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Army Days / NS Stories & Everything About Military Life (Compiled)

Guest Rah

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  On 12/18/2011 at 2:53 PM, smallboix said:
Ooooo ok o.o when you say sleeep in PT, means there's something underneath too? or just the PT alone? o.o

Yup, will be wearing undies underneath the PT shorts. Unless feeling a bit daring then just wear PT shorts, but most of the time too shag to think about such things :)

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  On 12/26/2011 at 5:26 PM, an.guirel said:
Yup, will be wearing undies underneath the PT shorts. Unless feeling a bit daring then just wear PT shorts, but most of the time too shag to think about such things :)
Ooooo ok! hahaha i think i'll wear undies underneath.... later erect in the morning = die
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/24/2011 at 5:15 PM, Astroboy said:
I jerk off in m113

Wow! :0 Even I didn't even think of having such an experience when I drove it back then! How did you mange in front of the entire afv load of troops or the signaller/medic sitting behind you???? 0_0

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Guest dun play w candle
  On 12/19/2011 at 5:13 AM, Guest said:
when i was a recruit and we had our first fieldcamp, i remembered we were told to bring candles and that we would be required to build bashas and sleep in it at night. i was so horny i actually took the candle and use it as a dildo in my basha... was so freaking high! lol! that was more than 20 years back... such memories...

Luckily the candle did not break into half inside your ass or you will be hopping around to look for MO the whole night.

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  On 3/30/2012 at 12:20 AM, dun play w candle said:

Luckily the candle did not break into half inside your ass or you will be hopping around to look for MO the whole night.

More likely the whole candle slips into his ass!




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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Wah talk about this, one experience comes to my mind---WALLBY!!

Can see all our fellow unit mates all in one communal bathing area, real sausage fest, especially since the showers are of water-bag style from which water drains out, they bathe slowly. At times they bend/crouch to take soap and you know...and you knoe ;)

Since bathing was so slow always got some queue and whilst waiting you get to ogle at some of your mates. :)

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  On 3/30/2012 at 3:35 PM, GUEST said:

Wah talk about this, one experience comes to my mind---WALLBY!!

Can see all our fellow unit mates all in one communal bathing area, real sausage fest, especially since the showers are of water-bag style from which water drains out, they bathe slowly. At times they bend/crouch to take soap and you know...and you knoe ;)

Since bathing was so slow always got some queue and whilst waiting you get to ogle at some of your mates. :)

After tiring training, dun think u will have the energy and mood to ogle at ur pl mates.U just want to shower fast and then go and sleep.




Spend time counting your blessings,

not airing your complaints.

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after reading so much i only encounter a few stuff not rlly much of an action but it was fun nevertheless. still rmb i was first enlisted last yr sept haha n being the last guy without a buddy i had two buddy. one arab-chinese and one chinese. both of them very bengish n cute hahas at times they both would b on the same bed hugging n sleeping and the whole section would disturb them but nobody took it seriously and i didnt bother to join in the fun LOL.

still rmb during the first day of enlistment. i and my chinese buddy enter a showering cubicle n shower tgt coz we got pissed waiting outside and people taking their own sweet time to shower on the first dday of enlistment. being the beng type my buddy was, he jus scolded whoever ask dumb question when we came out of the toilet tgt. wat happen in the toilet haha. i was super shy but it was a pleasant view nth happen besides some teasing since its almost lights out. after tat day we nvr shower tgt alrdy.

another experience was with my arab-chn buddy he would always in the middle of the night would wake me up instead of the chinese buddy to go the toilet . and each time i always realise he would be having a hard on and his tool would be like LOL dam huge for a small size guy. but me being too careful not to get into trouble esp during bmt i just take all this as eye candy. once my buddy teases me when i was walking to the toilet at the corridor he jus randomly hit n squeeze my little brother . instead of going to the toilet to pee i would jus jerk off -.-.

Love me for who i am . and not what i am . as i would do the same to you . that is what i look in a relationship.

i do not seek one night stand or watever.. so leave me alone . interested you can pm me to noe me further ^^

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Guest Guest
  On 3/30/2012 at 12:20 AM, dun play w candle said:

Luckily the candle did not break into half inside your ass or you will be hopping around to look for MO the whole night.

Yuks, I m sure he tried on the blanks, the water bottle, the baynet, the rifle, too. If i m the mo, i would put him on the engine cover of a a 3-tonner at noon for the heat to melt the wax out.

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  On 3/31/2012 at 9:16 AM, aidenz91 said:
still rmb during the first day of enlistment. i and my chinese buddy enter a showering cubicle n shower tgt coz we got pissed waiting outside and people taking their own sweet time to shower on the first dday of enlistment. being the beng type my buddy was, he jus scolded whoever ask dumb question when we came out of the toilet tgt. wat happen in the toilet haha. i was super shy but it was a pleasant view nth happen besides some teasing since its almost lights out. after tat day we nvr shower tgt alrdy.

Did u compare whose was longer? lol

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  On 3/31/2012 at 9:16 AM, aidenz91 said:

after reading so much i only encounter a few stuff not rlly much of an action but it was fun nevertheless. still rmb i was first enlisted last yr sept haha n being the last guy without a buddy i had two buddy. one arab-chinese and one chinese. both of them very bengish n cute hahas at times they both would b on the same bed hugging n sleeping and the whole section would disturb them but nobody took it seriously and i didnt bother to join in the fun LOL.

still rmb during the first day of enlistment. i and my chinese buddy enter a showering cubicle n shower tgt coz we got pissed waiting outside and people taking their own sweet time to shower on the first dday of enlistment. being the beng type my buddy was, he jus scolded whoever ask dumb question when we came out of the toilet tgt. wat happen in the toilet haha. i was super shy but it was a pleasant view nth happen besides some teasing since its almost lights out. after tat day we nvr shower tgt alrdy.

another experience was with my arab-chn buddy he would always in the middle of the night would wake me up instead of the chinese buddy to go the toilet . and each time i always realise he would be having a hard on and his tool would be like LOL dam huge for a small size guy. but me being too careful not to get into trouble esp during bmt i just take all this as eye candy. once my buddy teases me when i was walking to the toilet at the corridor he jus randomly hit n squeeze my little brother . instead of going to the toilet to pee i would jus jerk off -.-.

Haha! Also got similar experiences. So far never have lots of action but also quite fun.

In Tekong, during field camp, the place was very dark mah and we always need be in buddy level wherever we go. Or at least with another platoon mate. That time was quite late and I needed to pee so I went off with one rather cute guy to pee as my buddy no pee. ._. Then while peeing I just keep peeking as its dark (safer!) but somehow he knew and peeked back. Then pretty much we were both openly looking at each other's manhood. We didn't say anything throughout the whole experience though, just nods and smiles of embarrassment.

Another experience was very spontaneous. I was in unit already and went to toilet to pee. As I went to the toilets near the coy office, the floor was wet after the cleaning by the auntie and I went into the cubicle to pee. Happen that when I look down while I pee, I saw the wanking motion... Turns out the guy next to me was wanking in the adjacent cubicle. He didn't know I could see him. He came then cleaned and left. I never found out who that guy was. Too embarrassed to see who it was.

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no la hahaha didnt compare was jus playin ard .

hah angr. nice story man :D sadly im still dam pussy to try anyting funny esp in camp!!

Love me for who i am . and not what i am . as i would do the same to you . that is what i look in a relationship.

i do not seek one night stand or watever.. so leave me alone . interested you can pm me to noe me further ^^

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  On 3/30/2012 at 3:35 PM, GUEST said:

Wah talk about this, one experience comes to my mind---WALLBY!!

Can see all our fellow unit mates all in one communal bathing area, real sausage fest, especially since the showers are of water-bag style from which water drains out, they bathe slowly. At times they bend/crouch to take soap and you know...and you knoe ;)

Since bathing was so slow always got some queue and whilst waiting you get to ogle at some of your mates. :)

Oh mine...i miss that fun !

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  On 2/13/2011 at 3:04 AM, jaky said:

There was once I did duty clerk with a handsome eurasian officer, he was the DO then.

He's straight and kept calling his gf whole day to appease her cos he can't be with her. He's rather caring and generous towards other cos he treated everybody doing duty nasi berani.

At night he was sleeping and I woke up because it was too cold (aircon) and I can see that he's having an erection from his #4 pants and boy was it huge! I was very tempted to touch and stroke it but I was afraid that I'll be caught (society was not that open and forgiving then). I just stared at it grew and can't sleep the whole night.

So i missed a chance with a handsome officer!

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Not sure about now...but during my BMT days at Tekong Camp III, the shower cubicles were door-less.

There were about 7 to 10 shower cubicles shared among 40 guys.

And the showers were designed to be water-efficient. So the taps only got turned on for about 10 sec and had to be pressed continuously to get the desired flow.

My ingenious fellow-recruit, with his durian head and black rubber-banded spectacles, used one leg to hold the tap while his hands lathered his body after a hard day of training...I had to walk quickly but it was a beautiful sight nonetheless.

Sometimes the corporal gave us 15 minutes for the whole platoon to shower, so we usually had 3 persons to a cubicle: one waited, one wet himself, one soaped. I was enjoying myself then but had to concentrate on speed as we did not want the whole platoon to suffer.

Once, during these quick showers, the corporal entered the shower room and someone shouted, "ROOM!"

We were well-trained and what followed were frozen soapy bodies and the sound of running water.

The awkward corporal left after 2 seconds.

After all, tomorrow is another day. ~ S O'Hara

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Guest justhorny
  On 5/14/2011 at 3:56 PM, bluesea78 said:
i like both undies and uniforms :)

Hi I have a really super great fetish for undies too! Gets really horny just seeing guys in undies

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Guest justhorny
  On 7/29/2011 at 1:11 AM, jamesg said:
currently most guys walk around in just their underwear in bunk. the excitement comes during swimming where most of them changes there and then.

how often is swimming sessions? Gay encounters before anyone?

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  On 4/7/2012 at 2:16 PM, justhorny said:

how often is swimming sessions? Gay encounters before anyone?

only once in my bmt.. u do not have to go for any swimming lessons once u passed during the first time
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ok this is the real story. i'm not sure if it's milo or some other drink but it definitely involved drinks.

They always have to get ready 1L water bottle mah. Then apparently every night time, this buddy is very nice to his room-mate, everytime ask the room-mate whether want to fill up his water bottle and at the same time, offer to help him make milo. then the room-mate of coz dun mind, coz milo is an energy drink. But then room-mate didn't know buddy used milo as a trick to add sleeping drugs inside the drink. So when room-mate drank it, room-mate koon. then buddy will realized when he wake up in the morning always got sore feeling at his anus area plus diahorea. then after awhile, he went to see MO. MO said it was unusual , couldn't diagnose his symptom except said it could be irritable bowel syndrome, could he be under alot of stress in OCS etc. gave him pills to stop diahorea and then room-mate really stop diahorea.

The buddy didn't want to give his act away so he stopped putting drugs for awhile. That also means he didn't make milo anymore. Then when buddy felt it was ok to proceed with the act, he began to ask room-mate if he wants milo again. room-mate said ok lah, of coz mah. then the sore feeling around anus started again. he had diahorea again. then room-mate felt suspicious becoz he only felt like this whenever he drank the milo.

So one day, when buddy made the milo for him, he pretend to drink it but went toilet to spit out. So he wasn't under the influence of sleeping drugs this time round. then at night, suddenly the buddy climbed to his bed and shook him abit, then after that pull down his pants and applied lube to his butt area. that's when the room-mate confronted the buddy and the buddy was damn shocked. he pleaded room-mate not to tell the officer otherwise he will be out of OCS.

Anyway, room-mate went ahead to tell the officer about what happened and the buddy was sent for counselling as well as expeled out of OCS.

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Guest Dun Believe
  On 4/9/2012 at 6:12 AM, Chucky said:
Anyway, room-mate went ahead to tell the officer about what happened and the buddy was sent for counselling as well as expeled out of OCS.


1. Their room got no other people staying meh?

2. An experienced MO would at least check his anus and found "rub marks" or even discharge on the channel wall.

3. Since he was so inexperienced, no bleeding? He must have a big anal hole.

4. wow the culprit only expelled from OCS only arr?!

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Guest Guest

is it really possible to push a cock in when a person is sleeping? i always thought that for a man to anal another man, both need to somehow 'cooperate' to make the penetration possible?

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  On 4/9/2012 at 10:31 AM, Guest said:

is it really possible to push a cock in when a person is sleeping? i always thought that for a man to anal another man, both need to somehow 'cooperate' to make the penetration possible?

Lolx I also wonder abt this.. The person needs to be awake and relaxed else by default the anus is tight else when we sleep will shit naturally?? And no matter what kind of sleep drug the person will be conscious and such painful actions would cause the person to wake up? Unless is the anesthesia used in operations...

And I think ocs bunk is 4 person... Or is that sispec? Ocs might be 2

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Guest Mozzie

I don't quite subscribe to this incident cuz from my memory, OCS is full of homework which OCTs need to complete. They are more often than not, mugging "illegally" under torchlights below their blankets. If the OCT keeps falling asleep, wouldn't something be amiss when the homework is not completed? And for this to happen frequently, if the instructors have not detected anything, surely the fellow OCTs would have.

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I would never forget my training in Taiwan. After the 3rd day in the mountain,i was really tired and needed a bath badly. That night a village woman came to sell bee hoo and i asked her if i could follow her home to take a bath. She came back to me after and asked me to follow her.. By then i have asked another two guys and they too have bought another two so total there were 5 of us.

We followed the lady to her home. It was like out of no where in the moutains there is this huge house by its self.By then it was around 10pm. She pointed to a well and say young men all of you can bath there. It was a big well and very deep. Five of us just strips and started to get water from the well, we bath and soap ourself and also soap one another in the moon light in the open space and all the while trying to make as little noise as possible. It was real fun and i don think this could ever happen again in my life.

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  On 4/9/2012 at 6:12 AM, Chucky said:

ok this is the real story. i'm not sure if it's milo or some other drink but it definitely involved drinks.

They always have to get ready 1L water bottle mah. Then apparently every night time, this buddy is very nice to his room-mate, everytime ask the room-mate whether want to fill up his water bottle and at the same time, offer to help him make milo. then the room-mate of coz dun mind, coz milo is an energy drink. But then room-mate didn't know buddy used milo as a trick to add sleeping drugs inside the drink. So when room-mate drank it, room-mate koon. then buddy will realized when he wake up in the morning always got sore feeling at his anus area plus diahorea. then after awhile, he went to see MO. MO said it was unusual , couldn't diagnose his symptom except said it could be irritable bowel syndrome, could he be under alot of stress in OCS etc. gave him pills to stop diahorea and then room-mate really stop diahorea.

The buddy didn't want to give his act away so he stopped putting drugs for awhile. That also means he didn't make milo anymore. Then when buddy felt it was ok to proceed with the act, he began to ask room-mate if he wants milo again. room-mate said ok lah, of coz mah. then the sore feeling around anus started again. he had diahorea again. then room-mate felt suspicious becoz he only felt like this whenever he drank the milo.

So one day, when buddy made the milo for him, he pretend to drink it but went toilet to spit out. So he wasn't under the influence of sleeping drugs this time round. then at night, suddenly the buddy climbed to his bed and shook him abit, then after that pull down his pants and applied lube to his butt area. that's when the room-mate confronted the buddy and the buddy was damn shocked. he pleaded room-mate not to tell the officer otherwise he will be out of OCS.

Anyway, room-mate went ahead to tell the officer about what happened and the buddy was sent for counselling as well as expeled out of OCS.

Lol I did hear about this story when I was in scs.. But my version was a bit diff.. The guy went to mo but doesn't seem to find anything.. So he went to see doctor outside for further examination when he was told that there were cum stain in his anus.. No idea if this is true either :)

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  On 4/10/2012 at 12:57 AM, leo724 said:

ocs bunk is for 2 person. hmm aren't we usually the most relaxed when sleeping?

Not really leh, when sleeping the brain is still functioning and muscles that need to be closed have to be closed... Like the mouth, anus, bladder, etc if not our saliva, urine or shit will just flow out when we sleep?

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  On 4/10/2012 at 4:33 AM, Friendly said:
I would never forget my training in Taiwan. After the 3rd day in the mountain,i was really tired and needed a bath badly. That night a village woman came to sell bee hoo and i asked her if i could follow her home to take a bath. She came back to me after and asked me to follow her.. By then i have asked another two guys and they too have bought another two so total there were 5 of us. We followed the lady to her home. It was like out of no where in the moutains there is this huge house by its self.By then it was around 10pm. She pointed to a well and say young men all of you can bath there. It was a big well and very deep. Five of us just strips and started to get water from the well, we bath and soap ourself and also soap one another in the moon light in the open space and all the while trying to make as little noise as possible. It was real fun and i don think this could ever happen again in my life.

If this happened today, her son or husband might be hiding somewhere taking video and post it onto Hotgoo, Gaytube or something with title "新加坡大头兵裸浴" !

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest NSDiscovery

how many of u have TOUCHED a dick of a STRAIGHT guy (accidentally or unaccidentally) during NS? say during showering time? wads the feeling like & the size for those who have touched?

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Guest NeverSayNey
  On 4/22/2012 at 6:33 AM, stevenzhang24 said:

Share in this thread all the spicy and hot things that you did with during your NS period. Did you have a fxxk buddy? did you find any PLU? any adventure? or did you played sexual games with straight guys such as jerking off and see who shot the longest distance? Any Brokeback mountain story during NS? haha

When I was serving my NS (BMT), a group of us stripped off a guy on his 21st birthday in the bunk, sprayed him body with creams, spread acriss his chest and then powder bath his whole body and took turns to jerk his cock until he cummed. ^_^ Memorable

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Guest ArmyDaze

play play grope here grope there confirm have...

strip till naked and apply toothpaste and kiwi and whatnot also quite common... for birthdays... the more they struggle, the more fun... haha... but must always remember karma, everyone... hmm...

there was a guy who had a peeled banana squashed at his ass(dont think it went in)... for his birthday...

for me, i was more into giving massages... training is tiring and the muscles are really tense at night, so a few of us gave each other massages... topless only... but the feel of skin is always a pleasure... no hanky panky...

haha... and then there was the bed-hopping... i would sleep with one guy on their bed... different night, different guy... it is a different feeling, sleeping with a warm body next to you... most of them were fine with it... and most of them married already now... haha..

the fact that the rest of the oct in my batch got married leads me to the conclusion that i was the only gay guy around... man, what a revelation... haha... :whistle:

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  On 4/22/2012 at 6:48 AM, NeverSayNey said:

When I was serving my NS (BMT), a group of us stripped off a guy on his 21st birthday in the bunk, sprayed him body with creams, spread acriss his chest and then powder bath his whole body and took turns to jerk his cock until he cummed. ^_^ Memorable

That sounds fun to do. I know he liked it. That is why he let you guys do it. Did you enjoy it? oh my bad, you said memorable. So, it's a yes. Was he bi or what? Did he look hot though?

  On 4/22/2012 at 6:50 AM, ArmyDaze said:

the fact that the rest of the oct in my batch got married leads me to the conclusion that i was the only gay guy around... man, what a revelation... haha... :whistle:

That the married doesnt mean that they are straight, they can be bi or even gay.

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Guest Guest

Let's just say, he was not given a choice, but he was straight as north pole.

  On 4/22/2012 at 7:17 AM, stevenzhang24 said:

That sounds fun to do. I know he liked it. That is why he let you guys do it. Did you enjoy it? oh my bad, you said memorable. So, it's a yes. Was he bi or what? Did he look hot though?

That the married doesnt mean that they are straight, they can be bi or even gay.

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Guest Guest

I was closeted back in NS but I do have a close buddy in unit. Our vocation is a daily stay out unit but we were given bunks.

Now, this buddy of mine was straight with a gf and he suspected that I was gay. There were times where he kept saying to me to suck his cock (though in a joking manner) but the multiple times sort of aroused my suspicions a bit that what he said may be real. We even stayed in multiple times though nothing ever happened.

Thinking back, I think he was sort of trying to have some form of encounter but since I was closeted, gullible and ignorant, and he was not so forthcoming in his efforts, maybe that's why nothing happened.

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  On 4/22/2012 at 11:30 AM, Jeremy Cwq said:

Im enlisting sooon.. Im curious of these encounter, how would this happen or what?

There are basically 3 types of people...

Those that make things happen

Those that let things happen

Those that dont have any idea whats happening.

Take your pick ;)

BTW do come here and share when and if anything interesting happens :lol:

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Do you guys know that if you are found to have sex in the army, you can get court martial and go into detention barrack?

Some of the best experiences in the army are those that you never planned for. It just happened.

So, do be careful and not get into unnecessary trouble. SAFO.

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Guest NeverSayNey

GM korkor, you got any experience to share with us?


  On 4/22/2012 at 2:28 PM, GachiMuchi said:

Do you guys know that if you are found to have sex in the army, you can get court martial and go into detention barrack?

Some of the best experiences in the army are those that you never planned for. It just happened.

So, do be careful and not get into unnecessary trouble. SAFO.

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  On 4/22/2012 at 2:35 PM, NeverSayNey said:

GM korkor, you got any experience to share with us?

Go back and read earlier posting.. all are there. 22 pages of army stories and experiences.

I think you are an ex BW member. If you want to post regularly here. Please use back you nick or sign up a new one.

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  On 12/29/2005 at 8:53 AM, new bird said:

just to share one of the many encounters I had during those good days...I was going thru a training course then. We were assigned those old 2-storey barracks with 3 double-beds on each floor. I took the upper floor and managed to get a bed under the ceiling fan to the entrance of the room. One nuisance about those old barracks were mosquitoes! I m more lucky to avoid these attacks sleeping under the fan. One night, my buddy asked for permission to sleep with me to avoid the mosquitoes and I agreed. When lights were off, he started to stroke my dick. I let him continued and he became more daring and unbuttoned my PT shorts. He started masterbating me till I cum. I did the same to him, too. This was what we did every other night till we passed out of the course after 3months.

My dream experience!
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