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Guest ABSXX-1050
sat's theme is 'free and easy'. may i know wat that is? nude night?

start from wat time?

sat free and easy means no event or program. just wear towel and walk around

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Hi guys you all have been mentioning cuties and hunkies at the place. But what about uncle? Tot of going but afraid to be left out sitting alone.

If mature is ok than what type of uncles will be accepted? Don't want to waste my time n money lor. :P

there are cuties, hunkies, chubs, slim, xiao mei mei, stocky, uncles, the list goes on its endless............personally I think there is no such thing as absolute is cater to one type of guys only

everyone has their own market and everyone has to be practical about what type of market you can attract!

I personally think its good to have a mix of crowd, not everyone like hunkie guys or into cuties only

i always see a chub couple at absolute and they never go to other saunas

their reason is simple, they just love the place and since its a public place, anyone can go and has the rights to enjoy and use that place!

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Guest Newie Too
To all

I think absolute is dead, very deserted place and certainly not the same as the old TC.


deserted? dead?

u mean the 4 guys i had last night were ghost?

1 local

2 japanese

1 korean

was there for their SSS sunday 4pm till almost close!

u mean 7 month is not over yet?

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deserted? dead?

u mean the 4 guys i had last night were ghost?

1 local

2 japanese

1 korean

was there for their SSS sunday 4pm till almost close!

u mean 7 month is not over yet?

Yup! maybe in your dream. Don't tried to promote yourself.

There is only less than 10 guys there.

Yeap! Try harder. The place is really deserted.

Well, depends on those members who they believe in.

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Guest Newie Too
Yup! maybe in your dream. Don't tried to promote yourself.

There is only less than 10 guys there.

Yeap! Try harder. The place is really deserted.

Well, depends on those members who they believe in.

perhaps you are the only odd one out, not in the room, left on the shelf, standing one cold corner, sitting in the dark, bathing alone...............yes the place is deserted for you but not for me, i enjoyed my four guys

maybe you like quantity vs quality, go 17 then, they certainly have the quantity but the quality is not there

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perhaps you are the only odd one out, not in the room, left on the shelf, standing one cold corner, sitting in the dark, bathing alone...............yes the place is deserted for you but not for me, i enjoyed my four guys

maybe you like quantity vs quality, go 17 then, they certainly have the quantity but the quality is not there

If you can get 4 guys there, I wonder what quality you are talking about.

You are just full of shit.

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Guest -snowball-

everyone have their type of guys they like to fun with, some no fish prawn also can, someone dun care, as long anyone want him, he will fxxk with him, some people very stubborn, die die also follow his principal rules, if there is no one his type, he rather go home empty handed, so what type of person you are? me belong to the stubborn one.

go to the sauna & crowd that suit you, no point guessing who is lying in the forum, we are adult, no award too even u guess correctly, if don't like then never visit again, most time depends your luck too, but guest, to be honest, can get 4 guys not a big deal at all, think most people that got built not bad look can easily get more than that just a visit, just depends the " quality " that you got only.

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OK lah, no quarrel here. Words are cheap, seeing is believing, go and experience yoursleves just one in the day time and one at night. If no good, than go other club to do another research. Settle down for the one that fit your budget and your lust. At least I stick to club17 because...it is quite happening in the afternoon too. Whether crowd quality of quantity, it is in the eyes of the beholder. I never failed to get fxxk so far.

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Guest newie too
but guest, to be honest, can get 4 guys not a big deal at all, think most people that got built not bad look can easily get more than that just a visit, just depends the " quality " that you got only.

AMEN you say it so right! THANK YOU

even trevvy forum someone also commented about that sunday that i had 4 guys

check the post below that i copy and paste from there

" Yesterday, 12:25 PM Post 3

checked out absolute over the weekend.

it was more happening than this thread had led me to believe!"

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personally i feel that 17 has got quantity but not so good quality. absolute is the opposite. for me i find it more fun to be in absolute because i can get those young, gymfit type that i like. of course sometime it depends on luck.

i was also there on their SSS Sunday 2 days ago, from about 6 plus to 10 plus. got lucky and had fun with 1 ang moh and 4 locals.

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Guest newie too
personally i feel that 17 has got quantity but not so good quality. absolute is the opposite. for me i find it more fun to be in absolute because i can get those young, gymfit type that i like. of course sometime it depends on luck.

i was also there on their SSS Sunday 2 days ago, from about 6 plus to 10 plus. got lucky and had fun with 1 ang moh and 4 locals.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW and you call yourself aloner?

can i meet u again this sunday ? :rolleyes:

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Guest bird bird
Good Good, u 2 can meet in Absolute, at least there are 2 customers in Absolute.


today absolute was really packed, so many boys and men so little time and rooms !!!!!!

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Guest -whatever-

been visiting absolute on a regular basis since its opening till now.

based on personal experience and the numerous reports here it seems that absolute sees a roller-coaster pattern in its crowd quantity.

with the exception of wednesdays which are packed with young ones, the rest of the weekdays (mon, tue and thu) are very quiet.

fri n sat evenings are moderate in quantity. sundays are highly unpredictable.

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Advice to the Absolute supporter who posts anonymously.

Stop your postings, please.

While it is well and good to show your loyalty, you are doing it in the wrong way.

The more you post, the more incredible and unbelievable it becomes. You have no idea how detrimental your postings are to the image of the sauna. This goes for any other sauna too.

"So many guys, so little time"

"Don't know about you, I enjoyed my 4 guys"

"So many cuties!"

Come on. Do you think we are 10 year old kids? Please stop these foolish games.

You give yourself away time and time again. Here's a clue as to how we know: you repeat the same word at least 3 times in your post. You even go as far as to do it with the same horrible spelling.

In all honesty, I do enjoy going to Absolute. I like the $16 on Tues and Thursdays. But your incessant postings are going to make would-be patrons turn away for all the wrong reasons.

Do yourself a favour and take a course in PR for goodness sake.

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today absolute was really packed, so many boys and men so little time and rooms !!!!!!

I was there last night and yes it was really packed with young guys. I guess it has got to do with the lucky draw.

But strange thing is although there was a large crowd I didn't really enjoy myself. Only managed to hook up with one guy.

Unlike Sunday (Sep 21), though the crowd was thinner, I had fun with 5 guys! (as per my previous posting)

So like I said before, large crowd or not, sometimes it just depends on luck.

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Guest bird bird
I was there last night and yes it was really packed with young guys. I guess it has got to do with the lucky draw.

But strange thing is although there was a large crowd I didn't really enjoy myself. Only managed to hook up with one guy.

Unlike Sunday (Sep 21), though the crowd was thinner, I had fun with 5 guys! (as per my previous posting)

So like I said before, large crowd or not, sometimes it just depends on luck.

thank god I am not the only one who say that it was packed last night, like as if i make up stories!!!

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thank god I am not the only one who say that it was packed last night, like as if i make up stories!!!

yes . last nite was indeed packed with cute guys. was surprise many quality ones were there compare to other spas

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Guest -Itaewan-
yes . last nite was indeed packed with cute guys. was surprise many quality ones were there compare to other spas

Dear guest....

It makes me wonder those who goes to Absolute are prostitutes...mentioned QUALITY ones compare to other spas?

How many have you been too? What kind of standards are you looking for? Starlets.....

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Sorry to say, the following words have become highly suspicious in this thread.

1. got lucky

2. quality guys

3. "so many"

Maybe I should also cry foul with regards to the rampant plagiarism and borrowed words from my earlier personal review:


Entering ZEN mode...

Let nature take it's course...

A man's worst enemy is often... himself. :)

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Guest bird bird
Sorry to say, the following words have become highly suspicious in this thread.

1. got lucky

2. quality guys

3. "so many"

Maybe I should also cry foul with regards to the rampant plagiarism and borrowed words from my earlier personal review:


Entering ZEN mode...

Let nature take it's course...

A man's worst enemy is often... himself. :)

there is nothing to cry foul about

its so obvious...........

so far anyone who commented here positive comments are days that you are not even there to justify

they obviously enjoyed that day a lot thus commented it

you seem to stick to tue and thur only which it seems those people above did not go at all.

so I guess everyones comment is right for the particular day that they went

those who just comment absolute is dead as a general statement are obviously dead in their mind themselves!

I have not been on mon, tue and thur so I cannot comment about those day

I can only comment days that I went.

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juz went to Absolute for the 1st time...the SSS swimwear theme...

no doubt there were quite a number of cute, tone guys in their sexy trunks...

my biggest complaint is that the whole place is really small...both the mazes are too small, and some areas totally pitch-dark...

other than that, everything else is still not so bad...the place is clean, no strong smell, and the staffs are cute too

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Guest newie too
juz went to Absolute for the 1st time...the SSS swimwear theme...

no doubt there were quite a number of cute, tone guys in their sexy trunks...

my biggest complaint is that the whole place is really small...both the mazes are too small, and some areas totally pitch-dark...

other than that, everything else is still not so bad...the place is clean, no strong smell, and the staffs are cute too

are you going for their underwear party this tue? i guess it will be similar like sss sunday, but in underwear

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juz went to Absolute for the 1st time...the SSS swimwear theme...

no doubt there were quite a number of cute, tone guys in their sexy trunks...

Heard from friends who were there yesterday that the qaulity of crowd was bad. Seems like different standards applied here.

I have felt the sauna scene is dying, not only in Singapore but in Taipei as well. More and more guys are hooking up via internet or chat rooms.

Tomorrow, absolute is having underwear night against double natural in One seven. For those who like to be "commando", one seven is definitely more appropriate place to go. Perhaps can try two places one after another...... :rolleyes:

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wah.. today on 4 Oct.. very bad leh... suppose to open on 12noon.. but only open at 2pm... saw many want to come go off bcos they saw its not open.... there are also some waited under the hot sun waiting for it to open..

To the Absolute Management, please explain what happen? Why only open at 2pm? A new opening timing and we are not informed? How do you compensate those who waited 2 hours for you to open under this hot weather?

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wah.. today on 4 Oct.. very bad leh... suppose to open on 12noon.. but only open at 2pm... saw many want to come go off bcos they saw its not open.... there are also some waited under the hot sun waiting for it to open..

To the Absolute Management, please explain what happen? Why only open at 2pm? A new opening timing and we are not informed? How do you compensate those who waited 2 hours for you to open under this hot weather?

Hi there! :)

We sincerely apologize for this unexpected delay in our opening time on 4 October.

At all times, we would like Absolute's members to be comfortable and safe while they are in the club and be pampered by a fantastic service experience.

Please allow us to explain what had caused the delay.

Firstly, the staff on duty had arrived slightly late.

Secondly, while the staff were preparing to open the club for the day, they realized there were problems with the club's power supply which could not be resolved immediately.

Hence the electrician had to be called in to fix the problem before the club was opened to members. This process unfortunately took quite a while.

We agree the delay could have been better communicated and Absolute will definitely strive to do better.

If you should have any further queries, please do not hesitate to speak to any supervisor on duty at the club.

Thank you very much for giving us a chance to clarify this matter and we hope to see you again soon at Absolute!


Absolute Management

Absolute's Opening Hours

Mon to Thu: 1130am - 12mn

Fri: 1130am - 8am

Sat: 12pm - 8am

Sun: 12pm - 12mn

Eve of PH: 12pm - 8am

PH: 12pm - 12mn

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Alamak, same thing happened on your first day of preview and everyone of you just did your own thing inside the building without an explanation for those waiting outside. I have not gone back ever since. This time you said your staff arrived late (goodness, only one staff on duty ah) and why when you guys knew you were going to open late, did you not paste a simple notice on the door front to let others know. A simple act like that could have gone a long way in solving all the misunderstanding..

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Alamak, same thing happened on your first day of preview and everyone of you just did your own thing inside the building without an explanation for those waiting outside. I have not gone back ever since. This time you said your staff arrived late (goodness, only one staff on duty ah) and why when you guys knew you were going to open late, did you not paste a simple notice on the door front to let others know. A simple act like that could have gone a long way in solving all the misunderstanding..

Absolute thinks their clients are absolute fools lor

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Dear Lousy Management of Absolute

I do understand that to err is human.

The excuse of late arrival is acceptable but dont you have a rule that the staff needs to be present at least half an hour before opening times to do 'area cleaning' and 'manage the place'?

What had happened cannot be forgiven... you could easily have a handwritten note informing us who had waited ...

"Due to an electrical fault, we are unable to open our doors to you at 12 pm. We have the problem under control and should be able to serve you at _________ pm."

I think you have lost another client... and worst, by word of mouth in this board, more potential clients... sigh

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Guest Guess who ??

firstly, i think we need to correct that few guys that think absolute is deserted.

I'm not a supporter of absolute as i been to many sauna like raw, 17, blue heaven, shogun, ten men club, diamond, y-club and of course absolute.

Initially when absolute just started business. The crowd were less.

But now are different. I see there is a jump in the customers.

There are many different type of guys in absolute but more towards younger crowd and the fit guys.

But in comparison with 17, 17 still has more customers.

i hope i don't read any more postings in this thread regarding absolute is deserted again.

There is no need to argue about which sauna is good or bad.

If that sauna doesn't suit your taste, then just go one that you like most.


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Guest Guest @ Absolute

As the staff @ Absolute has proven, they do take comments here into consideration and improved.

Let's forget that oversight and move on.

I'm sure people here will decide whether to patronise NOT based on this incident alone. (except those who were directly affected).

I'm sure the young staff have been told to be punctual and what to do in case of unforseen circumstances.

Actually, those who were left wondering if Absolute was opening that day had only to call and ask.

The number is printed behind the card. I called a few weeks ago to ask if they accept NETS.

For those suspicious people, I'm not related to Absolute in any way.

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Guest Guess Who ???

My 1 cent suggestion for people who like to visit absolute.

Thursday, Friday & Sunday will be good for visiting :whistle:

Why ?

Thursday is Gym nite. Although i can't gurantee all the guys there are gym fit but at least there are a few that you can drool on .... :D

Besides that, show your gym membership card and you get to pay $16 for entry.

Friday is Tag nude nite. Mixed crowd but still more towards gym fit guys. Lots of action... moaning and oh ... i'm cumming ... from the rooms

But still not as crowded compared to 17. :lol:

Sunday is my favourite underwear/swimming trunks nite. I'm always wearing TooTs undies for that day. i'm so sexy :yuk:

Mixed crowd but also quite a lot of gym fit guys. :thumb:

The other days i won't recommend to go to absolute are monday, wednesday and saturday.

Why ?

Because 18yo and 24yo enter for free. It's crowded especially on saturday but the type of guys you get are young, inexperience, army boys and mostly skinny twink.

No offence !!! Unless you like young guys and twinks. :unsure:

Also not recommend to go on monday and tuesday as it is the start of the week. Although, tuesday is a gym nite.

Everyone are busy with work... so not much people there.

That's all folks :P

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What a dissappointment absolute staff is suppose to be of friendlness and approaching... Went to their tag nite on Fri. Was so pissed off by the staff there. Standing arounding blocking our way... partrolling at the wrong times when we needed to use the rooms. :angry: think the quality is become worser staff getting late....opening late let us wait outside the hot sun.... no apologising gifts got one occasion i was not offer a bigger locker when i was carring something bulky show it to them the bulky staff then they change it for me can't they take the INITIATIVE :swear: Would not partionise absolute again because of it sub staNDARD al unless there is an improvement :(

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Heard Absolute was having quality crowd last evening (Speedo nite), anyone like to share his experience ? :rolleyes:

Hi Hunky

I was there on their last SSS sunday at 6pm

The place has quite a lot of people around by then

By 7 pm it was packed with people who were mostly trim, gymfit and looks great in speedo

all ages were there from young to more matured ones

there were many races that night, chinese, malay, indian, japanese, whites and even a black!

most room were taken by 8pm and I myself had 2 guys.

The steam room was happening that night too

It was pack and fun but a bit too competitive with so many guys going after the cute ones

The roof top cafe was a breath of fresh air from the crowd below when I went to get my coke

left around 10 pm and the place was still quite pack

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Come on down to Absolute on 15 October 2008 (Wednesday) for the monthly EXPOSE!

Abs Alpha members get the usual free entry on Wednesday!

Check out the fun you missed in the first EXPOSE last month!

Door opens at 1130am.

*Expose: (verb) to remove what is covering something so that it can be seen

New Promotion!

Refer your friends to join Absolute and receive free visit passes!

1 new member = 3 visits

2 new member = 5 visits

Offer valid for a limited period only!

To know more, visit Absolute today or log on to www.absolute.sg

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Hi Hunky

I was there on their last SSS sunday at 6pm

The place has quite a lot of people around by then

By 7 pm it was packed with people who were mostly trim, gymfit and looks great in speedo

all ages were there from young to more matured ones

there were many races that night, chinese, malay, indian, japanese, whites and even a black!

most room were taken by 8pm and I myself had 2 guys.

The steam room was happening that night too

It was pack and fun but a bit too competitive with so many guys going after the cute ones

The roof top cafe was a breath of fresh air from the crowd below when I went to get my coke

left around 10 pm and the place was still quite pack


Thank you for your interesting feedback. Wow, seems like sunday is happening at Absolute. I love Speedo night during the old Towel Club days. I must give it a try on sunday and experience myself. :whistle: I shall put on bright orange speedo to match my tanned skin...keke

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Guest talk cock
What a dissappointment absolute staff is suppose to be of friendlness and approaching... Went to their tag nite on Fri. Was so pissed off by the staff there. Standing arounding blocking our way... partrolling at the wrong times when we needed to use the rooms. :angry: think the quality is become worser staff getting late....opening late let us wait outside the hot sun.... no apologising gifts got one occasion i was not offer a bigger locker when i was carring something bulky show it to them the bulky staff then they change it for me can't they take the INITIATIVE :swear: Would not partionise absolute again because of it sub staNDARD al unless there is an improvement :(

how you know they improve their services if you never patrolise them again ????????????? :whistle:

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Thank you for your interesting feedback. Wow, seems like sunday is happening at Absolute. I love Speedo night during the old Towel Club days. I must give it a try on sunday and experience myself. :whistle: I shall put on bright orange speedo to match my tanned skin...keke

wow wish I can meet you then

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Newie too

Bird Bird

Guest who

Talk Cock


Are all the same person with same IP address.

If Absolute has a hand, in any degree, in the above contributions from these ghost writers, I suggest you, or ur ghost writers stop.

When you get exposed in this manner trying to promote a failing business, the backlash can be even more detrimental to the additional business generated.

Think abt this.

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If Absolute has a hand, in any degree, in the above contributions from these ghost writers, I suggest you, or ur ghost writers stop.

When you get exposed in this manner trying to promote a failing business, the backlash can be even more detrimental to the additional business generated.

Think abt this.

hey guys i have no problem admitting those id and nicks are mine, so whats the problem?

but be objective, which time i wrote here is not base on real facts?

i did not make up any stories, there are other people in here which also state the same thing as i did about the crowd at absolute on

the days i mention. trevvy forum also has people saying the same thing about those days

so different nicks so what? i m still stating facts, i never make up any or sensationalise any stories

facts are facts

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hey guys i have no problem admitting those id and nicks are mine, so whats the problem?

but be objective, which time i wrote here is not base on real facts?

i did not make up any stories, there are other people in here which also state the same thing as i did about the crowd at absolute on

the days i mention. trevvy forum also has people saying the same thing about those days

so different nicks so what? i m still stating facts, i never make up any or sensationalise any stories

facts are facts

If u can only stand back and look at what u have written my frd.

So nonchalant abt being exposed using different nicks n being defiant to boot ?

No one here will question what u have written, simple becos rightly or wrong, are ur opinions. Wat u have done is to discredit urself and Absolute by coming into post with different nicks. Only shady characters with hidden agenda will use such a tactic to make it appear as if more people are in consensus with ur pov.

Do u serious think that readers will believe your 'facts' even if they were true?

SSS is really a good nick to use - u speak snake language indeed.

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If u can only stand back and look at what u have written my frd.

So nonchalant abt being exposed using different nicks n being defiant to boot ?

No one here will question what u have written, simple becos rightly or wrong, are ur opinions. Wat u have done is to discredit urself and Absolute by coming into post with different nicks. Only shady characters with hidden agenda will use such a tactic to make it appear as if more people are in consensus with ur pov.

Do u serious think that readers will believe your 'facts' even if they were true?

SSS is really a good nick to use - u speak snake language indeed.

whats the different between me and you?

your id Fool is no different from any of my other nick names

no one knows who are you too,

basically most ids here have no real face photos of the person behind any id , be it registered or not

so whats the difference?

there is nothing shady about me, i still state facts and there are others id that are alibi to my facts

the moderator expose me with all my different ids are fine becos what he did was very objective, it was just a clear objective

what you raise does not seem so though.

any difference with FOOL and all my others ID? none! no one knows you either! credibility? none I guess too

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