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When we died

Guest Death

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When we died of old age with no children, how do we arrange our dead body? Do you buy a place to keep our urn of ashes? Or how to arrange our ashes to be thrown into the sea? How do they arrange dead body with no one claiming? 

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Guest Touch Wood!!
37 minutes ago, Guest Death said:

When we died of old age with no children, how do we arrange our dead body? Do you buy a place to keep our urn of ashes? Or how to arrange our ashes to be thrown into the sea? How do they arrange dead body with no one claiming? 

Your neighbour will know, and you will be classified as an "unclaimed" material to be mass cremated and then thrown into sea by,, presumably, hospital appointed kind undertaker.    Why think so much. Enjoy while you are still alive. Go  out and smell roses,  have sex,  and live to the fullest of your life.  Don't work so hard, otherwise you will also start to think so hard like now.  Your boss and your colleagues and your casual friends will not mourn for you. The money you left behind, will belong to the state to be used for "good purposes".   You will be forgetable and like being gay,  the afterlife journey is yours to walk alone too.    You huh!!

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Guest Neh Neh
1 hour ago, Guest Death said:

When we died of old age with no children, how do we arrange our dead body? Do you buy a place to keep our urn of ashes? Or how to arrange our ashes to be thrown into the sea? How do they arrange dead body with no one claiming? 

To what i know, if one found dead inside HDB, the body will decompose with dead rat smell after 3rd day, the smell will get very strong until your neighbour buay tahan and will call police. Thereafter, police will take over and will try to contact your relative or friends or former employer depend what info of you the gov has. Your dead body will be packaged and delivered to hospital for autosy to try finding out the reason of your death and issue death cert. Afterthat, the hospital will keep your dead body in fridge (not sure how long the max day) in order for your sibling to re-claim. If no one re-claim for max no. of day, hospital will send your dead body to boon lay for cremation and put your ashes into an urn. Your urn will be kept there forever and with no visitor to give offering. Sad... T_T

Do plan for your death earlier and do the will with laywer. Try contact 郑海船 funeral planner to find out more and what they can assist. Ask your best friend to help. Always carry a laminated card of your full name, NRIC, blood type, family doctor contact no., your sibling or best friend contact no. and home address in event of unfortunate.

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4 hours ago, Guest Death said:

When we died of old age with no children, how do we arrange our dead body? Do you buy a place to keep our urn of ashes? Or how to arrange our ashes to be thrown into the sea? How do they arrange dead body with no one claiming? 


We all know the concept of End of the World.  (Some may speculate that the universe will never end)


OUR end of the world is assured: it is the time we die.

From our personal stand point, we don't need to concern ourselves with what happens after our death.

We usually have family, friends that would be affected by our death.  They would care for our remains.

It behooves us to make necessary preparations to minimize their hardship from our death.


But if there are no children, no persons that would care for your dead body,  so YOU should not care!

Plan your finances to live well until the last day of your life. Nothing needs to remain thereafter.




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On 12/8/2019 at 7:26 PM, Guest wahahahaha said:

Some people don't even take care of their body when they are alive, and do you think they sill care when they are dead?  WAHAHAHAHA...


The care of their body when they are dead...  they don't need to do it themselves!  WAHAHAHAHA...

So they may want it to be very elaborate  :lol:

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I thought we have to arrange for ourself after we reach 60th or 70th birthday. My grandmother prepared everything for herself from very very long time. The place to put ashes in temple (by installments) and to the clothes to be worn after died (the very ancient "sau yi" -black clothes with the dragon image in the centre). 


I dont care what happen to my body after I died. More like dun want to burden ppl. If I can arrange everything smoothly after I died would be even better. Not sure whether I can see my dead body after I died? Will I told myself that I should do this and that? Will I still have attachment to my long worn body that I have wear for ages? That i should treat it better after serving for my needs for such a long time not to mention all the abuses that I have done on it. 

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2 hours ago, Guest Death said:

I thought we have to arrange for ourself after we reach 60th or 70th birthday. My grandmother prepared everything for herself from very very long time. The place to put ashes in temple (by installments) and to the clothes to be worn after died (the very ancient "sau yi" -black clothes with the dragon image in the centre). 


I dont care what happen to my body after I died. More like dun want to burden ppl. If I can arrange everything smoothly after I died would be even better. Not sure whether I can see my dead body after I died? Will I told myself that I should do this and that? Will I still have attachment to my long worn body that I have wear for ages? That i should treat it better after serving for my needs for such a long time not to mention all the abuses that I have done on it. 


I don't know of any serious obligation to arrange for our deaths.  Cremation seems to be a practical choice, but I won't mind if they feed me to a big grinder to make feed for some living creatures.  But... if I were a Catholic believer I would have to be careful that I will be preserved,  because on the day Jesus returns to earth, we will recover the bodies we had while alive, and they will never die thereafter. 

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28 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


I don't know of any serious obligation to arrange for our deaths.  Cremation seems to be a practical choice, but I won't mind if they feed me to a big grinder to make feed for some living creatures.  But... if I were a Catholic believer I would have to be careful that I will be preserved,  because on the day Jesus returns to earth, we will recover the bodies we had while alive, and they will never die thereafter. 

When will Jesus return to earth? I heard about it very long time ago. I wait until neck very long. 

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3 minutes ago, Guest Death said:

When will Jesus return to earth? I heard about it very long time ago. I wait until neck very long. 


Don't be disappointed if the wait is too long...  The early Christians (two thousand years ago) expected him to return to earth during their lifetime.  They are still waiting  :(


Hopefully Jesus returns to earth within the next 1.75 billion years that is what is estimated to be as long as the planet will be habitable.


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3 hours ago, Guest Death said:

I thought we have to arrange for ourself after we reach 60th or 70th birthday. My grandmother prepared everything for herself from very very long time. The place to put ashes in temple (by installments) and to the clothes to be worn after died (the very ancient "sau yi" -black clothes with the dragon image in the centre). 


I dont care what happen to my body after I died. More like dun want to burden ppl. If I can arrange everything smoothly after I died would be even better. Not sure whether I can see my dead body after I died? Will I told myself that I should do this and that? Will I still have attachment to my long worn body that I have wear for ages? That i should treat it better after serving for my needs for such a long time not to mention all the abuses that I have done on it. 

Unless you have .子孙满堂, you don't have to think and worried so much.  All is well prepared to the glam.


If you are lone ranger as most gay people are, then simply write a note next to your bed (slot in some money if you can't bring those with you) and instruct whoever found your body to do the the rest in the most simple and dignified manner.  

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On 12/9/2019 at 12:43 AM, Guest Neh Neh said:

To what i know, if one found dead inside HDB, the body will decompose with dead rat smell after 3rd day, the smell will get very strong until your neighbour buay tahan and will call police. Thereafter, police will take over and will try to contact your relative or friends or former employer depend what info of you the gov has. Your dead body will be packaged and delivered to hospital for autosy to try finding out the reason of your death and issue death cert. Afterthat, the hospital will keep your dead body in fridge (not sure how long the max day) in order for your sibling to re-claim. If no one re-claim for max no. of day, hospital will send your dead body to boon lay for cremation and put your ashes into an urn. Your urn will be kept there forever and with no visitor to give offering. Sad... T_T

Do plan for your death earlier and do the will with laywer. Try contact 郑海船 funeral planner to find out more and what they can assist. Ask your best friend to help. Always carry a laminated card of your full name, NRIC, blood type, family doctor contact no., your sibling or best friend contact no. and home address in event of unfortunate.

Since when boon lay have cremation?

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On 12/11/2019 at 10:43 AM, Guest Maggot said:

Unless you have .子孙满堂, you don't have to think and worried so much.  All is well prepared to the glam.


If you are lone ranger as most gay people are, then simply write a note next to your bed (slot in some money if you can't bring those with you) and instruct whoever found your body to do the the rest in the most simple and dignified manner.  

Yeah. Its a good idea to leave notes n money next to my bed. Maybe in my wallet too, in case I died outside. 


Will you buy a place to put the ashes urn? Buy also no use cause no one will come during ching ming. Better to spread to the sea.


Maybe leave a note to call the service company that I have arranged beforehand to handle my ashes. I'm not sure can spread to the sea as it is considered pollution to the environment. 


There is another thing I saw that is to plant a seed or to combine my ashes, a tree seed and some soil in a pot n plant it somewhere. And my ashes will be part of the tree. Sounds nice but will I be haunting the tree? Will I be turned into the tree monster 'Laolao'? 

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Every inch of Singapore land was like Gold to the govt.  Sea is the most preferred and space savings choice.  Imagine if we have 10 mil populations,  where to find spaces for them?   Sea, has no boundary, and your soul can go places with the waves.  I don't understand why people must be so supersititous that they are best placed in religious buildings and not cheap too.   Hello gay people? Tell me something I have not already known.

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On 12/16/2019 at 8:56 AM, shaunrobot said:

Scatter my ashes at sea. No way I'm staying in an urn.

Fish food? 


  • Confucius says: man who masturbates without tenga takes matter into his own hands.
  • The woman sat next to me on the train is writing a text on her iPhone. It's all underlined with the squiggly red line. Illiterate cunt.
  • Singapore's '白制服' 的官: 只准州官放火 | 不准百姓点灯
  • The Gynecologist - A lesbian went to the gynecologist one day, and as the doctor is examining her, he remarked, "My, aren't we clean today." "Yeah," replied the lesbian, "I have a woman who comes in twice a week."

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On 12/16/2019 at 1:50 PM, Guest Neh Neh said:

When gay dies, we become fairy. We follow rainbow and fly to wonderland. Then live happily ever after.



  • Confucius says: man who masturbates without tenga takes matter into his own hands.
  • The woman sat next to me on the train is writing a text on her iPhone. It's all underlined with the squiggly red line. Illiterate cunt.
  • Singapore's '白制服' 的官: 只准州官放火 | 不准百姓点灯
  • The Gynecologist - A lesbian went to the gynecologist one day, and as the doctor is examining her, he remarked, "My, aren't we clean today." "Yeah," replied the lesbian, "I have a woman who comes in twice a week."

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On 12/16/2019 at 8:32 AM, Guest 我就是我 said:

Death is when life left the body. So the body should be useless right?

Some pervert can still do nasty things to it. Like rape.

The best we can do is take out our own trash... just saying. 

  • Confucius says: man who masturbates without tenga takes matter into his own hands.
  • The woman sat next to me on the train is writing a text on her iPhone. It's all underlined with the squiggly red line. Illiterate cunt.
  • Singapore's '白制服' 的官: 只准州官放火 | 不准百姓点灯
  • The Gynecologist - A lesbian went to the gynecologist one day, and as the doctor is examining her, he remarked, "My, aren't we clean today." "Yeah," replied the lesbian, "I have a woman who comes in twice a week."

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Guest Gay Caterpillar
On 12/16/2019 at 8:32 AM, Guest 我就是我 said:

Death is when life left the body. So the body should be useless right?

Yes, very much like shedding off old skin, as in literally old.  People born ugly will be happy to leave them behind.    Metamorphosis so to speak and I am sure gay people have had enough of being discriminated they wanted to leave their gay body behind and done with this world too.

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On 12/16/2019 at 8:32 AM, Guest 我就是我 said:

Death is when life left the body. So the body should be useless right?


50 minutes ago, Guest Gay Caterpillar said:

Yes, very much like shedding off old skin, as in literally old.  People born ugly will be happy to leave them behind.    Metamorphosis so to speak and I am sure gay people have had enough of being discriminated they wanted to leave their gay body behind and done with this world too.

Like in the anime Naruto, orochimaru shifts his soul to new host bodies leaving his useless body thus achieving immortality. 


I watched a hk movie too, how the lady gave up her body for a cat soul. And the disabled man who wanted a new body shifted into a coma guy. 

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On 12/8/2019 at 10:58 PM, Guest Death said:

When we died of old age with no children, how do we arrange our dead body? Do you buy a place to keep our urn of ashes? Or how to arrange our ashes to be thrown into the sea? How do they arrange dead body with no one claiming? 

 You are dead. Why would you care or even have the ability to care.  You are like a light switch that is turn off. Even if you worry now but the moment you are dead, You are dead. EVEN if you have an after life you would still not be able to come back to tell us or worry about it as you can not change anything after you are dead. That is how you can perpetual religion or some superstition, a lot of imagination but when it is over. It is over. And you are not back to tell anyone it is a lie about religion or anything. That is how snake oil salesman gets away with it till today. Your fear to die. So live your life wisely and well for this is one FACT you can be sure of.. that this life you are RIGHT NOW living it.. it is REAL. Don't waste it. It's gone before you know it.


** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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55 minutes ago, upshot said:

 You are dead. Why would you care or even have the ability to care.  You are like a light switch that is turn off. Even if you worry now but the moment you are dead, You are dead. EVEN if you have an after life you would still not be able to come back to tell us or worry about it as you can not change anything after you are dead. That is how you can perpetual religion or some superstition, a lot of imagination but when it is over. It is over. And you are not back to tell anyone it is a lie about religion or anything. That is how snake oil salesman gets away with it till today. Your fear to die. So live your life wisely and well for this is one FACT you can be sure of.. that this life you are RIGHT NOW living it.. it is REAL. Don't waste it. It's gone before you know it.


Ahhh. I'm not afraid of dying. How do I put it? Let say I cook a dinner. After cooking n eating, I will want to clean up myself all the mess. Clean up the hob, dishes and throw the rubbish. If I can dispose my dead body, I would rather do it myself but I cant. Unless I dig the hole myself n wait to die. There is a chinese saying while alive give trouble to friends/relatives after die still give trouble to neighbours. I really want to minimise trouble to ppl n arrange everything properly after i die. Even at work, things that I can do myself, I rather do it myself than instruct ppl to do this and that.

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2 hours ago, Guest Death said:

Ahhh. I'm not afraid of dying. How do I put it? Let say I cook a dinner. After cooking n eating, I will want to clean up myself all the mess. Clean up the hob, dishes and throw the rubbish. If I can dispose my dead body, I would rather do it myself but I cant. Unless I dig the hole myself n wait to die. There is a chinese saying while alive give trouble to friends/relatives after die still give trouble to neighbours. I really want to minimise trouble to ppl n arrange everything properly after i die. Even at work, things that I can do myself, I rather do it myself than instruct ppl to do this and that.


Ok I get that and know where you come from as I have a similar line of thought before. But I have (since calm down and got more rational) come to accept that there are things or situation we can prep for in the event of something happening, and are not around to do anything about it.


For me I thought to leave a living WILL (legally with a lawyer or someone I trust to carry it out) which would dictate, I will my body to science so that takes cares of my messy decaying body and how to dispose of it. Which I think has more use to society one last time and save on cremation, and lengthy funeral. For what you own well, that is a good thing too by mean of reducing commercialism by not buying more things than you should want ....than need. Will the house/car/belongings to someone in your family to take over or give it up to charity along with whatever else you have with a will. Contact CPF to do what they will with your savings or ensure there is a name in to say you want to give it who to whoever or to charity of your naming.


It is not hard really if you put your mind to it. Work (and live) like you are moving on in work to do what you need to delegate to ensure work keeps getting done whether you are on leave, resigned or dead. Problem with work is that relatively speaking, if you can go on long leave and nothing is out of place or screws you it also means you are not relevant. LOL Thus some people are very fearful of going on long leaves.

Edited by upshot

** Comments are my opinions, same as yours. It's not a 'Be-All-and-End-All' view. Intent's to thought-provoke, validate, reiterate and yes, even correct. Opinion to consider but agree to disagree. I don't enjoy conflicted exchanges, empty bravado or egoistical chest pounding. It's never personal, tribalistic or with malice. Frank by nature, means, I never bend the truth. Views are to broaden understanding - Updated: Nov 2021.

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  • 4 years later...
Guest AfterLife
  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/17/2019 at 9:17 AM, upshot said:


Ok I get that and know where you come from as I have a similar line of thought before. But I have (since calm down and got more rational) come to accept that there are things or situation we can prep for in the event of something happening, and are not around to do anything about it.


For me I thought to leave a living WILL (legally with a lawyer or someone I trust to carry it out) which would dictate, I will my body to science so that takes cares of my messy decaying body and how to dispose of it. Which I think has more use to society one last time and save on cremation, and lengthy funeral. For what you own well, that is a good thing too by mean of reducing commercialism by not buying more things than you should want ....than need. Will the house/car/belongings to someone in your family to take over or give it up to charity along with whatever else you have with a will. Contact CPF to do what they will with your savings or ensure there is a name in to say you want to give it who to whoever or to charity of your naming.


It is not hard really if you put your mind to it. Work (and live) like you are moving on in work to do what you need to delegate to ensure work keeps getting done whether you are on leave, resigned or dead. Problem with work is that relatively speaking, if you can go on long leave and nothing is out of place or screws you it also means you are not relevant. LOL Thus some people are very fearful of going on long leaves.


What has happened to @upshot ?   He has been absent from the forum since the end of 2022.

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Guest No Offence
50 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:


What has happened to @upshot ?   He has been absent from the forum since the end of 2022.

What are you suggesting? Probably he found a new chapter in life, and needed a longer break away from foruming unlike someone I am replying to.

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11 hours ago, Guest No Offence said:

What are you suggesting? Probably he found a new chapter in life, and needed a longer break away from foruming unlike someone I am replying to.


What are you suggesting?  This replier is already thinking of reducing the time spent on this forum because there are so many other important activities in life, even in the life of an octogenarian.  To undo an addiction takes time, so it will be progressive.   But I see no reason to stay away for a year or more.   

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Guest Off topic again
13 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


What has happened to @upshot ?   He has been absent from the forum since the end of 2022.

what does this weird stalkerish observation have to do with the topic?

derailing again…


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43 minutes ago, Naveyafluz said:

If I die, I don't think I will bother what arrangements are being done. Don't think any arrangements will affect anything. Though I hope for no staying under my hdb and my ashes go into the sea.


Interesting.  Why you want your ashes to go into the sea?

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