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Singapore Swimming Complex/Pool

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1 hour ago, Hungtall said:

Any can guide on swimming freestyle? 

I signed up for private swimming class & even after 2 hours of teaching i still can’t get my freestyle stroke right & my instructor said, “U spent years using your hands wrongly...now u have to learn how to do the freestyle stroke in the right way”, so my advice? Its gonna take a few lessons for u to fully master it... 

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Sian...the active sg app seems cannot book more than 1 slot per user per day.


For Jalan Besar Pool users, if going there, I would suggest avoiding Tues and Thur 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm slots if you want to swim smoothly without worry bumping others. Those timeslots will have a group of people doing aerobic stuffs in the competition pool - they occupy a small part - resulted in 1 lane left for the blue area while most swimmers squeeze at the orange side or the training pool. Though I cannot be sure has the class started since the 6:15 pm slot.


Darn annoying to keep bumping into others! 


Can't those classes conduct at the training pool??!! Or do it at 8:45 pm slot onward where lesser public users? The morning time slots already not favourable for us who need to prep for works around 7 am +, 6:15 pm is way too rush when finished works around 6 pm + or often meetings drag till 7 pm +.


Both 6:15 pm and 7:30 pm slots tend to have crowded lanes... T.T   Weekend have more times to swim but not many time slots opening up. Kinda feel unrest while we workforce working like hell every day and yet the gawmt rules ended up making the pool mgmts making policies favourable to kids, classes and pioneer folks. Sigh....


Edited by Geo
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@Geo: I do agree with you that swimming  in a crowded pool is stressful and ‘traffic accident’ at the pool is annoying. 
what’s more annoying is the authority sets the rule for classes to be conducted at 12noon to 6:00pm but that rule isn’t followed. 
Just to keep the record straight, senior citizens no longer have any privilege in using the pool. Their swim slots are now shared with public.
It has been a while since I swam in the deep pool because there are too many people there fir my liking. Still hoping for some improvements to come and more importantly, SSC sticks to the rules! 

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they are the ones managing the pools  so they can do whatever they want😡.  on paper, they say pools closed for classes from 12 to 6, but in actual they blocked from 9am for those school swim lessons or whatsoever.

Really wonder if they actually utilise or not...so the poor public has to swim in those dark hours with no sunlight except for the 6.15 pm slot which is always very crowded

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On 3/28/2021 at 9:21 AM, eminent82 said:

they are the ones managing the pools  so they can do whatever they want😡.  on paper, they say pools closed for classes from 12 to 6, but in actual they blocked from 9am for those school swim lessons or whatsoever.

Really wonder if they actually utilise or not...so the poor public has to swim in those dark hours with no sunlight except for the 6.15 pm slot which is always very crowded

So true


it is annoying that they do those aquaaerobics classes at the competition pools. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/27/2021 at 7:32 AM, Geo said:

Sian...the active sg app seems cannot book more than 1 slot per user per day.


For Jalan Besar Pool users, if going there, I would suggest avoiding Tues and Thur 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm slots if you want to swim smoothly without worry bumping others. Those timeslots will have a group of people doing aerobic stuffs in the competition pool - they occupy a small part - resulted in 1 lane left for the blue area while most swimmers squeeze at the orange side or the training pool. Though I cannot be sure has the class started since the 6:15 pm slot.


Darn annoying to keep bumping into others! 


Can't those classes conduct at the training pool??!! Or do it at 8:45 pm slot onward where lesser public users? The morning time slots already not favourable for us who need to prep for works around 7 am +, 6:15 pm is way too rush when finished works around 6 pm + or often meetings drag till 7 pm +.


Both 6:15 pm and 7:30 pm slots tend to have crowded lanes... T.T   Weekend have more times to swim but not many time slots opening up. Kinda feel unrest while we workforce working like hell every day and yet the gawmt rules ended up making the pool mgmts making policies favourable to kids, classes and pioneer folks. Sigh....


so Jalan Besar pool is usually very pack nowadays huh?

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