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  1. Part 1 The unusually long monsoon rains that battered the region did little to dissuade Yuuji from tenaciously attacking his laps at the pool or the track whenever there was a respite in the weather. With a sharp dive, he shattered the glassy surface surface of the Olympic-sized swimming pool, sending ripples cascading outward. The tranquil atmosphere after the rain was gleefully interrupted by the rhythmic splashes of Yuuji’s measured pulls and kicks, executed with near-perfect timing. His swimming strokes could easily put any observer into a state of zen. His speed was brisk yet unhurried, laborious yet fluid, intense yet remarkably coordinated—like a finely tuned machine. Yuuji didn’t swim for applause or attention; he was indifferent to others sharing the pool with him. This quiet introvert was accustomed to training solo in his private lap pool back home in Japan. Having transferred to the top university in Singapore for his course, he found himself sharing everything - the pool, the dorm room, even the showers. This drastic change didn’t sit well with him, but his resilient nature meant you’d never hear a hint of complaint from him. Nevertheless, Yuuji is a lone wolf and will always be. Yuuji’s steady momentum was suddenly disrupted by a massive splash as if someone had cannonballed himself into the lane beside him. He quickly refocused and executed a tight flip-turn as he approached the wall. Meanwhile, Baxton hastily pulled down his goggles to catch up with his sole competitor. His loosely fitted Aussiebum nylon trunks nearly slipped off in the rush. Nonetheless, it was amazing how someone with such a muscular build could glide through the water with such finesse and speed. In contrast to Yuuji’s technique, Baxton’s strokes were bold and a bit arrogant. His natural competitiveness drove him to close the gap on anyone he saw as a challenger. Baxton was still feeling the aches from a rugby game the previous day and had intended to take it easy with some recovery laps. The sight of Yuuji’s impressive swimming reignited his competitive spirit. Stroke after stroke, Baxton inched closer and closer to his self-proclaimed rival. Every fiber of his muscles screamed in protest, but his pride wouldn’t let him slow down or give up. He had been drilled to push through, not back down. The duo swam through the waters in near-perfect synchronicity, even as the rain threatened to mar their stellar performance. Yuuji, focused on his pursuit of excellence, and Baxton, intent on besting his rival, remained oblivious to the heavy downpour that had returned with a vengeance. Yuuji had five more laps to go. Baxton was determined to touch every wall just a heartbeat faster than Yuuji, just in case this was Yuuji’s last lap. Despite his fatigue, Baxton couldn’t help but steal glances at his competitor’s striking physique. Yuuji, with his subtle tan, still had a complexion that could be called porcelain-like—flawless and taut. They wrapped around his muscles delicately betraying every fiber, vein, and vessel. The half-Japanese boy was ripped like a runway model. Or, in Baxton’s mind, he resembled the Japanese models from the naughty sites he purveyed every night before he slept. Not the gay ones. The hunks who were fucking girls. Baxton restricted himself to watching certain kinds of visual indulgences, somewhat to reassure himself that he was still walking the straight path. His vigorous climatic endings were timed, however, according to the explosive finishes of the boy hunks. As Baxton glided through the water, his gaze couldn’t help but drift past Yuuji’s stunning abs down to the pristine white arena trunks, which were so low-cut they offered barely concealed the boy’s tool or his bubblicious butt. If it weren’t for the way his muscles craved more blood flow, Baxton’s own dick would have strained against the confines of his snug nylon trunks. Yuuji kept a steady pace throughout his final lap, opting not to make a last-minute dash to outswim Baxton. Almost as soon as he touched the wall, he pulled himself out of the pool in a swift motion and quickly walked away from his unexpected swimming companion. Baxton was taken aback by Yuuji’s utter lack of sociability. He had expected a friendly exchange of sorts, but none was granted. He saw Yuuji slip on swim shorts and scurry off in the pouring rain. What a guy! Baxton took a big gulp of the chlorinated water and sprayed it in the air like an Olympic swimmer finishing his race and sank back into the quietness of the water. Images of Yuuji’s boyish charm and athletic physique floated through his wandering thoughts as he relaxed in the water. “I must meet him again,” he thought. --- For those who enjoyed the Part 1 of this story, stay tuned for the subsequent chapters. For those who want to savor my previous story "My Triathlete Buddies" you may access them them in the link below. http://swimboy87.wordpress.com
  2. Name : Russell Bodyworks Male Masseur (Local Exotic Indo Chinese) Place : Outcall your place or INCALL@Hotel every saturday Week Nights near Clementi MRT flat plus Sunday afternoon after check out Monday to Friday starting 8 pm nightly Rate : $60 (Hotel included) or $80 your place Technic: Pure Acupressure Sensual Oil Massage Hotel Note: NO checking in. Straight to room. Hp: +65 8239 3846 Email: Russellbodyworks@hotmail.com Facebook: Russell Bodyworks I LOVE my BODY. I may flaunt it BUT my body and soul and my car are NOT for sale. I don't have a problem with my body but I DON'T want my body to be a distraction from my TALENT or my brain. PROFILE: I'm a laid back, open minded, well-educated, nice guy I’m looking to hook up with all cool, CLEAN guys who are into mutually respectful and mutually satisfying hot bodywork. Whether you’re CURIOUS and want to have a NEW experience or experienced and want to have a new experience. CURIOUS? I'd be a fool not to also shamelessly market myself to the curious straight guy out there. Fulfill that fantasy that's played over and over in their heads. You know the fantasy I mean, buddy. The one with you lying naked and some hot shirtless guy standing next to you working you over. That fantasy doesn't go away until you find some balls and go for it...and when you finally do, its even better than you imagined. I celebrate any man, of any age, who allows himself to experience something NEW. That is what life is about, peace. RUSSELL
  3. helloo!! was wondering if there are any teachers/educators here who taught/are teaching H2 Bio and Econs willing to give me some kinda tuition or crash course😞 my mid years are immediately after the june holidays and im kinda panicking😭😭
  4. Other than SPGG which is situated off campus - SP itself has many conducive areas to play Anyone here from SP?
  5. There are real-life stories for you to read on the blog: "I Will Survive: Personal gay, lesbian, bisexual & transgender stories in Singapore"You can also read the full version of all the stories here in the e-book. And the book review HERE.
  6. $105 (full set), price includes registered mail. Shirt Size M , Shorts Size L🤗 https://www.instagram.com/acultimate/ Saint Andrew's Ultimate Jersey with shorts size M (bundle consisting 2 shirt 1 pair of shorts) at $100 price includes registered mailing. https://www.instagram.com/saintsultimate/ Another Separate Pair of SA shorts( Size L) going at $45. Price includes registered mail as well.
  7. I just finished lessons for a part-time course (working full-time) at a poly campus and was planning to go swimming after. While changing alone, a tanned lean fit poly student (abt 18/19 y.o) walked in (after his swim) and put his bag down. I saw him checking me out as I was undressing and getting into my swim shorts. When the poly student pulled his blue Arena speedos down, I saw a 5"+ semi erect D and he walked into one of the cubicles without closing the door. He began to stroke himself and I saw his 5" grow to become an impressive 6"+. We made eye contact and he nodded. I accepted his invitation, stepped inside and closed the door behind us. Let's just say we had a pretty hot and passionate session as part of my warm-up and his cool-down. I think the poly student mistook me for his age range as I am in my late 20s. However, is it normal for students to be cruising at such a young age?
  8. I was wondering if anyone else has such a fetish to always want to see young guys in uniforms? Does anyone wear uniforms to sleep as well? Also, does anyone wear uniforms out on the streets? Share your experience... =)
  9. Seek temp staff to help out at a conference. For about one week in the first week of April. Would be good if you like tech as you will be helping out with the event app. PM for more information.
  10. Hello Everyone! I am selling an iPad 6th Generation 32gb, WIFI version. Very lightly used. (Selling at around $550 - The price comes with the Logitech Keyboard). Condition: 10/10 (no signs of use AT ALL) Lightly used for 4 months of school and then I moved on to using my laptop. The iPad has been left alone since then. Includes USB cable (NEW) but NOT the USB adapter. ***SLIGHT NEGO ALLOWED FOR FAST DEALS
  11. Hey Guys! This is a thread for anyone who's from, or recently graduated from NJC! I'm currently serving NS and am from the batch of 2011, Anyone who was already in College then should probably know me. HEHE, no lah, I said that just cuz I kinda held a prominent position in school. I was from NJCIP and if you calculate, yes indeed I was from the 08IP batch. I'm just looking for people who are/were from the College and hopefully we can make friends with people who share this awesome common heritage! Seniors and juniors alike, let's congregate! PS: Let's avoid bringing up "FUN" etc, as we should all try and be friends! (:
  12. Selling used undies briefs and more... Collection discreet at Popstations Briefs/undies (assorted) worn and sweaty -- $20 Briefs/undies (assorted) worn and sweaty w fresh cum/ cum stains -- $40 Socks (assorted) worn and sweaty -- $15 Bottle of golden goodness -- $10 Other requests may be accommodated on case by case basis. Pm pls.
  13. Any stories to share of these rare chances we get to fool around with genuinely straight guys? Pictures and videos also can! I'll start the ball rolling: Last month, I was having a party at one of my uni coursemates' house. That clique of about 8, though only 6 were present that day, were very happening. The type that go partying often, a lot of sexual hijinks. The guys' parents were on holiday and we brought many bottles of alcohol so that night was quite wild. Anyway, after we got done with the snacks... we started to play games like kings and truth or dare. I am quite straight-acting so no one suspected, and us 4 guys sort of kept arrowing the only 2 girls to do very suggestive things for the dares. One of them opened her bra and flashed us, then later they also happily made out with each other on a dare. The best is one of them let another guy put his hand up her skirt for 2 minutes. In turn, they were also quite horny and gave us equally suggestive things to do on our turns. I really had my eye on one guy there. His name was Stanley, pretty face damn hot body from canoeing. Looks like a J-pop star that type. But he was very straight lah. On his turn, his "truth" question was something about his ex gf that he refused to answer, so we decided he had to do a super intense forfeit dare. I saw that the girls were eyeing him with lust already, and they eventually decided that his forfeit would be to let them fondle his body for 15 minutes. The other 2 guys were very amused but lost interest quickly and decided to go on the balcony to smoke. Luckily, I am a non-smoker so had an excuse to stay behind to watch the show. Stanley was a bit shy but not that reluctant. Got 2 hot and horny girls want to touch you who don't want? They started the clock, very quickly unbuttoned his shirt and touching his chest and abs all over. Stanley's face turn red and he was just laughing and squirming. They also undid his pants and pulled them down. Leaving his grey briefs exposed. I was very turned on that I could roughly make out the shape of his dick resting over his two balls. Looks quite a decent size. Then one of the girls very shameless, grab hold of his groin area then rub and rub. I saw already also very turned on. But I hid my boner and pretended to be laughing in the background. I saw Stanley's dick also must have been hard already, have a huge tent in his briefs. Still let the girl fondle up and down. Suddenly, one of them turned to me asking, "Is your's as big as his or not?" I sat there didn't know what to say. But eventually gave the typical guy response that of course mine is bigger. I think they heard, then getting more and more horny; so they said since I'm next to take a dare anyway, they want to use it now: the dare is that I must strip and show them whether or not I'm really "bigger". I was very reluctant because I didn't want Stanley or them to see that I was turned on by seeing him being jerked off through his underwear. But after a few refusals, one girl quickly whisper something to her friend then her friend nodded eagerly. They said okay, I don't have to stripped... they change the dare to I must join them in playing with Stanley's body! I heard already felt very faint. Cannot believe what was happening. Of course I was very willing to seize the opportunity to play with this hot guy but must act like I'm reluctant. Stanley also protested a lot saying it was damn gay and he didn't want. But the girls kept saying if not he must answer the original question about his ex gf (something very personal) and that they were also willing to kiss each other earlier because the dare process had to be honoured. Eventually, he agreed but looked at me and said, "Dude, don't touch too much." I gave him a nod. The moment I agreed, one girl pointed at his clear bulge and said, "Now you must take over!" Then she demostrated what she expected me to do by rubbing up and down his cock shaft through the fabric. Essentially giving him a handjob through his briefs. Stanley complained "What the fuck lah!" but didn't bother to resist. I saw my opportunity, I also knew how I could get away with playing a little bit more. So I pretended to be a bit cheeky, I grabbed hold of his cock through his briefs then shouted "Yaaahhhhhhh!" as I jerked very fast. This made me appear like I was making a joke out of it, acting like a cartoon character. But actually I was very very turned on. Feeling Stanley's hard cock in my hand, and the warmth from his shaft was damn shiok! The best part was that I could feel his thick cock and swollen head throb every now and then. The girls were giggling and staring intently. I was impossibly overcome with lust. I suddenly got the overwhelming urge to make this handsome straight boy cum a hot load by my hand! Even though my facial expression still remain cartoonish, I actually make the effort to change my technique to the most effective one possible. I rubbed his cock head a bit more knowing it is the sensitive area on a guy's penis and also grip a bit firmer. I soon heard Stanley say, "What the fuck lah, enough!" Then he tried to push me away. But I used my other hand to pin his chest down (his chest also a bit sweaty by then) and said something lame like "Yaaahhh, cannot stop not fully charged yet." I continued stroking, feeling my palm glide across his shaft over and over and over again through the cloth. Stanley started shouting, "What are you trying to do? Stop lah! I going to cannot take it already!" I heard the girls laughing and one of them was mumbling, do it do it! I felt the piece of meat in my hands expanding a bit, becoming thicker and harder. Stanley was also grunting repeatedly and saying, "Fuck! Going to cannot take it already!" as his handsome face and mascular bod contorted in pleasure. I knew this hot straight boy was very close to cumming already! But then, DAMN SUAY! He managed to break free of my pin. He cursed a bit and pulled up his pants, then said we teased him till this point, he had to go finish himself in the bathroom already. And he quickly walked to the toilet and locked the door. I was fucking disappointed can! Very soon, the other two guys came back and we contnued to play and talk a bit. But I was actually damn sad imagining Stanley in the toilet just in the next room stroking that big tool between his legs and cumming his massive load by himself when it could have been me doing that for him. Anyway, me and Stanley (and also that clique) are all still friends now. But every time I see him around school or as we hang out, I can't help but drift back to the feeling of his hard cock in my hands and how it thickened and swelled, nearly ready to burst at my touch. Gives me a boner every time I see his handsome face now! Anyone have similar experiences with straight guys? Do share and discuss. Hopefully you all were luckier than I was and manage to go all the way with your guys!
  14. I guess it is time where students from NTU can get to know each other through a thread like this? Probably this may provide an opportunity for some of us to expand our social circle I would personally like to know more AJ friends in school, probably we could meet up for a meal someday (not a meal in school please - Im sick of school food lol). Anyway, I think it will be quite cool if we could form a WA/Line group someday too! So, I'm a Yr3 student from CEE. One more year till I grad, so I wish to know more people from NTU before it gets too late Come'on everyone, if you are studying in NTU, probably drop a message so we could get to know each other? I hope this thread could work though haha! - J P.S. I'm not sure if such a thread exist, as I tried searching for one but I cant find something similar. If its a duplicate, maybe someone could direct me there.
  15. Introduction Chapter I: Emotions · Insecurities · Jealousy Chapter II: Discrimination · Appearances · Religion · Community Chapter III: Commitments · School & Work Chapter IV: Influences · Media Chapter V: Utopian Dreams · Family · Legal issues · Pursuit of Happiness Concluding note Introduction: Preparation for A Levels is so tiring and hectic. I shall use writing as an avenue to distress and also to discover myself. Pardon the poor grammar or spelling as I am kinda lazy to check for errors and correct them. Confronting emotions requires courage. Facing reality needs strength. Embracing and acknowledging the darkness of our social construct is not an easy feat. Hard truths seem to be too hard to be consumed. We live in an era where experiences can be bought, be it through tourism or prostitution. Yet, beneath this opulence of our society, there lies emptiness in our hearts, a void that we yearn to fill, and a thirst that we crave to quench. We constantly attempt to find ways to fill this emptiness or pretend it doesn’t exist, yet the more we deny, the more it strikes.
  16. PLEASE have a facepic of yours before you post anything here. Would love to know more people since I am new into the circle.
  17. Currently in our Singaore schools only the lower sec are wearing shorts. However in view of the hot/humid,rainy weather, is it good idea to make upper sec wear shorts instead of long pants also? One important reason is save cost?
  18. A painful first love So... I had a good friend in school. At that time I wasn't very sure of my own sexuality. I probably knew I was gay but didn't accept myself. Then I knew him (let's call him J). He's quite hot. (I didn't dare to admit it that time) We became friends. Quite close ones. We hang out together, play soccer together, study together blablabla. It was not until one day I viewed him in a different light. We were at a friend's house. The few of us were watching a movie in the living room. He was sitting next to me. I don't know what was in my head but I attacked him jokingly (like...poking him in the D? Like just what friends do to each other jokingly). Obviously he pushed away my hand. But i kept "attacking" him (as I said, I didn't know what's wrong with me XD) But..I suddenly felt no resistance. A hand was pulling me in. To his...there. Then...this whole handj*b thing happened. It was like done under sofa cushions (I know it's ridiculous but yea its true) so (I think) no one knew about it. And so...we started dating. A relationship that's is...SWEEEEET but is fueled by sexual acts. We moved past the usual holding hands, kissing, going on dates. I mean we still did kissing but..more than that. Bj, hj... all that in only weeks. At that time..I still didn't accept my sexuality. I kept telling myself it would be okay if I started dating girls next time...Then I knew it wasn't okay. One fine day he told me he didn't wanna do it anymore. I didn't know how to react.. I kept asking why. He said it's a sin. It's wrong. He wanna stop. I didn't know how to react then. I was depressed. We didn't talk anymore. That's when I realised that he has become someone important in my life. I had to stand the pain of seeing him everyday in school but not able to talk to him. (There's more to this, I'll continue next time)
  19. I always had this excitement when I found out that someone from my school "is". If you know what I mean. I decided to try this and hopefully it works . Please do poll for fun and please be honest! Let's look at the demographics . There's another poll for Poly Peeps too! Take a look in the member's forums. Please note that if you were not from or are not from a JC, please do not vote! I condensed some options due to constraints. Pardon me. Thank You for voting .
  20. Guest


    Any IB tips????
  21. Calling all incoming LGBTQ+ NUS freshmen! Join Qrientation@NUS'16: Mythique! Qrientation is an independent orientation program that focuses on the needs and concerns of LGBTQ+ students, while providing an opportunity to mingle and meet new friends. All current and matriculating full-time NUS and Yale-NUS students are welcome! Qrientation@NUS 2016 is happening on 18 June 2016, 9am-6.30pm. The venue will be disclosed privately in a confirmation email to registered participants. Sign up before 15 June 2016: http://tinyurl.com/nusqrientation2016signup For any questions, email reach@theg-spot.org. [Qrientation@NUS is jointly organized by Gender Collective (NUS University Scholars Programme), tFreedom (Tembusu College) and The G Spot (Yale-NUS College) as part of the Inter-University LGBT Network, Singapore.]
  22. Just registered an account here. Not sure how to start of. So i am curious anyone who is bisexual/gay currently still studying in SIM Global RMIT courses? Short intro about myself. 23 yrs old, Chinese, Bisexual. Living at AMK area.
  23. Qamp: The G Spot's LGBTQIA+ Advocacy Camp Qamp (pronounced "camp") is a two-day training camp for university students who are interested to learn more about and contribute to the LGBTQIA+ community in Singapore. Participants can expect to attend panel discussions with leading LGBTQIA+ advocates on the history and future of LGBTQIA+ rights, and be equipped with relevant skills and knowledge at workshops offered by partner organisations including Oogachaga, Action for AIDS and AWARE. See full programme here: http://tinyurl.com/QAMPprogramme Lunch and tea break will be provided on both days. Date: 23rd to 24th January Time: 9.30am to 4.30pm Location: Yale-NUS College
  24. I'm new here, and I just feel like pouring out my heart. Especially since there are people who are doing it, why not another? 1. The Introduction : Secondary One and Luke I've been out of the closet for about 7 years, but when did I exactly realise I was different? I guess it had to be when I was in Secondary 1. The transition was seamless, I got into the school of my choice - an all-boys school. I was fortunate enough to be transferred into the interim boarding school (I was a foreign student since Primary 3) and it was a challenge at first to keep up with the pace. Friends were made and brotherhood was formed during the orientation, but I was the oddball. Until "The Dunking" was around the corner. The seniors announced that they'd be selecting someone at random from the batch to throw into the school pool; and Luke (name changed to conceal identity) started to curse under his breath. "Damn it. I can't swim, hope it isn't me." Luke was this scrawny wallflower with a feisty attitude who was ready to curse and mutter inklings of hate at every moment. He was unnoticeable, well, to everybody. We were neighbours within the hostel; a relationship that started from a box of books. a. Luke and The Dunking Luke was grunting, cursing under his breath (an idiosyncrasy which I particularly found amusing in a guy of his frame) as he walked up the stairs to the third floor with two boxes stacked on top of each other. Years spent abroad and away from home taught me to move around light; Luke seemed to be some hoarder. I offered to help him, but he refused, only agreeing to receive help when he almost fell backwards into me. The walk up was pretty silent, but he was generous with his gratitude. The week before school started, I got to know Luke better as we'd meet out for lunch and dinners. Turns out that Luke isn't a foreign student, but he got permission to bunk into boarding school - seemingly never returning home on weekends even. I guessed his parents were travelling very often, and never asked any further. Come orientation, we got separated as we were in different classes, meeting only for study hall and dinners. I noticed that he always had his nose in various books, the weirdest I ever saw was Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus. The avid reader in him rendered him helpless at times, like how he'd walk into pillars. My classmates would mock him senselessly whenever he'd pass by, but he seemed to take it up like a man. I must admit that I was sold into him at that point in time, but I didn't think about it. So flash forward to "The Dunking", he confided to me that he never learnt to swim and he hoped that he'll never get selected. Lo and behold, when they released the names of the "most exalted" one, my dear friend here was It. I went up to the orientation leader, and told him that Luke can't swim. What I thought would save him the next day made it worst when he was put to the edge and asked to jump into the water himself. I watched as they mocked him for being unable to swim, a fact that Luke told me not to reveal. I could see that he was muttering under his breath again, and I felt very heavy. I had to do something. So I ran and jumped into the pool myself, emerged from the depth and cried, "Happy? You have someone in the pool now. Luke can't swim, so let him off. What if he drowns?" Luke looked at me in shock, amidst the bewilderment of all the other orientation leaders and other batch mates. The seniors pulled me from the pool and started the second part of "The Dunking". That evening, Luke was helping me clean up the marker drawings on my face and arms while laughing about how funny it was to hear me scream and shout as the seniors and other batch mates took their round to doodle on the human canvas. "Be careful, I saved you from the pool alright?" "Alright. I know that," he responded then looking a bit sad, "You shouldn't have - at the worst I wouldn't mind drowning." I shot him a very mean look. Though I was just a year older than Luke, there was so much weight in those words. "Never say that you'll die, okay? Promise me that." Reluctantly he agreed, but left me to finish up as his room mate (a Secondary 3 school mate) came to find him. It was close to midnight. b. Bonding in school, and the Girl. We got by another week with the same routine - which I got used to at last: up by 6AM for school, back by 5PM for study hall and dinner where Luke and I caught up at least thrice a week because he was up for third language in another school. We were also in the same ECAs (subsequently CCAs after the change in system a year later), and we bonded quite a bit. Luke started to be bolder and told me to seek permission to return back to school late due to "tuition"- a lie we stuck to till we graduated whenever we wanted to skip study hall. I'd leave school and wait at the McDonalds in the town centre after afternoon classes, where we'd proceed for dinner at the food centre, and then went back to the hostel. I started running in the evenings just before we were supposed to have lights out, and he'd join me. At track practices, we'd compete for the various events upcoming, he was a better sprinter while I was the long-distance runner; while in drama club, we observed the seniors and prepare for the annual production. On Saturdays, dinner was still on, except that Luke would ask me over to his room to study together after he's done with Scouts before we head out for dinner. I always asked him about him participating in so many ECAs, but he often just shrugged and said that his grandmother would be happy if he spent his time in school activities and school work. Luke and I would spend Sundays by ourselves; I'd be with my uncle who works in Singapore while he has church and he spends time studying on Sundays. Just before the mid-terms, Luke told me about this girl in his Japanese class who was a loud-mouth and how much he hated her. I casually commented that he should tell her that he already has a boyfriend, and we laughed at the possible ways to get back at her loud-mouthed ways. The girl, Eileen, whom I eventually met was just like how he described. Plump, loud and so brash, I prayed that I'd never find someone like her in the future, and I started thinking about this apparent "future figure". After awhile, the dinners became an once-a-week occurrence because he liked Eileen. I noticed that Eileen comes by on Saturdays often to study with us; but it stopped once her father found out that she was in a hostel room with two other boys - and that I was a year older. That meant that Saturday's study session was at King Albert Park for the both of them now, while I'd sleep in and wonder if I'd have a connection with someone, anyone. I never felt so lonely - like someone was torn away from my life suddenly. I evaluated and decided to run a short experiment. c. The Experiment and Experience It started as a way to clear my mind, but I got even more confused. I limited meeting Luke on weekdays to when he was ever back for study hall, and on Sunday nights when I came back. We'd start to leave each other notes under our doors because I pretended that I wasn't in my room when he knocked. Whoever said that absence makes the heart fonder really made that point. By the time June came, and I usually return to Jakarta, I made the decision not to return. I wanted to hang out with Luke a lot, but as I committed to staying in hostel for June, Luke was selected for a jamboree and would be away for the entirety of June. I was devastated, and as I came back from my uncle's place one Sunday, his room mate (Jerome) saw me crying as I walked up to my room. As we were hostel mates, Jerome was like a brother to us. I realised that Jerome had a troubled family, which was why he stays in - and that Luke's father was violent, which led to him staying indefinitely in hostel too. As Jerome shared, I realised even more I want to just meet with Luke. I told Jerome how I felt, and I crashed in with Jerome that night. It was the first time I had someone who'd hug me and hold me as I slept. Until Luke returned, I'd occasionally sleep with Jerome who really was being very sweet. I eventually lost my virginity to Jerome. Jerome and I made a pact not to share this "special" bond, but I felt like another door has shut in my face. There I was, new to this experience that felt good - and it stopped. When Luke came back, mum's the word and I welcomed him. He tanned quite a bit during his time overseas, and I realised during chapel that the feelings I had for Luke were more than just friendship, but romantic. I remembered what Jerome told me about hiding such things from other people, so I swore to God one day that I will fiercely stand by Luke as a friend. What I cannot have to love, I want to keep still as close as I can. d. Luke and the Birthday Gift The third quarter of the year and it's my birthday - a few days before Luke's. Because I didn't return home during the June holidays, my parents came to visit after the exams has ended, and we were preparing full gear into our drama club's production. Luke left a note to find him in his room. When I walked in, he told me to crash in with him since Jerome has left the country for some competition. And he gave me a coral shell, which he found while at the Jamboree in June. He wished that he knew what was home, and thanked me for being his friend. That night, he opened up about his father's violent streak (which I already know from Jerome) and as we crashed for the night, he told me to take Luke's bed. It was a funny feeling as I have slept very often on that bed once and I wasn't ready to do so again. As much as he was disappointed, Luke was alright that I couldn't spend the night. Before I left, Luke told me that he wished that girlfriend (in the future) could be just like I was to him. I told him that he will; while inside me, I wished I had the guts to tell him there and then that I want to be with him. Nonetheless, that statement from him was my self-declared birthday gift from Luke. We resumed our frequent meetups for dinner, as Luke was too lazy to meet up with Eileen anymore and she was going overseas for the upcoming holidays. It was just me and Luke throughout the entire year-end holiday period. We got re-assigned and I moved in with Luke during the holidays, I requested to have the same arrangement when the next school year started and it was approved. I never felt any happier - being closer to my best friend. That concluded Secondary One for me, but the start of something bigger in Luke's life, which I'll share in my next post. ------------ I will be overseas next week till May, will update when I have the time. Feel free to share your thoughts.
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