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Places For Massage - Part 5

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i stay nearby that area but never heard that there is a massuer at stirring road... maybe you want to describe him a bit or field report for your last visit with him ??

the poor guy didn't think the contact worth keeping and certainly couldn't even remember the name... not sure we can trust the field report. suspicious...

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There was this massuer staying at Stirring road. I lost his contact and can't remember his name. I wonder anyone know?


Vincent, formerly Kent of Bishonen. You can find his number under Vincent of Queenstown in the massage list maintained here. :thumb:

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Field Report on Ben of Bedok

I have not gone back to Ben for a long time after my first visit – I had been peeved because the first (& last time) I went, he offered to give me a hj at the end of the massage without saying that there was going to be a charge for it until it came to paying when he asked for $10 more. Massage then was $60. But I had enjoyed the massage & had put a remark “good” against his name in my note book.

I finally decided to go again this week. His charges has since been raised to $65 which is $5 more than what several of his competitors are charging. This time he was upfront with his prices & I was informed before the start of the session that if I wanted a hj at the end of the session it would cost me $15.


Although appearance should not be a factor in the assessment of a masseur, I will just say a few words because forumers frequently ask for this information because they want to chose people who are their type. Ben is of average looks, is not particularly tall, is gym-fit & I estimate his weight to be about 65 kg.


The massage was carried out in his bedroom which is a little cluttered with a TV & computer table. The room was not specially done up as a massage room like some home spas. The first time I was there it was done on a mattress on the floor. It is now being done on his bed.

Rating **/5*

The Massage

The massage was as good as I remembered it to be the first time. Although it was done on the bed, the effectiveness of the massage was not compromised. He used sufficient strength to loosen the muscles without causing pain & he paid much attention to the hands, legs, butt & perineum. I particularly enjoyed the leg part of the massage which included work done with his knees, & my body did feel relaxed at the end of the session. I noticed however that the massage was a little short as I was in & out (massage + 2 showers) in an hour.

Rating ****/5*

Overall experience

Overall, I did enjoy the experience but it would have been much better if the environment could be improved. Would I go back? Yes, but less frequently compared to those good masseurs who are charging $60!

Overall rating ***/5*

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I have not gone back to Ben for a long time after my first visit – I had been peeved because the first (& last time) I went, he offered to give me a hj at the end of the massage without saying that there was going to be a charge for it until it came to paying when he asked for $10 more.

Masseurs, as a rule, do not give free happy endings unless you happen to be irresistible and they like you enough to let you have it free. They feel cheap if they let you have it free! It is understood that you tip for the happy ending. If they don't specify the amount, it's because they trust you to do the decent thing. If they do specify, it's because they don't think you will do the decent thing! Sometimes they quote an astronomical amount because they don't want to accede to it or they want to piss you off but, of course, if you are willing to pay, they might re-consider! :P

Edited by msgjunkie
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i tried ben from bedok before. its my 1st and last visit too. hj is free but i requested more but he din state any amt so i suppose its up to me to tip. my usual tip is $150-$200 if the massuer came too. but its rather disappointing cos he cum within sec after he start kissing me n rubbin his body against me. maybe age catchin up for him.

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but its rather disappointing cos he cum within sec after he start kissing me n rubbin his body against me. maybe age catchin up for him.

Cumming quickly is not an affliction of the older person...... It's the young and inexperienced who suffer premature ejaculation! :oops:

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Guest -Picturehouse-

PLEASE tell me. Is that Nic (Indonesian guy) still in Singapore ?

I want his contacts today. Heard he got a head of a tomatoe.

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Guest guest
PLEASE tell me. Is that Nic (Indonesian guy) still in Singapore ?

I want his contacts today. Heard he got a head of a tomatoe.

u need the head of tomatoe for wat? massage or sex? many probably have try it . is it still clean and red?

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really, really, really, wish i could believe you

thats the usual tip i gave at oceanic and other massage place. becos i seldom go for home based massage.

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Guest guest
thats the usual tip i gave at oceanic and other massage place. becos i seldom go for home based massage.

me too but i gave home based massage 150 to 250 . extra 50 more for tips

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Guest guest
me too but i gave home based massage 150 to 250 . extra 50 more for tips

Ya, me too.

When I have money I used to tip $1000 to $2000.

When I am quite tight, i tip about $500 to $800.

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Guest guest
Ya, me too.

When I have money I used to tip $1000 to $2000.

When I am quite tight, i tip about $500 to $800.

think that is the standard tipping to give masseur. not bad hor

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Guest Guest
all those giving too much tips spoil the market, next time the masseur will expecting more from his clients.....

tipping well to the local masseur is fine mah. better than some ppl tip so much to bangkok masseur , reason? big cock is it

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Marcus seems to be the masseur under scrutiny at present. Although many comments sp far are more bitchy witchy and off tangent rather than constructive (for example, about whether or not one would like to look like Marcus), I am glad there are also some who showered bouquets (for example twinbirdcp). Let's face it, we can comment about a masseur's looks, although that often is also a meaningless exercise as one man's meat is another's poison, but don't go beyond the point. Just keep it to whether or not he is good looking in your eyes, or not. There is no need to defame or run down anybody here.

Last week, I paid a visit to Marcus, and let me provide a review here that hopefully will dispel some myths about him, give some credit to him where is due, and perhaps even identify areas where he could perhaps improve.

Marcus lives in Bedok area, a 3-room flat, simply but pleasantly furnished. A bedroom was specially devoted to his massage business (plus point!), sparsely containing a massage mattress in the midst and a built-in cabinet to store his massage towels and oils. Mood lighting and soothing music add to the ambiance.

As for Marcus, he is a lean, compact guy. Kind of like Steven in Simei with a slim and toned body, tanned and smooth skinned. He looks clean and neat, which is another plus point. I cannot say much about his massage; I supposed it was largely adequate with the consistent pressure and good coverage. But it just does not have that X-factor that will lull you to sleep, or make you feel refreshed after the session. But that's just my opinion, and being a seasoned massage goer, I have rather high standards for massage and my body is not easy to please. However don't get me wrong, I am not saying Marcus is not skilful. He is just far from the best I have had, but also not the worst I have had. After all, he has only worked for 5 years, he can't be a deft-handed sifu!!

Now for the subjective bit. Marcus is somewhat my type, or at least during the session. I kind of like his evenly-toned body, and his clean-cut demeanour. And besides, uncannily, he also belongs to the relatively well endowed category Steven is in. They are small guys, but with undisappointing dimensions down there, and that often is stirring for me (big guys with big dicks don't faze me as much).

You can choose to bath after the massage, Marcus' bathroom is spacious (he knocked down the wall between the original bathroom and WC) and windowless. So it's quite an experience at 14th floor and you get a strong draft swirling inside the bathroom while you shower.

Overall, I would rate Marcus as follows:

Skills: Average

Ambiance: Slightly above average

Professionalism: Above average

I echo the opinion of Guest@1017am' date='Jul 15 2008, 10:10 AM' post='86963'

I am a regular & serious massage goer and have tried massages in a num of Asian cities; and could tell whether a therapist suits me or not within the 1st 10min of a massage session.

No complaint about marcus & his place, just wish he could be more detail and improve on accuracy (be it massaging muscle or accu-points), and like what Guest had said earlier, somewhat lack the x-factor.

. Just my feedback based on my 2-time experience with him.

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Re 'Bomott' date='Jul 25 2008, 04:35 PM' post='87877'] - Field Report on Ben of Bedok

I tried Ben once.

I must say that his massage skill was above average in general, and unique & very good in some areas.

I did not go back to him because of the room setup; something that he should seriously look into improving it.

I am not expecting a spa like env but minimally a massage bed in an uncluttered room should be the basic setup.

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Guest guest

WOW!!tips so much .... i cant afford it.. lucky i get extra easy and for free most of the time... maybe is no so much of a deal and or i need therapist to do this or that for me... is more having fun for both party.. :lol: but one thing is i love massage!!!

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with tips like those, who doesn't want to be a masseur!? hehe

sure or not . masseur have to massage all races all sizes and eudure bad odour smell from body , armpit and foot. not so easy lar to be a masseur. not every one is born to be a masseur.cant see gd money than switch job. is yr rice bowl means yr rice bowl ,god created job for every one.

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sure or not . masseur have to massage all races all sizes and eudure bad odour smell from body , armpit and foot. not so easy lar to be a masseur. not every one is born to be a masseur.cant see gd money than switch job. is yr rice bowl means yr rice bowl ,god created job for every one.

with minimum tips of $500 a customer, you just need to put up with two foul smelling persons a day, work for twenty days a month and ten months a year to achieve $100K a year... it's a dream. of course it is a ridiculous amount cited in the earlier post. i am saying a big 'if', who won't seriously consider a change? people don't switch jobs for good money? you only have to look at the many professionals who become property and insurance agents... of course there are those who change jobs not because of money but because of passion.

i don't think it is easy to massage and i believe it is immensely difficult to find a good & gifted masseur, someone who truly loves his craft... sigh...

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Field report for steven at simei

The place was cosy and the music was nice. I had to walk quite far to his house from simei mrt station. It takes me 15 - 20 mins to reach his house. As far as his massage skills were concerned, I like his massage on my back, butts and ass (He provide manhood massage). Pressure just nice for my hard muscles. When he asked me to turn over to the front, I was feeling very cold and I did not ask him to lower the air cond temp, which I think I should. I was actually shivering all the way, when he massaged my chest, abdomen and thighs. He massaged me naked, but when I want to touch his nipples, he stopped me. Maybe I was not his type.

Compared to my body, he is a bit less muscular than me. I am not very particular in looks, as long as he got nice personality and good attitude, I have no complaints. But his stoppage action really pissed me off. When he wanted to finish off the massage by giving me a happy ending, I also stopped him. After that, I can tell that he quickly hurried me to wash and then to pay him $60 for 1 hour. Frankly speaking, I actually was looking forward to a happy ending massage experience, but the whole massage experience was a shit. It was my personal preference not to go back to steven anymore, because he gives me a kind of feeling that he choose his client to massage. If that night, it was a happy ending, I wanted to give me $100, that is a tip of $40 plus a promise to come back to him every week.

For me, I train at least 5x a week in the fitness center. So I am looking around for a good and flexible masseur, flexible not in the sense that his body is flexible, but he must be flexible enough to accomodate to my body needs. So far, I went to nic from shunfu, ang from ang mo kio and then steven from simei. All failed my test. All are not accomodating or sensitive enough to response to my body needs. I am very sad that these 3 masseurs do not know how to earn a better living. I need a masseur at least once a week. I read some of the field report about steven from some of the members here, and I thought he will be my choice. But he failed. The last masseur that provide manhood massage, that I will try, is bobby from choa chu kang. I hope I can contact him next week. So far, a lot of people who had massaged by bobby gave very good comments about his massage skills, especially manhood therapy. I will like to try him next week and then will write a field report about him.

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Guest gymbod74

Samui, your field report was actually quite an informative read. However, was it really objective?

You mentioned in your 1st paragraph that "as far as his massage skills were concerned" you "like his massage" on your back, butts and ass. You further cemented this fact by adding that the pressure was just nice for your hard muscles.

However, things took a drastic turn when the masseur refused to let you touch his nipples and you wondered whether you were his type. You also alluded to the fact that you were more muscular than the masseur, and probably felt slighted by his rejection. In the end, you refused his happy ending and even concluded that "the whole massage experience was a shit".

Let me first identify with your feelings. I myself workout regularly in the gym, and have a muscular body like you. I also enjoy "happy endings" or "manhood massages" or whatever you call it from the masseur, and I do occasionally feel slighted if I do not get one as I figure that I am a reasonably attractive client with an above average body. However, I differentiate between the massage and the extras as some masseurs can really make me high but can't massage for nuts and vice versa. I am also mindful of the fact that if I were to post a public FIELD REPORT, it should be as objective as possible and not subjective. Hence, if the masseur has good massage skills but lousy after-service, I would say it as such and not lambast the entire massage as well.

I do take your point that if I were in your shoes, I would also feel as if the masseur was choosing his own clients, but that is his perogative.

To end off, you need not worry Samui. Since you are obviously a muscular and attractive guy, you should not have any shortage of "good and flexible masseurs". You probably caught this masseur on a moody day, when his hormones were not functioning. Maybe he just came with the client previously and thus was not aroused by the sight of your manly body? Just trying to play devil's advocate here.

I have personally tried Ben from Bedok, Robin from Tampines, Mr Ang from AMK and Eddie from Hougang. While I cannot comment if they provide "manhood therapy", I must say that they are excellent masseurs with solid techniques.

Be well,


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Field report for steven at simei

The place was cosy and the music was nice. I had to walk quite far to his house from simei mrt station. It takes me 15 - 20 mins to reach his house. As far as his massage skills were concerned, I like his massage on my back, butts and ass (He provide manhood massage). Pressure just nice for my hard muscles. When he asked me to turn over to the front, I was feeling very cold and I did not ask him to lower the air cond temp, which I think I should. I was actually shivering all the way, when he massaged my chest, abdomen and thighs. He massaged me naked, but when I want to touch his nipples, he stopped me. Maybe I was not his type.

Compared to my body, he is a bit less muscular than me. I am not very particular in looks, as long as he got nice personality and good attitude, I have no complaints. But his stoppage action really pissed me off. When he wanted to finish off the massage by giving me a happy ending, I also stopped him. After that, I can tell that he quickly hurried me to wash and then to pay him $60 for 1 hour. Frankly speaking, I actually was looking forward to a happy ending massage experience, but the whole massage experience was a shit. It was my personal preference not to go back to steven anymore, because he gives me a kind of feeling that he choose his client to massage. If that night, it was a happy ending, I wanted to give me $100, that is a tip of $40 plus a promise to come back to him every week.

For me, I train at least 5x a week in the fitness center. So I am looking around for a good and flexible masseur, flexible not in the sense that his body is flexible, but he must be flexible enough to accomodate to my body needs. So far, I went to nic from shunfu, ang from ang mo kio and then steven from simei. All failed my test. All are not accomodating or sensitive enough to response to my body needs. I am very sad that these 3 masseurs do not know how to earn a better living. I need a masseur at least once a week. I read some of the field report about steven from some of the members here, and I thought he will be my choice. But he failed. The last masseur that provide manhood massage, that I will try, is bobby from choa chu kang. I hope I can contact him next week. So far, a lot of people who had massaged by bobby gave very good comments about his massage skills, especially manhood therapy. I will like to try him next week and then will write a field report about him.

Initially everything good, doesnt allow u to touch nipple, everythiing become no good.. :yuk:

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Guest Geylangboi
Field report for steven at simei


Samui, I tried his massage one Sunday morning and the experience was great, he personally instructed me how to get to his place over the phone, indeed very helpful and the walk of 10-15 min to his place is a good warming up.

He gave me a good massage and my body instantly turned in to relax mode within few minutes. Less talking time means he is focusing on working on your muscles.

I am not as good physic as you, I have tummy, I am not good looking, but he definitely not "client-biased" or choose his client from my own opinion. A masseur is a masseur, like it or not very subjective.

But for Steven at Simei, I will go back for his service again for sure.

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all those giving too much tips spoil the market, next time the masseur will expecting more from his clients.....

I remember one massage parlour boss in Bangkok telling me "Please do not get carried away and tip my boys too much. It makes them swell-headed, lazy and choosy!" :thumb:

Do you think you will ever find some boss in Singapore saying the same? :whistle:

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Guest guest
I remember one massage parlour boss in Bangkok telling me "Please do not get carried away and tip my boys too much. It makes them swell-headed, lazy and choosy!" :thumb:

Do you think you will ever find some boss in Singapore saying the same? :whistle:

wat boss? we r talking about home based masseur. they r their own boss.

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Guest fault
Initially everything good, doesnt allow u to touch nipple, everythiing become no good.. :yuk:

Is it the masseur fault that is not yr type?

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Why is there so much interest in Steven of Simei? He was at Relaxy and later Msquare for quite some time and his reputation precedes him. At Relaxy and Msquare, he was known for being rapacious in securing customers but given the fact that he was the oldest amongst the masseurs there, it was understandable. His skillz are reasonably good compared to the others and initially customers were drawn to him naturally but they found it was not easy to try other masseurs after that! Msquare lost many customers as a result of that and when he left, Msquare even sent messages to all its customers to say Steven was gone and it was safe to return! :lol:

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I am not as good physic as you, I have tummy, I am not good looking, but he definitely not "client-biased" or choose his client from my own opinion. A masseur is a masseur, like it or not very subjective.

But for Steven at Simei, I will go back for his service again for sure.

Steven does choose his clients but it is not based on attractive physique or looks but on your generosity in tipping! Customers often flatter themselves when they think masseurs can't wait to get into their pants and it is a privilege for the masseur to 'service' them. :rolleyes:

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If that night, it was a happy ending, I wanted to give me $100, that is a tip of $40 plus a promise to come back to him every week.

There you go, a tip of $40! Do you know how much tip Steven commands at Relaxy and Msquare? Earlier someone mentioned a standard of $150 to $200 if the masseur cums. You will cum long before Steven does! Haha! :P

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I myself workout regularly in the gym, and have a muscular body like you. I also enjoy "happy endings" or "manhood massages" or whatever you call it from the masseur, and I do occasionally feel slighted if I do not get one as I figure that I am a reasonably attractive client with an above average body.

Masseurs don't jerk you off because you look delicious. They jerk you off because they know you are going to pay for it. For other acts, from bj to f__king, it goes without saying! If you don't believe, try this experiment. Go for a massage and let them jerk you off. Don't tip. Go back again soon and see if they still jerk you off! :twisted:

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Guest YouAskForIt

Dear Samui,

Obviously you suffer from superiority complex by bragging your better muscles than Steven. And so you think you deserve a right to pluck his grapes but the grape turned out to be sour. And you started to throw your tantrums to the other extreme....

Be prepared to be rejected if you decided to do something invasive. If you cannot handle rejection, dont pluck wild fruits.

One word to describe you : 老羞成怒

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I think whether a masseur is good or not isn't just relegated to his skills. I think whether a masseur is good or not also depends on whether he responds to your non sexual requests. For example, if you tell a masseur your shoulders or neck aches badly and needs the attention, yet he still goes about doing the normal backrub or leg rub, then obviously the masseur isn't good.

However, having said that, it is also up to the customer to tell the masseur what he likes or not, else the masseur wouldn't have any way of knowing! So, in short, its a two way communication :)

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been to steven's massage before and i must say he is a friendly guy. i gave him tips of only $20. not sure enough or not.

i like his massage and will go back. only minus point is i stay too far from his place. quite a hassle to get to his place.

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Guest guest
WOW!!tips so much .... i cant afford it.. lucky i get extra easy and for free most of the time... maybe is no so much of a deal and or i need therapist to do this or that for me... is more having fun for both party.. :lol: but one thing is i love massage!!!

i will tips but no like $100 to $200... only $10 to $50... but lucky i still get what i want :rolleyes: and i dont have what gym bod or good looking face to go massage..

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call me stingy if you want.

i have not tip massuers whether extra service provided or not. i go for massage and consider "extra" a bonus given by massuers..

i am still getting sms to revisit also from those who did not get tip for "extra"..

i feel that massuers should list final prices. being good should be a NORM.

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Guest julian
call me stingy if you want.

i have not tip massuers whether extra service provided or not. i go for massage and consider "extra" a bonus given by massuers..

i am still getting sms to revisit also from those who did not get tip for "extra"..

i feel that massuers should list final prices. being good should be a NORM.

if u got the look of julian hee , than no need to tips , extra r free lar and u will also get sms to revisit. maybe u r bragging here that u r good looking .

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