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Covid-19 bickering & trolling and Out of topic banter!

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27 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


What makes you so sure that our nurses and doctors will not be running out of them in the near future?Are we manufacturing all these PPE here? Besides, what makes you so sure those masks etc won't be going to the UK public? What makes you so sure they will all go to the nurses and doctors in UK? 

your argument is full of assumptions. The small chance that these masks would go to the wrong people does not justify not distributing them anymore. Again, these masks are critically needed by healthcare workers - not just here, but also abroad. We cannot fix the problem here unless we fix the problem globally.

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Guest Guest
8 hours ago, Carlofrcentral said:

your argument is full of assumptions. The small chance that these masks would go to the wrong people does not justify not distributing them anymore. Again, these masks are critically needed by healthcare workers - not just here, but also abroad. We cannot fix the problem here unless we fix the problem globally.


You mean your arguments are not full of assumptions yourself? "We cannot fix the problem here unless we fix the problem globally"?? Did the Brits think the same way and send anything to us in Singapore? I guess thank you for proving one more time that Singaporeans are never the priority of the Singapore government. 

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Guest Guest


13 hours ago, Kimochi said:

So you mean you are looking down on them just because they are foreign workers? 


Patient zero does not start from them. Its Singaporeans who did not obey the quarantine notice and went about. 


You are no difference than that auntie who curse people whole family die and spit onto the KFC crew. 


13 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


First off, you don't know if it was because of Singaporeans who did not obey quarantine notice and went about. Asymptomatic cases are too many now.


And besides, patient zero didn't start with Singaporeans too. It started with PRCs who flew out of Wuhan before the lockdown and went about. So why shouldn't you be singing for Singaporeans? Are you a hypocrite? 


11 hours ago, Kimochi said:

What I meant is Singapore own patient zero. Are you stupid or what? Shall I name you stupid high horse? 



First, it was "Patient zero does not start from them. Its Singaporeans who did not obey the quarantine notice and went about". But now shifting goalpost to "I meant is Singapore own patient zero"? And since the names-calling have started, shall I also name you goalpost-shifting lapbitch?

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1 minute ago, Guest Guest said:

PAP lapbitch needed and tried the service to know where to find already? 

Stupid high horse says what? 

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9 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

Nvm..I forgot.PAP lapbitch can sing but cannot think. 

Haha stupid high horse has memory loss! ~ thanks for the praise though! Use it for those in need instead ! Example of how I would put it to proper use ~



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2 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


You mean your arguments are not full of assumptions yourself? "We cannot fix the problem here unless we fix the problem globally"?? Did the Brits think the same way and send anything to us in Singapore? I guess thank you for proving one more time that Singaporeans are never the priority of the Singapore government. 

please think clearly and think about things 10 times before you post. What i said is a fact. How do you think Singapore will  live if the rest of the world is still suffering from the pandemic? We will isolate from the rest of the world forever?


 what you said that singaporeans are not the priority of the govt is another assumption - and a stupid one at that. (can you not argue without using assumptions?) Just because some masks were donated, singaporeans suddenly become not important? what a laugh.


Did we run out of masks because of this donation? No.

Did people get sick because of this donation ? No.

Did we lose our jobs because of this donation? No.

Did we become poorer because of this donation? No.

Did people’s lives get endangered because of this donation? No.

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Guest Guest
16 minutes ago, Carlofrcentral said:

please think clearly and think about things 10 times before you post. What i said is a fact. How do you think Singapore will  live if the rest of the world is still suffering from the pandemic? We will isolate from the rest of the world forever?


 what you said that singaporeans are not the priority of the govt is another assumption - and a stupid one at that. (can you not argue without using assumptions?) Just because some masks were donated, singaporeans suddenly become not important? what a laugh.


Did we run out of masks because of this donation? No.

Did people get sick because of this donation ? No.

Did we lose our jobs because of this donation? No.

Did we become poorer because of this donation? No.

Did people’s lives get endangered because of this donation? No.


Did you want to wait till we run out of masks because of this donation? Yes?

Did you want to wait till people get sick because of this donation ? Yes?

Did you want to wait till we lose our jobs because of this donation? Yes?

Did you want to wait till we become poorer because of this donation? Yes?

Did you want to wait till people’s lives get endangered because of this donation? Yes?


Let me ask you one more time: What makes you so sure that our nurses and doctors will not be running out of them in the near future?Are we manufacturing all these PPE here? NO! Wasn't it just two months ago that we were so worried about the lack of masks (most ikely for the medical community) that the government was discouraging the entire public from wearing masks? Wasn't it just a month ago that we needed Taiwan to donate 1 million masks to us?? So now, we suddenly have enough PPE in our stockpile to give to everyone else now??? 



please think clearly and think about things 10 times before you post. What i said is a fact. How do you think Singapore will even continue to survive if we keep trying to save every other single country in the world with all our donations?? Do you think we can stop the the rest of the world from suffering from the pandemic? Even if we do not want to isolate from the rest of the world forever, do you think the rest of the world will take us in when the time arises??  Why should we respond to the whim and fancy of the rest of the world? what a laugh! 


 what you said that singaporeans are not the priority of the govt looks to me to be a real fact right now with this donation.  and a stupid one at that. (can you not argue without using assumptions?) Just because some masks were donated, singaporeans suddenly become not important? what a laugh.

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Guest Guest
36 minutes ago, Carlofrcentral said:

please think clearly and think about things 10 times before you post. What i said is a fact. How do you think Singapore will  live if the rest of the world is still suffering from the pandemic? We will isolate from the rest of the world forever?


 what you said that singaporeans are not the priority of the govt is another assumption - and a stupid one at that. (can you not argue without using assumptions?) Just because some masks were donated, singaporeans suddenly become not important? what a laugh.


Did we run out of masks because of this donation? No.

Did people get sick because of this donation ? No.

Did we lose our jobs because of this donation? No.

Did we become poorer because of this donation? No.

Did people’s lives get endangered because of this donation? No.


1 minute ago, Guest Guest said:


Did you want to wait till we run out of masks because of this donation? Yes?

Did you want to wait till people get sick because of this donation ? Yes?

Did you want to wait till we lose our jobs because of this donation? Yes?

Did you want to wait till we become poorer because of this donation? Yes?

Did you want to wait till people’s lives get endangered because of this donation? Yes?


Let me ask you one more time: What makes you so sure that our nurses and doctors will not be running out of them in the near future?Are we manufacturing all these PPE here? NO! Wasn't it just two months ago that we were so worried about the lack of masks (most ikely for the medical community) that the government was discouraging the entire public from wearing masks? Wasn't it just a month ago that we needed Taiwan to donate 1 million masks to us?? So now, we suddenly have enough PPE in our stockpile to give to everyone else now??? 



please think clearly and think about things 10 times before you post. What i said is a fact. How do you think Singapore will even continue to survive if we keep trying to save every other single country in the world with all our donations?? Do you think we can stop the the rest of the world from suffering from the pandemic? Even if we do not want to isolate from the rest of the world forever, do you think the rest of the world will take us in when the time arises??  Why should we respond to the whim and fancy of the rest of the world? what a laugh! 


 what you said that singaporeans are not the priority of the govt looks to me to be a real fact right now with this donation.  and a stupid one at that. (can you not argue without using assumptions?) Just because some masks were donated, singaporeans suddenly become not important? what a laugh.



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Guest Guest
1 hour ago, Kimochi said:

Haha stupid high horse has memory loss! ~ thanks for the praise though! Use it for those in need instead ! Example of how I would put it to proper use ~




Still want to thank people for the sarcasm! Haha stupid lapbitch just proved he has no brains ~ But nvm la ... lapbitch needs to use whatever remaining old aged grey matter for their masters in dire need of praise singing instead ! Indeed an example of how you would put it to proper use ~

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Guest when gold is scrap metal






19 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


I see... if that is the case, if antibodies tests doesn't work for you, if antigen tests doesn't work for you, if rapid tests doesn't work for you, then you can go GET ALL THOSE STUPID LABS SET UP in that case! What are you waiting for? At this moment of time, even if there is a certain level of accuracy for test kits to help narrow down the number of potentially infected for those people to do a second level testings, it is still helpful. Isn't that what every nation is doing right now? If everyone wants to wait for a 100% accurate rapid test kits to come into the picture, the world will have half the population infected by then. In case you are not aware, we are in a race against time. I really do not need to talk medical terms here. In fact, maybe I should talk "human" terms, and hope that your own family members can be infected and die off one by one, before the 100%-accuracy rapid test which you are searching gets developed. Maybe that "human talk" will wake up your own ideas.


Yes, the testings in Italy and Germany has been done since Feb. And yes, we were already too slow in doing the mass community testings at an earlier stage. But yet, here you are, still trying to discourage Singapore from starting the mass community testings at this point of time now???  


And by the way, don't bullshit us that Singapore has done similar testing volumes as other countries. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/23/test-trace-contain-how-south-korea-flattened-its-coronavirus-curve South Korea had  the capability to test an average of 12,000 people – and sometimes as many as 20,000 – a day at hundreds of drive-through and walk-in testing centres. The mobile centres conducted the tests free of charge within 10 minutes, with the results were sent to people’s phones within 24 hours. By mid-March more than 270,000 people had been tested. 


In case you are not aware, the countries that has best managed the COVID-19 situation has so far need not gone for "stricter" lockdown measures like what you had proposed. In fact, places like Taiwan was still having quite a bustling night market until recently in end Mar or early April. And in some places in Taiwan, their social distancing was on a voluntary basis instead of a government enforced ruling. I have brought this up in the first few posts to you before.


And thank you for letting us know that you were also the one to extol the social distancing and stay-home-notification measures, which led me to think you are the same one who told us that wearing mask is NOT an effective measure. So, yeah right... most "experts" like you have lead us into the COVID-19 disasters like now. So much for your credibility as a "expert" with "medical knowledge"! Come, we all clap for you here!  


What others did in 2 to 3 months, you need 3 to 6 months. This statement further proved that there are too many malingering freeloaders like you with lots of excuses still rampant in the government sector. This is the reason why Singapore reacted so slowly to the COVID-19 situation in the first place. If LKY is still around, heads will be rolling round and round the field by now. 



On a note, Singapore has done the same amount of testing at around 1.6% of the population as most other countries did. We should go by total numbers shouldn't we? 

The numbers you can take exactly from the Worldometer numbers you published here. 


20 hours ago, Guest when gold is scrap metal said:


I said the social distancing and stay home measures are more helpful to contain the spread of Covid 19 (compared to some increased testing) and most experts would say the same.



I will not respond on this any longer, because you only argue with a stubborn way, without looking into effective measures to contain the spread. 



I've heard you say you won't be responding many times already. I hope this will really be the last time I hear from a malingering full-of-shit "medical expert" like you. 



I don't even need to do this because I can let other reliable sources to speak out with common sense and  to rebut your "medically and scientific" non backed write ups. Looks like you simply lack of common sense and sufficient intellectual knowledge to think matter through. 



Swiss giant Roche Holding AG, which brought out one of the first coronavirus tests in January, doesn’t think that type of diagnostic can be scaled up as widely as many would like. These molecular tests that look for the virus’s nucleic acids in someone’s nose or throat are simply too complex, Chief Executive Officer Severin Schwan said on a media call Wednesday. There also aren’t enough high-speed, high-volume instruments in the world’s laboratories that can do these screenings, he said. 

As such, these tests -- which have diagnosed more than 2.7 million people globally -- should be reserved for populations already showing symptoms and people who work in critical jobs, such as doctors and nurses.



Sorry, but it looks like my point, I raised in all my posts, was right! Clearly confirmed by the Professionals. 




Testing's ability to contain virus overstated, study finds

Straits Times Published Apr 24, 2020, 5:17 pm

NEW YORK (BLOOMBERG) - Mass testing for the coronavirus might do no more to stop the pandemic than quarantines and contact tracing alone, according to a new study.

While testing is critical in assessing the spread of the virus and the risks of lifting lockdowns, the containment benefits might be limited to certain high-risk groups such as healthcare workers, according to the report from Imperial College London researchers.

The study wades into a thorny political debate, with the World Health Organisation and other groups urging earlier more widespread testing. Governments in Britain, the United States and other places have faced criticism that a shortage of diagnostics allowed the virus to spread. Countries with aggressive testing regimens, like Germany and South Korea, have shown effectiveness in controlling it.

Britain abandoned widespread testing in the community last month, instead focusing on trying to delay the spread of the virus through social distancing. A study by other Imperial College researchers, showing the potential for hundreds of thousands of deaths if business went on as usual, was seen as instrumental in persuading the government to lock down.

"There has been substantial pressure on the UK government and others to 'test, test, test' in response to the Covid-19 pandemic," Mr Nicholas Grassly, an Imperial professor and one of the authors of the new study, said in an e-mailed statement.

"We find that testing is most useful when targeted at high-risk groups, such as healthcare and care-home staff."


Weekly screening of healthcare workers and others at higher risk is estimated to reduce their contribution to the spread of the illness by up to 33 per cent, the study found. But widespread testing is unlikely to limit overall transmission more than contact tracing and quarantine based on symptoms alone, it found.


Governments are scrambling to ramp up testing, which is seen as key to safely reopening economies.

So-called immunity passports based on tests for antibodies or infection could help get people back to work but face significant technical, legal and ethical challenges, according to the report. Officials and scientists in a number of countries are considering giving certificates to people who've recovered from Covid-19 that would allow them to escape restrictions, while the uninfected might have to remain isolated until a vaccine or treatment is found.




April 24, 2020, 3:55 PM GMT+8 Updated on April 24, 2020, 11:53 PM GMT+8

Testing’s Ability to Contain Virus Overstated, Study Finds

By James Paton and Tim Loh

Mass testing for the coronavirus may do no more to stop the pandemic than quarantines and contact tracing alone, according to a new study.


While testing is critical in assessing the spread of the virus and the risks of lifting lockdowns, the containment benefits may be limited to certain high-risk groups such as health-care workers, according to the report from Imperial College London researchers.


The study wades into a thorny political debate, with the World Health Organization and other groups urging earlier and more widespread testing. Governments in the U.K., the U.S. and other places have faced criticism that a shortage of diagnostics allowed the virus to spread. Countries with aggressive testing regimens, like Germany and South Korea, have shown effectiveness in controlling it.

The U.K. abandoned widespread testing in the community last month, instead focusing on trying to delay the spread of the virus through social distancing. A study by other Imperial College researchers, showing the potential for hundreds of thousands of deaths if business went on as usual, was seen as instrumental in persuading the government to lock down.

“There has been substantial pressure on the U.K. government and others to ‘test, test, test’ in response to the Covid-19 pandemic,” Nicholas Grassly, an Imperial professor and one of the authors of the new study, said in an emailed statement. “We find that testing is most useful when targeted at high-risk groups such as health-care and care-home staff.”

Weekly Screening

Weekly screening of health-care workers and others at higher risk is estimated to reduce their contribution to the spread of the illness by up to 33%, the study found. But widespread testing is unlikely to limit overall transmission more than contact tracing and quarantine based on symptoms alone, it found.


Swiss giant Roche Holding AG, which brought out one of the first coronavirus tests in January, doesn’t think that type of diagnostic can be scaled up as widely as many would like. These molecular tests that look for the virus’s nucleic acids in someone’s nose or throat are simply too complex, Chief Executive Officer Severin Schwan said on a media call Wednesday. There also aren’t enough high-speed, high-volume instruments in the world’s laboratories that can do these screenings, he said.


As such, these tests -- which have diagnosed more than 2.7 million people globally -- should be reserved for populations already showing symptoms and people who work in critical jobs, such as doctors and nurses. One problem with scaling up this technology is that these tools can only identify if a person is currently infected. So someone could test negative in the morning, then get infected later in the day. “You would have to test everybody, everyday,” Schwan said. “It is an absolute illusion.”

In May, Roche will start selling antibody tests that could show if someone has already been exposed to the virus and potentially developed some immunity. That technology is easier to scale up, because there are often fewer components and there is a lot more equipment to conduct the tests. Such tools could be key in helping governments more safely reopen economies.

And yet, so-called “immunity passports” -- based on tests for antibodies or infection -- face significant technical, legal and ethical challenges, according to the Imperial College report. Officials and scientists in a number of countries are considering giving certificates to people who’ve recovered from Covid-19 that would allow them to escape restrictions, while the uninfected might have to remain isolated until a vaccine or treatment is found.


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4 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


Did you want to wait till we run out of masks because of this donation? Yes?

Did you want to wait till people get sick because of this donation ? Yes?

Did you want to wait till we lose our jobs because of this donation? Yes?

Did you want to wait till we become poorer because of this donation? Yes?

Did you want to wait till people’s lives get endangered because of this donation? Yes?


Let me ask you one more time: What makes you so sure that our nurses and doctors will not be running out of them in the near future?Are we manufacturing all these PPE here? NO! Wasn't it just two months ago that we were so worried about the lack of masks (most ikely for the medical community) that the government was discouraging the entire public from wearing masks? Wasn't it just a month ago that we needed Taiwan to donate 1 million masks to us?? So now, we suddenly have enough PPE in our stockpile to give to everyone else now??? 



please think clearly and think about things 10 times before you post. What i said is a fact. How do you think Singapore will even continue to survive if we keep trying to save every other single country in the world with all our donations?? Do you think we can stop the the rest of the world from suffering from the pandemic? Even if we do not want to isolate from the rest of the world forever, do you think the rest of the world will take us in when the time arises??  Why should we respond to the whim and fancy of the rest of the world? what a laugh! 


 what you said that singaporeans are not the priority of the govt looks to me to be a real fact right now with this donation.  and a stupid one at that. (can you not argue without using assumptions?) Just because some masks were donated, singaporeans suddenly become not important? what a laugh.

for the third time,  all your arguments are wrong because they are based on assumptions. What you are having trouble understanding is that this is a global problem. Singapore cannot simply hoard all the masks and not help out other nations. The sooner the entire world fixes this problem, then the sooner everything goes back to normal - including here in singapore. My friend, dont let your selfishness and unfounded fear overcome you. Like what the singapore government is doing, we should be magnanimous and think strategically.

Edited by Carlofrcentral
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Guest Guest
1 hour ago, Carlofrcentral said:

for the third time,  all your arguments are wrong because they are based on assumptions. What you are having trouble understanding is that this is a global problem. Singapore cannot simply hoard all the masks and not help out other nations. The sooner the entire world fixes this problem, then the sooner everything goes back to normal - including here in singapore. My friend, dont let your selfishness and unfounded fear overcome you. Like what the singapore government is doing, we should be magnanimous and think strategically.


Your assumptions, or mine? And where exactly is the magnanimity of the UK... ever? Did they give us any masks, or send us any PPE during during our SARS period, or our H1N1 period? Nope, they didn't. We were all on our own then. In fact, they even handed us in to the Japanese during WW2, in case you have forgotten. 

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Guest hilarious
1 hour ago, Guest Guest said:


Your assumptions, or mine? And where exactly is the magnanimity of the UK... ever? Did they give us any masks, or send us any PPE during during our SARS period, or our H1N1 period? Nope, they didn't. We were all on our own then. In fact, they even handed us in to the Japanese during WW2, in case you have forgotten. 

this is really getting silly now...


Hey: When did Singapore achieve independence? 


"Us" in 1944?  Was there anything such as "Singapore"? 

I think you need some history recap. ha ha


Without the UK, there would not be any Singapore and you would not even be a Singaporean but just a Mainland Chinese migrant worker here. 


Thanks for showing to everyone how hilariously insane you are! 


Carlo: I don't think you should respond any further to such insanity. This last episode is self explanatory! 

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Guest Guest


53 minutes ago, Guest hilarious said:

this is really getting silly now...


Hey: When did Singapore achieve independence? 


"Us" in 1944?  Was there anything such as "Singapore"? 

I think you need some history recap. ha ha


Without the UK, there would not be any Singapore and you would not even be a Singaporean but just a Mainland Chinese migrant worker here. 


Thanks for showing to everyone how hilariously insane you are! 


Carlo: I don't think you should respond any further to such insanity. This last episode is self explanatory! 


Oh gosh ... here we go again... Maybe we should pray eternally to the Brits and pay tributes to the Queen of England every year to give thanks? I guess without the orang utans and the apes around, there also won't be you? Maybe we should start feeding the apes and the orang utans? By the way, get your history right, will you? Singapore was surrendered to the Japanese in 1942. What has 1944 got to do with anything? And independence or no independence, there was a Singapura as early as the 13th century. From this one post alone, it is obvious you are not a local, but a foreign trash. 🤦‍♂️




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Guest Guest
22 minutes ago, Nightingale said:


Moving out of dormitories earlier would not have made big difference

Chan said that Singapore could have moved the foreign workers out of the dormitories earlier, but opined that it would have hardly made a difference in transmission.  "(The foreign workers) would be going to work, they would be cooking together in communal activities, and they would be going to the mall," Chan said.  She told CNBC that the Singapore government had reacted "very decisively", providing medical attention to every worker, giving them food, entertainment, and WiFi access.  "More importantly, we are telling them that they will keep their jobs and they will be paid," Chan added.


wash ah wash! 

wash ah wash! 


Washing Clothes GIFs | Tenor


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Guest Guest
5 hours ago, Guest when gold is scrap metal said:

On a note, Singapore has done the same amount of testing at around 1.6% of the population as most other countries did. We should go by total numbers shouldn't we? 

The numbers you can take exactly from the Worldometer numbers you published here.


Yes, I was indeed using the total numbers reflected from the worldometer website. So why are you using the percentage numbers? What are you talking about....? Have you lost your marbles? 


5 hours ago, Guest when gold is scrap metal said:

I don't even need to do this because...

blah blah blah rant GIF


Countries with aggressive testing regimens, like Germany and South Korea, have shown effectiveness in controlling it.


...while the uninfected might have to remain isolated until a vaccine or treatment is found.


To be honest, I don't care which CEO or who Minister says what. I care only for the RESULTS which, thanks to you, is written in this very article for all of us to see. Thank you for shooting into your own goal again.  

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Guest when gold is scrap metal
1 hour ago, Guest Guest said:


Yes, I was indeed using the total numbers reflected from the worldometer website. So why are you using the percentage numbers? What are you talking about....? Have you lost your marbles? 



To be honest, I don't care which CEO or who Minister says what. I care only for the RESULTS which, thanks to you, is written in this very article for all of us to see. Thank you for shooting into your own goal again.  


We are aware of your selective reading and selective quoting. 


Unfortunately, the whole matter is too complex for you to understand and to take the correct conclusions. 


The articles nicely evidenced that I know what I m talking about and don't post illogical nonsense. 


I m sure BW readers are aware of this and draw their own conclusions. 

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Guest Guest
6 minutes ago, Guest when gold is scrap metal said:


We are aware of your selective reading and selective quoting. 


Unfortunately, the whole matter is too complex for you to understand and to take the correct conclusions. 


The articles nicely evidenced that I know what I m talking about and don't post illogical nonsense. 


I m sure BW readers are aware of this and draw their own conclusions. 


Yes, we are also aware of your innate talent to read the situation as you deem fit. The situation in Germany and South Korea also nicely evidenced that I know what I m talking about and don't post illogical nonsense. To think you can disregard the results from Germany and South Korea, and put focus on "a simple mathematical model to investigate the potential effectiveness of alternative testing strategies for COVID-19 control." https://www.imperial.ac.uk/mrc-global-infectious-disease-analysis/covid-19/report-16-testing/ You are a hopeless and a lost cause. The only thing which you have done is to prove that there are lazy bugger who can come up with loads of excuses as to why things should not be done. I hope you get fired soon. 

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Guest Guest

To be honest, I am neither a fan of Trump nor Biden. I thought there were better candidates than the two of them. But between the devil and the deep blue sea, at least Trump has the balls to go up against the Chinese multiple times, and I'm not just referring to the COVID-19 situation. Besides, Biden pretty much turned his back on the Americans when he didn't even run for election in the last  2016 round. If he didn't care then, why is he caring now? 

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Guest Guest
12 hours ago, Kimochi said:

Some numbers and channels. 





Attention: Stupid high horse ~ :lol:


Aiyoh.. PAP lapbitch ... I guess you really must have some serious issues to even know that such numbers and channels exists, and more so to be interested in actually finding them. I guess old age is really eating into your mental health now? Yeah ... maybe singing can help relieve your psychiatric problems somewhat. Good luck. 

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1 minute ago, Guest Guest said:


Aiyoh.. PAP lapbitch ... I guess you really must have some serious issues to even know that such numbers and channels exists, and more so to be interested in actually finding them. I guess old age is really eating into your mental health now? Yeah ... maybe singing can help relieve your psychiatric problems somewhat. Good luck. 

Seriously stupid high horse got contact them? 

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Guest Guest
10 minutes ago, Kimochi said:

Seriously stupid high horse got contact them? 


Did you..? How was it like? Were they rude and arrogant like what you say of Singaporeans? But again, everybody should be rude and arrogant to you. 


13 minutes ago, Kimochi said:

Its once in a lifetime matter you know. Might not have it. And hope we not making another one of these activities. 


Yeah, at your age, you'd be dead by the time the next virus strike anyway. And even if you are not dead, you're too stupid to know. 

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20 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Did you..? How was it like? Were they rude and arrogant like what you say of Singaporeans? But again, everybody should be rude and arrogant to you. 



Yeah, at your age, you'd be dead by the time the next virus strike anyway. And even if you are not dead, you're too stupid to know. 

Yup not like you so hostile and just like KFC spitting auntie ~

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Guest Guest
1 minute ago, Kimochi said:

Yup not like you so hostile and just like KFC spitting auntie ~


Thank you for admitting you really needed help. I guess I will just let a senile mad old man like you rest for now... 

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  • G_M changed the title to Guest vs Carlofcentral, Kimochi, Singalion, Since U R Here etc. on Coronavirus
Guest Guest
44 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

For those who are happy the numbers seem to be going down for the past couple of days, watch the video in the link and listen carefully how many were excluded in the tabulation.


Some foreign worker dormitories changing COVID-19 diagnostic criteria for positive cases


Fewer COVID-19 tests are being conducted in foreign worker dormitories with higher infection rates as those diagnosed with respiratory illness are deemed to have COVID-19. Melissa Goh speaks to an infectious diseases expert about this issue. 




I knew something fishy was happening. I should have expected for them to play such dirty tricks. Let's see how our MSM go whitewash our clean, honest and transparent government later. 

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Guest Guest
1 hour ago, Since u r here said:

the day before: cluster natureland spa is the spotlight

东海岸的Natureland Spa(尚养生),有六起病例。

病例都是在早前确诊,而且相信是由一名做全身按摩的顾客传染给Spa职员的。customer spread to staff and then...

Fb commented to take note of such male customers who love massages


Oh! And you were blamng people for cruising?? And you were blasting gays? Where are your harsh words on the straight people now??? Double standards much, you gay homophobe! 


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Guest Guest
1 hour ago, Nightingale said:


Your mental derangement is worsening.  At first it was me since 2012.  Then Steve and Guest Disclosed Yourself last year.  Now you are attacking both members and guests alike - Singalion, Since U R Here, Guest When Gold is Scrap Metal, Carlofrcentral, Kimlo . . . and you are adding to your list with your intimidation and negativity.  Moderator has already warned you umpteen times not to troll in the Main Forum and has already shifted all your shitty posts from this thread to the Flaming Room but still, you stubbornly persist in disrupting meaningful discussions with your immature, irresponsible,  racist-xenophobic, Singapore-centric and Singaporean-centric rants.


Modeators, please remove this post as well as the last post by the super troll Guest Guest


Exactly... This Covid-19 situation sure has drawn out all kinds of hypocrites like you out from the woodwork, hasn't it? 

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Guest Guest
24 minutes ago, Steve5380 said:

One collateral benefit of my proposal is that when everyone wears a mask in public,  older people like me don't need to display an older face,  but can be assumed to be young guys if they have still a decent body  :) 


Don't worry about anybody not being able to see you. We can still smell Dirty Old Man like you from far far away.


basketball wives smell GIF by VH1   

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26 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Don't worry about anybody not being able to see you. We can still smell Dirty Old Man like you from far far away.


basketball wives smell GIF by VH1   


If the masks are of good quality, they should also shield my "smell of Dirty Old Man"

And to double my immunity, I could put in my mask a dispenser of "smell of handsome high class man" in my mask, released each time I breathe out.


But this is all academic, since I don't smell at all, and I have never had.  It's not only good hygiene, but also healthy body functions :) 

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Guest Guest
2 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


If the masks are of good quality, they should also shield my "smell of Dirty Old Man"

And to double my immunity, I could put in my mask a dispenser of "smell of handsome high class man" in my mask, released each time I breathe out.


But this is all academic, since I don't smell at all, and I have never had.  It's not only good hygiene, but also healthy body functions :) 


Just like you, a skunk never knew it stinks. 


costume skunk GIF

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58 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Just like you, a skunk never knew it stinks. 


costume skunk GIF

Are you the guest stupid high horse ?

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Guest Guest
On 4/25/2020 at 9:39 PM, Kimochi said:

Yeah! ~ recorded and posted too! 


Lol... Really cannot agree with this article any more than ever... After the epic Covid superheroes fail, then they arranged for this live karaoke? Some people really can only sing but cannot think. 




Some said the campaign was a deliberate attempt to distract people from the embarrassing issues that have surfaced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the dire living conditions of migrant workers. 


“If by singing helps to show [appreciation] to the frontline workers and the migrant workers? All they need is us doing the right things! Stay home for the frontline workers. And do the right things and correcting our wrongdoings and to provide better living condition for the migrant workers,” a Dannah Lam chimed in. “Not all this actings to show support. Government. Time for you to wake up from your LA LA land. You are paid millions of dollars to do your job for our country people and citizens of the world.”


“These are all unnecessary distractions from the real problem. Stop the virus from spreading and recovery fast. We want our normal lives back,” Facebook user Fir Ida said. 


Instead of holding live karaoke sessions, some suggested raising the pay of those on the front line such as cleaners, medical workers, and those in public transportation. 


“What is the point of this gesture? Just double their pay and triple their year-end bonus,” a man named Gabriel Khoo said. 

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Guest Guest
2 hours ago, singalion said:

Because the Ang Moh's offence counts less or is less serious than breaking the Stay Home Notice.

Look at the Bak Ku Teh guy and how many offences he committed on that day breaking the Stay Home Notice?

The Ang Moh lied on completing a form = 1 offence only.


No need to put wrong slogans up here as if Foreigners are treated favourably by the Singapore Courts and alluding any such miscarriage of justice.


This foreigner went to make a FALSE DECLARATION of his travel history to the public servants at the Family Justice Courts, and potentially risk infecting them all. How can this be less serious? Just the false declaration to public servants is already a crime in itself already.  And by the way, the irony of his purpose of going there to get  a certified "TRUE" copy of his documents was really not lost on me at all. 


Furnishing false information
177.—(1)  A person who, being legally bound to furnish information on any subject to any public servant, as such, furnishes, as true, information on the subject which the person knows or has reason to believe to be false, shall —
(a) in the case of an individual, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 6 months, or with fine which may extend to $5,000, or with both; or
(b) in any other case, be punished with fine which may extend to $10,000.
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Guest Guest
1 hour ago, GachiMuchi said:

"Members of the public should refer to official sources for information and avoid spreading unsubstantiated information or false rumours, as these may cause fear and public alarm," police added.


Yeah .."refer to official sources for information" indeed ... I remember the amount of time we were given to go for our haircuts before barbershops were deemed to be an non-essential service and were all instructed to close before that midnight itself. How much time was the entire nation given to go cut our hair before we can do so in 5-6 weeks time? 3 hours? 4 hours? 

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Guest no difference???

Lawyer wannabe? Ha ha



Offence of breaking Stay Home Notice: 

For committing the offence under the Act, offenders can

- be jailed for up to six months and

- fined up to $10,000.



Furnishing false information
177.—(1)  A person who, being legally bound to furnish information on any subject to any public servant, as such, furnishes, as true, information on the subject which the person knows or has reason to believe to be false, shall —

in the case of an individual, be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 6 months, or with fine which may extend to $5,000, or with both; or





Can tell me the difference???????

Which one is considered more serious???? 






then the Singaporean accumulated more offences: 

The Ang Moh committed 1 single offence,

the Singaporean Mr Bak Kut Teh  5 offences.

Naturally his punishment will be higher for the Bak Kut Teh guy. 



Quote from Straits Times  https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/man-to-be-charged-for-spreading-fake-news-on-covid-19-circuit-breaker:

But instead of going straight home to his Woodlands flat,

Offence 1: he met up with his 36-year-old girlfriend at 3.40pm and the pair

Offence 2: went to a foodcourt at Terminal 3 of Changi Airport.

After eating, the woman booked a private-hire car and they

Offence 3: went to Peninsula Plaza in North Bridge Road, where Tham visited a money changer.

The couple then took another private-hire car and they arrived at his home at 6.35pm.

They left about two hours later and

Offence 4: boarded a public bus for Kampung Admiralty Hawker Centre in Woodlands Drive 71, where he had bak kut teh. The court heard that he snapped pictures of the meal and posted them on social media.

After that, the couple

Offence 5: went to a nearby FairPrice supermarket

and Tham finally returned home at around 10pm.

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8 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


Just like you, a skunk never knew it stinks. 



But a real stunk feels that IT smells nice, while humans STINK!


You have proven sufficiently that you don't qualify as human,

so it makes sense that you are a stunk, thinking that I smell of "Dirty Old Man", in reality the smell of any human)

while you don't detect the HORRIBLE smell you spread all over BW.


Please don't release your STINKING here over the internet. 

Better write in a language we don't understand, like Aramaic . 


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Guest Guest
12 hours ago, Guest no difference??? said:



Can tell me the difference???????

Which one is considered more serious???? 





Which one is more serious? It doesn't matter which one is more serious. As long as it is an infringement of the law, why is the angmoh not charged?? And besides, you ask me which one is more serious? I think endangering the lives of our PUBLIC SERVANTS at the Family Justice Courts a lot more serious!! 



12 hours ago, Guest no difference??? said:

then the Singaporean accumulated more offences: 

The Ang Moh committed 1 single offence,

the Singaporean Mr Bak Kut Teh  5 offences.

Naturally his punishment will be higher for the Bak Kut Teh guy. 



Quote from Straits Times  https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/man-to-be-charged-for-spreading-fake-news-on-covid-19-circuit-breaker:

But instead of going straight home to his Woodlands flat,


  Want to cut and paste article links, also dunno how to cut and paste the right one. Still dare to defend that si angmoh?? Lawyer-wannabe failure? 

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Guest Guest
9 hours ago, Steve5380 said:


But a real stunk feels that IT smells nice, while humans STINK!


You have proven sufficiently that you don't qualify as human,

so it makes sense that you are a stunk, thinking that I smell of "Dirty Old Man", in reality the smell of any human)

while you don't detect the HORRIBLE smell you spread all over BW.


Please don't release your STINKING here over the internet. 

Better write in a language we don't understand, like Aramaic . 



You will smell of any human who, as per your own admission, don't shower frequently. So yeah ... Please don't release your STINKING here over the internet, you Dirty Old Man. 


Perfume Smell GIF by 1091 - Find & Share on GIPHY

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Guest Guest

Just last month ...  


Supply of eggs to Singapore is uninterrupted by Malaysia’s lockdown, says Minister Chan


...and now


大马供应减少  新国鸡蛋起价


xiasuay ....    come come .... I also dunno what to saaaaayyyyy ....

November | 2012 | edmw animated gif | Page 5

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