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Ryde, Tada, GoJek or grab is better?

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i tried out

for shorter locations or in town, Tada seemed to be cheaper

Somehow in bw, we dont have drivers from Tada,Ryde or Gojek?

generally Gojek seemed cheaper
but but 
they said:


u know how much grab must be earning : https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/business/grab-new-headquarters-in-singapore-one-north-11185934

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  • 11 months later...

Gojek cust svc is terrible. they stick to a pitch and go on and on and on. will never use them again.

+65 9090 four four nine six (WA), fourthandthird (Line)

Behind Tiong Bahru Plaza

$80 / hr - tui na + minor fixing + bone setting

$35 (approx 12 mins + -) - 抓根 Zhua Gen ($5 bundling discount applies when done with any other service)

$55 flat rate - treatment of lower back / disc herniation issues. Add $5 for additional area.
Glide cupping 走罐 - $15

$36 bonesetting-and-go (5 - 10 mins)

Daily 10am to 10pm last appt but please text in advance. Special early / ultra late appts are possible, just book in advance.

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  • 4 years later...
On 2/1/2019 at 12:52 PM, lovehandle said:

i tried out

for shorter locations or in town, Tada seemed to be cheaper

Somehow in bw, we dont have drivers from Tada,Ryde or Gojek?

generally Gojek seemed cheaper
but but 
they said:


u know how much grab must be earning : https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/business/grab-new-headquarters-in-singapore-one-north-11185934


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