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Our Time in Green (Army story)

Guest imtbh

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Chapter 20 - Malachite (Part 1)


Kelvin and I were a couple of days away from our 3-month mark of living together and I really wanted to have a little celebration to commemorate it. I know it sounded cheesy and it wasn't like we were officially even a couple. But these few months with Kelvin was nothing short of magical and I was pretty sure Kelvin felt the same way that it didn't really feel weird to have a little something, just for the both of us.


I didn't say anything to Kelvin as I wanted it to be a surprise. So, I took the afternoon off work and decided to cook a nice dinner. I had initially made a digital collage of some of our photos, past and present, on my laptop but decided at the last minute not to actually show it to him. Around 7pm, I set the table for two, dimmed the lights and put some music up to set up the mood. It was almost time for Kelvin to get home and I was eagerly awaiting his arrival. However, the minutes were slowly slipping away and it was almost 8.30 and there was still no sign of Kelvin. 


Maybe he's working overtime? But he would have definitely informed me. I didn't want to imagine the worst so I felt that contacting him would be the best thing to do. I contemplated if I should text or call and decided to do the latter. It must have been quite a number of rings before I hear Kelvin's deep voice on the end.




"Hey, are you on the way back?"


"No, something came up."


I could sense there was something just not right about the way he was speaking. Something was definitely wrong. 


"Everything okay?"


I hear his heavy breath and sense the hesitation in his voice.


"It's Viv. She's in the hospital."


The next few minutes was Kelvin explaining to me about Viv being in a really bad car accident and although she was alive, she was still under intensive care. There was a slight tremble in his voice and I just knew that I had to be there with him. As soon as I hang up, I rush down to the hospital to see Kelvin, who's visibly shaken. I go to him and comfort him, all whilst not going beyond my position as a good and caring friend. 


"I was her emergency contact. Her parents, are in Malaysia. They are on their way back now."


I could see that although he was putting on a brave front, he was scared. Scared of possibly of what could happen to his estranged wife and perhaps also scared of what I might think. I put my hand on his shoulder and give it a firm squeeze. It was my way to tell him that I was going to be here with him no matter what. I see a small smile form at the side of his mouth, as he puts his own hand on mine.


"Why don't you go home first? I will leave after her parents come."


"It's okay. I can stay."


"You have work tomorrow. You need rest. Go, I'll be fine."


Although I'm reluctant to leave him on his own, he reassures me. By the time I get home, it's almost midnight. I don't even bother to shower and simply go to bed. Soon, I'm awakened by the streams of morning light. I lazily yawn and enter the living room to see Kelvin sitting in the semi-darkness. I smile as I go to him and ruffle his wavy hair. 


"Did you just come?"


He nods. I let my fingers go down his face and gently brush his immaculately trimmed beard. It always feels so soft. Kelvin quickly pulls me onto him and I fall in a heap onto his lap, our faces aligned. I feel his warm breath on my lips as he gets close to me and starts to gently kiss me. Soon, the kisses become stronger and our tongues begin to dance around in our mouths. Before long, our clothes come off and we are fucking like wild animals on the living room floor for at least an hour before we are spent. As we lay on top of one another, Kelvin finally begins to speak. 


"Viv, she came to."


"That's great, how is she?"


"She's doing a lot better. We spoke."


Kelvin takes a long pause before speaking his next few words.


"She wants to try again."


Those words though short, made a deep cut into me. For the longest time, I knew things were too perfect and I was just a fool to think it would continue to go as perfectly as it was going. As hope was slowly slipping away, I still needed to hear Kelvin out.


"What did you say?"


"I told her, we'll talk."


With those uncertain words, I summon the little strength left in my body to stand up. Kelvin immediately stands up too and holds my arm. 


"Don't go."


"I need to shower. I'm filthy."


"We need to talk."


"There's nothing to talk about. She's your wife and you should be with her."


"But I don't love her. I love you."


"I know but she needs you now. It's the right thing to do."


"No, I can't let you go."


Kelvin holds me from behind, his strong arms firmly clutching onto me as I feel the power emanating from his muscular naked body. It was just too much for me to take as I tried hard to hold back my tears. Unlike me, I could feel Kelvin's warm tears dampen my shoulder. We must have stood like that for a few minutes before I finally let him go. 


"We should clean up."


We entered the shower together and scrubbed each other clean. We could barely look at one another but continued to distract ourselves from the inevitable that was to be. Before holding one another, we both stepped out. I got ready for work while Kelvin got ready to go to the hospital. Over the next few days, not much was spoken as Kelvin got ready to clear some of his things to move back in with Viv. The day he was going to bring her back to their home, was his last day at ours. Most of his things had already been brought over so he only had a backpack with him. 


"It's just until she gets better."


"Of course."


Although, we both were saying it, we knew that this was far from the truth. Kelvin gave me a long hug before walking out of the flat. As he walked past the corridor, he turned around to wave before taking the lift down. I sighed as I knew Kelvin was gone and he wasn't coming back. Once again, the love of my life was leaving me. To say that it was devastating, would make light of it. Kelvin was a part of me and will continue to be no matter what the threads of fate decided for us .


I shut the door and sit motionless for a while. I deflect my attention from Kelvin to work as I switch on my laptop. Just then, I see the digital collage of Kelvin and I that I had done up on my desktop. I look through it and see all the photos of us, through the years. Some made me laugh, others made me smile. However, as I got down to the last photo, I couldn't stop the tears from falling uncontrollably. I had once again lost the one man I had truly loved. As I wondered about my bad luck with love, I did not know then, that my star-crossed connection with Kelvin was far from over.


To Be Continued..


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On 1/19/2022 at 8:11 PM, Guest imtbh said:

Chapter 20 - Malachite (Part 1)


Kelvin and I were a couple of days away from our 3-month mark of living together and I really wanted to have a little celebration to commemorate it. I know it sounded cheesy and it wasn't like we were officially even a couple. But these few months with Kelvin was nothing short of magical and I was pretty sure Kelvin felt the same way that it didn't really feel weird to have a little something, just for the both of us.


I didn't say anything to Kelvin as I wanted it to be a surprise. So, I took the afternoon off work and decided to cook a nice dinner. I had initially made a digital collage of some of our photos, past and present, on my laptop but decided at the last minute not to actually show it to him. Around 7pm, I set the table for two, dimmed the lights and put some music up to set up the mood. It was almost time for Kelvin to get home and I was eagerly awaiting his arrival. However, the minutes were slowly slipping away and it was almost 8.30 and there was still no sign of Kelvin. 


Maybe he's working overtime? But he would have definitely informed me. I didn't want to imagine the worst so I felt that contacting him would be the best thing to do. I contemplated if I should text or call and decided to do the latter. It must have been quite a number of rings before I hear Kelvin's deep voice on the end.




"Hey, are you on the way back?"


"No, something came up."


I could sense there was something just not right about the way he was speaking. Something was definitely wrong. 


"Everything okay?"


I hear his heavy breath and sense the hesitation in his voice.


"It's Viv. She's in the hospital."


The next few minutes was Kelvin explaining to me about Viv being in a really bad car accident and although she was alive, she was still under intensive care. There was a slight tremble in his voice and I just knew that I had to be there with him. As soon as I hang up, I rush down to the hospital to see Kelvin, who's visibly shaken. I go to him and comfort him, all whilst not going beyond my position as a good and caring friend. 


"I was her emergency contact. Her parents, are in Malaysia. They are on their way back now."


I could see that although he was putting on a brave front, he was scared. Scared of possibly of what could happen to his estranged wife and perhaps also scared of what I might think. I put my hand on his shoulder and give it a firm squeeze. It was my way to tell him that I was going to be here with him no matter what. I see a small smile form at the side of his mouth, as he puts his own hand on mine.


"Why don't you go home first? I will leave after her parents come."


"It's okay. I can stay."


"You have work tomorrow. You need rest. Go, I'll be fine."


Although I'm reluctant to leave him on his own, he reassures me. By the time I get home, it's almost midnight. I don't even bother to shower and simply go to bed. Soon, I'm awakened by the streams of morning light. I lazily yawn and enter the living room to see Kelvin sitting in the semi-darkness. I smile as I go to him and ruffle his wavy hair. 


"Did you just come?"


He nods. I let my fingers go down his face and gently brush his immaculately trimmed beard. It always feels so soft. Kelvin quickly pulls me onto him and I fall in a heap onto his lap, our faces aligned. I feel his warm breath on my lips as he gets close to me and starts to gently kiss me. Soon, the kisses become stronger and our tongues begin to dance around in our mouths. Before long, our clothes come off and we are fucking like wild animals on the living room floor for at least an hour before we are spent. As we lay on top of one another, Kelvin finally begins to speak. 


"Viv, she came to."


"That's great, how is she?"


"She's doing a lot better. We spoke."


Kelvin takes a long pause before speaking his next few words.


"She wants to try again."


Those words though short, made a deep cut into me. For the longest time, I knew things were too perfect and I was just a fool to think it would continue to go as perfectly as it was going. As hope was slowly slipping away, I still needed to hear Kelvin out.


"What did you say?"


"I told her, we'll talk."


With those uncertain words, I summon the little strength left in my body to stand up. Kelvin immediately stands up too and holds my arm. 


"Don't go."


"I need to shower. I'm filthy."


"We need to talk."


"There's nothing to talk about. She's your wife and you should be with her."


"But I don't love her. I love you."


"I know but she needs you now. It's the right thing to do."


"No, I can't let you go."


Kelvin holds me from behind, his strong arms firmly clutching onto me as I feel the power emanating from his muscular naked body. It was just too much for me to take as I tried hard to hold back my tears. Unlike me, I could feel Kelvin's warm tears dampen my shoulder. We must have stood like that for a few minutes before I finally let him go. 


"We should clean up."


We entered the shower together and scrubbed each other clean. We could barely look at one another but continued to distract ourselves from the inevitable that was to be. Before holding one another, we both stepped out. I got ready for work while Kelvin got ready to go to the hospital. Over the next few days, not much was spoken as Kelvin got ready to clear some of his things to move back in with Viv. The day he was going to bring her back to their home, was his last day at ours. Most of his things had already been brought over so he only had a backpack with him. 


"It's just until she gets better."


"Of course."


Although, we both were saying it, we knew that this was far from the truth. Kelvin gave me a long hug before walking out of the flat. As he walked past the corridor, he turned around to wave before taking the lift down. I sighed as I knew Kelvin was gone and he wasn't coming back. Once again, the love of my life was leaving me. To say that it was devastating, would make light of it. Kelvin was a part of me and will continue to be no matter what the threads of fate decided for us .


I shut the door and sit motionless for a while. I deflect my attention from Kelvin to work as I switch on my laptop. Just then, I see the digital collage of Kelvin and I that I had done up on my desktop. I look through it and see all the photos of us, through the years. Some made me laugh, others made me smile. However, as I got down to the last photo, I couldn't stop the tears from falling uncontrollably. I had once again lost the one man I had truly loved. As I wondered about my bad luck with love, I did not know then, that my star-crossed connection with Kelvin was far from over.


To Be Continued..


Finally a new chapter! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest imtbh

Chapter 20 - Malachite (Part 2)


Over the next few weeks of Kelvin's departure, I was an emotional wreck. I couldn't really sleep or eat. Seeing photos of Kelvin and Viv on their second attempt of love in social media didn't help. I was becoming a slave to routine and continued to merely exist. I just knew I couldn't go back down on that dark path again. I needed to take control once again.


I decided that it was time for me to stop worrying about something that I wasn't going anywhere. It was time to move on. I began to ignore the Kelvin's social media updates and kept myself busy. Work and exercise were great distractions. It took time but things started to feel better. I guess everything gets better in time, doesn't it? At least, that's what I made myself believe.


Soon the weeks turned to months and the months to years. I was in my mid-30s and I was happy with the way things had turned out. I had a successful career which yielded an attractive income. I bought myself a private apartment, an upgrade from the flat I had been living in. 


Apart from the many silvery grey highlights in my hair, I still looked boyish and fit thanks to my frequent workouts, strict diet and skin regime. I still managed to gain the attention of the young ones as some of my friends joked that I was going through my 'daddy' phase. Although I had an active, albeit safe sex life, romance was still a struggle. After the many failed relationships, I had somehow closed myself off to romance. Preferring the short, fleeting encounters rather than deep relationships.


It was like any other weekday. I had finished work at 6 and made my way to the gym. After a 2 hour gym session, I made my way to one of the usual restaurants near my place to grab dinner. I usually ordered takeaway but I felt like just dining in for a change. As I waited for my order, I see a guy walk in. He had shoulder-length hair tied in a messy ponytail with a beard whilst dressed in some tight jeans and a casual white shirt. He was handsome and just seemed so familiar. Then, it hit me. It couldn't be. Just as I stared in disbelief, our eyes met.






We both smile and he comes over towards me. We give each other tight, warm hugs before slowly peeling away from one another. 


"You by yourself?"




"Join me."


Kelvin didn't need to be asked twice. He quickly sits down and for the first few seconds we couldn't keep from smiling at each other. 


"How long has it been?"


"Too long."


It was great seeing Kelvin after all this time. However, it wasn't a great thing either. It had taken a long time for Kelvin from being a large part of my life to a distant, fond memory. I just couldn't allow myself to fall again. It would be too painful. I had to get a grip on reality.


"How is Viv?"


Kelvin, who had been smiling and cheerful, suddenly turned silent. He takes a breath before answering me.


"Viv passed away a couple of years ago."


I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Viv was dead.


"I'm so sorry. How? What happened?"


"The accident, it messed up her organs. I mean initially we didn't really know. She was getting better but after a few years, things began to break down and after that it was too late."


"It must have been so hard."


He nods. My order arrives and I urge Kelvin to get something too. We talked as we ate. We talked about how things had been over the last few years. Kelvin looked genuinely happy for my success and almost felt embarrassed that things hadn't been that great for him, especially after Viv's death. I reassured him that things would be better. After dinner, I insisted on dropping him off although he lived the opposite side of the island. 


"So are you renting or did you buy a flat?"


"No, we sold the flat to pay for Viv's medical bills. I'm renting a room now."


"What about work? You still doing real estate?"


"No, I quit a few years ago. It was too difficult especially with caring for Viv. I've been doing some freelance tutoring for some kids. It's been quite okay."


"Wow, a tutor. I would have never thought."


"Neither did I. But I've gotten quite popular with the mums. They keep recommending me."


I give him a sly smile. Of course, the mums recommended him. I mean Kelvin may in reality be a great tutor but he was still such a fox. I mean he was still in great shape and plus he had that long hair and beard. Even the chest hair peeking from his unbuttoned shirt was giving me a slight tingle. I didn't say anything to embarrass him but I just couldn't let our encounter to end with me simply driving him home.


"You want to come see my apartment?"


Kelvin seemed to have been caught by surprise but didn't really object.




Back in my apartment, Kelvin looked genuinely impressed. I mean as far as private apartments, this was one of the best. It didn't cost almost a million for nothing. As we stepped onto the balcony, Kelvin takes a whiff of the fresh air.


"It does feel different to live on the highest floor. I mean this view. It's just wow."


"You can live here if you want."


Kelvin laughs but after seeing my serious expression, he stops. 


"Wait, you're serious?"


"Look, that rent you pay for your room, you should save it. Invest it. For your education maybe, your future. I have all this extra room. It's a fucking penthouse. Just live here."


He looks hesitant.


"Jason, you're really kind. But this road we've been. It's been rocky."


"It has. But what is life without some bumps and boulders and few potholes along the way? It's been more than a decade since we last saw one another."


I move closer to him and reach out to hold his hand.


"I just don't want to wait another 10, 20 years to see you again. I just can't do that."


We look into each other's eyes. I can feel his breath on my face as he comes close to kiss me. He quickly pulls away but I go back in and kiss him. We both let go as we embrace and start to make out. Soon, we were naked, fucking on the balcony. Our bodies may be older, but the energy and the attraction we had for each other was strong. With our ripped bodies and hard cocks, we took turns to satisfy each other. And after blowing our loads multiple times, we fell asleep.


However, as we got to the wee hours of the morning, it was getting too chilly and we retired to the bedroom and continued to fuck once again. Now, we were completely spent and craved for some sustenance. After putting on some boxers, we make our way to the kitchen. Kelvin made some coffee as I prepared some sandwiches.


After our late night snack, we went back out to balcony and stared into the sky. We didn't speak for a few minutes until Kelvin broke the silence.


"So, what is this? Is this like a one time thing or are we back together?"


I see Kelvin looking a little serious but somehow I wasn't ready to define what was going on.


"I don't know but it sure feels nice, right?"


Kelvin smiles.


"It does. I've missed you so much."


"I've missed you too."


I reach out and brush his arm with my fingers. He comes behind him and hugs me, holding me tightly.


"I want to be like this forever."


"Forget forever. Today we're together. That's all that matters."


"One day at a time, huh?"


I nod as we smile to each other. As we looked out to the twilight sky, it felt like we were those young boys in NS, clueless but so dangerously attracted to one another. The times we have shared has been quite the rollercoaster. We've loved, we've loathed and had seen each other at our bests and worsts but still we somehow always found each other.


Neither of us knew what tomorrow would bring. As daylight steals the night away, all of this end just as suddenly as it began. But we didn't want to think about. We were in each other's arms now, in this moment.


"I love you, Jason. Always have and always will."


"I love you, Kelvin. With all my heart and my every breath."


I didn't care if we sounded cheesy. It was what felt about each other, for all those years. Kelvin and I kissed and held each other close. The journey we have been on was indeed rocky, full of ups and downs. But this moment was real and it was ours. And it was all I needed. What the future had in store for either one of us, didn't matter. He was mine and I was his, for now.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest imtbh



Thank you for every single one of you who had read this story and given your comments and kind words. It was really encouraging and motivating for me to write and share this story. 


I had met "Jason" and "Kelvin" on a trip several years ago. It was very intriguing for me to meet two fellow Singaporeans so far away from home and even more interesting to learn about their story. 


Our pool side conversation had continued on to dinner and it was quite remarkable to hear about the trials and tribulations that they had overcome and somehow find their way to each other. 


And yes, they were really candid about their passionate physical love (although I could see Kelvin blushed a lot more than Jason, who was the more confident, boisterous one). 


As I was leaving the next morning, we said our goodbyes and exchanged contacts. They both were residents and had not come back to Singapore, as their families had also moved overseas. Nevertheless, I did tell them that if they ever wanted to visit the lion city, they could look to me as a friend and come stay with me.


I did seek their permission before sharing their story and they were not opposed to it. They believed that their story could show that not all love stories between boys needed to end in tragedy or heartbreak, eventually.


As my work takes me overseas quite frequently, I have spoken to many with great stories over the years. Especially the ones that have a NS theme, as it resonates with the SG guys a lot. Hopefully, I will have the time to share them with all of you. I'm not a professional writer so the writing might not be perfect but it will be honest and true.


Thank you for all the support once again.

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Guest Reader

I've never fancied fanfics or suchlike but this one drew me in with the writing and the drama. More so the NS and local context which we relate too so much. 

It's always sexier and more exciting reading about young love and young bodies... and the story ended with them in their mid 30s. Reading this as someone in his 40s, I feel particularly wistful that the stories of older people don't have that sheen and aren't often written. Fairytale about older fairies may not be as sexy!

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  • 2 months later...

Really grateful to the author for the retelling the story, with such great detail too. Appreciative of the effort put in to write such a long story!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Tks imtbh for the amazing story! Great story writing skills! It has been a while since i had so much fantasy when reading something. And I really wondered how much i had missed when i was younger. Looking forward to more of your stories. 

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  • 2 months later...

Dear Writer, thank you for the wonderful ever lasting story which dreams we thought could be a reality. I just found this link in the morning, and since the first episode, continue to the end. It was an amazing roller coaster to read the ending, and it happily made me cry to tears on the love bonding ever lasting. You really capture the innocent love that we all hope for. Thanks for being an excellent writer. Keep it up! Cheers!

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  • 4 months later...
On 9/11/2021 at 5:47 PM, Guest imtbh said:

Chapter 19 - Pistachio


I gently pull off Kelvin's underwear to have his thick, long cock slap me on the face. I grasp his cock and start to stroke it as I see the pre-cum glistening on his glans. It looks so much bigger and thicker from the last time, with the veins looking even more noticeable. His hairy bush emanated with a deep, musky scent that intoxicated me. I needed a taste of his meat so much.


I start to lick the pre-cum before encircling the entire head. I could see that Kelvin was enjoying it from the inexplicable, soft moans. I didn't waste time and started sucking on the whole thing like it was my favorite dessert. I took it all in and could feel the monstrosity hitting the back of my head. But I didn't care. I just wanted him so bad and I just knew that this wasn't enough.


"You need to fuck me, Kelvin."


I pull his underwear entirely off. He almost stumbles but quickly regains his balance.


"Yeah? You really want me?"


"Fuck yeah. Fuck me like how you fuck your wife. Don't hold back."


I guess those were the magic words cause I saw a change in him. No longer did I see the sweet, handsome boy but a sexual animal about to be unleashed on me. He pulls my shorts off and throws me on the bed. God, when did this fucker get so strong?


Kelvin starts to kiss me. Its rough, its hard, its passionate but most of all I love it. He licks his fingers and starts to play with my hole. He doesn't tease for long and plunges his fingers deep inside to open me up. I feel a slight pain but he doesn't stop. Instead, he continues to kiss me to muffle the sounds coming from my mouth. He was a beast and I wanted so bad for him to be rough with me. 


Soon, his fingers were out and replaced by his delectable man-meat. He goes hard and fast from the get go and he feels so good inside me. I didn't even know he could fuck so good as I usually was the one to do the fucking. Amazingly, he pounded me like a cheap slut on the street and I enjoyed every second of it. 


"Fuck man, I'm going to cum."


Kelvin tries to get his dick out but I wasn't going to allow it. I hold him tighter.


"No, cum inside me. I want all of it."


Kelvin and I make eye contact as his pounding gets faster and harder. I can see that he's getting close when his moans get louder.


"I can't hold it. I'm gonna cum."


I can feel Kelvin's cock pulsate inside me as his warm milk shoots inside me, filling my hollow crevice. It's the most wonderful feeling as he draws his dick out of me. I can feel his cum drip all over my cock.


"That felt so good."


"Yes, it was."


I was still hard and continued to jerk off to cum with some of Kelvin's cum as lube but Kelvin stopped me.


"I got a better idea."


Just like that, he climbs on top of me and guides my erect cock inside him. He slowly starts to ride me, with his hands firm on my chest.


"Fuck that feels good. Fuck me, Jason."


Seeing Kelvin's hairy muscular body riding my cock was making me so fucking horny. I gave him slow and fast strokes and pounded him till he moaned like a hungry whore. And then, I couldn't take it anymore.


"Fuck, I'm cumming."


"Yea buddy, fill me up."


I shoot my milk right inside him and he continues to ride as the cum trickles back down my cock. Even though we both had cummed, we were far from done. We continued to kiss and touch one another. And after we got hard again, we fucked once more. This continued for hours until the morning where we were laying on bed covered in sweat and cum. The sheets were a total mess. Kelvin took a look at them.


"We need to change the sheets."


"Or maybe burn them."


We both laugh as we held each other close. Kelvin and I look into each others' eyes. I smile.


"I guess I somehow always find my way back to you."


"I guess so."


We kiss again, holding each other close. I hope we could be like this forever but reality was something we couldn't avoid. Even at work, we texted each other and once we got back home, it was more sex. We fucked like there was no tomorrow. We fucked like it was the end of the world. We couldn't get enough of each other. 


It felt like old times again. That young love we had first experienced in our military days and now to be back with the man I loved, it just felt right somehow. To the world we were friends, housemates but in our world, we were lovers. Lovers that couldn't be separated through any trial or tribulation. However, I was wrong. As our forbidden love wasn't meant to be. 


End of Chapter 19


To Be Continued..


This multiple flip fuck is hot.

How I always wish to have.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Thank you
On 5/15/2022 at 5:10 PM, Guest imtbh said:



Thank you for every single one of you who had read this story and given your comments and kind words. It was really encouraging and motivating for me to write and share this story. 


I had met "Jason" and "Kelvin" on a trip several years ago. It was very intriguing for me to meet two fellow Singaporeans so far away from home and even more interesting to learn about their story. 


Our pool side conversation had continued on to dinner and it was quite remarkable to hear about the trials and tribulations that they had overcome and somehow find their way to each other. 


And yes, they were really candid about their passionate physical love (although I could see Kelvin blushed a lot more than Jason, who was the more confident, boisterous one). 


As I was leaving the next morning, we said our goodbyes and exchanged contacts. They both were residents and had not come back to Singapore, as their families had also moved overseas. Nevertheless, I did tell them that if they ever wanted to visit the lion city, they could look to me as a friend and come stay with me.


I did seek their permission before sharing their story and they were not opposed to it. They believed that their story could show that not all love stories between boys needed to end in tragedy or heartbreak, eventually.


As my work takes me overseas quite frequently, I have spoken to many with great stories over the years. Especially the ones that have a NS theme, as it resonates with the SG guys a lot. Hopefully, I will have the time to share them with all of you. I'm not a professional writer so the writing might not be perfect but it will be honest and true.


Thank you for all the support once again.

Thank you for writing this series of this touching love story :)

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On 5/15/2022 at 5:10 PM, Guest imtbh said:



Thank you for every single one of you who had read this story and given your comments and kind words. It was really encouraging and motivating for me to write and share this story. 


I had met "Jason" and "Kelvin" on a trip several years ago. It was very intriguing for me to meet two fellow Singaporeans so far away from home and even more interesting to learn about their story. 


Our pool side conversation had continued on to dinner and it was quite remarkable to hear about the trials and tribulations that they had overcome and somehow find their way to each other. 


And yes, they were really candid about their passionate physical love (although I could see Kelvin blushed a lot more than Jason, who was the more confident, boisterous one). 


As I was leaving the next morning, we said our goodbyes and exchanged contacts. They both were residents and had not come back to Singapore, as their families had also moved overseas. Nevertheless, I did tell them that if they ever wanted to visit the lion city, they could look to me as a friend and come stay with me.


I did seek their permission before sharing their story and they were not opposed to it. They believed that their story could show that not all love stories between boys needed to end in tragedy or heartbreak, eventually.


As my work takes me overseas quite frequently, I have spoken to many with great stories over the years. Especially the ones that have a NS theme, as it resonates with the SG guys a lot. Hopefully, I will have the time to share them with all of you. I'm not a professional writer so the writing might not be perfect but it will be honest and true.


Thank you for all the support once again.

Wonderful and touching story of a real life account with fictional names. I enjoyed read every series very much. Thank you :)

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