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Army Days / NS Stories & Everything About Military Life (Compiled)

Guest Rah

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You wish.

But anyway, you sure fail one, cos your fig leaf will alway stay up. :lol:

Stay up also people wont notice. Small ma.. :lol:

Volunteering for the underwear association for third world countries. Please donate your used underwear to me.

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  • 3 months later...

I was an officer during the good old days and I was posted to camp HQ ops. While I was being introduced to who I would be working with, I noticed a rather senior looking Staff SGT. Probably mid-late 30s, very fit and tanned and it was very obvious he took great pride in maintaining his body.

We naturally bonded because we would go running pretty often after work around the camp although we showered at different facilities, him in the Specialists' Mess and me in the Officers' Mess.

One day after running... he invited me to the Specs' Mess for a drink because the both of us had weekend duties so we were staying overnight to report to work before the crack of dawn the next day.

He got drunk.

So I helped him back to his Specs' Mess bunk and I decided to stay with him there just so I was sure he could get up the next day on time. Meanwhile.. he was starting to spew nonsense through his drunkened state and one of those "nonsensical blabber" was "Sir, I think you are hot..."

I ignored it. I helped him to his bed where he collapsed. While I was trying to get him settled on his bed (no I didn't strip him, I just plonked him down), he refused to lay down but he look at me through his bloodshot eyes with alcohol breadth and muttered...

"Sir, I like you a lot..."

I knew where he was going with this but I wasn't sure...

"I have liked you since day one when you walked in..."

"What do you mean "like" me?"... I was still playing innocent

He didn't waste a second, he grabbed me and planted a kiss on my mouth forcing his tongue in. Since he was drunk, it was more like a struggle. I pushed him away and said "NO!", he stopped, broke down and cried while slurring words of sorry... Sorry...

I felt bad and held him for a bit while he sobbed and finally fell asleep.

When he sobered up the next morning, we were silent at work. There was only the two of us working so it was really an awkward few hours before I broke the silence finally.

I asked "Are you ok?"

He then looked at me, worried "Are you going to charge me?"

Of course I wasn't going to. But he had a crush on me and I wasn't even going to entertain it because it would get complicated if I had a bf IN CAMP, IN THE SAME OFFICE, and he was working UNDER ME.

Eventually he got posted out while I left the forces. We havent kept in contact so sometimes I do wonder what has happened to this Staff SGT of mine?

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wow Slayer, u sure do act professional... well for me, i was posted to a artillery unit as a storeman in charlie battery... dun know how to put it, but during my service, my bsm always tries to schedule himself to be on the same day as my cos duties...if happen he is not on the same day, he will try to swop with other bsm or swop my duties...my bsm is a cute short guy with a kind heart and he is married with a son...most of the times when we are in the office together dicussing things where no one is in the office, he would purposely change his army pant to pt short vice versa in front of me...sometimes,he would take his own sweet time to put on his pant and to purposely let me ogle him in his only underwear...he does have a nice body...but every time he does that, i'll try not to see...sometime kay seow to read newspaper...then everytime we both on duties, i as a cos have to sleep in the office,then he also will accompany me to sleep in the office...and when i tell him that i want to go back to my bunk to shower which was on the 6th level, he will tell me to shower at the 3rd level which was the office level and to call him when i was on the way heading to the shower which actually have to pass my office...then he would join me for shower...our shower toilet is the open concept one, don't have partition...so can have a full view of each other naked...so when i see him naked,my didi start to erect but i did not show him but face the other way...when my didi cool down, i turn around and saw that my bsm didi is semi erected...but we did not do anything to each other...then after shower, i would sit in the office already change to admin attire and my bsm also change to admin attire...then we would talk cock together till both are sleepy...inside our office got 2 mattress for duty personnel to use...so i lay mine at a corner to sleep...and the office is so big, my bsm chose to lay his mattress beside mine combining it to become a king size mattress...then he would sleep beside me...but everytime i'm on duty with him,i did not make any approach and neither did him...maybe he like my accompany...sometimes, when i wake up in the night, i would see his hand already on my body...and his didi is at attention mode...sometimes would come out from his running short...then i just look at it scared to do anything....nice didi he have...all this happened through out my 2yrs service...neither of us make an advance...the during the weekend,he would ask me out during night to have durian or late night snack etc...i miss his accompany...especially during our overseas training...but that will be another story...

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You can post ur pic on site like www.photobucket.com and later Copy it's URL and paste on BW.

A word of caution

Do be aware of what you post online, especially those pics that are too revealing. (pls do some photo editing so that u dun get sue for showing face or army units, etc.)

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Guest Guest

I still remember those army days when we stripped naked happily and took photos for memories.

Can anyone explain how to attach photos? It seems that we can only insert links.

U want to spend the rest of your reservist in DB?

I suggest u go thru NS one more time and then u can re-create your pxxno memory again.

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Guest neesoon camp

aiya probably the music and dance sch for SAF la...faggot heaven.

sorry lor....music and drama now all straight boys leh... last time got la aj dancers...but time has changed.

alot of cute straight boys becoming artistes ;)... so eat ur heart out!

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Guest Guest

I was an officer during the good old days and I was posted to camp HQ ops. While I was being introduced to who I would be working with, I noticed a rather senior looking Staff SGT. Probably mid-late 30s, very fit and tanned and it was very obvious he took great pride in maintaining his body.



Eventually he got posted out while I left the forces. We havent kept in contact so sometimes I do wonder what has happened to this Staff SGT of mine?

Hi, Long time no see. Still looklmg good.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Guest andre

Just got posted to 6SIR as a Rifleman....tried to goggle for life there, but many diff views..heard its a POI unit, anyone like to share / confirm?

Im posted to that camp. Its very quiet there.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest alien

Just got posted to 6SIR as a Rifleman....tried to goggle for life there, but many diff views..heard its a POI unit, anyone like to share / confirm?

Rifleman no matter posted to which SIR still siong lor!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest alien

If u are kena caught jo in army, it is chargeable offence lor. Anyway, many things in army if got caught always is chargeable offence! So so anything u want in army but dun get caught! Haha!

But i rem when i was in army, i was too busy and tired to think of jo!

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Guest Guest

my sgt told me its an offence to masturbate in camp?

anyway when i was in camp, i have no time to think of that.

Did he tell you that you're safe to jo in his bunk?

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I remember my platoon commander gathering us all on the first night of BMT, explaining that it is an offence to masturbate in camp. However, he added with a cheeky grin, that we could do it...as long as we don't get caught o.O

Edited by Icacius
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i jo all too often in army.. many times doing it cos everyones out to play on nights off, or someone forgot to bring home their used undies and i was damn horny and bored doing weekend duties.

there are also occasions where i molest my bunk mates while they were asleep..and jo while molesting them..

maybe i should start a thread with all these stories...should I?haha

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Guest louis

i jo all too often in army.. many times doing it cos everyones out to play on nights off, or someone forgot to bring home their used undies and i was damn horny and bored doing weekend duties.

there are also occasions where i molest my bunk mates while they were asleep..and jo while molesting them..

maybe i should start a thread with all these stories...should I?haha

Yes! You should! Sounds so fun! Haha. I jo off in times of my medical center duties... With all the lubes ard and equipments. I still do so. Haha

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Guest alien

I jerked off in the army before ... Someone else jerked me off before ... I jerked off another person before ... :yuk:

I wld say your camp very happening or u guys too free liao?! Hahaha!

I rem during the BMT period, dun think i got any mood to jo. But towards the end of army then got "time" and mood to jo a bit lor.

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why is it prohibited to JO in the army? What is the logic? I want to touch myself, in my own free time, in my own space, also cannot meh? Is it really written in the directive or just hear say?

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.

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Strange world come to think of this.

You play with SAF's rifle without permission , you get charged. You play with your own rifle you also get charged

I was initially from GXXXXS. Sustaining a sole injury during exercise, I was posted to the MP unit after 5 mths there (in GXXXXXS).

Actually. I don't recall any Provost order(I may have forgotten) that masturbation during duty is a chargeable offence.

You can't charge a person doing his stuff behind locked doors. You might as well charge the peeping tom who reports the act when it is done behind closed doors

It is only chargeable if the act is done visibly seen in public, or done to create nuisance (eg exhibitionist)

This is under the act that you have dishonoured the image and integrity of SAF.

Needless to say, it is also chargeable when the act is performed between two males. Whether they masturbate together ( no contact with each other) or mutual hand job, this does not amount to be charged under homosexual acts.

It is charged under act of misconduct.

What i gather here, are from my studies of the Military law (as far as I can remember) and many military court marshal hearings I have to attend and escort when I was there for 9 months with the Provost MPs.

Other duties as an MP was the prison warden in the Detaintion Barrack.

This means doing night patrol, walking about the cells to check on the inmates well being and in case of other unforseen events.

In the dark silent cells there, when I walk very quietly, I can hear moaning sounds coming from the cells.

You know what they are doing. From my point of view, its is very difficult to control testosterone urges especially you are still in your teens and 20s when your hormones are raging and there is no proper channel or means to express your outlet.

Now, whether they do it alone or among themselves, the question is, whether should I or do I want to report them in.

The answer is , no. I choose to close one eye because it is a natural ability in the human body to feel and to express themselves of this urge. If we were to follow so closely, by the book, we were be very miserable. We all end up, brain dead.

This calls for discretions and judgement calls.

Only one case I remembered was an incident, 4 guys gang bang a newcomer in the cell, till his rectumn was severely torn and was in pretty critical state; he went into a shock. The other 4 evil doers were charged and given 24 strokes of the cane.

Because when you are serving military time, you are under both civilian and military laws.

I dont go by the book. My remainding months in SAF was posted to the Airbase I and the other fellow collegues were having our fiesta somewhere in the Airbase, most of the time during our weekend duties. This is how I past my time there !

So before you play, know the rules, where you are, the timimg the place,the programme where it permits you of your in between snacks and if the person whom you are playing from your some unit, can be trusted.

Good luck.

Edited by TheVisitors
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I wld say your camp very happening or u guys too free liao?! Hahaha!

I rem during the BMT period, dun think i got any mood to jo. But towards the end of army then got "time" and mood to jo a bit lor.

Not my camp happening ...

I initially was stay in personnel then later got 8 to 5 post but still retained my bunk bed . So sometimes alone in the bunk when platoon books out , I would jerk off .

Sentry duty once I went to the nearest toilet to pee and happened to see some guy showering ... Things happened and I jerked him off ...

Coincidentally , my next sentry duty involved that very same guy but this time he jerked me off ...

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Guest Daniel

why is it prohibited to JO in the army? What is the logic? I want to touch myself, in my own free time, in my own space, also cannot meh? Is it really written in the directive or just hear say?

Theres no a black and white on this. But such act is classify under indecent act in camp...similar to indecent exposure. So well...SAF rule no 8...do anythin but dun get caught!!! I had mine too....but alone...sad....

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Yes! You should! Sounds so fun! Haha. I jo off in times of my medical center duties... With all the lubes ard and equipments. I still do so. Haha

I only see 1 hand for stories..anymore?if there is enough demand then i would start writing, cos writing takes a lot more time..need to prepare and all that..

so who else wants stories?

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I only see 1 hand for stories..anymore?if there is enough demand then i would start writing, cos writing takes a lot more time..need to prepare and all that..

so who else wants stories?

Not a wise proposal dude. If I were you, I wouldn't want anybody or myself to contribute anymore, especially if such activities involve the SAF or the garment here, inevitably.

Its a pretty sensitive issue, and we maybe watched

Not stopping you but you can go ahead.

Why do you get excited reading such stories?

If you have a very fulfilling sex life in reality, I don't see why you need such stories or other penned materials , for your stimulation and sensuality.

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Guest guest

I only see 1 hand for stories..anymore?if there is enough demand then i would start writing, cos writing takes a lot more time..need to prepare and all that..

so who else wants stories?

u smelled used underwear? nt smelly ar? imagine after outfield few days nvr bath.. hahaz.

tot guys usually very sensitive to touch? u touch them when they asleep they wont wake up meh? u gt kana caught b4? lol

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u smelled used underwear? nt smelly ar? imagine after outfield few days nvr bath.. hahaz.

tot guys usually very sensitive to touch? u touch them when they asleep they wont wake up meh? u gt kana caught b4? lol

well, i dun always have outfield every week right?some weeks are quite slack..

smelly or not, really depends on individual..haha

dunno leh..i was never caught..maybe they enjoyed it and pretended not to know?

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Not a wise proposal dude. If I were you, I wouldn't want anybody or myself to contribute anymore, especially if such activities involve the SAF or the garment here, inevitably.

Its a pretty sensitive issue, and we maybe watched

Not stopping you but you can go ahead.

Why do you get excited reading such stories?

If you have a very fulfilling sex life in reality, I don't see why you need such stories or other penned materials , for your stimulation and sensuality.

i agree with you its pretty sensitive, but didnt Larry from "forbidden attractions' write quite well without any problems about his life in army as well?

It could take a similar style, taking care not to give away too much yet maintain the sensuality of the content.

Its not me who gets excited, but pretty most viewers who come to bw for this isnt it?its just good entertainment so why not?

Well, whether one gets a fulfilling sex life or not, doesnt really determine if such stories should be penned down.Dont really quite get you there.Probably you had presumed too much before even anything is written=P

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