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Army Days / NS Stories & Everything About Military Life (Compiled)

Guest Rah

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Guest errrr
On 3/26/2022 at 8:14 PM, Guest guest said:

The latest new balance shoes seem not bad, too bad only can buy with emart credits, cannot get it paying cash.


Eh how can that be?

I was in safra emart last month and there were at least 3 to 4 guys purchasing the new pt shoes using cash payment.

Think about it, why would they wanna restrict sales by not allowing cash payment?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Skinnyswimer97

I remember one night I was brushing my teeth at the toilet. The urinal is behind me so I had a nice mirror view. One guy walk in and pee at the urnial while watching anime on his phone. He finish peeing but remain still for a minute (he probably engross watching an intense fight scene) with his uncut dick still exposed. I had a good view while brushing my teeth lol.

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Guest guest
On 3/27/2022 at 7:25 PM, Guest errrr said:


Eh how can that be?

I was in safra emart last month and there were at least 3 to 4 guys purchasing the new pt shoes using cash payment.

Think about it, why would they wanna restrict sales by not allowing cash payment?

They are buying the New Balance PT shoe with cash payment? I was at emart late last year, they only allow cash payment for the Asics PT shoe. For the New Balance PT shoe, only can use emart credit to buy. Maybe now they allowed cash payment for the New Balance PT shoe as well?! Maybe i will go check it out at emart this weekend.

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Guest rumours

been hearing stories from ppl i met online that there are many officers who secretly have gay sex in camp.. donno how true lol.. one was regularly fucked by his pc on duty nights too wow donno believable or not

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Guest jasbran21



Was pretty excited to see this new edition of the popular series, especially in the Covid-19 era with these young Gen Zs. Of course, from first glance it looks like they've gotten it quite easy but then again, this is edited and packaged with the more 'colourful footage' not included.


The first episode was pretty standard. An introduction to some of the recruits who would be featured in the series and how they are looking forward to the experience. Got to see things from the perspective of the commanders as well, which was a nice touch.


The second episode was also a continuation of the recruits being introduced to military life, do's and don'ts's as well as the weapon presentation. They also had several onscreen text throughout both episodes which were quite humourous.


One was from the 1st episode. 

"The sergeants spot a recruit behaving suspiciously at the stairwell." 16:51


It is found to be a recruit in tears, who was homesick and he's reassured by the sgt and is sent back to his bunk. Sure, this could happen but on the first night? Somehow it felt staged but I don't know. 


And yes depression is a very real thing. During my time as a commander, I've met several guys with a lot of issues who acted up in different ways. So I'm not mocking at any of this but I just found this a little contrived, especially so early into the series.


Another one was from the 2nd episode.

"To inspire a spirit of self-motivation, all recruits exercise without their tops." 11:48


Ok, this one made me chuckle. I mean I did my NS in the late 2000s and we wore singlets and shorts during our PT sessions in BMT. Occasionally, we went shirtless during afternoon or night training but it really was up to the commanders. So this was pretty new to me.


But the sentence was really funny trying to put a positive spin on it. It felt more like a punishment, embarrassing these boys to buff up and get fit.


As a whole, the series isn't bad but somehow it kind of lacks that honest story telling that the first one had. However, it's only been 2 episodes and maybe things will get better.

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Guest Colgate
On 4/10/2022 at 1:33 PM, Since u r here said:


@ my army dayz unheard off 

maybe i hardly kaypo?
boyz playing, touching (u know where) and stripping, colgating , yes! all the time esp near graduation or such



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Guest Guest

what's so surprising about the recruits doing PT topless?

obviously one of the consideration is to prevent heat injury.

it started in 2010s, move on with time pls.

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Guest Range
On 4/17/2022 at 11:45 AM, Since u r here said:

YES i just saw the series 3, then i realised: when doing some exercise, they must strip their tops? i dont recall during my time in the 90s, we must do that! 

(the ONLY time i was made to strip in public eyes is When doing haircut or during ammunition search, do u guys still do that right after a Range practice?) & the first guy doing haircut is cute , even after his haircut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Encik married also does that?



I remember random  search after range. was yours totally naked or just down to underwear? And where was it conducted? 

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Guest guest
On 4/17/2022 at 1:56 PM, Der79 said:

Well I did my foot drills topless in the 90s too. So nothing unusual. If you can find those early 1970s NS videos some were also showing doing drills topless. 

I never asked to go on topless during any PT exercise or foot drills during my NS.

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Guest Guest
On 4/22/2022 at 6:02 PM, Guest Range said:

I remember random  search after range. was yours totally naked or just down to underwear? And where was it conducted? 


oh yea i rmb this. during my bmt range back in 2000s, there was a random strip search at the end. they draw lots and those who kena have to strip down to underwear in front of everyone. honestly i can tell the guys were feeling quite humiliated. now that i think back, it was quite a sight but i guess during then, too tired to feel anything.


but funny after bmt, no more such strip search in units during range.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Try and see
On 3/26/2022 at 6:41 PM, Since u r here said:

yes, must i repeat ?


it was so stressed!! (alrdy trying to pass the range test, i dont aim for marksmen but i shdnt fail too)


every range i prayed hard i m not the selected boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

u guys find it funnie right? i dont !!!!

if i m the rounder / plumper one , i will tremble more, fortunately i m the thinner type
but have to keep to topic, cannot discuss more le
i felt sorry for my buddy or other bro who have to strip in public too, but u can never predict who the sergeant or officers picked!


i think in this modern era, this is not correct!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is Hazing right?


So are they stripped totally naked, or down to their underwear?

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Guest Try and see
On 6/25/2022 at 8:05 PM, Since u r here said:

clever leh! u


Haha yeah.

Figured I cut and paste your previous post into this thread. 😜


Anyway, I'm still very surprised by such a thing. We went for several ranges during my ICT, and we never had to do that. Not only my coy, but other coys also never had to be strip-searched after range.

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Guest Try and see
On 6/25/2022 at 8:48 PM, Since u r here said:

maybe on those Island , no1 knew? except those involved?


Stripped till undies lah

it is insulting to  strip totally naked!!!! very inhumane too
infront of all



i think some might cry hor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why need to strip cos can clearly see the ammunition/blank cartridge hidden
what if hidden in undies?
can be easily seen when the make u jump

after stripped and checked?Wear back (yes infront of all), there is no such thing as changed in toilet or changed behind a tree



it was mentioned @ this thread too

neh others also shared ah: in 2000! hence i qn u earlier u sure u r really combat trained??!?!? it caught me by surprise when u ask those qns

this is a first time a soldier qn me why was there a strip search in the 90s? it is like asking me do u need to remove t shirt when doing haircut @bmt? - such obvious qns dont even need to ask esp as an old bird like us


i think other Pes status (non-Pes A or B)  who are not fully-AB also need to bmt in a simpler form right?





(i felt as a kid-teen i m much more shy but somehow as i became adult , less shy?! U?)







@ tekong Camp1

sorry at a range 

to undies Only - very humiliating to some alrdy (Sorry that i only see ur qn now)



I was in a non-PES A/B BMT. Maybe that was why we didn't do the strip search after range thing?

I have MR-ed for some time now, and this is the first time I'm hearing it! LOL  That's why I find it so strange.


I still think this stripping at the range thing is not authorised. It just seems illogical and unnecessary. It's quite enough to have the instructors feel your pockets after the range. After all, if you are really hiding a round, they would find out very quickly.


Randomly stripping people is an ineffective and inefficient way of doing things. But then again, it's the SAF, and they are not exactly known for being smart and professional. 🤦‍♂️


Yeah, me too - I was pretty shy as a kid and teen, and am a lot bolder now as an adult 😄

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Guest Try and see
On 4/8/2022 at 2:58 PM, Skinnyswimer97 said:

I remember one night I was brushing my teeth at the toilet. The urinal is behind me so I had a nice mirror view. One guy walk in and pee at the urnial while watching anime on his phone. He finish peeing but remain still for a minute (he probably engross watching an intense fight scene) with his uncut dick still exposed. I had a good view while brushing my teeth lol.


I was very afraid you were going to say that when you turned away from the mirror to look directly at him, you discovered that the row of urinals was empty. 😱😄

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Guest Try and see
On 4/22/2022 at 6:02 PM, Guest Range said:

I remember random  search after range. was yours totally naked or just down to underwear? And where was it conducted? 


On 4/22/2022 at 11:15 PM, Guest Guest said:

oh yea i rmb this. during my bmt range back in 2000s, there was a random strip search at the end. they draw lots and those who kena have to strip down to underwear in front of everyone. honestly i can tell the guys were feeling quite humiliated. now that i think back, it was quite a sight but i guess during then, too tired to feel anything.


but funny after bmt, no more such strip search in units during range.


I've never heard of this, and have never witnessed it.

It sounds terrible and unauthorised!

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Guest Try and see
On 6/25/2022 at 11:00 PM, Since u r here said:

wht is this?



not random , it is compulsory at Range-ending session , they got a team to shortlist "marked" pp i believe
i would say it is systematic and they agree w the shortlistees 
yes and it is SAF
Police force has hazing too, big news too , go google


see?I knew it

how could a personnel diddnt been thru it, which is why when my army buddies gathered , we will alwys reminiscence such "beautiful and tough" memories....ours is a real 1 and we are from Army Camp1 
even those who been thru the other camps are not really true blue real army ( i think my father's era would be real soldiers )

i alwys shake head when i watch the Army: Ah boyz to men Movie , it is not the army i been thru......we really go thru thick and thin

Btw, my real blood brother is taller than me, sturdier than me, SO much more sporty than me,  Father kids too (married of cos) done NS but not combat.......

hence it is ez to generalise that "we all NS" ...i m sorry certain categories are not in my perspective

When many told me they NS too, i m like: wat? har?
he would definitely say he NS.............also
Sorry to say if i m my Brother, i will not dare to tell anyone i NS too
NS has to be:
Real jungle , horrendous trg (nvm about the hauntings in Tekong) and trueblue soldiers lifestyle (though i m in the 90s camp)


the min u asked me this: i m like WTF, a soldier (even though he is just an NS boy of that era) wont need another to get reminded of exhaustion .......i 1 looked at my buddy, he knew i m exhausted and i need him to help me carry my bag or rifle , i m abt to collapse
this is how gd actors depicting those war films, it is unspoken and i will know what my bro need 
a person who is Keng, is very obvious too

a true soldier does a real soldier activity


when u asked me this , it somewhat put me in a light as though i hve not gone thru tough Rifle range 

it is very obvious we all knew what to suffer after a Range...... or use the arms............



u reminded me of another incident: 
a colleague - He doesnt dare to use an onsen, very shy
manly but still very shy
I didnt understand at all but he did tell me he never bathe as per normal, he will alwys wait till the last few or the last 1 to bathe
this is something i can never imagine how is it even possible (even if u r the last, there will be some guys using the toilet to urinate b4 zzzzzz)

 i think many yrs later, i saw him w another men shopping............they are not touching one another but from the vibes, so sorry they must be a pair of gay fren if not couple...
a normal straight guy will not be that shy till dont dare to bathe/onsen w us

i have straights who are pee shy but after some round of persuasions, they all break free and who cares abt nudity in onsens........... Straights will just b str.........it is just that they have never experienced Onsen of jp culture and at the earlier days , there are no Yunomori onsen and blah blah whatever G-spa in sg at all.......



MR stands for Mindef Reserve.

When used as a verb (eg "I am going to MR soon."), MR means that someone has finished all his reservist obligations. 

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Guest Try and see
On 6/25/2022 at 11:00 PM, Since u r here said:

not random , it is compulsory at Range-ending session , they got a team to shortlist "marked" pp i believe
i would say it is systematic and they agree w the shortlistees 
yes and it is SAF
Police force has hazing too, big news too , go google


see?I knew it

how could a personnel diddnt been thru it, which is why when my army buddies gathered , we will alwys reminiscence such "beautiful and tough" memories....ours is a real 1 and we are from Army Camp1 
even those who been thru the other camps are not really true blue real army ( i think my father's era would be real soldiers )

i alwys shake head when i watch the Army: Ah boyz to men Movie , it is not the army i been thru......we really go thru thick and thin

Btw, my real blood brother is taller than me, sturdier than me, SO much more sporty than me,  Father kids too (married of cos) done NS but not combat.......

hence it is ez to generalise that "we all NS" ...i m sorry certain categories are not in my perspective

When many told me they NS too, i m like: wat? har?
he would definitely say he NS.............also
Sorry to say if i m my Brother, i will not dare to tell anyone i NS too
NS has to be:
Real jungle , horrendous trg (nvm about the hauntings in Tekong) and trueblue soldiers lifestyle (though i m in the 90s camp)


the min u asked me this: i m like WTF, a soldier (even though he is just an NS boy of that era) wont need another to get reminded of exhaustion .......i 1 looked at my buddy, he knew i m exhausted and i need him to help me carry my bag or rifle , i m abt to collapse
this is how gd actors depicting those war films, it is unspoken and i will know what my bro need 
a person who is Keng, is very obvious too

a true soldier does a real soldier activity


when u asked me this , it somewhat put me in a light as though i hve not gone thru tough Rifle range 

it is very obvious we all knew what to suffer after a Range...... or use the arms............



u reminded me of another incident: 
a colleague - He doesnt dare to use an onsen, very shy
manly but still very shy
I didnt understand at all but he did tell me he never bathe as per normal, he will alwys wait till the last few or the last 1 to bathe
this is something i can never imagine how is it even possible (even if u r the last, there will be some guys using the toilet to urinate b4 zzzzzz)

 i think many yrs later, i saw him w another men shopping............they are not touching one another but from the vibes, so sorry they must be a pair of gay fren if not couple...
a normal straight guy will not be that shy till dont dare to bathe/onsen w us

i have straights who are pee shy but after some round of persuasions, they all break free and who cares abt nudity in onsens........... Straights will just b str.........it is just that they have never experienced Onsen of jp culture and at the earlier days , there are no Yunomori onsen and blah blah whatever G-spa in sg at all.......



So according to you, I am:


i) Not considered a real NS soldier since I wasn't PES A/B and was therefore never stripped by my instructors during range 😄


ii) Manly but shy


iii) Not brave enough to go to an onsen with other guy friends


iv) Usually the last one to bathe during BMT to avoid being seen naked by other guys


v) Closeted but will go shopping with other gay guys at the risk of being outed 


vi) Probably pee-shy as well


Five out of six right. 

Not bad 👏👍

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Guest Try and see
On 6/26/2022 at 12:00 AM, Since u r here said:

now still dont dare ??!?

but not all will love goin japan, i have frens keep associating to their war crimes

all the ladies (except AUNTIES & older ones)  all dont dare to onsen anyway, this is what i noticed alwys 

i alwys tot only fmales will b shy, Str shy men just coax abit they surely will dare

which is the 1 /6? 

u pee-shy too? Army didnt train u? can u tell me how u do your urine /drug test in bmt or army?
dont drop me another shock that "what? do we hve to?"


I've never been to an onsen before, so I wouldn't know 😄


I can't tell you which is the 1/6 😜


The drug-urine tests that I did in NS were all done without supervision in the toilet. Some people did it at the urinal and some used the cubicle.

Technically, if I was taking drugs, I could cheat by getting my friend to pee into my lab bottle!

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Guest Guest
On 4/8/2022 at 2:58 PM, Skinnyswimer97 said:

I remember one night I was brushing my teeth at the toilet. The urinal is behind me so I had a nice mirror view. One guy walk in and pee at the urnial while watching anime on his phone. He finish peeing but remain still for a minute (he probably engross watching an intense fight scene) with his uncut dick still exposed. I had a good view while brushing my teeth lol.


What did the guy look like, handsome? Was his dick big?

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Guest Try and see
On 6/26/2022 at 12:24 AM, Since u r here said:

tell leh tell..........or give a hint: related to Army too?


I can't 😄



On 6/26/2022 at 12:26 AM, Since u r here said:

i m surprised u didnt ask how then we do it in our platoon?!!! U dont wish to know 
U might wish yourself to be the supervisory role!!
but straights will not quite like it but too bad they are the sergeants -so dont get to choose!


I feel like if you were my sergeant, and I was your BMT recruit, you would force me to cum into the bottle as well  😈

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On 6/27/2022 at 1:02 AM, Since u r here said:

I rem powder bath! Is there a photo album in ns? But straights will not do that for sure!

we all wear safe colour like white/black / dark blue ie the usual u seen on men


even now, i dont have more than 4 colour choices: B/ w, blue and my fav colour…. Very standard 

Unsure was my platoon or the sergeants suggestion that we decided to make sort of photo album that burnt into a CD rom, as a memorable gift to bring back home once we POP. Then that time, only sergeants were allowed to take photo so the sergeants took all our memorable training photos during our BMT. I was able to save this photo but I lost that BMT photo album CD rom😂  Wa… 19 years ago Liao…. Now I’m having dadbod 😂 



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On 6/27/2022 at 1:32 AM, Since u r here said:

normal most men will turn into dadbod somehow!

this is why we r called men!

U made me go n count when did i bmt leh!!! It was more than 20yrs ago!!!! Coming to 30yrs after a few more hrs


my times dont have cdrom! 

tekong camp1

Oh so that pic is really u??!!?



i rem our powerbath is done at late nite!!! Cos we need to dig trench , we need to settle alot in a real jungle

by the time we r free to “bathe”, it was real dark 

Haha… I’m tekong camp 1 too.

Mine didn’t wait to dark. Guess it was depending on the sergeants or PC bah.

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On 6/27/2022 at 2:45 AM, Since u r here said:

Okie hope my memory didnt fail me


mine is the camp that our bunk housed 40pax purely on ground floor

the one next to charlie 3-door bunk…….. not the multi-storied camp


your choice of undies’ design and colour changes over the years or remained the same?


Oh my time is the multi-storey camp just beside the SOC ground. And during my time, our company was unable to fill up the beds and so we were the smallest company compared to other coy. 

my choice of undies and color goes sexy and slutty way lol But nowadays I go commando and I just collecting different design undies as kind of hobby since AliExpress selling so cheap.

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On 6/27/2022 at 11:13 AM, Since u r here said:

Yours shd b camp 3 if not 2


cos mine is the oldest, surely is the camp1


My time only Camp 1 and 2. I didn’t know got camp 3 lol…. I supposed your time camp 1 was taken over by SISPEC? 


My coy is the last coy of Camp 1, Kilo, furtherest away from the cookhouse and book out ferry terminal. Companies in Camp 2 were the luckiest because they were near to the ferry terminal. 

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On 6/27/2022 at 11:28 AM, Since u r here said:




mine is now converted purely for trg purposes ; not for bunks


is it true that there is alwys a co. For the bigger size recruits??!

i alwys hear there is one who get to see the seaview!!!


hence i m shocked why are there recruits and parents crying for their sons going to beautiful chalets??!!




My memory might be wronged lol but I think my coy got the sea view from our bunk windows not the front. Our front building was facing the G coy and our front left side were H and J coy.


My time Echo was the obese coy and then after my batch POP, Kilo coy had become obese recruit too.


Yah my time was 2003, so the buildings were like chalets just no tech gadgets like what NSF have now. 

Edited by cityhallguy
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Guest Nsman
On 6/27/2022 at 11:49 PM, G_M said:

If you guys going to hog the thread chatting, please go and PM each other and leave the thread for others to discuss.


It is not a chat room but a discussion.




I  thought it was just me feeling it!


Can we get back to the stories please? :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Was back at reservist once. Stay out ICT so no bunks-- had to change from uniform to PT kit in the MPH. Lots of different underwear types and colours. 1 or 2 even change underwear, had to sheepishly face wall to try and hide!!

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Guest Jadit

When I was in NS, I was close to this Chinese guy who is buff and fit. We both have gf at that time. We were so comfortable with each other that we showered together in one cubicle to safe time. 


He's a poly grad and one unique thing about him is he is so open with everyone. One of the Malay bunkmate asked him to show his cock to see how uncircumcised cock look like, he confidently brought down the front of his shorts and showed it to everyone. His cock is not small, probably about 7cm when soft but his public hair is damn bushy. So does his arm pit hair, he cheekily told me that he believed that if one is to shave the armpit and cock hair, it will bring bad luck. 


Once, we were sharing a bed and just lepak ard, I decided to seduce him by playing with his armpit hair and slowly touching him down to his cock. Discovered his cock was hard and I whispered to him, "eh you are hard sia" he kept quiet and continued playing his phone and I continued fondling his cock till one point he said cannot tahan and he stood up to go to the toilet. He went to the urinal and I too went and stood beside him, indeed he was hard and we just peed looking at each other cocks. 


That is the furthest we went but it was erotic as hell. Sometimes during class, he will also randomly touch my pants and fondle my cock.


Whatever happened in NS stays in NS.

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Guest Guest
On 7/19/2022 at 2:23 PM, Guest Jadit said:

When I was in NS, I was close to this Chinese guy who is buff and fit. We both have gf at that time. We were so comfortable with each other that we showered together in one cubicle to safe time. 


He's a poly grad and one unique thing about him is he is so open with everyone. One of the Malay bunkmate asked him to show his cock to see how uncircumcised cock look like, he confidently brought down the front of his shorts and showed it to everyone. His cock is not small, probably about 7cm when soft but his public hair is damn bushy. So does his arm pit hair, he cheekily told me that he believed that if one is to shave the armpit and cock hair, it will bring bad luck. 


Once, we were sharing a bed and just lepak ard, I decided to seduce him by playing with his armpit hair and slowly touching him down to his cock. Discovered his cock was hard and I whispered to him, "eh you are hard sia" he kept quiet and continued playing his phone and I continued fondling his cock till one point he said cannot tahan and he stood up to go to the toilet. He went to the urinal and I too went and stood beside him, indeed he was hard and we just peed looking at each other cocks. 


That is the furthest we went but it was erotic as hell. Sometimes during class, he will also randomly touch my pants and fondle my cock.


Whatever happened in NS stays in NS.


You should have kept playing with his cock fiercely till he really "cannot tahan" and shoots his load all over you.


From his breathing patterns and how hard his cock was, how close to cumming do you think you got him before he got up?

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Guest Try and see
On 7/30/2022 at 6:08 PM, Peachy said:

Back then i sucked off one of the driving instructors. One of the biggest dick i’ve blown


Are the driving instructors civilians or SAF regulars?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Armpits
On 7/30/2022 at 6:08 PM, Peachy said:

Back then i sucked off one of the driving instructors. One of the biggest dick i’ve blown

O I miss showering in the non cubicle open showers in nee soon camp. So many hairy eye candy 

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  • 2 months later...

Went back for reservist and stay in. Since not much to do, went for a run around camp every night. By then it’ll be past 10pm and I’ll shower. top 2 floors of the building are bunks for ICT ppl, while the floors below are offices and bunks for regulars. 


3rd floor (below my bunk) toilet is particularly clean and a far cry from the NS man bunk toilets which was batshit dirty, choked with literally black floor tiles. I then realised the 3rd floor was where people like the OCs, RSMs, WOs and big ranked people would stay (if they needed to). The 3rd floor was usually v quiet at night so why not shower there, I thought to myself. And so I showered there every night after my run. And because the toilet (the entire floor actually) was always so quiet, I didn’t care about closing the shower cubicle door. More convenient to place and use my barang barang while showering. Good chance to also admire my body while I showered as the mirrors were facing the cubicles LOL 


One of the late nights as I was showering, a guy walked in. I was caught off guard and didn’t hear him entering the toilet until this tanned, lean man stood outside my cubicle and asked “Who are you?” He looked quite annoyed and was glancing at my totally nude body up and down, my hair covered in soap. I was nude, he in the saf green PT singlet and shorts, his arms were damn veiny. 


Judging from his commanding voice, fit body and that strong aura, I guess he was some big shot. Quickly I apologised and said I’m staying upstairs on reservist . “Oh, NS man ah, ok lah never mind, I thought you’re some NSF come here use commanders toilet. No worries bro” From then I could tell he let his guard down significantly and he sounded really chill. Asked me what unit I was in, how long is my reservist etc, and Hokkien vulgarities started to casually pepper his words. He’s an army regular, OC for one of the units.  His voice, his body, and the way he carry himself.. he looks every inch an OC indeed. 


A conversation between us started as I continue shampooing my hair, and he stand outside my cubicle, and my cock swinging in front of him (as I could see myself in the mirror!). I saw him glancing down at my cock now and then. Fuck, I was getting a semi.


Not long later he too started stripping his singlet and shorts at the sink area in my full view, revealing dark blue hush puppies boxer briefs, straight guys underwear.. Very obvious singlet and thigh tanlines, veins that flowing from his hands all the way to his chest! So sexy. He then went inside the cubicle beside mine (still in his underwear) and closed the door slightly to shower. Seems like he’s not so open to showing his nude body openly, i thought. 


I was wrong. Just a few seconds later he stepped out of the cubicle too fully nude to soap himself as he placed his soap on the sink outside the cubicle. Fuck, his foreskin is so short! His cockhead fully exposed and his cock as veiny as his arms. Or maybe his cockhead was too thick and the foreskin couldn’t cover it. Such thick veins on his cock.. a very veiny man! His balls bounced when he soaped his inner thighs and balls. His pubes were so short, but thick, just a small area of hair to show he’s a grown man.  Obviously he trimmed it. 


When he washed his armpit, he has the habit of clasping his large veiny arms against his pumped chest, creating a very loud scrubbing, soapy sound. 


All this while soaping himself nonchalantly and talking to me about life as a regular, fitness regime etc. I tried to be as “straight” as I could but was still a bit shy. And so whenever he asked me a question, I would reply and ask him back the same thing “you leh?”  


Halfway through as both of us were at the sink area soaping up and chatting (cos we both placed our soap bottles outside the cubicle), he suddenly shouted “Oi!! Who are you?!”  Turns out another guy walked in but I didn’t notice as my back was facing the entrance. I turned around and noticed this skinny, scrawny guy looking all flustered while glancing at both our nude bodies. 


“Er…” he mumbled something in a very soft voice, seems like he’s gay. “You look what?! You NSF or what?” The OC continued to question him to which he said “yes” in a very soft, effeminate voice. Confirmed my suspicion that this NSF is gay and perhaps trying to catch us in the nude when he heard our conversation from outside. “This is a commander’s toilet, do u know that? You are not supposed to come in here. Can u go use another toilet!” The poor NSF replied “yes sir” and quickly sashay out.. at least he got a good view of 2 men’s naked bodies! 


I joked I’m v privileged to use this toilet as I’m not a commander too. 🤣 He laughed loudly and said “ya bro, you can fuck off now also, naked like that.” 


He went back to the cubicle to wash his body, that’s only when I dared to look at his body more intently from the mirror.  His cock swing and flapping around wildly like a pendulum. The stream of water congregated to flow down his sexy cock in 1 single stream.. “Ok done!”, he declared. He was done in a jiffy and I was still rinsing myself.  I tried to joke, “so fast? You got wash your fucking cock properly or not, sir!”  He replied, “fuck you la!”  After drying himself he wore a pair of loose boxer shorts and said he had to go sleep as there was outfield the next day. 


Off he went, and that’s the first and last time that I saw him. Subsequent nights that I showered there, didn’t chance upon him anymore. He only gave me his English name, so can’t find him anywhere on social media.. 

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18 hours ago, Guest ICT said:

Went back for reservist and stay in. Since not much to do, went for a run around camp every night. By then it’ll be past 10pm and I’ll shower. top 2 floors of the building are bunks for ICT ppl, while the floors below are offices and bunks for regulars. 


3rd floor (below my bunk) toilet is particularly clean and a far cry from the NS man bunk toilets which was batshit dirty, choked with literally black floor tiles. I then realised the 3rd floor was where people like the OCs, RSMs, WOs and big ranked people would stay (if they needed to). The 3rd floor was usually v quiet at night so why not shower there, I thought to myself. And so I showered there every night after my run. And because the toilet (the entire floor actually) was always so quiet, I didn’t care about closing the shower cubicle door. More convenient to place and use my barang barang while showering. Good chance to also admire my body while I showered as the mirrors were facing the cubicles LOL 


One of the late nights as I was showering, a guy walked in. I was caught off guard and didn’t hear him entering the toilet until this tanned, lean man stood outside my cubicle and asked “Who are you?” He looked quite annoyed and was glancing at my totally nude body up and down, my hair covered in soap. I was nude, he in the saf green PT singlet and shorts, his arms were damn veiny. 


Judging from his commanding voice, fit body and that strong aura, I guess he was some big shot. Quickly I apologised and said I’m staying upstairs on reservist . “Oh, NS man ah, ok lah never mind, I thought you’re some NSF come here use commanders toilet. No worries bro” From then I could tell he let his guard down significantly and he sounded really chill. Asked me what unit I was in, how long is my reservist etc, and Hokkien vulgarities started to casually pepper his words. He’s an army regular, OC for one of the units.  His voice, his body, and the way he carry himself.. he looks every inch an OC indeed. 


A conversation between us started as I continue shampooing my hair, and he stand outside my cubicle, and my cock swinging in front of him (as I could see myself in the mirror!). I saw him glancing down at my cock now and then. Fuck, I was getting a semi.


Not long later he too started stripping his singlet and shorts at the sink area in my full view, revealing dark blue hush puppies boxer briefs, straight guys underwear.. Very obvious singlet and thigh tanlines, veins that flowing from his hands all the way to his chest! So sexy. He then went inside the cubicle beside mine (still in his underwear) and closed the door slightly to shower. Seems like he’s not so open to showing his nude body openly, i thought. 


I was wrong. Just a few seconds later he stepped out of the cubicle too fully nude to soap himself as he placed his soap on the sink outside the cubicle. Fuck, his foreskin is so short! His cockhead fully exposed and his cock as veiny as his arms. Or maybe his cockhead was too thick and the foreskin couldn’t cover it. Such thick veins on his cock.. a very veiny man! His balls bounced when he soaped his inner thighs and balls. His pubes were so short, but thick, just a small area of hair to show he’s a grown man.  Obviously he trimmed it. 


When he washed his armpit, he has the habit of clasping his large veiny arms against his pumped chest, creating a very loud scrubbing, soapy sound. 


All this while soaping himself nonchalantly and talking to me about life as a regular, fitness regime etc. I tried to be as “straight” as I could but was still a bit shy. And so whenever he asked me a question, I would reply and ask him back the same thing “you leh?”  


Halfway through as both of us were at the sink area soaping up and chatting (cos we both placed our soap bottles outside the cubicle), he suddenly shouted “Oi!! Who are you?!”  Turns out another guy walked in but I didn’t notice as my back was facing the entrance. I turned around and noticed this skinny, scrawny guy looking all flustered while glancing at both our nude bodies. 


“Er…” he mumbled something in a very soft voice, seems like he’s gay. “You look what?! You NSF or what?” The OC continued to question him to which he said “yes” in a very soft, effeminate voice. Confirmed my suspicion that this NSF is gay and perhaps trying to catch us in the nude when he heard our conversation from outside. “This is a commander’s toilet, do u know that? You are not supposed to come in here. Can u go use another toilet!” The poor NSF replied “yes sir” and quickly sashay out.. at least he got a good view of 2 men’s naked bodies! 


I joked I’m v privileged to use this toilet as I’m not a commander too. 🤣 He laughed loudly and said “ya bro, you can fuck off now also, naked like that.” 


He went back to the cubicle to wash his body, that’s only when I dared to look at his body more intently from the mirror.  His cock swing and flapping around wildly like a pendulum. The stream of water congregated to flow down his sexy cock in 1 single stream.. “Ok done!”, he declared. He was done in a jiffy and I was still rinsing myself.  I tried to joke, “so fast? You got wash your fucking cock properly or not, sir!”  He replied, “fuck you la!”  After drying himself he wore a pair of loose boxer shorts and said he had to go sleep as there was outfield the next day. 


Off he went, and that’s the first and last time that I saw him. Subsequent nights that I showered there, didn’t chance upon him anymore. He only gave me his English name, so can’t find him anywhere on social media.. 

the feminine NSF could be his fuck buddy and because of your presence in your regular meeting place, the OC had to pretend that he’s an intruder 

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  • 2 months later...
Guest 3charslong
On 6/26/2022 at 3:53 PM, Guest nsfffffboiboi said:

my OC with his beefy buibui body and relatively bushy armpits during PT. ❤️

i got the same bushy pits of my super fit OC. Always want to do PT with him, and want to be his pet so can let me sniff his pits ~ wow!

But my sister coy’s the oc has a freaking bad bod kind - those are turn off, probably with stinky pits yo.

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