his subtle tan, still had a complexion that could be called porcelain-like—flawless and taut. They wrapped around his muscles delicately betraying every fiber, vein, and vessel. The half-Japanese boy was ripped like a runway model. Or, in Baxton’s mind, he resembled the Japanese models from the naughty sites he purveyed every night before he slept. Not the gay ones. The hunks who were fucking girls. Baxton restricted himself to watching certain kinds of visual indulgences, somewhat to reassure himself that he was still walking the straight path. His vigorous climatic endings were timed, however, according to the explosive finishes of the boy hunks. As Baxton glided through the water, his gaze couldn’t help but drift past Yuuji’s stunning abs down to the pristine white arena trunks, which were so low-cut they offered barely concealed the boy’s tool or his bubblicious butt. If it weren’t for the way his muscles craved more blood flow, Baxton’s own dick would have strained against the confines of his snug nylon trunks. Yuuji kept a steady pace throughout his final lap, opting not to make a last-minute dash to outswim Baxton. Almost as soon as he touched the wall, he pulled himself out of the pool in a swift motion and quickly walked away from his unexpected swimming companion. Baxton was taken aback by Yuuji’s utter lack of sociability. He had expected a friendly exchange of sorts, but none was granted. He saw Yuuji slip on swim shorts and scurry off in the pouring rain. What a guy! Baxton took a big gulp of the chlorinated water and sprayed it in the air like an Olympic swimmer finishing his race and sank back into the quietness of the water. Images of Yuuji’s boyish charm and athletic physique floated through his wandering thoughts as he relaxed in the water. “I must meet him again,” he thought. --- For those who enjoyed the Part 1 of this story, stay tuned for the subsequent chapters. For those who want to savor my previous story "My Triathlete Buddies" you may access them them in the link below. http://swimboy87.wordpress.com
  2. This is a collective plea from all of us here at BW for you readers to share your sexual experiences. Come on don't be shy! I am sure everyone has some unique experiences to share. Do not worry about writing in broken english. It in fact provides a distinctive flavour to the post. Since we have allowed posting to be made anonymously (you do not need to be a registered member to post), your identity will not be exposed. I am attaching an example of a great post written in somewhat working class singlish. Up to today, I get hard reading it. I am sure many of you guys have similar stories to tell. Kindly share. ==================================================================== SteamedFish Unregistered User (4/8/04 7:23 am) FishingMan Last weekend I was drinking with friends at the NTUC Club. When we said goodbye, I thought I'll go to the nearby seaside to get some fresh air. There are some lovers and 2 men fishing. I walked to the far side to sit near the man to see how was his luck. The lights were quite dim but I can see him. Quite a stout chap with a handsome fair face about 30+. After a while, he got up, unzipped and peed into the sea. Hehe, I of course looked at his cock. Nice. He saw me that. He sat down and carried on his fishing. I asked him got any fish. He said no but got cheekopek. I know he was referring to me. But I was thick-skinned. I said we all men why say until like that? See also no harm right. He said don't know why ah quas like to peep at him. Happened so many time already. I said he's handsome, that's why. He say he old cock liao and got 2 children already. So I say he got man flavor. He said I got very sweet mouth. Is it I want to makan him. I say I dare not, wait he beat me up. He said don't bluff, last time that kelong owner also behaved like me. Seems like he's got naughty story so I asked him to tell me. He said last time he fishing at Changi, got one man saw him and told him he got kelong and he can fish there many fish. Since he said it's free, so he went because the kelong's nearby. When they got on the kelong, there were 2 workers there. The owner told them to go mainland to do something so they left. While he's fishing, he caught many fishes. The owner took a big pail to put in the fishes. But one time, he accidentally spill water on him. The owner said sorry and told him to wash with the clean pail of water. He said here nobody so can just wash naked nobody see also. So he got naked and washed. Then the owner also strip naked and his cock was hard already. He said he also want to wash. So they washed. Then the owner washed his back for him. Then told him to relax while he massage his back. He put a big canvas cloth on the floor and told him to lie down. He told the owner he's not gay. The owner said never mind, only help him relax. The owner massaged until his cock stand also. Quite nice. Then he asked him want to release fire or not? He said no. But the owner already shaking his cock until he cums. The owner also masturbated till he cummed. I said his story made me steamed. He said he also steamed. He asked me whether I got let people play backside. I said very seldom. He said he want to fxxk my backside. I said cannot, here so dangerous. He said I am so hamsup, he want to fxxk me also think twice. Wait he changed his mind then it's too late. So I said go someplace can or not? He said can if not far away. So he kept his fishing line and carried his big bag. We walked to Marina South and saw a big lorry park that's quite dim. There's one big lorry so we climbed on. He lay his canvas on the floor and we striped naked. He asked why I not shy to let men fxxk. I said not always but must be handsome like him then I willing. If not, then I don't want also. He laughed, like that he can fxxk any men if he want. I asked he got condom or not. He said no. He say how? I said if not then we just shake out. He said cannot that means he not handsome enough is it? I said no condom dangerous. He said I clean backide or not? I said should be, I washed before going out. He said he got plenty of water. He said he has an idea. He took out a plastic bag and inside was a big sandwich wrapped in lots of cellophane. He carefully removed the cellophane and put the sandwich back into the plastic bag. He wrapped the cellophane a few times round his cock and tie round his balls. I touched it and it felt quite strong with the few layers. He said I am like a wolf. But then no lube. Again he opened the sandwich bag and took out the small piece of wrapped butter. Wah lan eh, he said this time it is like people said I "bua" butter on my backside and kan karchng. I must say he's quite a good fxxker with all the right moves. I got my legs on his shoulders and told him he's good. He smiled and pumped me slow and fast. First I cummed then he after. We used his water to wipe clean and put on our clothes. He said it was fun. I said next time we better go hotel. ======================================================================
  3. Do you have any stories to share on kinky piss drinking or golden shower? Is there anyone interested in drinking pee? Or being sprayed w pee?
  4. Anyone mind sharing his juicy stories with mature guy? Can be Twink with mature or Mature with mature. Old thread is dead so thought of starting a new one.
  5. Time Should I waste my time on you who i can't control Should i waste my time on things that is of my beyond Can't we see the time that went tick tock Is this the right time or is it not? They say time flows like a stream To a land where there are many dreams But you told me you did like to be a place full of surprises and supremes There are no other choices but this is the way its seems. I do not know what to say The world is so full of grey You say I am imperfect and this I know Yet I still think you are gold I may be kind and silly but it’s not fine. Your avoidant ways clearly shows through time Time will reveal who you are And you can really be a pain in the arse Letting you go should keep you afar As there is nothing left to be my fuss Finally I can get on my path. E.T. 13.01.2019
  6. tickle , bondage and bdsm telegram Comment your tele id
  7. Hi Guys, I created this Telegram Group for people who are in JB or visiting JB. You can share you cruising experience/ interesting story/ chit chat /porn in there as well. https://t.me/+OPpinMb3mEhkNWU1
  8. I have been thinking for quite some time now that we have Singapore's Gay Missed Connection. Why not we make a Malaysia Edition for Malaysian gays?
  9. Shin Min Daily News 新明日报 Man molest man! A middle aged man was charged for hiding in a male's toilet and subsequently molesting a 29 year old man. The molested 29yo man was using the toilet at HDB Hub Toa Payoh when he met the molester. The molester not only watched him from the opposite cubicle, and also molested his legs by touching them through the gap below the partition. The 29 year old man was shocked and ran out of the toilet immediately. This molest case occurred in 19 Nov 2004, at around 6:30pm at Toa Payoh HDB Hub. The molester was a 44 year old man named Hong Ya Sai. He is a computer promoter. He was charged this morning in court. Hong Ya Sai was wearing a blue T-Shirt and was medium built. He faced a charge for molestation and another for peeping. He is out on bail of S$12,000. The case will be adjoured to 24 Oct 2005. According to the courts, the molestation happened at the 3rd level toilet of Toa Payoh HDB Hub.
  10. For those looking for gym buddies and sharing stories in Anytime Fitness around Kuala Lumpur. Write down your frequent workout outlets and preferred gym times to see if any buddies will want to join in!
  11. Tele for all Newbies or anyone seek experiences (sexually) from HJ, BJ, ONS, Worship, Sensual Massages, Bromance, Indoor (Host), Outdoor (Rain/Shine), Groups & anything related SEXUAL. No feelings. No drama. Meet Play Connect Repeat or Thank You, Next! If keen pls PM me. Cheers!
  12. There are lots of prc on Grindr but I think most of them use blued. Haven’t tried meetup with any
  13. Hi just curious, does anyone has experience sex in office or workplace? I had mine in the ex workplace address and currently at the new location as office shift location. To share abit, know my ex at the workplace. He was in HR and I was hired for the job. We became close and eventually few months later we are attached. During our period together, we always find excuses to visit the toilets in the office. We are in different levels. He was at level 10 and I was at level 15 and level 13 I think was a lounge and we know the toilet there is always quiet so we will visit there ard 3pm. He will msg me and I will find excuses to say I am hungry and will go down to buy food. Then we will meet at the toilet at level 13. We will kiss and we will bj each other till we cum. After that we will go back to our respective levels and I will wait for him to finish work before going home. But the sex was really shiok and kind of missed having fun there in the office. The excitement and anxiety of not being discovered. Anyway, here is just one of my story, do share urs here. Cheers.
  14. Those who prefer clean fun/jerk off /edge together/edge each other or each you can join this tele. Host/YourPlace 1-1, 3s or groups also welcome. If interested do PM me. Cheers! 🥂
  15. Hi all Somehow I could no longer find the old thread of the same topic. So I have created a new thread. Let’s contribute and make Katong pool great again. To start the ball rolling, here my 1st post to this thread. Date: 29 June Time: 1-gish pm. Saw someone in black thong but he was discreet when he walked around. He had a shorts on. Wave wave Mr Thong.
  16. Hello everyone, anyone encounter any actions at the gym? 1. Celebrity Fitness 2. Fitness First 3. Anytime Fitness 4. Believe Fitness
  17. Since the previous thread under Traveller's Hut is deleted by the moderator. I think will be good to set up a new thread for member-only. Will start with my first experience at Sempurna Avenue, Cheras As a therapist, it might be surprising that I never been to the famous M2M massage place. I have tried many massage centres, masseurs from the apps, even visited bbboy, and some gay saunas in the past. I first heard about Manchai at Sempurna from my client who said his massage is strong. I decided to give him a try since he is my preferred type. I asked some of the fellow bw members about him. @hornychub kindly replied and gave me his direct whatsapp contact. However, all booking still need to go through the boss. Just happened that Healthland at Sg Chua is closed today. I went there this afternoon but no one around. I have to wait for Manchai to unlocked the main door upon arrival and go up the very dark stairs. No mysejahtera or temperature scan so not suitable for those concerns with COVID-19. Renovation of third floor (due to the recent DBKL raid) is finishing but the boss asked Manchai to use the 2nd floor where some (3) staff stay at that time. Manchai used the room next to the staff common room with workout equipment. The room was air-conditioned with a mattress on the floor. Overall still acceptable but I assume very different compared to third floor (never been). Manchai is friendly and speak Cantonese but I speak mandarin to him. He used to worked at D Spa and Water Spa when he was in Singapore. His brother runs a reflexology centre in Sg when he spent a short stint there too. His hometown from Pahang - origin of Musang King. He started the massage by doing some pressing on the back and proceed with massage of the upper body using lemongrass oil before moving to the legs with good strength using his strong hand, forearm, and elbow. He attempted the batin massage from the face down position. When turned around he massaged the legs and put them on top of his while pressing around my groin area when he asked whether I want extras but I turned down. Then he continues to massage my arms. Lastly, massage on sitting position. I was a bit shocked by the strength on my shoulder blade which was a bit painful but still bearable. Before the massage end, Manchai tried to give me a final body stretch standing up. I can feel his whole body behind and his bulge (could be semi hard) despite not so positive comments on the size, which was tempting to touch but I didn't. Throughout the session he is fully clothed. Overall, I enjoyed the 1h treatment of strong proper massage and he focused on my neck, shoulder, and back as requested. RM70 is definitely value for money. Will return to try again in the future when the third floor is properly re-opened. Skill: 6.5/10 Value: 7/10 Hope @hornychub can share his previous reviews of other masseurs from Sempurna and other places under this thread.
  18. Firstly thanks to all the bros who have dm and met me for a massage session following my previous post on the FOC massage Personals thread. I have since decided to start my own personal thread. I am practising and honing my skills and have also learned much from many that came and gave me feedback in the past few weeks. It is a legit massage - Swedish soothing aromatherapy - and i incorporate some pressure points as well as sensual strokes into my regime. My preference will be proportional size Chinese models; and not more than 181cm or 90kg. You can dm me at BW with your stats. Pics will be preferred of cos (but not a must and may help jump queue for slots)🫢😂 - i am only human so dont flame me lol. The least you will get is an hour of legit relaxing sensual massage. Don’t be shy to tell me what you like (or don’t like) for the massage or ask me any question. I am accommodating so most of my models leave a happy man 😜 Some of the BW members who tried my massage have been very kind to take the trouble to leave me some feedback - much appreciated.
  19. Those who seek just ONS or regulars from 1-1, 3s to groups. Those who host or seekers. Do PM me or direct. Cheers!
  20. Those who into malays do pm me here with your id will add u up. And for the malays do PM me personally in malay for malay official tele. For those malays, I be conducting jog run and after virus free bootcamp this to encourage malays to running or jog or fitness or swim or all....burn bodyfats and lose weights...hope it help pass your IPPT ah kong give free money take advantage of it. Join a few of us 4th Jog run this Friday. From heartlands to place of interest parks (canals/pavement/bridges/beach/parks/stadium) for now is 5km run normal pace objective non stopping. Let me know if you keen. You feel damn good. Fitness help give you stamina best sex best energy no need the temporary drugs or coffee or ch*ll or p*lls. If you don't fitness n take any temp stuff u cum fast haha unless you jelqing or edging.
  21. Posted: Thu May 26, 2005 1:53 pm i was visiting a friend at a hospital the other day and got luckier than striking the lottery. I walked into his ward, and immediately my lusty sight was directed to a mature patient. He is in about his 40s, and was stranded on bed with an injured leg in a cast. Especially titillating was his open hospital pyjama fly that exposed his brinjal-shaped penis, and a heap of hairy testicles. He seemed like in good health except for his ailing leg that immobilized him on bed. Obviously bored, he broke into a cheery smile the moment he saw me walking into the ward, as if to solicit a chat. Even when I was by the side of my friend's bed, I noticed that the cute uncle was very attentive to our conversation and was watching at our direction - short of joining in. He even whistled hushly from time to time as if trying to win my attention. I also could not resist his open thighs (his injured leg was lifted in mid-air), and staring at me were his huge and loosened balls. What a turn on?!?!?! Before I could think of a clever way to reach into his open fly, he called out for me to help him to adjust his bed. And of course, i saw that as his horny invitation. I gladly obliged and could not get my eyes off his ripened gonads. He then asked if i could help him to the washroom as he needs to rid of some water - i thought i must have struck the sleazy jackpot. While in the cubicle, on the pretext of having to support himself, he requested that i undid his pants for him (what a pleasure). I did as instructed, and before his pants was down, i could see his bulging manhood craning up to life. And before i could find an excuse to stroke his penis that had sprang to life like a v-tec engine piston, he asked if i thought he is well endowed. I nodded in amazement at his horniness. He then asked if i could milk his cock as it had been stifled for a long time in the hospital. He said he needed to 'drain his reservoir'. I unreservedly held his 'brother' in my palm and gave it a jerk that would turn even the paralysed alive! He closed his eyes as if in deep enjoyment of this long-awaited carnal relief. His manhood ballooned bigger in my hands, and i could feel the blood pumping into every single vein and vessel in his penis. I felt a kick of high as well just watching his inflated cock sliding furiously between my fingers. The climax came when he suddenly loosened his grip on me, and a ferocious stream of his manly essence spewed out of his cock tip, not unlike a volcano eruption. His whitish lava seem endless, spurts after spurts they forcefully get discharged from his spongey cock. I have never seen a semen fountain display as lively and powerful. Right after he came, he told me he wanted to come again in a while and asked if i could assist. He said I had the most dexterous fingers he has ever experienced (what a flattery). I laid him back in his bed as he needed some recuperation before we get hot in action again. Talk about a hospital visit turned lucky!
  22. Any Pinoys here in SG? those interested in pinoys message me in my telegram: @jehjehmon21 anyone in Jurong Area?
  23. toptap

    Mount Faber

    I just finished my walk and this is located so near to Vivo City bustling area and the places around Mount Faber lots of out door spots to explore and enjoy. Let’s see how many enjoyed this spots already and available going forward
  24. Are you lonely? Longing for something but unsure what's that exactly? Get a body massage. Therapeutic touch has been scientifically proven to release oxytocin, a hormone that helps create feelings of trust, bonding, and warmth, and, when combined with the empathetic ear of a compassionate caregiver, helps to facilitate connection and reduce feelings of loneliness. About me: Gay men, gym fit, mid 30s, discreet, more than 5 years hotel spa experience. Malaysian Chinese. Based in KL. Occasionally in SG and PG.
  25. You'd think that after going through the same experience a few times, it just stops bothering you eventually, but it apparently doesn't. Just going to share an experience I had on BW that's been turning me inside out but I won't mention names, because that would already be considered doxxing. I've always been pretty low profile on BW, at one point, I was also on hiatus. So by the time I decided to become active here again, I didn't know anyone anymore (all the old regulars that I've seen or known are gone). I updated my profile and DP, shortly, I got a message from a guy on BW, and we hit off, started chatting. We also exchanged contacts, chatted outside of BW. Eventually, we met up, walked and talked and engaged in clean and simple fun (non-anal). He also frequently showered me with compliments, although whether if it was just lust talking, I don't know but it felt nice. My self-esteem was at an all time low back then, I was a lot more shy than I was today, so a lot of his actions left a significant impact on me. I got busier and my life took a turn for a better, we talked and met lesser. I was soon on another hiatus from both BW and him. I returned again some time last year after going through some downs from real life, tried my luck and decided to DM him, I'm surprised that he replied and he still remembered who I was, and was also open about meeting again. He updated me about his life during the past few years, he also got his own place, which was nice so that we could meet privately. He learned about my gym progress and goals, and also offered to be my gym buddy (we shared the same gym). But of course, the happiness was short-lived. In time, I started to develop actual feelings from the reconnections, and made the decision to confess. This was accelerated by the fact that he was also gradually replying less to my texts for some reason (the messages were also becoming one-two word based). It was a do or die, I decided to meet him in person, told him that I wanted to talk about something. He heard me out, then I spilled. The silence seconds after was deafening and awkward, I soon realized that an irrevocable mistake was made. I apologized, but I also told him to give an answer, and that I would be alright even if the outcome was a negative one. He said he would let me know, and bade me goodbye. I got a long message later that night, an apology and a rejection. Maybe it was the thought of commitment, or the confession that scared him, or it was both. I don't know, because he never elaborated, he wished me luck and told me that we would not meeting anymore, nor would we be staying FWB (or even just friends) or being gym buddies. I still occasionally see him in the gym we frequent, but he pretty much reacts and looks at me like a total stranger, I may as well have never existed. He's still pretty active in BW, but he never responds to DMs anymore. I'm still feeling a mix of confusion, frustration, sadness and regret. I had a lot of unanswered questions, and still constantly think about the whole situation every now and then. Saying 'just move on' is really easy, but actually committing to it is the hard part. My endgame is just to pen my thoughts, to give myself the closure and move on. It also might be good to take a hiatus, and possibly a permanent one from BW at this point. If anyone wants to leave positive or negative comments, I'll okay with either. Thank you for reading.
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