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Guest Guest

I hope Netizens will go slow on the shit digging on this new guy though! Let me ogle him a bit more please????? Wait until after Nomination Day is over can???

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25 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Did you cast your vote for your malay president?

What Malay president? Oh ya..."mistaken" identity albeit deliberate. But have to say she is likeable (again personal view) ? Lol. 

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5 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

I hope Netizens will go slow on the shit digging on this new guy though! Let me ogle him a bit more please????? Wait until after Nomination Day is over can???


Edited by yuquidam
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Guest Try and see
5 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

I hope Netizens will go slow on the shit digging on this new guy though! Let me ogle him a bit more please????? Wait until after Nomination Day is over can???


I agree. Also, hope he has no scandal to begin with, unlike Ivan Lim.


If he becomes my MP, I will see him every week for non-existent problems, like tell him that kids are playing marbles above my unit every midnight!



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Guest Guest
29 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Did you cast your vote for your malay president?

No offense, sad that I did not get a chance to choose or vote for the president (would prefer own race of course .... it’s human nature, no offense har!!). ☹️

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Guest Guest
4 minutes ago, yuquidam said:

What Malay president? Oh ya..."mistaken" identity albeit deliberate. But have to say she is likeable (again personal view) ? Lol. 


TBH I might have voted for her, I find her likeable and down to earth. What I disliked was the racist reservation, all the reasons to disqualify other candidates and the race certification.

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Guest XinGaPoLang


33 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Did you cast your vote for your malay president?


Nope, is Halimah doing a bad job as the president ? Are we worse off under her ? Hmmm, did Singaporeans mount a massive street demonstration like what Hong Kongers did to protest on the presidency  issue... 

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1 minute ago, Guest Guest said:


TBH I might have voted for her, I find her likeable and down to earth. What I disliked was the racist reservation, all the reasons to disqualify other candidates and the race certification.


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16 minutes ago, Guest Try and see said:


I agree. Also, hope he has no scandal to begin with, unlike Ivan Lim.


If he becomes my MP, I will see him every week for non-existent problems, like tell him that kids are playing marbles above my unit every midnight!




Sad right.. it's like he didn't make the cut for the first round, and then got called in as a reserve only because the other one mysteriously "withdrew" .

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Guest Guest
20 minutes ago, Guest Try and see said:


I agree. Also, hope he has no scandal to begin with, unlike Ivan Lim.


If he becomes my MP, I will see him every week for non-existent problems, like tell him that kids are playing marbles above my unit every midnight!


Bro, wu yea bo!? Maybe by that time, he may not even want to see you, he will block you for visiting him every week ... haha!

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Guest Guest
13 minutes ago, Guest XinGaPoLang said:



Nope, is Halimah doing a bad job as the president ? Are we worse off under her ? Hmmm, did Singaporeans mount a massive street demonstration like what Hong Kongers did to protest on the presidency  issue... 


If she has used her Executive powers to allow for the mounting of any massive street demonstration like what Hong Kongers did to protest on any issues, then she'd have done a very good job. Whether we are worse off under her or not, we can only tell if, not when, we can have our next elected President to independently verify if PAP has done their part to protect our rights and reserves. But in the meantime, if there is any damage done, we cannot even tell at all. Can you? 

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Guest Guest
9 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

oh my this Xie Yao Quan is so cute!



Yeeeeesssshhhhh omg so shuai so shuai!!!


Vote for him! Then he'll become rich and can use his $1,000,000 pay to buy more calvin Klein undies and wear for us to see!!!

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Guest Guest

Sorry to bust all your bubbles of fetish hopes. But you think LHL will allow any of his candidates to party members to be gay to even begin with? Don't you know that LHL can't wait to get rid of all LHY's children? Now that the elder son is out of the picture with the AGC persecuting him, he might just go after the other son for being gay and married. So he has to keep to his anti-gay stance at all costs until they are all gone. Stop dreaming, OK? It might just be an entrapment and it's dangerous.

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Guest Guest
43 minutes ago, D_an said:

Wow Xie Yao Quan is even hotter than Ivan Lim

Errrr.....Ivan Lim not even attractive leh, he look like those sec sch cmi pai kia that you feel like slapping :yuk:

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Guest WhoWhoWho
9 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


If she has used her Executive powers to allow for the mounting of any massive street demonstration like what Hong Kongers did to protest on any issues, then she'd have done a very good job. Whether we are worse off under her or not, we can only tell if, not when, we can have our next elected President to independently verify if PAP has done their part to protect our rights and reserves. But in the meantime, if there is any damage done, we cannot even tell at all. Can you? 


Don’t bother lah, the way he reply and how he circles around the issues is typical IB pattern, say what also no use one. You never know it may not even be a xin ga po lang.

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4 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


You clearly don’t understand how numbers work, you keep yapping about 70% or 75% and yet boasting about voiding your vote and urging people to express that, you are contributing to that figure. You are exactly what you say, chui kong lam pa song, ‘that’s life’, right?

Yeap,  at least my lan pa song now, your lan pa buay song? Find someone to help u song.... 

4 hours ago, Guest Mahathir said:

So in a few more decades when all these old folks not around, there is a chance that opposition votes will be increased more than the ruling party.

But then today's youth will became the old folks and normally they have less political demands, is usually the young ones that are more vocal and lots of unhappiness due to stress of life.

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Guest So Handsome!!!
21 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

oh my this Xie Yao Quan is so cute!




If anyone of you is staying in his area or see him during the walkabout in his white pants, share with us if you can see the colour of his undies or his VUL okay!!! Want to know what he wears underneath. Sharing is caring hehe!

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Guest Guest

Imagine Li Huanwu joined his dad in PSP (5 years later) and got into parliament .... then the topic on gay rights (which ppl here are shouting for!!) means got hope already ....? 🤔

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46 minutes ago, Guest XinGaPoLang said:



Nope, is Halimah doing a bad job as the president ? Are we worse off under her ? Hmmm, did Singaporeans mount a massive street demonstration like what Hong Kongers did to protest on the presidency  issue... 

Miss the point leh,  the point here is why are we robbed of the chance to vote and not if she is good or no good,  if she have  stand against TCB and won the election, sporean will happily accept that but now we are forced to accept. Oh,  in case u forgot,  street demonstration are illegal in SG.

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Guest Try and see
6 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

Xie Yao Quan looks so decent, guai and obedient. 


Sit next to Tharman and pose for picture sure will try his best to look decent, guai and obedient.


But he could be very wild in the bedroom  😈  



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58 minutes ago, Guest XinGaPoLang said:



Nope, is Halimah doing a bad job as the president ? Are we worse off under her ? Hmmm, did Singaporeans mount a massive street demonstration like what Hong Kongers did to protest on the presidency  issue... 

singaporean wouldn’t dare to protest 

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5 minutes ago, Guest Try and see said:


Sit next to Tharman and pose for picture sure will try his best to look decent, guai and obedient.


But he could be very wild in the bedroom  😈  



Hope they have check with his army cadets, colleagues and neighbours about his personality,  cannot afford to have another Ivan Lim. 

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I don't understand why so many of them wearing casio watch .  Just exactly what are they trying to prove. Any pmet can easier a branded watch.


Bunch of hypocrites.

Edited by fab



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Try and see
1 hour ago, sgocean93 said:

Xie Yao Quan - so hot! Look at those muscular arms. 


I see it now.

Yes, tanned and muscular  👏😍

Definitely goes to the gym.



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Guest Psycho
11 minutes ago, Guest Try and see said:


Sit next to Tharman and pose for picture sure will try his best to look decent, guai and obedient.


But he could be very wild in the bedroom  😈  




See his pose psychologically is classic defensive stance, sitting beside alpha must protect testicles. 

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Guest Try and see
Just now, Guest Psycho said:

See his pose psychologically is classic defensive stance, sitting beside alpha must protect testicles.





I was thinking the same thing when I first saw this pic!

He looks like he is protecting his cock  😁

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Guest Guest
17 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

Can ask some update? The WO who came out to say Shawn Huang threw the rice packet in front of the 2 servicemen, in the end she (think her name is Leo Jin or Leo Lin?) lost her WO job or just called to la kopi with higher authority? 


According to today's The New Paper, the heading says "Woman retracts claims of bad behaviour against PAP new face Shawn Huang" and she apologised for her harsh language and conceded that her judgment of Mr Huang's character did not take into account the full picture of the kind of person he was. I'd say she was forced to say that if not she'll lose her job la. Where do these army officers get their salary from anyway? Cannot bite the hand that feeds you right...

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Guest So HAWT!!
5 minutes ago, Guest Try and see said:


I see it now.

Yes, tanned and muscular  👏😍

Definitely goes to the gym.




OMG HAWWWWWWWTTTT!!! Take off clothes please!!! We want to see the muscles, pecs and abs and all!!!


Best of all, show the calvin kleins that you wear!!

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Guest Guest
7 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

Can ask some update? The WO who came out to say Shawn Huang threw the rice packet in front of the 2 servicemen, in the end she (think her name is Leo Jin or Leo Lin?) lost her WO job or just called to la kopi with higher authority? 


Not sure of her situation, but I believe her version of the story more than I believe Shawn's.


Her version of the story is more credible, eg food reserved for participants are meant for participants, and not for anybody else. And only her superiors will dare to give instructions like "He is the PARADE COMMANDER" and force her to give any food to him. She was just doing her job to ensure that the participants get their food, why should she be faulted for that? 


Shawn's version of his story seems to be highly watered down. First and foremost, it exhibit a super strong sense of self-entitlement to assume that any food will be left over, and he can just go ahead and grab a pack without hurting any participants. Not that the Army always cater for extra food, but even if there might have been extra food catered, how would he know that some other bigger shots have not came in and already taken some food away? And if he can pull ranks as a Parade Commander, who knows what he can do when he gets into Parliament. Furthermore, for him to name the other WOs to come in to serve as his "witnesses", is almost as good as threatening them to take his side, "or else....". And to make things worse, he can admit that he asked the WOs to exhibit more "flexibility" in the food rationing, just mean that it might be done at the expense of one other human being participant not eating. How would you feel if you are the person not eating? If he can even ask for such "flexibility" (read: privileges) to be give to him as a Parade Commander, what more extra "flexibility" will he expecting as an MP next time?  


While nobody can tell if he really threw the food on the table, I still believe the Leo person more. I think it is vey common for people to ask for more ration in the Army and such things gets forgotten almost as quickly as it happens. But if anyone is to throw food at you or onto the table, such things cannot be forgotten and unseen for life. 


But too bad, he is most likely going to join the Jurong GRC which is headed by Tharman. So, no matter how big the demon he is, he is coming to lord over all of us very soon. 

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4 hours ago, Guest Guest said:


If you can say that "Most of the opposition parties here are just postmen delivering  the complaints of unhappy  Singaporeans.. Do they have solutions to tackle the issues listed" , then what do you say of all those 82 PAP MPs? Do you think all those 82 PAP MPs have solutions to tackle any issues listed? I haven't seen many of them do that so far. 


Furthermore, if the opposition MPs are "just postmen delivering  the complaints of unhappy Singaporeans", the PAP MPs are not even working that way at all. When was the last time you saw your PAP MP? PAP is merely putting in their PAP MPs so that they can vote according to how the Party tell them to vote in Parliament, and not for them to reflect your voice in Parliament. And for their votes  in Parliament, the PAP MPs will be well-commensurated using our taxpayers money in various public positions.


If you like the way a country is run democratically because we still have the rights to vote for our preferred party without repercussions, then why do you like a Party which will use the full power of the Whip to force its members to vote the way it wants them to?  Even if you might have some PAP MPs who wants to work for the benefit of Singaporeans, will their Party Whip allow them to do so? Why are Singaporeans using our democracy to vote communism into our Singapore Parliament? What's the point of supporting such a Party if that is the case? 


I think the only way out of this mess is to vote in as many opposition MPs who has no need to worry about the PAP Party Whip, and we might have some form of check-and-balance of PAP soon, before PAP even stripped us of a next General Election, like the way they blocked us from voting for our last President. 

I admire you. unlike u there are just too many who dun use their brains just becos they are having a comfortable life at the moment but never think of the future.

What will happen when a party get 100% seats.  Can't imagine they will do what they like without any consideration or objections from the oppositions. 

There is already  no transparency with so much arrogance n hypocricy at the moment. 

We will have to pay back so much more in time to come for what we get during this pandemic. 

We will never get to see our CPF money even when we die.  

When are we going to wake up n realise this?

Edited by jlone
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Guest Guest
47 minutes ago, Since u r here said:

Wah piang, saga over already still got follow up investigation .... so army like!

Don’t know whether Ivan will be punished by ruling party or Keppel or not. 😰

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1 minute ago, Guest Guest said:

Wah piang, saga over already still got follow up investigation .... so army like!

Don’t know whether Ivan will be punished by ruling party or Keppel or not. 😰

Becos they could not believe what was reported after all they are suppose to select all good candidates.

They are the never admit mistakes type  as u all know.  

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Guest Human Scum

Just an observation of people in high positions eg bosses, job interviewers, the so called famous.


1) Many of them ba ba bai bai (overbearing & arrogant). Don't hesitate to thorw temper, insult people and act high and mighty.

2) Assert authority in an unpleasant manner. eg Shout at people to win an argument.

3) Cheapskates. I've had bosses and superiors ask me to pay for items for the office first. I always decline because they won't pay me back.

4) Rude job interviewers. My fren heard that I was interviewing with a woman called bee. He said:"Don't work for her she's a bitch." True enough, she did not look at me during the interview nor did she say anything.  CUNT.

5) I also hate people who hire you reluctantly and then spend the time during your employ acting as if you're not welcome. They are free to decline!

6) Public figures, celebs and theater people who act like they are so grand. Snooty, cold, condescending. Pooi!

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Guest Guest
11 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:


Not sure of her situation, but I believe her version of the story more than I believe Shawn's.


Her version of the story is more credible, eg food reserved for participants are meant for participants, and not for anybody else. And only her superiors will dare to give instructions like "He is the PARADE COMMANDER" and force her to give any food to him. She was just doing her job to ensure that the participants get their food, why should she be faulted for that? 


Shawn's version of his story seems to be highly watered down. First and foremost, it exhibit a super strong sense of self-entitlement to assume that any food will be left over, and he can just go ahead and grab a pack without hurting any participants. Not that the Army always cater for extra food, but even if there might have been extra food catered, how would he know that some other bigger shots have not came in and already taken some food away? And if he can pull ranks as a Parade Commander, who knows what he can do when he gets into Parliament. Furthermore, for him to name the other WOs to come in to serve as his "witnesses", is almost as good as threatening them to take his side, "or else....". And to make things worse, he can admit that he asked the WOs to exhibit more "flexibility" in the food rationing, just mean that it might be done at the expense of one other human being participant not eating. How would you feel if you are the person not eating? If he can even ask for such "flexibility" (read: privileges) to be give to him as a Parade Commander, what more extra "flexibility" will he expecting as an MP next time?  


While nobody can tell if he really threw the food on the table, I still believe the Leo person more. I think it is vey common for people to ask for more ration in the Army and such things gets forgotten almost as quickly as it happens. But if anyone is to throw food at you or onto the table, such things cannot be forgotten and unseen for life. 


But too bad, he is most likely going to join the Jurong GRC which is headed by Tharman. So, no matter how big the demon he is, he is coming to lord over all of us very soon. 


Let me add to that, in an event like NDP there are many co-ordinating units with many of their own ration IC, for food indenting and dispensing, you go to your own respective ration IC for food, not cross over to any unit and ask for food and flexibility and disrupt their logistic chain. Dun forget he is from air force, where it is reputedly more lax, SAF no such thing, it’s regimental and she was just executing her job directives.


His reply and justification sounds entitled and feels like he’s throwing his weight around. Also as an LTC as parade commander, where is his runner (maybe even 2) who usually takes care of these kind of things for him?

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First of all he will start with the fellow who videoed him being karaokayed by the vietbu and the thaibu in the ktv. 



never argue with the guests. let them bark all they want.





After I have said what I wanna say, I don't care what you say.



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Guest Guest
2 hours ago, Guest Try and see said:


I see it now.

Yes, tanned and muscular  👏😍

Definitely goes to the gym.





This one really sparks my fantasy for politicians :twisted:

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Guest Forget It
1 minute ago, Guest Guest said:



This one really sparks my fantasy for politicians :twisted:


Chill chill guys. This guy is already married please. Only his wife can get to fondle his jewels and smell his undies. So back off yeah?

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Guest Guest

Wah liao eh  .... now another one caught lying about her accomplishments.... such things so easy to check and verify one and the Party overlook such things????  But again, she is running for AMK GRC. Maybe that's the type of people LHL is really looking for. 


'If nothing is there, we back our candidate': PM Lee defends Ng Ling Ling amid online allegations



'If nothing is there, we back our candidate': PM Lee defends Ng Ling Ling amid online allegations


Ng, 48, who was introduced as a candidate for PAP's Ang Mo Kio GRC team at the event had been accused by an ex-colleague of making "a false claim" that she had started the Social Service Training Institute (SSTI).


In a Facebook post early this morning, Richard Giam, who is founding chief executive of fund-raising firm Rainmakerz, wrote: "I believe PAP candidate Ng Ling Ling made a false claim. She was not the one who set up Social Service Training Institute." 


The post referenced Ng's self-introduction at PAP's virtual press conference on June 25, where she had said: "I set up the Social Service Training Institute and I allocated funds to ensure that social service agencies can run critical programmes."


The founding director of the organisation was Tan Bee Heong, Giam wrote, adding that it would be "misleading and deceptive" for one to publicly claim that they set up a team when they were only one of the contributing members.


Tan herself later acknowledged the post and wrote: "Thanks for the facts!"

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Guest Guest

Honestly, Xie Yao Quan (why Chinese name hah?) is not particularly good looking (to so much as wow!).


Don't understand why you guys so lao cui nuah ... maybe his look certainly has his fans (besides his wife).


He married already got kids?

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Guest So HAWT!
17 minutes ago, Guest Guest said:

Honestly, Xie Yao Quan (why Chinese name hah?) is not particularly good looking (to so much as wow!).


Don't understand why you guys so lao cui nuah ... maybe his look certainly has his fans (besides his wife).


He married already got kids?


I dunno... News report never say... Only says he's married. Don't you think he looks like sexy instagrammer Scotty Lai? I'd certainly want to have some nice hook up with him. ;)

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