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Singapore Swimming Complex/Pool

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7 hours ago, helloitsme said:


your hot bod and sexy tanlines make others fidgety :))))

HAHAHA! Very funny hor! Let's get back on topic. How often do you swim and which pool? 

G U M M Y M A N S G  |  H E L L O  T H E R E

You may call me Gummy. I love gummies. I enjoy running, swimming and circuit training. Basically, a cardio guy. It is my utmost pleasure to meet all of you.


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4 hours ago, Joseph Tan said:

Wow, I usually swim about 10 laps (one way = 1 lap). Then move over to shallower pool to nua and get for some sun. Then go bathe n cruise in the showers! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Try to increase your laps lah. I'm sure 10 laps is nothing for you now. Try 15, then 20. Slowly increase. AIYOHHHHHHH. Why cruise lah. I always scared to be cruised one. 😬😬😬

G U M M Y M A N S G  |  H E L L O  T H E R E

You may call me Gummy. I love gummies. I enjoy running, swimming and circuit training. Basically, a cardio guy. It is my utmost pleasure to meet all of you.


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On 9/8/2023 at 12:37 PM, egal said:

those who are not swimming in the lap lanes, get the fck out.  do not rest / do ur stretches / exercises etc there


sorry for the rant

I believe you can politely remind them by pointing to the sign and indicate it’s ‘lap zone’. Most will understand and move away, if it fails, you can also inform the lifeguards on duty. Done that even on kids that lingered and played with the divider ropes outside the lap zone. Lifeguards will definitely call them out. 

On 9/17/2023 at 11:23 PM, helloitsme said:

hello. wanna ask for latest field report on Delta swimming pools - are there tanning chairs/decks available…

No more tanning / deck chairs but have seen folks just lie around after placing a towel on the floor. Even at the water feature area. 

On 9/18/2023 at 10:12 AM, Thatwasawes said:

I was told that 1 lap is half of what you mentioned. This means you swim 80 laps (in my definition). How long does that take you and do you swim everyday?


I usually do 20 laps (or 10 in your definition) and it takes me 30 mins for breaststroke. I am trying to increase my swims to everyday after seeing my body improving in shape recently :)

Our Olympic size pool, 1 lap is indeed one length. I too used about slightly over half hour for leisure ‘breast-stroking’ 😝. Ever ‘tried’ to reach 60 laps after bumping into an external vendor at the pool who does 60 laps fast freestyle. Didn’t managed and the closest I got was 40 laps after months of trying many many years ago. So @GUMMYMANSG 80 laps is remarkably amazing. 👏 💪 


On 9/18/2023 at 12:54 PM, Joseph Tan said:

Wow, I usually swim about 10 laps (one way = 1 lap). Then move over to shallower pool to nua and get for some sun. Then go bathe n cruise in the showers! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I couldn’t call it ‘cruise’, more like ‘Little perks’ after a great swim 😝 

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On 9/17/2023 at 7:29 PM, GUMMYMANSG said:

Haha! Usually any time between 11am to 4pm. Don't have a fixed time. And I don't usually just lepak and tan leh. I usually do my 40 laps (1 lap = front and back). Yourself? Btw, nice profile pic! 

i use the same measurement too, easier to count.  but i do at most 24 laps; usually just 10

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On 9/18/2023 at 5:27 PM, GUMMYMANSG said:

Takes about 2h+. I don't swim competitively. It's more like between leisure and competitive. 


It's true that swimming helps define the shape. Can definitely be improved but I could see the small difference in terms of shoulder to waist ratio. Haha. 

2 hours of swimming, I assume non- stop, is really something! The max I've ever done is 40+ laps (ie 20+ in your definition) and that took me like 1 hr 10 mins. Yes it helps by slowing increasing. I used to do only 20 laps then increased it to 24 then 30. 

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2 hours ago, davlim76 said:

2 hours of swimming, I assume non- stop, is really something! The max I've ever done is 40+ laps (ie 20+ in your definition) and that took me like 1 hr 10 mins. Yes it helps by slowing increasing. I used to do only 20 laps then increased it to 24 then 30. 


wow, what stroke do you do? i have recently tried 30 laps (50m) in breast stroke in 1 hour. 

When it comes to Guest accounts in BW, it is always best to take their words with a pinch of salt or to ignore them. 

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17 hours ago, davlim76 said:

2 hours of swimming, I assume non- stop, is really something! The max I've ever done is 40+ laps (ie 20+ in your definition) and that took me like 1 hr 10 mins. Yes it helps by slowing increasing. I used to do only 20 laps then increased it to 24 then 30. 

That's good. Slowly increase is great! And yes. Non stop except for 1-2min break every 20 laps. 

G U M M Y M A N S G  |  H E L L O  T H E R E

You may call me Gummy. I love gummies. I enjoy running, swimming and circuit training. Basically, a cardio guy. It is my utmost pleasure to meet all of you.


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On 9/20/2023 at 2:11 PM, shyc said:

Our Olympic size pool, 1 lap is indeed one length. I too used about slightly over half hour for leisure ‘breast-stroking’ 😝. Ever ‘tried’ to reach 60 laps after bumping into an external vendor at the pool who does 60 laps fast freestyle. Didn’t managed and the closest I got was 40 laps after months of trying many many years ago. So @GUMMYMANSG 80 laps is remarkably amazing. 👏 💪  

Haha! Thanks! I think it's all about getting used to. Now that I'm used to it oredy, I'm thinking of increasing either my intensity or laps. I do like my pace between leisure and competitive though. I don't feel like going full out competitive as I'm not an Olympian and I'm lazy. 🤣🤣🤣

G U M M Y M A N S G  |  H E L L O  T H E R E

You may call me Gummy. I love gummies. I enjoy running, swimming and circuit training. Basically, a cardio guy. It is my utmost pleasure to meet all of you.


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10 hours ago, davlim76 said:

Freestyle. Already very slow I see others overtaking me.

Don’t compare la. There is always a faster swimmer out there. As long as you can do what you like, that’s enough. 
If you want to take a step further like swimming faster, then do some training(self-train or engage professional) lo. 
I am also a slow swimmer. Tai-tai swimming breaststroke w head above water also can overtake me, sometimes. lol. 

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Wah~ All can swim so long.

Today I did 20 lengths and leg starting to cramp already.


🙇🏻‍♂️ to you all

"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." -- Leo F. Buscaglia

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Guest poxster

went to YCK swimming complex today and was appalled at the state of the pool, especially the changing facilities. it's so rundown and in such a state of disrepair - rusty pipes, missing doors, filthy stains everywhere... are all public pools in such bad state?

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25 minutes ago, MikeC said:

Not crowded with families and kids?


Showers halved in size after renov but number of users doubled with gym goers sharing same shower ☹️

somehow lost the ‘laid back’ feel of the past

not many kids and families in the weekend afternoon. Usually only after 5pm. 

yup showers aren’t as open and cruisy as before. But still good

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59 minutes ago, MikeC said:

Not crowded with families and kids?


Showers halved in size after renov but number of users doubled with gym goers sharing same shower ☹️

somehow lost the ‘laid back’ feel of the past

The most irritating part is the gym users coming in and out, to wash hands only, to pose for photo, and sit down there chit chat. 
By 2:00pm, kids swim class is starting on weekends. So by 1:30pm, over-zealous parents will start streaming in w their kid in tow. 

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Annoying how they cut most swimming pool shower areas to curb the ‘cruise-activitites’ but end up leaving the real users in limbo. The shower area at the revamp Delta is perpetually dirty. Barely half year since opening, the wire rack holders have dropped and missing in at least one cubicle. Water pressure is inconsistent and on at least one occasion found the shower running and realise the push-button tap had malfunction.

Don’t think they have permanent male cleaners and only have 2 Muslim lady cleaners who i occasion see venturing into the little storage room just at the doorway of the male shower area. Even thou the shower area is out of view but anyone walking naked to the urinal area could have been seen openly at that position. Don’t understand why they have a cleaners storage just within a male toilet. 

The gym shower area above are much bigger and I recently took a look and was in total shock the under utilised badminton hall toilet area is super big. Understand it is cater for the halls as well as the other courts and stadium user but I think most time it it not use if no event is going on.

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4 hours ago, shyc said:

Annoying how they cut most swimming pool shower areas to curb the ‘cruise-activitites’ but end up leaving the real users in limbo. The shower area at the revamp Delta is perpetually dirty. Barely half year since opening, the wire rack holders have dropped and missing in at least one cubicle. Water pressure is inconsistent and on at least one occasion found the shower running and realise the push-button tap had malfunction.

Don’t think they have permanent male cleaners and only have 2 Muslim lady cleaners who i occasion see venturing into the little storage room just at the doorway of the male shower area. Even thou the shower area is out of view but anyone walking naked to the urinal area could have been seen openly at that position. Don’t understand why they have a cleaners storage just within a male toilet. 

The gym shower area above are much bigger and I recently took a look and was in total shock the under utilised badminton hall toilet area is super big. Understand it is cater for the halls as well as the other courts and stadium user but I think most time it it not use if no event is going on.

Yes…I also find the pool’s shower room at Delta is dirty. I visited the pool 1 week after its official opening. The new locker interior was dirty. The shower room floor was dirty. The bench in the changing room looked dirty. Took a closer room, then bench looked dirty because of the water on it. Somehow the material/colour of the bench gives a dirty look when it’s wet. 

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3 hours ago, bluerunner said:

Yes…I also find the pool’s shower room at Delta is dirty. I visited the pool 1 week after its official opening. The new locker interior was dirty. The shower room floor was dirty. The bench in the changing room looked dirty. Took a closer room, then bench looked dirty because of the water on it. Somehow the material/colour of the bench gives a dirty look when it’s wet. 


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20 hours ago, bluerunner said:

The new locker interior was dirty. The shower room floor was dirty. The bench in the changing room looked dirty. Took a closer room, then bench looked dirty because of the water on it. Somehow the material/colour of the bench gives a dirty look when it’s wet. 

Wished it was just look that's dirty but indeed it is filthy. Not just design fault but very much users issues too. Suspect only have 2 Makciks female cleaners station at the pool permanently while male cleaners are ad hoc. Seen them only when they reopened but hardly seen the male cleaners these days. Maybe they been relocate to the gym? Users leave their mask, empty toiletries bottles, wrappers etc lying around. Some will always use lots of toilet rolls to wipe their feet and leave the used toilet papers on the bench. also common to see them hang their dripping wet trunks on the hooks above the dry benches. Since bench are now so small, once the water start dripping it splashed to more than half the bench not usable. The wall on the competitive pool also constantly carry black oil marks where the water level hits. Wondering if it is common sights in other pools now?

Well, i do find it much easier to do laps now that many stay in the sheltered pool instead.


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@shycHaving a female cleaners to clean male changing room/toilet is really a lousy decision. Having said that, cleaning company could be facing challenges trying to hire male cleaners. Really a catch-22 situation. 😅

I am surprised that there are more people choosing the smaller pool that’s sheltered. At other swimming complex, pool users just want to go to deep pool even though they are not swimming or could not even finish the entire length. 

Edited by bluerunner
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Guest poxster

write in to complain! i did that for YCK swimming complex. i think it's very shameful that we can't keep our public pools clean... so much for first world nation. i blame both users and operators.

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@bluerunner there were 2 young male FT cleaners initially but don’t see them any more. Haven’t seen the 2 ladies clean the male toilet with my own eyes so not really sure who does the cleaning now but it is obviously not frequent like initially when the 2 male FT cleaners were around. Must give credit to one of them, (quite cute imho 🤭) whom I personally had approached to borrow tongs to remove the trashes in the only one available cubicle that day. He even took the trouble to come with a trash bag. Thereafter also seen him on few occasion when I arrived cleaning out trashes from cubicles. 


I think the shelter from the blazing hot sun these days is great for those who not doing laps. Plus it’s only 50m, makes it also easier for them to just laze around rather than the deeper competitive pool.


@poxster think most likely will get standard politically corrected reply from them. I wrote sometime back asking about their free ActiveSG wifi. And their reply was ‘Thx, WIP’. What I don’t understand is why WIP? When users had to log in to app right at the entrance and for usage of lockers. FYI been half year since it reopened. ActiveSG wifi still not enabled. As a frequent user and having personally encountered the frustration felt by the more senior users, I had wanted to feedback more but the kind of rely I get definitely doesn’t motive me to do so. Had initially been helping to explained to user how to use the digital lockers and many seniors find it to complicate to carry on. Lamenting that the multiple steps, they will just no longer use lockers. Initially the locker doesn’t allow other mode of payment except using ActiveSG app. The app itself have 2 mode, Cash credit and ActiveSG credit. Lockers only uses Cash credit which most senior doesn’t have in their app. Now with PayNow option available it still hassle for many of them who don’t use such services.

Thanks much for their enabling and inclusive ways. It like tell us either keep up with times or too bad. 

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Guest poxster
59 minutes ago, shyc said:

@poxster think most likely will get standard politically corrected reply from them. I wrote sometime back asking about their free ActiveSG wifi. And their reply was ‘Thx, WIP’. What I don’t understand is why WIP? When users had to log in to app right at the entrance and for usage of lockers. FYI been half year since it reopened. ActiveSG wifi still not enabled. As a frequent user and having personally encountered the frustration felt by the more senior users, I had wanted to feedback more but the kind of rely I get definitely doesn’t motive me to do so. Had initially been helping to explained to user how to use the digital lockers and many seniors find it to complicate to carry on. Lamenting that the multiple steps, they will just no longer use lockers. Initially the locker doesn’t allow other mode of payment except using ActiveSG app. The app itself have 2 mode, Cash credit and ActiveSG credit. Lockers only uses Cash credit which most senior doesn’t have in their app. Now with PayNow option available it still hassle for many of them who don’t use such services.

Thanks much for their enabling and inclusive ways. It like tell us either keep up with times or too bad. 

yeah i got a reply from them to say they will look into refurbishing the changing rooms. for me, it's not about whether we will see it happen now (tbh, i totally understand that such projects would probably take time), but it's about putting our concerns on record and also putting pressure on them - the more people write in, the more they can't ignore it. at least, i have faith in this method.


and don't get me started on this move to digital solutions - i think it's part of the bigger problem across the board, with the older non-tech savvy folks being left behind in a lot of public activities. don't understand why they need to eliminate entirely non-digital points of entry when clearly they are not able to reach these older folks (or even people who can't afford all these digital implements). talk about being heavy-handed and out of touch...

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